An industry to rival charidees. The Race Industry.
”Hate crime experts to rule whether English countryside harbours ‘rural racism’’ A pleasant walk in the countryside seems to be beyond these cunts.
Dear god they never give up do they? And this will be decided by:—
”The project launching in October 2023 will be led by criminology expert Prof Neil Chakraborti, director of the University of Leicester’s Centre for Hate Studies, along with fellow hate crime specialist Dr Amy Clarke, and colonialism expert Prof Corinne Fowler.”
The University of Leicester Centre of Hate Studies? Fuck me now there’s a course to make useful members of society. And no prizes for guessing the standpoint of the ‘colonialism’ expert.
What has the English countryside done to deserve this? Well they are not specific but one group has taken it upon itself to put up signs pointing to Mecca in the Peak District. Presumeably because the racist Derbyshire cunts havent.
Where you get race, diversity, gender and now hate studies and so on ad fucking infinitum, a cohort is created which has to stir up trouble to justify it’s pointless existence.
It’s a growth industry.
Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble
This country really has become a madhouse. Yesterday the BBCs shit-stirring story of the day was the way black & Asian mothers are so cruelly neglected during pregnancy, they or their babies die. They even had a broadcast an interview from a typical n*gger nagger who had been such a victim “nobody listened to me” she wailed, well, Wireless 4 did, honey.
‘Contribute nothing, bitch about everything ‘
They’ve known that they’re 40% more likely to die than dem honkies for decades, but the cunts keep on reproducing………….
they also had race baiters Nevill and Doreen Lawrence on two successive days.
I found it a bit funny when Mr Lawrence, whose sense of entitlement has reached almost the same level as his spouse, declared that he would oppose the convicted killers of his son until they admitted to committing murder. he will go on doing it till they do:
The “killers” are in their 30s
Papa Lawrence is 81………..
A complete lack of understanding of how the white man’s justice system works. We have already lost the right of not being tried for the same offence twice (a right that we had for hundreds of years) due to these two cunts and their puppet Jack fucking Straw.
To be fair there’s not alot of chicken shops or young white girls to groom at the Salisbury plains.
And signposts pointing to mecca?
Enjoy the views, play bingo when you get back home.
Professor of Hate Studies ?
How many people have jobs where they actually produce something apart from discontent?
I for one, is pig-sick of this perpetual motion vehicle of bullshit.
It is no longer about seeking to create racial harmony as in the general plan of yesteryear. It is all about creating division and manufacturing situations where certain social groups seek to take advantage.
They nurture tension and bring damage to society and for that these wankers are cunts of the highest order. Neil Chicken Balti? Just go and do one.
The truth is the poofs, blacks and Pakis don’t want equality, they want superiority, and it is encouraged when ignorant heaps of shit like Doreen Lawrence are given a platform in the media, especially the BBC, where they can spread their victimhood to anyone who wants to hear it. That old tart is at it again doubt the poor downtrodden poofters will have Eddie Izzard speaking up for them tomorrow.
That photo is the equivalent of Take The Skinheads Bowling. It’s as of someb9dy has driven a minibus from Peckham to the Kent countryside and given out kagouls.
Ooga. Green colour.
Where um da KFC?
Dems is rayy-cist.
Well if the ethnics do not like living in a racist country, one option would be to fuck off and return to your country of origin. I am fed up with this never ending bullshit.
Wow that is one big bag of chocolate M&M’s…
I see one of the pioneers of hate towards honky man, Doreen Lawrence, is doing the rounds again this week.
She must be so proud that her son’s tragic death has given her the opportunity continue to stir up hatred against white man and the police for thirty years.
As for ‘Hate Studies’. It must be one of the few university courses with a 100 percent success rate in this country.
And there was me thinking we’d banned this kind of shit after the Nuremberg trials.
Good Morning
Doreen’s former husband seems to be the sensible one in the family as he could no longer put up with her constant whining and bullshit and cleared off.
You’re never going to achieve peaceful race relations by making one racial group feel inferior to another, particularly if that racial group happens to be the indigenous one.
As for rural racism, maybe it would be lessened if rural communities weren’t considered to be a dumping ground for those not by the affluent urban communities who seem all too keen to promote migration whilst not being effected by it.
Good morning.
In the case of Ms Lawrence, peaceful race relations would spell the end of her advancement, so she’ll stop at nothing to make sure it never happens.
It’s a nice,easy job.
“Look at that tree! It doesn’t support the idea that there is a racist conspiracy against dark keys in the NHS!”
“Fucking Hell Shalimar look,that hill.over there has a passing resemblance to Reinhard Heydrich if you squint and tilt your head sideways!”
The Fucking racist British countryside is obviously a disgrace as it hasn’t been concreted over to make way for ethnic single mother refuge centres,mosques,free housing for foreign tripe,take aways and a benefit office.
Anyway,these cunts are out for trouble at our expense,want cultural and legal dominance over us and eventually would like to simply take what generations of our families have worked and died for.
Every last one of them is an enemy of our once great country.
…. and still they come. Here is a new BBC tearjerker:
That would be luxury for those ex-servicemen who have to live on the streets because we prioritise rubber boat spongers.
“I want my daughter to have a normal childhood”
But you slept with a black man and gave birth to a half chat.
Not a good start to be honest.
Well, this IS Stratford East London where only the very best people “go”:
If I’m honest I don’t like to see any ethnics in the countryside.
Its like flytipping.
Makes the place untidy.
Spoils my nice walk while I’m gamboling on the hillside like Julie Andrews in the Sound of music.
I saw something odd this Sunday gone.
A group of teenage ramblers going up to Mam Tor and they were being led by a Rastafarian!!
Not seen a rasta in over 20yrs.
What the fuck can he teach them?
How to skin up?
Maybe take some responsibility for the mess you created….
Nah!! Fuck that blame everyone else.
Does The Child Support Agency still exist?
MNC, we went hiking up Mam Tor last June – saw a group of Peacefuls shuffling up there. Nearly brought up my Trail Mix, I did.
Ugh, the underclass.
These cunts have fucked up and ruined our towns and cities, now it’s the countryside they want to turn into a third world shithole.
If you want to know which way to point your arse when praying to your make believe almighty.
Get a fucking compass, probably to dim another white man’s invention….
To use another white man’s invention
Sorry, but if Mecca is so fucking great why don’t they go back there?
What would be the reaction in Mecca if I nailed up a London 3000 miles sign? The natives would probably want to remove some of my limbs.
Try putting up a sign on a camel trail in Saudi pointing to York Minster…
They’d hang you the same day those evil cunts.
Only in shithouse Britain is such affrontery allowed.
We should introduce Hungarian Mangalitsas into our countryside. As piglets, they look like Everton Mints, and later develop Dolly Partonesque curls, and even long eyelashes, judging from some pics I’ve seen. On top of that, they behave like wild boar. Am sure they could be trained to down the slimes.
Been thinking about this. Not so surprised since I’ve seen street name plates in Slough in Polish with the English name below in a smaller font. Occurred to me that it might be good fun to turn the signs so that they point the wrong way. Then developing the theme further imagine turning the signs to point towards the Vatican, keep schtum about it and put it in the public domain six months later. With any luck would be the equivalent of what’s printed on the fireworks; “Light blue touch paper and retire immediately.”
You’d think that they would love the countryside.
Just look at all dem trees to swing from.
And there’s no excuse. I’m sure there’s no shortage of fly-tipped tyres available.
Bbc news this morning using the race card reporting on this old boy who shot this black lad through his front door in america.
Reported as ‘name of boy shot…..who is black, was shot by elderly white man’
Instantly assuming this is a race thing….or at least stoking the coals to the pitchfork waving cunts who just need any excuse to have a pop at whitey.
We dont know the full story yet, but i very much doubt this old boy shot this blick kid because he was blick….more to the point it was a youth who was a stranger banging on his door…could have easily have been white, but of course that wouldnt fit the msm narrative
The new First Minister of Scotland would like to weigh in on this subject:
‘Snowdrops – WHITE’
‘Cow parsley – WHITE’
‘Meadowsweet – WHITE’
‘Daisies – WHITE’
‘Arctic foxes – WHITE’
‘But First Minister, there aren’t any arctic foxes in Britain’.
‘Disnae matta, they’re still WHITE’.
C’mon Polis Scotland, arrest Krankie.
Everyone knows it’s coming.
‘Okay Legohead where’s the money?’
‘Er, I cannae quite remember…’.
If wee Nicola is ever charged she will use the same team of lawyers that Ernest Saunders had…… My client has temporary Alzheimers, your honour……
Yes I remember it well WC. The only known case of recovery from Alzheimers.
Helter Skelter.
Get To Fuck.
I think it’s fantastic that the British countryside is racist.
For many years it’s been a place of refuge for me, away from the immigrant filth infested cities.
A decent hike around the Lake District, Peak District , Dartmoor, etc, means that you actually have to put some effort in to doing something.
That’s why no black or brown people are ever seen there.
@Duke. Me and Ethel are in lovely Yorkshire at the moment. ?
Went for a nice walk yesterday and didn’t see a one of the blighters !
Just salt of the earth white folks.
Smashing ?
sorry mate – just posted almost the same as I didn’t read yours first!
Had a long chat about this yesterday to a mate of mine. The only logical conclusion we can see to all this is that we will end up like Johannesburg. The wealthy whites will live in gated communities and the blacks will live outside in shit-holes of their own making. People vote with their feet. They move to the countryside precisely because their kids don’t have to be the only white English speaker in school, they won’t get stabbed to death on the way home, their bike won’t get nicked etc., etc. So, yes, the countryside is racist and long may it be so.
One of the more important reasons that my little patch has another 500 houses awaiting planning. You would be lucky to hear a local accent in town. Thing is as soon as the building starts the houses are pretty much sold. The migration is completely changing the demographics as regards Origen in U.K. I would posit that there are more people with my North Middlesex accent around here than in North Middlesex. Almost feels like coming home. I have asked people why they have moved here one of the answers was “it’s like England in the 50’s” another no hoodies and so on.
Proud to live in the countryside. Proud to be classed as a racist.
Just wait till Kweer gets his arse on the No 10 lavatory. David Lammy will change his name to David Lammy-Mugabe and Dawn Butler and Big Mama Abbott will divvy up the necklace killings between them. Mandy will supply the tyres…..
‘I’m sorry your account at the Race Bank is overdrawn. Your request for payment on your race card is declined’.
ie fuck off.
Morning all.
Amy Clarke and Corinne Fowler are both whiteys, so fuck knows what their interest is in this oh so wonderful study. Silly bitches.
Getting promoted on the back of this utter rubbish would be my guess PM.
Black and brown winkies.
I was out in the countryside cycling through a field when I was suddenly knocked of my bike and attacked by a herd of sheep.
Fortunately, I was only grazed….
Ewe were obviously quite lucky there JR.
They must have rammed into you.
Is somebody or something stopping non white people from going for a walk in the countryside?
I’m struggling to make even one iota of sense out of this.
Swap the sandals and the pyjamas for some decent footwear, suitable clothing and just go for a walk. It’s not that difficult. You fucking numb shit stirring whining cunts.
Talk about looking for a problem that doesn’t exist.
I don’t like the countryside soiled by the smelly,littering,jabbering hordes and remain confident the vast majority will stay in their urban ghettos,as walking outside requires effort,which is quite beyond them in my experience, thank fuck.
This cunt was on R4 being interviewed last week by that racist Naga Munchetti, banging on about how ‘racist’ the papers were for not making her sisters death front page news…… if that would be the first thing you should think of when you’ve lost a loved one!
Tried to find it on google, but couldn’t. Here however, is another BBC report on same person…they’ve been banging on about this for over a year now by the looks of it.
Munchetti was actively leading this tart into the racism wormhole, buy saying things like ‘so it felt like to were a second class citizen?’ ‘you weren’t worth reporting on because of your colour?’ etc etc.
All this shite is fuck all to do with race. It’s all about thick, bone idle types and silly whi1te idealists trying any way they can to extract from others money that they should get off their ‘let’s pretend we’re offended’ lazy fat arses to go out and earn. Like I did from age 13 to almost 67. Feel guilty, me? Fuck off! If you’re either too stupid, too lazy or both to work for it that’s your hard luck. And we all know who the biggest group of scrounging whingers are. Fuck off again!
Complete agreement Mabel. Part time jobs at thirteen, full time work at sixteen, retired at sixty-nine. Not a scrap of guilt here. Make the most of what you scam out of the system because what I give you voluntarily you will be able to see with your fucking eyes closed. Fuck off and die.
I should enrol on the hate studies course, I would piss it.
The countryside is for middle class whites, no room for the oik, soots or p@ki.
I have to disagree. One of the spouses serials, Emmerdale Farm is chock full of darkies – the vicar, numerous bad parents and a lawyer – the latter is bent as well.
I’d still do Charity Dingle – in her white Barbour jacket. Filthy mare!
I got kicked off the course, unfairly all I did was shank some twat cos I hated him. My essay was marked b* but I still got the boot.
Lifted from the comments on the MSN nom link:
“Great, just what we need: knife crime in the countryside”
No one has complained about my burning cross markers on the Blue stone heath road all they indicate is the severity of some of the bends. The tall white pointy hats are so cross maintainers are visible when crossing fields after dark so any livestock is not scared. Let them come and see our special land. We have nothing to hide and they have nothing to fear…..
What next ? They’ll be having ropes dangling from the trees for them to swing through !
Just had a thought think the bbc may be pushing the fate of resident ethnics as they have been told by government to play down the dinghy riders as the season is now in full swing and many are arriving everyday. The bbc is contracted to push wokism so has to find some other worthy victims to plague us with.. Defund the bbc and all this shite will vanish in a fortnight along with most of their “unbiased” staff most of which would be lucky to get a job on hospital radio in a dysentery hospital. Not the tech staff as they are cool.