The Cricket Discipline Commission


Are a bunch of 24 carat cunts. Michael Vaughan,a man for whom I have little time has been found not guilty ‘on the balance of probabilities ‘ of making racialist remarks over a decade ago. The nasty little Pakistani anti Semite who claims that he can recall MV’s exact words has not been able to substantiate his claims.
The real problem I have is that ‘on the balance’ is a nasty term; we ain’t Scothland where ‘Not Proven’ is allowed. If there is not evidence ‘Beyond Reasonable Doubt’ , the accused is not guilty.
As ever, my fellow cunters will have to supply the BBC link.

Bbc news

Nominated by Guzziguy.

45 thoughts on “The Cricket Discipline Commission

  1. Every fuzzy wuzzy in the land thinks he or she has been discriminated against – Saddick Khant and David Lammy have many friends who have been treated so abominably – some as far back as 1950. I am sure a nice heap of compo will soothe their anger. This ex cricket chap is probably the bellweather for how much it is worth.

  2. When the accusation is racism, it’s ‘guilty until proven innocent’.
    And when proven innocent, it’s ‘guilt not proven’.
    Justice 2023.

  3. “There are too many of you lot” are the alleged words. Fucking right too. Of course it wouldn’t be a problem if they were in their own fucking country but they’re not so we’re stuck with the griping compo loving cunts. I don’t follow or know anything about cricket but I note, from the article, the use of the word “batter” instead of “batsman”. Batter is something you get in the chippie, nothing to do with fucking cricket.

  4. What sold it for me that the square headed cunt was a liar, when someone supposedly said he’s sister was a fit p@ki.

    No such thing..

    • Jameela Jamil, BZ?
      A truly hateful woman, but I’d blast her until her bum fell off.

      • Just googled her. Looks tasty.

        Is she the bird who was gobbing off on Motormouth Meghan’s podcast, or am I confusing her with somebody else?

  5. He’s guilty.
    Guilty of being a pakı.
    Hopeful sentence: trampled to full-body paralysis by the camel he was attempting to shag.

  6. I couldn’t give a fuck what this little shithouse rat accused anyone of..he’s just after money and everybody knows it.

    Vaughan and every other accused person should have told the “disciplinary committee” to go fuck themselves and had nothing at all to do with this woke enquiry.

    Participation in these racism compo games is for gullible fools and the government.

    Fuck em.

  7. Only a competent court of law should be able to make a finding on a balance of probabilities (the civil burden of proof). They do so after a bomb proof process, procedurally and substantively fair, involving legal qualified personnel applying the law and assessing the evidence. Quasi legal bodies such as the CDC aren’t qualified to make assessments like this – they should simply throw the case out if the evidence is unsubstantiated.

    Anyway, they should only be judging on cricket manoeuvres, not things about which they don’t have the wit to comprehend.

  8. The modern witch hunt to find and punish historical racism has spread to professional sport.

    Although at the moment not boxing?

    I’m surprised Anthony Joshua hasn’t tried to smear a opponent as racist yet?

    That crybaby puddled fucker would be prime for this stuff.

  9. I knew nothing of this matter so I read the article. I have just a few observations and comments:

    “The Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket”? Are you fucking kidding? I can’t imagine a more superfluous, meaningless and irrelevant organization in the entire world.

    But ok…they dealt with the critical issue of racism but they didn’t get to the issues of sexism, misogyny or class? What about the issues of homophobia and transphobia? Do they plan to whitewash them too? OH OH OH!!! A racist phrase in a racist cover up!

    Why did they ignore the issue of cricket’s wooden bats and the contribution they make to global warming? How dare they?!?

    And as cricket is associated with the English are they going to examine cricket’s effect on Brexit? Or will it…”remain” to be seen how they deal with that?

    And what about the cricketers themselves? Have they all been vaccinated? Will they blacklist those who aren’t? OH OH OH!!! More racist remarks!

    So many transgressions and so many unanswered questions.

      • Good morning (here in the States) arfur,

        Glad you liked the post and glad it is a sunny morning there because it is raining like hell here.

    • Dear General in cricket everyone supports their national team or whomever is playing against the Poms. I do remember though as a young ‘un the most popular players were Imran Khan of Pakistan and Sir Vivian Richards of Antigua (West Indies), neither of them white, just fine sportsmen.

      • Hey Shack

        As for everyone rooting against the Pommies…it strikes me that it’s a bit like the New York Yankees in Cricket’s bastard child American Baseball.

        Everyone takes a shot at you because you have a history and tradition of being the best. And even if there’s a better team they get bragging rights for beating you.

        I was 13 years old before I realized Damn Yankees was 2 words.

        As for the 2 names you mentioned, real fans appreciate greatness. In this edition of IsaC’s Deadpool, I nominated Willie Mays…the greatest baseball player of his generation.
        White, black, brown, rainbow…well not really rainbow they were still in the closet back then…but regardless of color he was a true great.

  10. 43 complaints.. 7 upheld! one which was no halal food provided!! How the fuck is that racist?

    Do the math. A cry baby lying cunt,and a racist to boot after digging into he’s own social media history.

    Still a poster boy for white hating institutions like the fucking bbc.

    • No Halal food ? The mohamaddens have got it being served in schools now. no choice there. bring a date sandwich you cunt.

  11. I am rather surprised that you can still be Out or Not Out in Cricket; have the shirtlifters had nothing to say about that? Just askin’ for a friend…

  12. Any cunt that does strictly is guilty of being a platinum grade cunt – Enter Micheal Vaughn – may not be guilty of calling a spade a spade but still a cunt, none the less.

  13. As always, anti semitism is allowed and will never be seen,by the left, as on par with racism.

    In the hierarchy of oppression Olympics, anti Jewish hatred barely gets a bronze medal.

    Anti Islam sentiment is an instant gold. No such thing as Islamaphobia.

    A phobia is an irrational fear. It is not irrational to fear a 7th century death cult.

  14. Funny thing,
    But the media and political push to stamp out racism made me MORE racist.

    But when I’m on ISAC maybe I’ve vented it all out?
    I’m less racist.

    I’m only ever casually racist anyway,
    Sort of ‘ keeping my hand in’ racist,
    Tongue in cheek racist,
    Maybe I’ve had my fill of racism?

    It’s become boring?

    Maybe I’m mellowing with age?

    Maybe I loathe racists as much as I loathe foreigners?

    Let’s go play cricket!

    Smash Apartheid ✊🏾

    • I don’t agree with casual racism, if you are going to do it then dress up for the occasion, wear a nice suit or perhaps some dashing white robes and a nice white designer hat.

      I can’t see what is wrong with monkey chants at football matches when England play an African team, wind up the opposition players.
      When England play India at cricket call the Indian players Chapatis, Oi onion bahji you wanker.

    • @MNC. You can’t be casually racist today, you should be in your Sunday Best.
      Collar and tie.
      Shiny shoes.
      Formal racism is the order of the day today.

      • I put on fresh socks, deodorant and polish my bald nut.
        I make some effort!

        I’m saving up for a dickie now for Racist Sunday 😁

        Morning Jack
        Morning All

  15. All this has caused no end of problems for Yorkshire Cricket, not that long ago you could play for Yorkshire unless you were a Yorkshire man, flat cap and whippet optional.
    Calling someone P*ki seems to be the ultimate crime, but in cricket circles the Australians would be ‘Aussie’ and I doubt an Australian player would be offended by the term Aussie.
    I didn’t see any accusation of this cunt being called ‘fucking stinking P*ki’ which would cross the line but ‘P*ki ffs.

    I see the other player involved just said fuck off to process but well done to Vaughan for standing up to this cunt and being cleared of any wrong doing.

    Can you imagine the abuse a Lancastrian would get in the Yorkshire dressing room 😂

    One thing for sure there are too many of the cunts here!

    • As I’ve said before, calling someone from Pakistan a P@ki is seen as an insult; calling some from Britain a Brit is a compliment, that speaks volumes about the two nations.
      BTW , I do not consider those who arrived here a generation or two ago and failed to adopt civilised values to be Brits ; they are just unwelcome visitors.

  16. Whatever one might think about this whole episode, there is one fact which is absolutely undeniable, He’s a right plug ugly cunt.

  17. I object to being called a ‘Brit’. Racist and derogatory innit. Who do I moan and whinge to?

    Morning all.

  18. Slight point of Order:

    Verdicts such as ‘Not Proven’ and ‘Beyond Reasonable Doubt’ only apply to the respective Courts of Law of Scotchland and England.

    The Cricket Discipline Commission is not a Court of Law and is therefore able to use whatever language it chooses when finding cricketing cunts guilty or not guilty of whatever nonsense it is called upon to adjudicate.

    My verdict? Azeem Rafiq is a racist, crybaby, attention seeking cunt.

    And the CDC can go fuck itself.

    • I wonder whether Vaughan could put in some form of counter claim to the effect that Rafiq is a shit-stirring cunt?

      In his position, I would if it was possible.

  19. Apparently racism’s acceptable if you aren’t white and you say sorry afterwards

  20. Live here in racist luxury, or fuck off home to a tranquil shithole. Your choice.

  21. Absolutely no apology whatsoever from the BBC, Sky and the Guardian to Michael Vaughan. The filthy cunts tried to destroy the man.

    And Rafiq is vermin. The only thing he should get is a dip in a vat of slug killer.

    • Well they wouldn’t would they ?
      The Left never apologises,never admits wrong and rapidly moves onto the next item.
      Cowardly shithouses, the fucking lot of them.

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