Social barriers faced by Roma, Gypsies and Travellers


Social barriers faced by Roma, Gypsies and Travellers laid bare in equality survey”

A survey carried out by – The Guardian, of course.
And guess who did the survey?

”The study was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and undertaken by the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, in collaboration with community groups and charities. To reach such high numbers of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people, academics TRAINED AND EMPLOYED 6 ROMA AND TRAVELLER RESEARCHERS to go out and record responses from community members.”

I bet they laughed their bollocks off at these soft gullible cunts at this worthy research group..

So these poor downtrodden cunts are discriminated against for no reason other than the fact that we are viscious racists. (unless we read the Guardian, of course).
Nothing to do with thieving, begging, looting, littering and wrecking.

If you can be arsed to read this link I think you will die of shame.

It’s a fucking disgrace.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

55 thoughts on “Social barriers faced by Roma, Gypsies and Travellers

  1. They’ve taken over a car park near me. All with great big caravans, every one of the cunts has an Audi or BMW. Local council are now spending taxpayers money putting portaloos in for them to stop them shitting everywhere else. They are a boil on the arse of humanity, that needs lancing.

  2. The silly report states “A clear message from our study is the need for political commitment to better monitoring and measurement of the full range of ethnic groups.“

    Better monitoring should include checking their vehicle status, bank accounts, possessions. Then you’ll see why not everyone is in love with them you stupid Guardian wankers.

  3. Nothing to do with the ‘Do as you likeys’ being uneducated, violent, thieving vermin who leave chaos and destruction wherever they pitch up?

  4. They are right……it’s a toss up who I hate the most…….these filthy pikies or the posh, stuck up Guardianista cunts who pretend to love them so much. They are welcome to each other just stay well away from me, wankers.

  5. What is this ‘precarious employment’ the researchers keep going on about then? Keeping one step ahead of trading standards as they fleece another Doris out her lifesavings for a couple of loose roof tiles or laying a drive that cracks and falls apart like a Chinese clown car after a week?

    Of course like the immos these Guardian fart sniffing twats don’t live anywhere near them and probably think they all trundle around in horse-drawn caravans selling fucking lavender and pegs.

    • That is the root of the problem. Perhaps some social justice could be deployed in order to give that wonderful communidee all the amenities they want there and (especially) in Islington.

  6. I’m not supposed to hate them, despite them once moving near us when I was a young lad. The older ones bullied the younger local kids, they robbed houses, stole dogs to use as bait for their fighting dogs, dealt drugs, sat around glue sniffing on the park and ripped old people off. When they finally fucked off they left the place looking like a fucking tip.

    That is my experience of them.

    They are a fucking menace and any Guardian reading prick who thinks otherwise, should be forced to have them move into their area for a year or two.

    All laws don’t apply to them it seems (insurance and tax on motors, council tax, income tax, NI?..are you fucking joking) but these fuckers are quick to demand to use the NHS and claim dole (for each others kids too allegedly).

    Fuck them.

    • They just do whatever they want all the time. I play snooker once or twice a week and the club are usually pretty hot on not letting anyone in who isn’t a member. So I was surprised to see a bunch of scummy looking bogtrotters playing in there. I asked the bloke who works there who they were and he comfirmed that they weren’t members but “weren’t causing any harm” so he allowed them to play, I found out a few days later that they had basically threatened their way in there and the bloke was too scared to tell them to fuck off. That’s what they do, antagonise people and play on the fear of their reputation. Cunts of the highest order.

  7. They have few educational qualifications the cunts say. That’s because they don’t send their brats to school until they are about 9 or 10 when they are becoming a fucking nuisance at home. When they get there they are illiterate and schools don’t have the staff and resources to teach them to read and write. So they spend all their time starting fights with other kids, especially the immos who they fucking hate. Then one day they all fuck off and you never hear of them again. That’s the reality but the lefties will tell you it’s raaaaaaay-sism. Except if you’re the Flabbott who claims only black people experience racism. These cunts can’t even get their bullshit stories straight.

    • Aye they send their kids to steal, I mean ‘work’ once they get to about 12.

      Genetics also play a part. Two doctors have kids- those kids are usually really smart.

      Two gypos have a kid? Thick as fuck.

    • Makes sense that, toddler’s don’t have the size to weight ratio for professional thieving..

  8. It’s much more difficult to get a caravan and horses up the steep streets in Hampstead, Ron. Even so, the posh residents would steal the shit still steaming.

    • And write to the Grauniad –
      “Dear Sir. I love to see the travelling people, with their feral horses and dogs, their quaint mobile homes and Range Rovers, when they visit Islington in the course of their romantic lives. My gardener particularly appreciates picking up the horse poo their ponies leave in the road, and often tells me how good it is for our roses. Although those seem to have disappeared this year…

  9. It’s certainly a race to the bottom of the cesspit regarding who are the most loathsome creatures infesting our country..


    I think there should be a national league table..the pikey cunts would be front runners,the fucking vermin that they are..

    Anyhow,Uncle Adolf learned them good.

  10. This is why social sciences within academia are a joke.

    Any study looking for ‘muh racistisms’ will find it nowadays.

    They’d never conclude, ‘The reason the public distrust them is due to their appalling criminal and anti social behaviour. They need to stop being such cunts to get folk onside.’

  11. Conduct any survey you want. It won’t change what I know as fact.
    I’d put all of them to forced labour and work them to death.

  12. I remember when that bitch Tessa Jowell was my MP and they had a photo exhibition of “Traveller History and Culture “ at the local library. She invited a load of filthy pikies and posed for photos with them for the local rag.
    Two weeks later they turned up in the middle of the night and nicked all the lead off the roof. Fucking place was closed for about seven years, blamed on the “Tory cuts.” No mention of the pikies obviously but everybody knew who did it. Fucking cunts.

    • How many photos can you have of piles of rubbish,broken cars,dead dogs and human faeces..

      Traveller culture!!

  13. 35% of Roma have experienced physical attacks, a further question would have definitely revealed that in all cases they had their hands in someone else’s pocket.

    The are all cunts.

  14. Eire kicked the cunts out, where did they go…..
    The only violence they get is from their own.

  15. I am fully qualified to state that all travellers, pikeys, gyppos etc are cunts and scum.

    At one time i owned a country store typre business that sold equestrian goods including feed, portable gas bottles and garden machinery….including chainsaws.

    With that lot on offer we had more than our fair share of grifting, scamming and stealing cunts. I have been subjected to threats, bribes and various other undesirable stuff when i catch these cunts nicking from me. Few years ago one of them ran out the store with a chainsaw and hedge cutter…when i gave chase he lobbed them away thus damading them. I eventually caught him nearly a mile away…..grabbed his arm and frogged marched him back to the store….all the while he’s spinning a bollocks yarn about he’s never done it before please let him go etc……then back at the store whilst waiting for police he’s asking if he can call one of his mates who will bring over a grand in cash if i let him go (yeah right) when i decline he then says he knows who i am and will burn my house down etc etc. Cunts.

    Anotherone ran off with something…went to get in his car, so i tried shutting the gates on him….just drove straight at me.

    Yup they are all cunts. Never do them a favour or give them a discount because then you are in their pockets. Treat any friendship attemps as false.

    Everythibg is cash and they always want a deal. Personally o dont mind the freedom of having the option to pay cash, but these cunts can only ‘operate’ their way of life with cash…would be the ONLY reason i would outlaw cash… fuck these cunts over. Their whole life career is based on stealing, scamming, prize fighting and ‘trotting’ gambling.

    Oh…did i say…i hate the cunts.

    They are the uk’s answer to the mafia.


  16. Didn’t mutton chop fanny flap Flabbott say whites (including Gippos) never suffered racism?

  17. Like all the other foreign trash who come to this racist, oppressive country they never fuck off back where they came from. Funny that innit?

  18. Depressing that these academics have such a lack of common sense and so tenuous a link to the lives of the normal people who form the vast majority of the population.

  19. I have (legitimately) been inside a number of their caravans; I remember one which stank so badly, I could taste the stench.
    They calls us dirty because ‘we’ sometimes have a bath (rather than a shower) and they see that as washing in your own dirty water. At least I wash, I suppose…

  20. Two words these Guardianista cunts need to learn after plucking their heads from their own arses:

    Dale Farm.

    I rest my case, m’lud.

  21. Wish this twinning of the Roma and Traveller would stop. The Roma I have met have been no problem at all. The Pikeys on the other hand are total cunts their own actions damm them. Shitting in someone’s garden is a bad thing, leaving twenty tons of festering garden waste and other crap is another, escorting vulnerable people to the cash dispenser to withdraw vast amount of money to pay for “ building work or tree surgery” which if done at all is done to the standards of a the planet blag cuntish section.
    They bring all the shit down on their own fucking heads, 30 years ago part of my duties was serving papers on these cunts the local council who employed me would invariably send a couple of bodies to assist me from planning or something. Funny how I always ended up surrounded by pikeys on my own. Got threatened but no violence against me. Always served the papers. Thing is they did not give a fuck could not care less. Move 20 miles up the road and the whole cycle begins again..
    If these bleeding heart fuckwits really thought that pikeys were in need of big help there would be more coverage than transbender rights. Problem is the places they stop are turned into shit pits, the kids if they go to school just fuck it up fore everyone.
    They are a blight and for once the majority of the subjects know that. Their choice to live the way they do, only change I’ve noticed is bigger caravans and lots of high value beemers and mercs. Why change when your win win every time. This crap about suffering pikeys is wheeled out every couple of years more to polish the reputations of the wokery who publish said drivel as they are fully aware the pikeys are on the whole very happy with their lot.

    • To be fair I have to concur with you that it’s the Irish pikeys that are the problem not the Romanys. Whenever I see them they generally keep everything tidy and don’t leave heaps of shite everywhere. Ok so they don’t contribute to the system by paying any tax or anything but they generally don’t cost the taxpayer any money either. Unlike pikeys…

    • ?? I fucking love that……”you sleep on the streets of Cork in a blanket…….gimp hair gibberish.” I always wonder what “Kathleen’s bike” is. They live in a different world, I’d love to plonk that lot at the bottom of Linekunt’s garden.

    • Spot on, more intelligible for some reason than the ones I dealt with but that was a good while back. This is what the wokists shite stirrers do not realise these are different. They would fuck your bedridden granny then cut your feet off to steal your trainers. Another thing they will always look for an angle to screw you over even if you help them. If you ain’t a pikey then your fair game, that never changes.
      I would suggest that peacefuls are more integrated than pikeys.

  22. These “travellers” settled onto a moorland field in my area, got jcb’s in dug berms all round the site, piped in water from the road, installed “static” caravans on site and the council did fuck all.

    Plus it looks like the cunts have taken over another field and erected a fucking big industrial type building, probably to hide stolen caravans in..

    Local farmers aren’t happy, one of them has already installed large electric gates and CCTV

    I had to get planning permission for a fucking porch…

    Suppressed minority, “my fucking arse”

    • RB sorry to read about your pikey problem. Thing is they are so used to getting away with anything they do not care. Awhile ago a tribe of pikeys took over a working brewery during a bank holiday, loads of mess stuff nicked, broken, thousands of litres of beer in vats had to be disposed of. I followed the story out of ex pro interest and discovered the plod had supposedly nicked two people for stealing.about three weeks later. Coppers, councils any agency hates dealing with pikeys. In the case of illegal camps they pray the cunts will fuck of after a week or so they work on the principle that the cost of clear up is much less than the hassle of physically evicting the fuckers. A piece of info that may be of use. Be suspicious of the person who wants to erect a stable block in a field, that will allow a water supply,followed by a pikey invasion. Normally they just purchase a field then shanty town.

  23. A self imposed separation from society because they are the rubbish of society that no sensible person would wish to associate with. A system of extermination should be devised to assist Unkle Terry’s overworked oven.

  24. The only barriers they should face are steel ones in the shape of a cage.

    Preferably on a sandbank with rising tides.

  25. The bizarre bit that caught my eye was the fact that they trained Pikeys to ask Pikeys about their victimhood.
    Says it all about these academics connection with reality.

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