Rose Robinson

Hurty Hurty.

”A horrified shopper brands Sainsbury’s ‘big daddy’ steak sexist”

”Rose Robinson, from Norwich, nipped into Sainsbury’s in North Walsham two weeks ago to grab a few bits when she spotted their ‘Big Daddy beef rump steak’ on the shelves.

The 38-year-old claims she was stopped in her tracks by the meats’ ‘sexist and misogynistic’ name and felt completely ‘bewildered’ as to the supermarket’s thought process behind it.”

Fuck me drunk is there no end to this fucking insanity.

God help Mothers Pride when Rose gets offended by it.

MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by mystic maven:

Rose Robinson ‘horrified shopper’.

This pathetic fool has complained to Sainsburys over a pack of steak.
It’s called the ‘big daddy’ steak which is apparently ‘sexist and mysogynistic’ and left her bewildered as she deemed it ‘wrong and unnecessary’.

To double her cuntitude, she reactivated her facebook account to complain and demand that they rename it.

Not sure what the outcome was, but they’ll probably roll over to this cunt and rename it as the ‘non size specific, gender neutral, sperm producing person / birth giving person steak’

74 thoughts on “Rose Robinson

  1. Was driving home when I got a text from the wife.
    ‘Stop at Sainsburys, get a cucumber.’

    Parked up and went in and bought the largest cucumber they had, also bought a large tub of vaseline.
    I didn’t want those cunts on the checkout thinking I was a vegan….

    • This fist chewing Karen would be straight onto Facebook if you ordered a pint of Spitfire or Guinness with the white frothy head lording it over the oppressed stout.

  2. I’d have bent her over and slapped her lamb chops with my big daddy steak.

    What a silly cunt.

  3. Even before reading the cunting, it was obvious from the picture we had a right one here.
    I’ve never had an encounter with anyone dressed that way who wasn’t a cunt – it’s the walker’s equivalent of the cyclecunt lycra gear, the mark of the sort of stupid bastard who’ll ignore local weather conditions and set out into the hills just as a storm front comes in and who, when warned, still thinks it’s ok to do so as ‘they’re wearing the right gear, actually…’

    • Agreed, anyone who goes walking regularly , like the other half and I, looks like an animated compost heap, apart from having decent quality suitable footwear. I often see couples in matching outdoor clothes, and each holding a stick in each hand. Can anyone tell me the point of those? I can understand having a use for just one stick, to use as a support for instance on a difficult path. I Ihink you would feel a total cunt ,wouldn’t you, making a big show of navigating a rough part of the coast path with your twin sticks, high tech jacket and goggles etc, got up like Scott of the Antarctic , while pensioners, small kids and even folk with artificial legs just skip past you in old shorts and t-shirts.

      • I see the hiking pole t0ssers quite a lot around my way. They look ridiculous, be it one pole or two, and the sheer sight of them gets up my nose. It is mostly flat around here – all farmland and the odd hill – so no idea why they need flipping sticks. Some choice pictures of hiking pole t0ssers in that link. Why do they go out in a group and wear the same thing?

  4. The image says bully and victim. Perhaps Rose should work in the office of Mr. Raab, he would have sorted her out!

    I hope that cunt goes down, I enjoy watching conservative MP’s squirm when they see their positions of power rapidly waning.

    That said, most civil servants need a fucking good shake up.

    Nearly all were looked after, very well thank you during COVID – I’d slap all of them.

  5. At least she made the papers so every reader can see her for the massive twat she is.

  6. Wasn’t Big Daddy’s real name Shirley Crabtree? I wonder if she found that sexist and misogynistic, the dopey cunt

  7. Soppy cow!! These sorts of cunts are getting worse!! If the name on a packet of meat is all she has to mither about then she’s the luckiest cunt alive.?

  8. Big, fat, hairy, cunt destroying, spunk filled cock steak. There, fixed it for the stupid dim witted rug munching spastic.
    Can’t wait for the fucking asteroid to hit. I’ve had it with these inbred imbeciles. I wish Uncle T had a tardis like oven. Chuck all the fuckers in, in one go.

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