Social barriers faced by Roma, Gypsies and Travellers laid bare in equality survey”
A survey carried out by – The Guardian, of course.
And guess who did the survey?
”The study was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and undertaken by the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, in collaboration with community groups and charities. To reach such high numbers of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people, academics TRAINED AND EMPLOYED 6 ROMA AND TRAVELLER RESEARCHERS to go out and record responses from community members.”
I bet they laughed their bollocks off at these soft gullible cunts at this worthy research group..
So these poor downtrodden cunts are discriminated against for no reason other than the fact that we are viscious racists. (unless we read the Guardian, of course).
Nothing to do with thieving, begging, looting, littering and wrecking.
If you can be arsed to read this link I think you will die of shame.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
They will always be fucked without having a permanent address. Thick cunts.
Just nipped out to get a tin of varnish.
Saw a fella go up to an ugly fat Romanian Big Issue seller (always outside M&S) with a handful of notes and peel off a tenner which he gave her.
Astonished at some people’s stupidity.
Romany isn’t the same as Romania ?
When I was kid growing up in the inner suburban wasteland of Balsall Heath in Brum, these cunts were forever turning up on any of the many bombsites in the area. It was bad enough living in this area of multiple deprivation as it was, but there was nothing so crappy that these cunts couldn’t make worse.
Once they moved on, having robbed several houses and washing lines, they’d leave a shitheap of scrap metal and other assorted stinking junk scattered everywhere, which the council would sometimes later come and clear up. Or not.
Absolute fucking vermin.
A senior spokesman for the Gypsy and itinerant community UK said in response
“Kathleens bike, mcfuck!
I’ll fight you baldybollocks ye are!
Don’t come near me widda dag!
Ye fuck ya”
Here we go, here we go, here we go….
The poorest country of the G bloc of countries flying Sudanese out and over to the UK. The great old Kingdom of OK helping out.
I bet the smugglers in Calais are purchasing new, bigger boats as we speak…
Fucking let them kill each other, not out problem.
‘UK was slower but still they saved us from Sudan’ with accompanying picture of Shereen Soliman in a team towel, and her darkie brats.
I must say she looks very English…
Naturally, the trained researchers didn’t fudge or fabricate a word, because as we all know, they are as honest as the day is long.
These fuckers ripped the arse out of this mill.
plod did fuck all.
Travellers set up camp at Marsden mill site latest
I’d find a solution.
We have this subhuman dogshit constantly trying to steal farm machinery, livestock even a wooden fieldgate. For two pins I’d shoot every one of these turds and feed them to the pigs but guess what – the pigs wouldn’t touch them
the pigs can smell the corrupted DNA from brothers fucking.
They were totalcunts at Thwaite Brewery in Black urn. Dirty feckin b’ astards.
The Guardian do love people who fuck their cousins.