Tax funded Terrorists

A cunting for ‘the nineteen’ invaders who are suspected of being terrorists.

The daily mail story has identified 19 (what only nineteen) suspected terrorists who have entered the UK via small boats and are somehow blagged their way into the asylum system.

Some of these cunts have links to ISIS and some are on watch lists in other European countries, are we surprised, absolutely not, but what is a cunt is the fact that once identified they aren’t locked up and deported.

We have been invaded by the shit from the world, 10,000 Albanian criminals and fuck knows what from elsewhere, when will it end!

Daily Fail

Nominated by Sick of it.

115 thoughts on “Tax funded Terrorists

  1. We’re barely in the Summer season.

    Expecting at least another 200,000 dingy rats this year, ably assisted by our friends the French. I’ve just accepted that we’re fucked; nothing else to do.

    Oh well, at least the Villa pasted Noocassel.

    Afternoon all.

    • Aye Ron I saw it.

      Could’ve been 7 (even Mary Shearer said that.)

      I was wondering earlier who’d given debuts at Arsenal to some of their young talent.

      Martinelli – signed by Emery for £6m from some lower league Brazilian club. What’s he worth now? £100m+ easy. What a fucking signing that was.

      Saka – promoted from youth team by Emery and given debut. He also realised he should be an inside forward and not a full back. What’s he worth? See above.

      Smith-Rowe – As a gooner I can tell you he is probably their best young player, but he has had serious injury problems over the last 28 months. Capped by England already. If fit, an exceptional player.

      There are others.

      Therefore, if he signs some young player you’ve never heard of, or changes the position of a youth team player and puts in him in the first team (I think he’s already done this at Villa) then don’t worry.

      He’s not so good at spunking big money though (Pepe).

      He’s also ‘dosier minded’ like a Spanish Don Revie. Makes the players watch hours of videos where he analyses opponents. Some of the Arsenal players allegedly thought he went over the top with this. They had to watch videos of games at home and give feedback.

      However, if you have a team who trust him and listen then you will go far.

      I don’t bet nowadays, but I saw Villa at 200-1 this morning for a top 4 finish. I twitched a bit at that.

      Still unlikely of course, but I bet they’re not 200-1 now. Europa’s definitely on though. Incredible from where you where when he took over from Stevie Me.

      I will, however, be having a cheeky flutter on Villa winning the PL next season if the price is right.

      Told you he’s a good ‘un. Good to see the players listen and are willing to put up with his Don Revie dossier stuff.

      Meanwhile Leicester are lying down and opening their ringpieces for City.

      Only way Arsenal win the title is by not losing at City. Can’t see it myself.

    • Let’s hope something good can come of this mess and the terrorists find out where Herr Likener lives, seeing they’ve had plenty of visions of his place on the news recently and they can hide out in luxury from his hospitality and love for their kind.

  2. We are witnessing the suicide* of Western Civilization. So please tell me again why anyone is surprised by this?

    *Indeed it is an assisted suicide by people who have despised us for centuries.

  3. I heard they don’t even have a parasol on the veranda!!

    And can’t use the mini bar more than twice!

    Ok they might be terrorists hellbent on the destruction of the western way of life.

    But they are also guests of our government,
    And shouldn’t be treated so cruelly.
    Give them £200 worth of chips for the casino a week and free taxis.

    After all if it’s good enough for Gerry Adams why not for Akrim bin akhbar the Afghan bomber?

  4. As the illegal arrivals are predominantly healthy young males, they should all be detained until they can prove they are genuine asylum seakers.

    I’m quite sure we have several unused North Sea platforms, chuck them on there, no NIMBY’s there to protest, anyone else can get free transport so they can share and show their solidarity right with them, not from a distance from their Cotswold weekend cottage.

    • RAF Scampton couple of miles north of Lincoln will be the new home for up to 2000 of these cunts. Not one person in the local area supported this bollocks and the council’s plan to use the site for more useful things is out the window because of this arsewipe plan. The best bit is the cunts will be allowed out and if not back by 23.00 hrs will be called on their mobile phone to ascertain they are all right!! Buses will be available to take them into Lincoln if they want or they can risk their fucking lives mooching along the A15.
      So the upshot of this amazing government plan is to dump 2000 plus men ages between 18 -45 in the middle of Lincolnshire and they do what they want. Just as well all the primary schools have anti diddler fencing and locked gates. Won’t belong before some twat is minced by a truck on its way to Hull and damm sure knowing what some of them farmers who live along the cliff are like shot. Lot of sheep around those parts and they are popular love interests for some of the feral bastards. Had a case of sheep shagging few years back Kurdish bloke farmer said the cunt had a fag afterwards, positively identified by DNA from a pair of soiled pants and two socks found in the barn.

  5. Surely no surprise?

    Evidence strongly suggests that these cunts,terrorist or no,just make up an identity to suit their dreadful needs.

    They come from Shitholistan,where record keeping is flimsy at best yet our officials interview all these cunts to ask them who they are and where they are from,knowing that none of the answers proferred can be verified.

    The whole system is a disgrace,it’s a national security emergency..yet those who can do something to stop it simply lie about it all and hide behind legal puzzles.

    In 1940 we were waiting for Nazi paratroopers to drop in and cause here we are inviting a new invasion and total catastrophe.

    Foul,cynical foreign vermin.

    Quisling shite to aid their lies.

    Gas them all.

    • I’ll tell you who in government who can be first to be gassed amongst our compliant and useless political elite, that overpaid, money grubbing cunt “Sir” Peter Bottomley – okay, so 99% of our ruling class are guilty of incompetence, greed, and corruption, and in my view they should all resign over not challenging the CONvid panic. But this utter oozing flange Bottomley not only voted in favour of mandatory vaccinations, mask wearing, the continuation of dictatorial Covid Bills and the suspension of our civil liberties, and the economy corollary of those unjustified lockdowns and furlough scheme, but during the madness of those two years called for an average pay p/a of £100,000 exc. expenses, the avaricious mangy minge.

      I’ve actually spoken with the Father of fucking us all over of The House over the phone, and he’s even more of a vulvar than you can imagine, and hates being challenged with facts and logic. He should be amongst the first to be gassed or be forced to have one or nineteen of these confirmed terrorists bunk up with him and his family, the useless old fart. I’m sure he can accommodate them on his ample annual salary.

      I have so much seething hate and contempt for our traitorous and treasonous ruling class that the best thing we could probably hope for is that some of these terrorist migrants jihadi the shit out of our elite, including the non-opposition that is LIEbour, then we can take it from there. Country is utterly fucked, and the only thing just about keeping it together is a broken economy verging on going into hyperinflation.

      • Excellent post . People forget that we pay these fuckers to do the job.
        But, meh, you know, can’t be bothered.
        Voting for the uniparty gets you the uniparty although this postal vote bollocks is easy enough to manipulate and any awkward revelations are easily buried by the MslimeM.

  6. 19? Multiply that by a thousand and you might be a bit closer. Our society is on the road to self destruction. We are betrayed!

  7. Gas them all.

    Natural gas is generally cleaner than other fossil fuels so this solution has the added benefit of appeasing all the eco-loonies.

    I’m not sure if Zyklon B is eco friendly…and I’m not sure I care.

    As we say in the states; whatever works.

    • “…I’m not sure if Zyklon B is eco friendly…”

      Regardless of its eco-friendliness it’s an incredibly inefficient medium, nitrogen much better.

  8. I tell you what, I just don’t believe that these cunts have 5+ grand to pay for their fare. For years they came across in the backs of lorries, free gratis. So where did they suddenly get all this dough from? Some rich cunts somewhere are financing this so you have to ask yourself what the long term plan is. It ain’t gonna be a good outcome for us and that’s for sure.

      • The Jew who betrayed other Jews to Germany, how the fuck do they tolerate him ?
        Open borders
        Hope not hate
        Care for Calais
        His greasy tentacles are everywhere. .

      • I’ve been reading Max Hastings ‘All Hell Let Loose’, and I’m not sure we did. The polish guarantee was a lie, a play, a bluff. We never intended or was able to make good on that pledge. Many people think the Polish resent the Nazis and the Soviets to this day, as they got it bad from both of them, especially during the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But many Polish understably and justifiably resented Britain, back then at least, because they felt betrayed by our lack of desire and effort to form a western front at the declaration of war against Nazi Germany. The Polish Guarantee and the declaration of war gave the Poles false hope, and they never really forgot it. The French also tried to blame is, but they’re just froggy cunts, not least as many who escaped on British vessels during Dunkirk requested to be repatriated back to France, because they realised they’d rather be stooges of the Nazis than there historical naval and imperial rival Britain.

        At least the Poles, despite their nations abhorrent plundering of Czechoslovakia after the Nazis invaded, who fled to Britain fought hard thereafter (and during the invasion of their own country). And respectably the Poles were the only nation under Nazi occupation which never formally yielded and complied with the Nazis, remaining defiant and never having a puppet government, a la Vichy France. The polish are stalwart people, and it’s one of the reasons they got it so bad by the occupiers.

        But people ought to understand that our conduct during WWII in general was poor. We didn’t win. We ended up on the winning side, which is far from the same thing. And I don’t think our government or leadership back then had much of a backbone either, nor were they competent. They declared war on a country which had at that time zero interest in fighting Britain or it’s Empire, and yet didn’t prepare for the war they sought out. Anyone who doubts this should read Churchill’s account of it in his first volume of his war memoirs in ‘The Gathering Storm’, under The Polish Guarantee, where he speaks of scouring history for much foreign diplomatic and military strategic bungling, all for a bluff and a pledge to an authoritarian and anti-Semitic nation (Poland) we have no historical allegiances, alliances, or cultural ties with, and which not only embroiled us in a war we couldn’t win, but almost resulted in the annexation and subjugation of Britain.

        And speaking of Churchill and regarding your dubious (but widely believed) claim that the Britain ruling elite had a backbone, he was the exception. For all Churchill’s many faults and political bungling – and there were counts aplenty of that in his career in office whether during peacetime or wartime – he was of the old guard and had a stout heart, and single-handedly prevented our government striking a surrender deal with the Nazis. This one act of stout indomitable resolution alone justifies Churchill as one of the greatness English statesmen and eclipses all of his other shortcomings.

      • Further to my comment, Britain back then certainly had some competent Generals like Sir Hugh Dowding, and there’s no doubt that the nation was more united in general and had a more resolute spirit, but don’t think our ruling political class were *much* (they were, but not drastically so) better than they are now.

      • Correction, Sir Hugh Dowding was obviously not a General (poor rush of typing the first high military rank that came to mind), but Air Chief Marshall and Commander of the RAF.

        In essence of my previous comments on this thread, full respect and admiration for those who led well, fought and died.

        But the greatest statesmen in history in Britain (and indeed the USA who more or less kept and copied much of our laws like the Bill of Rights and Magna Carta after the American Revolution) knew that politicians are generally scum and use the democratic process as a vehicle for their own ends.

      • ‘Air Chief Marshall and Commander of the RAF.’

        Not so, he was never Marshal of the Royal Air Force, but, he was head of Fighter Command until replaced by Sholto Douglas after the Battle Of Britain, but, an excellent post(s) nonetheless.

      • Hastings is a great writer, but tends to be far too critical of the U.K.s performance in ww2, from the politicians to the man in the trenches.
        Try War in the West vol 1 and 2 by James Holland for balance.

        MG42, expensive, over engineered, and useless in the sustained fire role as it almost went through as many barrels as it did ammunition. The Bren was a much better choice, lower rate of fire, better accuracy, and you didn’t need a glove to change the barrel. Also it cost less than half, and took half as long to make than the 42, important factors if you are in an arms race.

      • “…I’m not sure we did…The polish guarantee (Danzig corridoor et al) – Molotov-Ribbentrop – our conduct during WWII – embroiled us in a war we couldn’t win – Britain(‘s) ruling elite had a backbone – he was the exception, (no he wasn’t, by ’38 he was Chiam Weismann’s / Henry Strakosch’s paid bitch) – striking a surrender deal with the Nazis (Hitler was a confirmed Anglophile. even Goebels noted his “maudlin sentimentality for the British!, he didn’t want our ‘surrender’ he wanted our alliance against the rising bolshevism in Europe)

        Tank – much to be discussed there but it’s too late in the evening, you’re pushing the right buttons though…

    • Yeah but now Dad’s Army are running the fucking country.
      Actually that’s a bit of an insult to Dad’s Army… least they were patriots. I would rather trust Captain Mainwaring and co than this bunch of fucking traitors.

    • “During WW2 we mined the beaches. Can’t be that difficult…”
      A few weeks ago I made a comment, the world-weary nature of which wasn’t well-received (it ‘hit a mine’), but I’ll repeat the gist of it:
      The only way the UK can bring an end to invasion by migrants is to break international law and risk becoming a pariah state. Of course, no UK government will countenance such a notion and neither would I so we have to accept that – because of the liberal-left elite’s addiction to multi-culturalism – our way of life is ending.

      • Oops, should have put ‘and neither would I’ in brackets – I made myself appear as though I have political influence whereas in reality I’m nobody!

  9. There was a report this week that some ‘French Warship’ instructed a channel ferry to divert so they could hand over two boatloads of cunts to border farce.

    What the fuck, just do what the French normally do, shrug the shoulders and turn around, let the ferry plough the cunts down, after all the crossing is supposedly dangerous, like fuck it is.

    Get the dinghy in the water and it’s plain sailing all the way, the only time the frogs pick them up is if the boat starts sinking before it reaches UK waters.

    Rishi, stop the boats, fucking bullshit! The cunts in Westminster should be lynched when the inevitable happens and one or more of these cunts blows up a crowd of people.

      • French warship my American ass! Let’s call it what it is…a French Surrender Vessel.

        There’s an entire book written on them…Jane’s Non-fighting Ships. (Albeit a short book.)

      • Is IsAC’s flagship The Black Pig still in commission? Load her up with beef, rum, powder and shot, fair sets the wind for France and come gentlemen, we shall aboard.

  10. The Krauts couldn’t invade despite having an army, a navy and an air force.
    These cunts have swimming pool inflatables….

    • Now comes the realisation that the whole of NATO combined forces CANNOT field an effective land army in Europe…!!! Hate to say I told y’ so… but I’m gonna…

  11. I despair at our weak “Government”. Traitors through and through.Gibbett the lot.MG-42 to welcome the water rats.

    • I approve of the gibbet for the English traitors but not the MG42 for the invading masses. While a fine weapon it is of German origin and a little too EU / Fourth Reichy for me.

      In defense of the British Isles, I propose squads of cunters armed with Bren guns to rake the dinghys with interlocking fire as they approach the shore. They should be backed up by a few cunter snipers armed with SMLEs to pick off the stragglers with aimed fire.

      • The fantasy corps shooting imaginary rifles and throwing dream grenades
        These elite troops chosen from the ranks of We The People.

        The Dozy Dozen

        Who Dreams wins

      • Of course there are always those…who no matter how righteous cause…prefer to stay in the rear with the gear…even in their dreams.

      • Have you yourself got a distinguished military career General?

        I never follow anyone shouting revolution.

        You go first.

      • No distinguished military career for me.

        But I did shout for revolution way back in the day. I marched for peace, chanted “no nukes”, linked arms while singing “We shall overcome” and got my ass beat by the cops. So in a sense you could say I was on the front lines. But that was a whole lifetime ago.

        I’ve long since been red pilled…long before being red pilled was a thing.

      • General @

        I’m not sure what Red pilled means?

        I partook in a riot as a young man,
        The UK’s biggest civil unrest,
        The Poll tax riot.

        I was young and full of trouble,
        As a older head I wouldnt encourage anyone to riot,
        Bad things can happen.
        Riots are for young men.

        Nowadays I’d find a high place to sit.
        Have a hot flask of Bovril
        And a cheese and pickle butty.
        And drop bricks on both sides.

      • High Place to sit. And a cup of bovril.
        I remember a Greek bloke used to that.

        Your not zeus by any chance mis?
        He had a beard as well.

      • Sort of a budget Zeus!
        Not a lightning bolt from the blue
        But half a brick .

      • Hello Mis,

        In the spirit of civil discourse…

        The original “Red Pill” reference came from the movie “The Matrix.” When “the hero” is offered the red pill which will allow him to see the world as it really is and the “blue pill” which keeps the truth hidden.

        In American parlance it has morphed a bit as red is the color associated with Conservatives/Republicans and blue is used to represent Liberals/democrats. It has come to mean to “give someone information that allows them to see the world as it really is.”*

        A common example might be when a liberal, defund the police type gets mugged and robbed and they call for more police presence they are said to be red pilled.

        Many pro abortion people who have worked inside abortion clinics and witnessed the slaughter and barbarity first hand and who are now opposed abortion are another example of those said to be red pilled.

        *Abridged definition from Cambridge Dictionary.

      • Ah, I haven’t seen it,
        The Matrix.
        My missus likes it,
        But I couldn’t sit past the first 5 minutes.

        Seemed a right load of tripe.

        In the UK blue is considered conservative
        And red for the Left.
        Red flag, reds under the bed etc.

        I don’t take pills.
        I’m A1 fighting fit😁

      • Hello again Mis,

        In the continuing spirit of civil discourse…

        In my youth I was…as my Granddad used to say…full of piss and vinegar.

        I bought into a lot of Hippie/Age of Aquarius/All You Need is Love/Kumbaya bullshit that passed for New Age Wisdom.

        A whole lifetime has gone by and while I still believe many of those notions to be noble, I’ve come to realize that just as many of them…while perhaps not wrong are misguided and ineffective and are abused by those with ulterior motives.

        In the upside-down world of today I have increasingly come to believe that the forces who wish to transform our world into a Brave New World Utopian Order will stop at nothing to achieve their nefarious goals.

        Increasingly I have come to believe that if they continue to use gutter tactics in this fight we must get down in the gutter and use the same tactics if we are to prevail.

        It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior and talk tough behind the security of the internet. But the threat is real and time grows short…even for old men.

        Like many others on this site I use harsh rhetoric. But I do not advocate violence…I advocate survival.

        Where is the tipping point between action and rhetoric? I don’t know. But I fear we are close. Just as close as when I was a young man and hung Richard Nixon in effigy.

      • General @

        I agree about youthful idealism,
        I suffered from it myself.

        ” A man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20,
        Has wasted 30 years of his life”

        Muhammad Ali.

        I don’t involve myself with any political parties or groups and don’t think there’s any impending civil unrest that’ll be met by a uprising.

        I don’t mean you here,
        This isn’t a sly dig,
        But whenever Ive heard anyone shouting a call to arms, a rabble rouser,
        A Braveheart type,

        I always think
        That cunt will get me killed/jailed/ or is a undercover plod.

      • Was IsAC’s own Vernon Fox, gaslighted on these hallowed pages, into his email against Lineker, Southgate and the FA???


      • Who knows?
        He had mental health issues.

        He’d of been better off with sensible advice rather than a head full of Spartacus.

      • @Mis
        Regardless of General Cunsters run in with DF, he is diametrically aligned to the IsAC pejorative 👍

      • I don’t have a side CG.

        I see ISAC as a free speech site,
        With loads of awkward individuals with different views on different subjects.

        As it should be!👍

      • Yet you have had digs at me, Vernon, Cunster and others????

        You say one thing, then behave in a diametrically opposed fashion*???

        *means hypocrisy 😉

      • We all have our faults don’t we CG?

        I’m a hypocrite
        Your a fantasist.

        It’s a imperfect world.

      • Fantasist as in a wannabe yank,
        A urban truth warrior and whilst on about hypocrisy,

        Oh my leige Fiddler…
        Oh lord Fiddler…

        No slacker yourself eh?

        Fuckin A maaaan…

      • Fox was a fantasist loon, and good riddance.
        Shame his acolytes wouldn’t do the same.

      • Mg42 is a fine weapen, but gets through ammunition too quick. No point shooting the cunts more than once.

      • With all those tickies it looks like our resident Jay Cartwright is well on the way to becoming Cunter of the Year. 👍

    • MG 42 used lots of barrels and ammo. My dear gone dad told me that the MG 42 crew was six men and the gunner was only supposed to fire a maximum of 200 rounds in continuous fire at a time it appears rapid burst fire was preferred or the barrels were fucked too quick. Changing barrels was quick and simple I think gloves or mittens were provided so the barrel changer did not suffer huge burns.He also told me that the sound the MG 42 made was bloody scary.. variants of the MG 42 are still in use throughout the World. If only we had invented it.

  12. Is there a poll for the first death from one of these brown rats?
    I’ll go with next year.

  13. The same shit is happening in Ireland except they’re being flown in by the EU, all legitimate. It’s the same thing……put up in hotels, given money to spend, supplied with all sorts of shit by do gooders and wokies. Protesters are labelled as “racists” and “far right.”
    Sound familiar? So don’t tell me there isn’t a long term organised plan.

  14. Are we being replaced?

    If so, why?

    It’s a conspiracy theory, don’t worry. Your government is in control

    • What is left of the native, indigenous population of the United States is testament to the truth of that.

      • Yes, I bet they wish they had built a wall to keep the immigrants out.
        oh the irony

      • Yes. The Native Americans got conquered. It’s sad but that was the way of the world back then. Don’t judge them. We weren’t living in darkness and cold wondering where the next meal was coming from.

        The good news is that the sympathy is out for the losers here. And everywhere else.

        However, our land, Britain, was fought over by various European tribes and nations over centuries. We bred between these peoples.

        All north west European by the way.

        I don’t get your point to be honest. Maybe just accept our demise as second or third class citizens because some people conquered some other people centuries ago?

        Do you think the dominant native American tribes conquered their rivals by peaceful means or genocide? Maybe they left their front doors open for each other?

        We did not genocide anyone. Many did. Africa? Jesus H Corbett!

        We (white Europeans) gave the world electricity, modern medicine and the motor car. And many, many other things.

        What have we got back? Africa has been independent for decades. Admittedly, we got some robot stuff (manufacturing) from Japan. A high IQ etho nationalist country by the way. Lowest crime on the planet but hey…nothing to see here.

        Maybe we should let ourselves be conquered?

        Well I for one, don’t intend to take it up the arse like a smug, misguided little bitch. I am proud of my ancestors’ achievements.

        If you are not, up to you. I’d like to think they didn’t put their lives on the line for fuck all.

        You know what they fought for? You. Your kids.

        I hope highly doubt you bottle any minge juice with that defeatist attitude by the way.

      • “Which ‘nearly’ resulted in the extermination of the Indigenous inhabitants of the island. Armed conflict began in May 1804”

        Nearly then.

        You know what. I bet before any cunt took records I bet there were genocides in Europe, maybe commited by my ancestors.

        And I don’t give a fuck.

        Different world back then. The fight for vital resources meant you and your family lived or died for a few more years.

        I won’t judge them. From any nation on Earth not just my own.

        Glory to the victors.

      • You in favour of invading other peoples’s countries now, General?
        Doesn’t surprise me.

      • Fuck me, you’ve changed my thought process with that genuis comment.

        My wife is great by the way, cat flap or no cat flap. Maybe it’s your wife that is the cunt for putting up with you? Your wife is brown? So fucking what?

        Df was right about you. In my opinion anyway.

      • You must stop with this passive aggressive business RTC, folk don’t like it.😉

    • There must be loads of single birds in Albania if the men are all over here.
      You’d be quids in if you like women with moustaches, body warmers and headscarves.

  15. The MP’s and Civil Servants that encourage this invasion will be ok, no illegal immos where they live. Ordinary working class families working to make ends meet pay the price. There communities changed for the worse for ever, scraping by to pay the bills whilst 13 stone brick shithouses from Albania get put up in 3 Star Hotels, it’s far too late to even demonstrate and even if you did the Woke Police, The Establishment will not allow it, their grand master plan cannot be allowed to stop. When the next terrorist attack happens, and it’s a case of when not if, expect the usual sound bites from our Leaders. It won’t be their kids and relatives being murdered. I’ve come to the point of saying let them get on with it. But they’d better not start crying to me when it goes tits up in a few years time.

  16. Just seen two poofs walking down the street holding hands. Another sign of social decay. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

  17. I am not convinced that these people are actual terrorists.
    I don’t think that the Daily Mail has exclusive access to that sort of information.
    It’s a rag, red top newspaper.

    I am sure that many of the young men entering Britain are criminals.
    The fact that they enter the country illegally makes that obvious.

    But if they are terrorists then where exactly did they carry out their acts of terrorism?

    Why are there not international arrest warrants for these people, issued from the countries where they carried out their terrorist acts.

    They might have been involved with extremist groups in their own countries.

    If that is the benchmark for a terrorist then as has been said before, there would be a shit load more than the 19 identified.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think that the invasion of the UK and the lack of action against it by the government is a fucking disgrace.
    But if you want to take the first step in stopping these people coming and getting rid of the ones that are already there, then you have to start dealing in facts and not some silly, made up nonsense from a piss poor newspaper that wants to sell a few more copies.

  18. One wonders why Shamima Begum doesn’t just slip out of Syria, pop across Europe and jump onto a dinghy at Calais.
    She can’t be very bright, that girl.

  19. I wish them all a speedy journey to the bottom of the Chanel, anyone who pays criminal gangs for a boat place is a criminal themselves.! They should be arrested upon arrival then put to work in a slave Labour camp and when they have earned their return fare they are loaded onboard a P&Q and fucked back off across for the French wankers to feed and house, strap a pair on England.!!

  20. One for Ruff, Do you ever comment on the actual Cunting? buddy because I never know what the smeg you are on about? Happy for you to clarify because trying to follow a thread is more difficult with random bouts of gobbledygook.

  21. What a shit show.

    Grand conspiracy or immense incompetence the end result will be the same.

    Italy meanwhile makes a deal with Libya to cut illegal immigration and gain access to massive gas reserves, dropping their dependence on Russian energy from 40% to 10%.

    This far right extremists in the Italian government are not playing by the rules.

    Meanwhile the Germans have taken the opposite approach and shop illegals in wholesale. Germany having absolutely no energy concerns at all has also just shut its last three nuclear power plants.

    Our government in contrast sits on the fence farting at us whilst focusing on sending money and arms to the Ukrainian comedian, including now depleted uranium ammunition. I should think Vlad the lad will take the first use of said ammunition the tacit legitimising tactical nukes in the battle zone.

    I think that we should only accept dinghy racers if they have served on the front line of the war, don’t care which side they die for.

  22. Just watched a program on the idiot box, i ( porridge, disturbing the peace) intro caption said ” may contain outdated language”

    Well here’s some outdated language if any politicos read this esteemed rag.


    Or face the consequences, Germany 1933… You have been warned….!

  23. It’s obvious these “refugees” are taking the piss not seen one dress wearing tranny with a beard, No pink, blue, green hair. I mean according to the government and many taxpayer funded charities at least one third should be transbender or some other weird shit. How can they be so favoured when they are obviously fascist, bigot, right wingers of the hard variety

  24. I sincerely hope that border farce are checking these terrorists pronouns! If I find out that there preferred gender/non binary status is not being respected there will be some serious consequences.

    Terrorists have rights.

  25. Just think how many care home workers we’re going to have.

    Bloody lazy whites eh.

  26. Reading through some of these comments – would I be right in thinking that some people don’t care about this very very serious issue?

    Or they think they’re morally superior to the people that do appear to care?

    Or they just think it’s almost funny that this disaster is actually happening?

    As a bloke with family, children etc with pawns in the future game – I find all this a trifle unsettling myself to be honest.

    • “…would I be right in thinking that some people don’t care about this very very serious issue? … Or they just think it’s almost funny that this disaster is actually happening?…”

      Herman, I think it’s cynicsm borne of age, a lot of cunters are (I’m guessing here) north of 60yrs and have thus experienced just about all possible permutations of heinous governmental and consequential social cunterosity; now we seek the fleeting refuge of contemptuous mockery.

  27. We can only hope good things can come out of this mess and the terrorists find out where Herr Likener lives and shelter under his hospitality and love for their kind.

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