We all know the overall theme, an atrocity happens and Al Beeb and the quislings at Westminster say the same thing; “Islam is the religion of peace etc”. I’m not sure any of them have actually been to an Islamic country, I’ve only been to The Maldives and The UAE (very moderate) and the hostility is palpable, ruled by fear not by respect. However, two things in the past two weeks have alarmed me at their brazenness and utter disregard for the English way of life:
1) Trafalgar Square resembling the centre of any city under a caliphate.
2) Magdalen College in Oxford University substituting a traditional St George’s Day banquet to instead hold an event to celebrate Eid (last day of Ramadan). Doubtless the vino will not flow and it will be a drab affair.
Telegraph Link.
What I find odd to do you can bet your bottom dollar all the supporters of this will be indigenous people who are atheists and lamblast Christianity, but will support this. Even more ludicrous is the Muslim population of the U.K. made up 6.5% of the population two years ago. I sincerely look forward to a political party that supports the taxpayer and the English people sooner rather than later, or Colonel Gadaffi’s prediction “ “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Will come true.
I despise the cunts in charge of this country.
Nominated by : Fortress Cuntimus
The writing is on the wall but few politicians are prepared to read it.
Our country is run by jellyfish
Backwards gnitirw of course…
Things will get even worse under Kweer. The only thing I am looking forward to is when the militant Muslims takes over completely and we see Streeting, Bradshaw, Kyle, Bryant, Mandy and co of the limp wrist brotherhood all taking a flying lesson off Centre Point’s roof.
Maybe the Conservatives at the next election could run with the slogan “If you want a Muzzie for a neighbour,vote Labour “.
I wonder if the Alphabet People have had an invite ?
Are there any multi storey car parks nearby ?
Good morning.
Gays for Palestine. Brain dead cunts.
When is the next gay pride in Gaza?
Any gay pubs there???????
I’d like to see those gays for Palestine cunts actually go to Gaza or the West Bank territory with their rainbow flags and tutus and try to organise a gay rights parade. Would only be a matter of minutes before they get thrown in a cell, or off the top of a tall building.
It is awful
I’ve just read the link from the Telegraph where he college says that the meat will be halal. Perhaps , prior to sitting down to the meal,the diners should be shown a video of how animals are slaughtered in the halal manner .
And Kosher slaughter. There should be an immediate banning of both slaughtering methods. What May have been practical in Biblical times is not acceptable now.
I went to Bingo with my mam and it was full of Irish Muslims.
Was it macca,mecca,bango mis?
When they are not fucking our children then they are blowing them to kingdom come and still the libtards kiss their arse and lay down petals for them to walk on.
I bet they can’t believe their luck that they have found such a gutless, weak enemy. The Chinkies and the Ivans have the right idea……they are destined to run the world. The white Northern Europeans are fucked by their own weakness and stupidity.
unreported in UK MSM is the new law in Russia which prohibits promotion of homosexuality, pdo and trans whatever. Inflation also at 3% – think I may move there.
Like being taken over by the Borg in Star Trek.
I’ve just invented a phone for peacefuls so they can speak to Allah.
Gadaffi was spot on – the whole of Western Europe is surrendering to Islam. France will be first to fall – Marseille is already de facto a North African colony. Meanwhile the French would rather demonstrate against modest pension reforms than the invasion of their country and the loss of their culture and way of life.
Ou est la Résistance?
Exactly Geordie.
The French “love a protest” so we keep hearing.
Shame that they’re gutless when it comes to something that’s really worth protesting against.
It was candles and kumbaya after Hebdo and Bataclan.
Have I imagined it or were Eagles of Death Metal – who were playing on the night of the terrorist attack, barred from the Bataclan afterwards because the band’s front man had the nerve to speak out against the peaceful religion ?
Run for your life from gun wielding murdering religious lunatics but please don’t be overly critical of the ideology afterwards please. That would be racist.
A year or two ago I moved this old bloke off a street in Rochdale.
I knew his daughter.
He was the last white on the street.
The street fuckin stunk off curry.
No shit
I was appalled.
He was sad to be leaving.
Said he’d miss the neighbours!!
“Said he’d miss the neighbours!!
He should have had one last try – he might have hit them next time.
You will find it is usually daft wimminz and soy men who will champion the culture of the mossie over and above British/Christian based culture.
The Paulinesque, self-righteous types from League of Gentlemen.
At least it’s not Donald Trump.
Good morning
Enemy No.1 ?
Middle class white liberals.
Lambs to the Islamic slaughter.
Give it fifty years.
” Jemimah was horrified when the realisation that she was about to be gang raped, by people she had considered to be her friends finally sank in.
Little did she know that she would then be brutally murdered “
” but working class far right gammon john had known all along.. he tried to speak up but was shouted down as a racist..so he walked away leaving jemimah to her fate with a rye smile on he’s face”
Spot on ??
Sugartits Cooper’s dildo was probably working overtime when she read that. With her love and concern for rubber boat invaders, ripping up their papers in the channel, it must be her greatest wish to have a line of Ahmad’s and Mohammed’s lining up to put her on her belly and ram their bikes up her dirt track.
Real Mills & Boon stuff for the Westminster wimminz
I wish that all muzzıes in the entire world would simply drop dead.
Fuck each and every one of them.
I won’t work for them.
Won’t buy from their shops.
I don’t eat their smelly food.
Credit where credits due,
They work hard.
That’s one thing that they have over our indolent young white kids.
Our kids are work from home, pot smoking, whining little bitches,
Mental elf Mard little cunts.
The ramjams bust a nut working all the hours they can.
Force their kids to study hard,
To be doctors, dentists, lawyers etc
Whereas 16 yr old Jayden is off sick from work with work related stress from his job at McDonald’s.
He spends his money on skunk weed and trainers.
Truly shocking.We are the toilet bowl of the world ?.I despair.Stop the world I’ve had enough.Machine gun them to hell.
Hell wouldn’t take them.
I wonder why Western Union are one the the Mare’s(!) Event sponsors…now let me think!
I’m surprised they’re not called Eastern ? Union.
I do hope MI6 isn’t on a tea break. It would do somebody some good to check the internet for chatter about May 6th, esp. as your son might get bored and want to play some fucking CHESS!
said as much to Lady C last night. Thank fuck we’ll be out of the country.
The threat to the Coronation will be from Extinction Rebellion and their off shoots. That will be because they have not been properly dealt with in the past by the Police and Legal profession.
It’ll Come in stages. First take over an area, fill it with mosques, close pubs, fill local politician slots, change the laws. Most of which we’ve already seen in various areas.
On a different note, a friend recently visited a coastguard radar station on the south coast, and the head honcho said they were going to be busy on Thursday with the dinghies. When asked how did he know, he said they had intelligence of this.
Sure enough, a few days later a large upsurge in immigrants was reported on the Thursday. So they know when they’re coming!!
Well, you need to have advanced warning if you’re going to roll out the red carpet for them .
Aye, the have to get the vaseline in to grease up their ringpieces for them when they arrive.
Regrettably these cunts have become emboldened by years of appeasement by politicians of every colour and perhaps the apathetic idea by the larger population that the worst could never happen,Muslim control.
They are wrong,we are in the grip of savages and I’m convinced it will end in a bloodbath.
Cromwell the cunts.
Surely their expansion will slow soon, there is only a certain number of taxi drivers we can take.
Whilst agreeing with the nom. I’m not sure of the ref to atheism.
And what is the CofE doing to fight back we ask?
The only saving Grace and it’s a small one is the genetic inbred feebleness of men from South Asia.
Their lack of physical prowess means I reckon I’d be upset if I couldn’t take at least 17 of the nutless sissy boys on my own
Have you seen how many Olympic golds the sub continent has won between them .
It’s fucking hilarious given that they have about a 1/4 of the world’s population
They put the fact that there hasn’t been a p*ki or Indian top level footballer of any note to succeed in English football, down to racism.
They’re generally as weak as wet newspaper.
They’re half decent at spin bowling and squash. That’s about it.
not bad at hockey to be fair. But shit at everything else. Made me laugh an article about encouraging the cunts to go walking in the lake district – the cunts won’t walk anywhere. They have to drive – and they can’t do that very well either.
a few we could put up with if they would adapt and conform to our way of life, but a tidal wave who have absolutely no inclination of changing their ways will ultimately lead to two separate societies at odds with each other. The blind twats say they are protecting their cultural heritage and it should be embraced, we do it and we are hateful racist fucks rubbing their noses in our white superiority. Goodbye Blighty it was nice to know you.
We are Islam.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
After thinking long and hard about this pander to the muzzies way of life and religion that we seem to have to abide by and i do believe i have found a silver lining but only if your of the older generation and therefore wont be around to see this shit.
The once great country is going to the dogs faster than a runaway freight train, we are over run with the infidel haters [wouldnt be so bad but we are the infidels in our country], the country is now run by them, swapping Christian days special days for muzzy special days WTF,we have them landing on the beaches in droves to claim all the free benefits that we have to pay for, to the point where its unsustainable to continue, all you need to do is look at the NHS, pensions, Police,Fire,brigade,army, old peoples homes, employed versus unemployed honestly how long can this continue, not long im sure.
So i promised you a silver lining albeit if your getting on a bit and here it is, with the way things are going, the UK is soon going to be as shit as any other Muzzy country, the silver bit is, if your knocking on a bit you wont be around to see this shit happen….take solace in that, the younger generation are going to be jumping through hoops to keep these cunts happy for the rest of their misserable lives….
We are the MUSLIM . You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile…!
This sickens me, primarily because I am fed up of being peddled this dribble that we are a racist nation, we should be doing more, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, we’re so racist we let these cunts have our money, jobs, hotels and little girls for grooming.
We’re so racist we let them build some of the biggest mosques outside A-rab land.
We’re so racist we don’t have the balls to sink their boats, unlike other European countries who build fences around their borders.
Let’s flip it – would they welcome us, would they let us build churches in their lands, would they put us up in hotels if we were fleeing the cutches of Dashing Daki Rishi – methinks not.
It’s about time they shut the fuck up, of fuck off.
Believe me or not, if this narrative continues for much longer there will be race riots in this country.
I have seen it, so it will be – this is the way.
It used to be confined to city centres when the cunts first started overpopulating our country. Last time I drove through Birmingham I was shocked at how much it resembled Islamabad. Dakis and Darkeys around every corner.
The cunts have currently got a planning application in for one of their mosques in the town nearest to me. Undoubtedly the spineless local council will grant permission through fear of being labelled waycist. Cunts
The Trafalgar Square blurb says any and all are welcome, but try turning up if you’re gay, female, own a dog, white and I’m sure you’ll get a taste of how friendly this fucking rabble really is.
I’m a Londoner and this sort of shite gets on my tits. Being invaded and culturally replaced is not something to celebrate.
Dare say the Met will be there with rags on their heads and all rainbow references removed
Walked my dogs through Ilford High Road once – what a fucking laugh that was. Like parting the Red Sea. In fact, all we need on the beaches of blighty are some German Shepherds – the cunts in the boats will never land.