Rose Robinson

Hurty Hurty.

”A horrified shopper brands Sainsbury’s ‘big daddy’ steak sexist”

”Rose Robinson, from Norwich, nipped into Sainsbury’s in North Walsham two weeks ago to grab a few bits when she spotted their ‘Big Daddy beef rump steak’ on the shelves.

The 38-year-old claims she was stopped in her tracks by the meats’ ‘sexist and misogynistic’ name and felt completely ‘bewildered’ as to the supermarket’s thought process behind it.”

Fuck me drunk is there no end to this fucking insanity.

God help Mothers Pride when Rose gets offended by it.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by mystic maven:

Rose Robinson ‘horrified shopper’.

This pathetic fool has complained to Sainsburys over a pack of steak.
It’s called the ‘big daddy’ steak which is apparently ‘sexist and mysogynistic’ and left her bewildered as she deemed it ‘wrong and unnecessary’.

To double her cuntitude, she reactivated her facebook account to complain and demand that they rename it.

Not sure what the outcome was, but they’ll probably roll over to this cunt and rename it as the ‘non size specific, gender neutral, sperm producing person / birth giving person steak’

74 thoughts on “Rose Robinson

  1. She’s 38 and never come across a Big Daddy steak before?

    Does she live in a hole in the ground?
    Does she communicate in grunts, whistles and clicks?

  2. She comes from Norwich so probably has six fingers and the IQ of a sheep. Fucking dozy attention seeking old tart.

    • probably a leza, works for NHS/council, sends money to the ralph yarl fund etc.

  3. Sir Tim Berners Lee would be spinning in his grave (if he were dead) to learn that his wonderful invention in the hands of such vacuous individuals.

    • So would James Dyson. This individual should’ve been suctioned out prenatally. I bet a Dyson comes with the right tool…

  4. ‘Big Hard On beef rump steak’
    There, is that better?

    Do something useful with your life, you gormless cow.

    • She shouldn’t skip her medication,
      The daft bitch.

      Suck my big daddy.?

  5. Silly fucking whore. Big Daddy was a 70s wrestler. So she thinks the Urban Dictionary is a reliable source of information?

    Christ on a Raleigh Tomahawk, fuck off you daft Admin Administrator (whatever that is).

    I bet she is the type who insists to her employers that she should be working from home, full time.

  6. She’s obviously one of those wokie cunts who is always crying about the world’s poor, the climate change crisis and is perpetually “offended” by hurty words.
    Take the Big Daddy steak to Africa, spoilt bitch, and see if anyone gives a flying fuck what it’s fucking called.
    Oh……..and don’t come back shitforbrains.

  7. Slap her arse with a couple of sirloins shouting “who’s your daddy now bitch?”

    That would sort the silly woman out.

    Misogynist moi?

  8. I wonder what she thinks of Chicken Breasts…
    Does she ever have Chilli Sauce on her Kebab?

    I think we should be told…

  9. I’d suggest that instead of buying big daddy steak she instead gets herself some Peter Mandelson Mince,

  10. It goes both ways, I’m offended by her buffalo chops in Hollandaise.?

  11. Molested by her daddy I presume that’s why she was “HORRIFIED ” by the name.

    Probably hates daddies sauce at well, seeing as he used to smother her in it.

    • Sorry for sliding off topic FMC, but your link to Wales online again causes me to wonder about some of the strange goings-on in Wales these days. When I follow these links my attention is often caught by the tabs down the right hand side leading to other stories. Some are mundane, some amusing, “Cyclist run down by 44-tonner” for instance, but a disproportionate number which cause me to think WTF!? seem to emanate from Wales. I dunno, maybe it’s down to comrade Drakeford and the other weirdos running the local authority.

    • Fecking ‘ell. The council banned pork from Junior schools ‘because it costs too much to monitor which children are allowed to eat it’.
      Fuck right off and take the traumatised Norfolk tart with you!

  12. “Fuck off” is the term that springs to mind.

    It is sadly underused by corporations.

    Offended Woman “I am horrified by the name of this steak”

    Customer Services “Fuck off”


    Any subsequent news story would be……

    “Sainsbury’s customer service department tells over sensitive idiot to fuck off”

    They would attract more shoppers that way in my opinion.

  13. Big Daddy is not a term that I would associate with a man that is ‘good with wood’.

    Quite the opposite.

    It brings to mind the wrestler of the 1980’s who was so fucking fat that his enormous gut covered his cock.
    Neither he nor anyone else would have been able to see any sign of it.

    I reckon that when he went for a piss he only had a rough idea of if he was actually aiming at the bog.

    His wife, if he had one, must have spent many hours mopping up the floor in their toilet.

    So there.

  14. This fuckmonkey is old enough to have been given a hard slap by her parents, unless of course they were the then quite rare limp wristed vegan types that we are plagued with nowadays.
    That or she is just one of those cunts who is always looking for the next thing that offends her, so she can have a whinge.
    Either way a good hard kick in the snatch and being told to fuck off and not be stupid is what this waste of oxygen needs.

  15. At least she found time to research the name and thus quadruple her level of Offended.

    What a silly dessicated cunt.

    Mr Crabtree will be rolling in his skip sized grave.

    • Now we await the wokery stating the bleeding obvious, that crabs don’t grow on trees.

  16. I had dinner at a nice place last night.
    It was a Frank Sinatra themed restaurant.
    First course was Wildebeest pàte served with Melba toast.
    Start spreading gnus….

  17. These pathetic cunts really piss me off, the world is turning to shit and all that can do is worry about the ” thought process” behind a name.
    Pity spontaneous human combustion is not more common.
    Looking at that face, it must have trapped wind.

  18. There should be signs on all public buildings, shops and pubs, ‘If you are easily offended don’t come in’

    I see the woke are going after the Manchester football clubs, they aren’t happy with the club badges, both have a ship as part of badge… SLAVERY!

    Maybe it has something to do with the ship canal but who cares, it gives the woke another mission to control Everything!

  19. The Hacasta and Tristram brigade are not happy about being handcuffed and deglued at Aintree

    I have ordered a bucket on Amazon to mop up there salty tears.

    • Apparently the police told one of them to ‘keep fucking walking you prick’.

      A lifetime of therapy awaits. ?

  20. This was Sainsburys. Action would be immediate.
    Product withdrawn.
    Repaced with Greta’s Vegan Food flavoured snack. For people in dresses. With or without dicks.
    Sainsburys emphasises it’s commitment to BLM, LBTQ etc,


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