Rhema – the Hooky Church


“Pastor” Phelps (is that a courtesy title like “Monsieur” Eddie Grey – there’s one for the oldies, or “Professor” Jimmy Edwards?), seems very generous with “charity” money. He clearly believes charity begins at home – his home, even if most of it got pissed against foreign walls:

There should be a clamp down on the number of “churches” that occupy old Odeons and warehouses on the M25.


Nominated by W.C. Boggs.

53 thoughts on “Rhema – the Hooky Church

    • ‘All cunts.’

      Such a foolish position.

      Who hasn’t looked up at the stars and wondered who created it all?

      Who has looked around the world and at all the terrible suffering and thought there must be an answer for all this.

      Who hasn’t wondered what happens to us after death?

      Who hasn’t been overcome by the awesomeness of it all? Of existence.

      From time immemorial.

      The religious instinct is to the most natural thing in the world.

      It’s Atheists who are novel, abnormal.

      • Sorry Miles, but I think you would have to be in desperate need for spiritual replenishment, to find anything edifying in Pastor Phelps, or indeed a lot of these happy clappy places next to empty garages and warehouses. This man should be forced to marry Nicola Sturgeon when her old man goes inside, as a punishment. Or the spouse and her enormous confectionery bill. That’ll learn him!

      • Nobody believes that I’m God.
        I don’t know why because I’m quite plausible.
        Nobody knows where I come from,
        Somebody saw me come out the sky so I had to kill him,
        Yeah, I had to kill him because he might have told everybody else
        That I was, Gaard!
        I didn’t use a parachute neither.
        I’ve even got my feet still with holes in them, mme.
        You wouldn’t like my feet if you saw them,
        You wouldn’t like my hands neither,
        That’s why I always wear gloves,
        So you can’t see where them nails went through,
        Got me!
        When I was last down here we used to till the fields,
        And I used to walk on the water, and stuff like that for a living,
        Yes I did.
        I had twelve friends – I used to go to their dinners, I did.
        I went to Simon’s house once and his wife was there and she let me feel her jugs…
        I said unto her: “Go woman and sin no more.”

      • “Who hasn’t wondered what happens to us after death?”

        A question asked by people who find death unpalatable. We know exactly what happens. If left lying around we go rotten and stink. That’s why we bury corpses deep or burn them to ash. The ultimate demolition of religious belief is surely the question;

        Who created the creator?

  1. As Pastor Phelps appears to be seeking a new career opportunity, can I suggest he offers his services as Auditor to the SNP?

  2. Fucking Bible bashing wankers. If they want to give their money to some thieving shyster fuck ‘em, what do I care. That’s what happens to stupid people, it’s a law of God.

  3. That photo of him looks just like a very young Michael Heseltine, I thought?. Or perhaps a raddled Hugh Grant? – or should I say,EVEN MORE raddled…..

      • I am my elderly relative.
        All before me are dead.
        And quite frankly, if I got took in by a cunt like this, though unlikely as I’m firmly agnostic, I’d expect my family to have me sectioned on the grounds that I’d gone doolallytap!

  4. Barred from being a charity trustee for 10 years?

    That’s it?
    I bet that’ll really teach him a lesson!

    So would 10 years inside for fraud, or how about a more Biblical solution?

  5. What a surprise,a religion or a charity with a crook in charge.

    House of commons next?


  6. Anyone describing themselves as or calling themselves Pastor is a cunt and usually a bent cunt.

    • Not in my experience, and i’m an atheist. (just not a Sam Harris-Dicky Dawkins worshipper).

  7. He was called Phelps that westborough Baptist pastor. ‘God hates faggots’.
    Must be something in the name.

  8. It’s the people at the coal face of these charities that I don’t understand, the ones that give up their time. Who the fuck wants to do voluntary work?
    You couldn’t pay me to voluntary work….

  9. Just googled it

    ‘About us
    Rhema Faith Ministries is a non-denominational, contemporary, charismatic, family church.’

    The first mistake of Protestism showing it’s inability to think clearly.

    No you are a Denomination. You are the ‘Rhema Faith Ministries’ Denomination.

    It probably says- ‘we have no truck with old and outdated dusty dogma’. Then will proceed to lay out its teachings or dogma.

    • The great thing about religion is that it saves you having to think for yourself.

      Evening Miles. 👍

      • Evening Arfur. 👍

        It appears Gimpy Gordon’s tickie-fairy is back on manoeuvres… 😂

      • ‘The great thing about religion is that it saves you having to think for yourself.’

        There you go with your old and dusty Atheist Dogma again.

        Evening RT.

      • You don’t need religion to stop people thinking for themselves.

        We have identity politics for that now.

  10. Rhema?
    sounds like a nice little place to get a Tandoori grill and Keema Naan

    • I know that my Rhema livith. Next time Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) does Middle Eastern exotic porn I think we might borrow the name. Lovely Lisa Nandy in stockings suspenders and nipple tassels, gyrating to the sound of a soprano sax will become as synonymous with the brand as the lion did for MGM.

    • That made me feel hungry, so I ordered one.
      Fuck me, there’s enough in there to feed me for a week!
      Fortunately, Elder and the Lass are coming by tomorrow, so a few pittas, some lettuce and cesear dressing, that’s us sorted.

      • Yeah I don’t make it a habit of it. To be fair the average Tandoori grill is usually a good £6 more than a usual curry especially in the South East..

        In my 20s i used to eat a tandoori grill, keema naan, rice and bombay potatoes in one sitting but was built like a bull and running up and down 3 flights of stairs

  11. The Catholic church has been fleecing people for millenia. Usually the poor. Keeping them in their place on behalf of the nobility. Dressing it’s own many bishops etc in finery. Living in luxury and hypocrisy. Packing a simple philosophy with nonsense to fulfill it’s greed.
    This fucker is an amateur.

    • Keep pumping out the kids, so they can be molested, and harvested for cash.
      Gold hats don’t buy themselves.
      They call themselves the flock, as sheep are there to be sheared.

    • Well said Cunstable! However you left out one of the main tenets; bumming little boys.

  12. Just a word on the Christian religions in general. Most priests and vicars are good people.
    You only read about the few. And in terms of absolute numbers it is a few.

    This kema pastor sounds a right bent Cunt though

  13. Don’t see what Reverend Phelps did wrong?

    Does not the good book say to spread the message?

    He did, in Greece, Portugal, Tunisia, and various other holiday destinations!

    So he traveled in comfort,
    Spent a couple of quid in duty free,
    Not so bad.

    I like a preacher with a suntan .

    Jesus, poor bloke can’t win.

    Did not Jesus the son of God say on the mount of Olives

    ” Theres a sucker born every minute”

  14. At least Pasta Sauce didn’t marry a six year old.
    Although we shouldn’t be so hard on Muh-ham-head-he had the decency to wait until Ayisha was Nine years old, before he raped her….

      • Sadly it’s not uncommon in the US, especially in the Bible Belt.
        As I said above, all cunts.
        Watching a documentary about the Waco siege, and as mental as Koresh and the gang are, they are only slightly worse than the average American religious nut.

  15. As an atheist, I likely only believe in one god than most.

    If you start to think logically about it, you’ll be able to get drop that last one

    • Even though I am an atheist, I always found the polytheistic beilefs of the Norse, Celts, Romans, Egyptians and Canaanite (Yahweh used to have friends and a wife in the ancient religion of the Jews, before they adapted monotheism) more naturally believable than monotheism of the bronze age middle-east. If you were going to try to understand the world with stories because you haven’t invented telescopes and microscopes or electricity and your goal in life is growing more food than you eat then it makes sense to ‘personofy’ certain natural forces.

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