A net zero cunting for ‘quite frankly I am not a scientist’ Phoebe Plummer
Just watch this attached clip of ‘hi I am Phoebe, I am 21 and a student’, so by default is well on the way to being a cunt just from that statement.
It goes on to rant about renewables being 9 times cheaper, this number seems to be a the absolute argument for dumping coal gas and nuclear in favour of wind and solar.
When challenged with what happens when there is no wind or sun the answer is ‘I’m not a scientist’ but various bodies have decreed that we can’t have more oil and gas.
So again, it goes onto ‘we have enough capacity in renewables’ and completely ignores the statement of fact that if the wind doesn’t blow and the sun isn’t shining to produce electricity we need a reliable base load.
There is no logic, no argument and no common sense that can ever detract these just stop oil cunts from their quest to put us back into caves
It’s up to cunters to decide if Phoebe is as mental as our favourite climate idiot Greta.
The first couple of minutes will be enough to boil piss ?
PS, one thing for sure, it isn’t studying anything useful at ‘Uni’
Nominated by Sick of it.
What it that thing this tiny-eyed gimp has got bolted to her neck? Looks like a stick of TNT…let’s hope it blows her head up like in ‘Scanners’.
It’s a bike lock thomas, it’s the new craze.
Like wearing VW badges were back in the 80’s.
It’s a bike shackle lock, Thomas.
Useful for making a right pain in the arse of oneself.
Bike lock? Bike shackle lock? It doesn’t fucking matter. Fasten a dog leash to it, lead her to the oven and push her in.
Slam the door and turn up the heat.
Aah right, I see now.
Thanks chaps.
Silly bitch, hope she lost the key.
I have several titanium motorcycle locks, redundant now my Fireblade & GSXR days are well behind me.
You could be their King, Thomas-balls deep in new-age upper middle class fuckwit flange ?
I bet she’s into some kinky stuff with that bike lock.
Reminds me of a rather strange incident when I was a younger man.
Years ago this guy who was my supervisor in my first full time job was a bit of a rogue (I actually thought he might be Cuntfinder General at one point). I think he saw it his duty to open my eyes to the world or something like that.
On one of our nights out we went to this Rock club and he copped off with this lass who was alternative looking and rather fit and had a necklace with a padlock like a sort of pendant.
He copped off with her by the end of the night and I ended up going home alone.
I saw him back in work the following Monday and asked him how it went. He then told me that when they went back to hers for some fun at one point while they’re having rumpy-pumpy she pulls out a baseball bat.
Naively I asked if that was her way of getting rid of him or if she threatened him or something. At which point he gives me this huge grin and laughs and says “Oh no. Not at all”.
Well what then I said (still not getting it). He then went on to say that she wanted him to insert the smaller end of it somewhere rude. ?
I never saw the world in quite the same way again after that.
I thought you were going to say she inserted it in him.
The old adage ‘ Empty vessels make most noise’ has never been truer.
Dyed hair,check. Unsubstantiated bull shit,check. University‘student’,check. Ugly fucker,check. cunt,check.
Just looked her up online- she describes herself as queer.
I still would though and so would most of the chaps on here.
Good Morning
Beaten to it by cuntybollocks. Bugger!
I saw her first WS. Them’s the rules.
Most, but not all. If i can’t do better than that thing then i’m in serious trouble.
A shoe-in for a safe Labour seat, She will be arm wrestling in mud with little PixieBalls Cooper at the Lesbian Labour Ladies Wrestling Group in a year or two – D yke House, here she comes!
Yes but you must be a young person Sir Cuntamus.
I’m 42, but I think it’s the touch of the mong about her rather than her age.
it’s seems to be a pervasive trend in younger women these days, having a touch of the mong. Jennifer Lawrence is a good example.
Who cares what she thinks, she’s worth a scuttle and that’s all that counts.
A back scuttle presumably, CB?
Even the mightiest of knobs wouldn’t penetrate through a minge that had never been trimmed or cleaned and must surely resemble a thorny hedge, leaking ichor that smells like a washed-up jellyfish on a summer beach.
An added bonus to your sexy point is that she wears a bike lock around her neck, which means she’s a mental.
Mentals are great fucks Thomas.
Hold on to your hat though!
Yes, I suspect that’s what she’s lacking CB. At her age I just couldn’t get enough.
Witless twat. The stuff in our fruit bowl has a higher IQ.
Posh, stupid arsehole with ridiculous hair…….and that’s just Rees Mogg!
As for this other fake commie, tree hugging bitch…..just fuck off ok? Do they worry and wring their hands about the climate change bullshit in Africa? No, they worry about where their next fucking meal is coming from. Crying about the fucking Polar bears is the prerogative of the privileged …… like this posh purple haired little slag.
The Africans also say,
‘We… are not… gays’
– Robert Mugabe
I’m so sick of these stupid cunts and how they always want to fall back on “science” and the “scientist.”
Here’s a news flash…the science is always right. It’s the fucking scientist who is (frequently) wrong. From the “Music of the spheres” to quantum mechanics…from Ptolemy to Einstein what they often “prove” right today will just as often be proven wrong tomorrow.
As for the I’m not a “fill in the blank” bullshit they always trot out…well…I’m not a gynecologist but I know a cunt when I see one.
Always worth noting that nothing is ever ‘proven’ in science, just which theories have the most evidence for them within a paradigm held by the scientific community.
People say nothing can travel faster than light, until it is observed, then the current paradigm of space and time that rests on Einstein would need to be overwritten.
Excellent material for a hate fuck threesome with Greta.
Thick as Fuck. ??
Good morning.
This soup throwing mong makes Joey Deacon look like the president of MENSA.
Jacob Rees Mogg dealt with her very well. She is a screaming, thick as mince, soup throwing,minge eater.
There is no climate crisis.
Renewable energy is mot 9 times cheaper.
Silly little tart.
I simply wouldn’t give these cunts the oxygen of credibility
There is so much bullshit emanating from the woke, Green, community. I am involved in the leather trade and there is a film going around claiming that it takes 17,000 litres of water to make one pair of shoes. The real figure is 47.
Along with Nicole Kidman, she’s a candidate for the Fritzl rooms I’m building.
Why is Nicole a dab hand at plastering CB?
Always good to have a trade to full back on.
“bish, bash, bosh lotsa dosh” is Nicole’s catchphrase.
She did have to patch alot of holes in the walls, after tiny tom had a tantrum over not getting liza minnelli tickets.
Theres something wrong with Nicole.
She’s like a statue or something?
She’s frozen.
Not so much as a frown .
Maybe the surgeon severed a nerve and paraylised her or summat?!
Still traumatised from being married to tiny tom, mis.
That’s what 20 years in my cellar does to you, MNC.
i’d just tell her to calm down a bit, clear up the cans of red bull she leaves everywhere, be a bit careful around the bi-fold doors, and dont fuck off at 1 on the thursday only to come in monday with a hangover and a invoice charging the client £300 a day.
Clearly this not all plasterers, just around half of them.
That Jake Mogg is a real gentleman isn’t he?
Sat politely listening to Phoebe from London spout her shite and not yawn.
Phoebe is 21,
Same age as my socks.
She’s a eco evangelist.
Who’s been pampered by mummy and daddy.
It’s not the message kid,
It’s the messenger.
Your a bore
Student grant poseur
Get in the back of uncle Miserables van
And we can work on that bike lock together.
Look Phoebe, shut the fuck up, I’ve got socks older than you ???
The only mogg I’d vote for is Larry the Downing Street cat.
I reckon if you put a vote to the general public for PM -all named MPS and Larry on the list, he’d piss it over the absolute shower we have right now.
As soon as I saw her (?) name I knew she is a contender. What about that other numpty who caterwauled her way onto national telly, Indigo Rumbelow, what a shower of la-di-da delusionistas.
Trust fund brat, her dummy mummy has a Chelsea tractor and daddy is always there with a benign smile and a bank transfer.
Another imbecile in the clown world.
A comfortable life in a comfortable country that allows ridiculous protests to overstep the mark on a whim.
How about forcing these cunts to live by their convictions as a lesson to everyone who believes their tripe?
Deport them to a small Scottish island with basic amenities but only with a wind turbine and solar panels for power,strictly no oil or gas…televise their life,especially through the winter…see how their ideas hold up to a real test,not some student debate bullshit.
If they survive for three years give them immediate oven.
On a cold, damp, wind swept island off Scotland…with only a windmill and some solar panels I bet these eco-cunts would beg for an old fashioned wood burning or coal fired oven.
Even if for no other reason than to roast the dumb fuck who came up with this net zero bullshit.
Three years!!! Three hours without a WiFi signal the cunts would be slaughtering each other..
You might have just stumbled on the answer. Deprive them of Twatter, Fecesbook, Lip Lok and all the other social media nonsense and they’ll kill each other off.
Then we can go back to living a normal, non virtue signalling, non woke life.
Don’t think for a moment they would last three years. I once had a conversation with a Scot who lived in the far North. He told of how over the years he had known of several families who had moved up there from the home counties, leaving the rat race and hoping to find Utopia. None of them lasted and none of them were trying to survive on wind and sunshine. Last crew turned up in the spring in a Mondeo. After the first winter the Mondeo was replaced by a Toyota 4×4. After the second winter they left and went back to Surrey. He reckoned they couldn’t handle living in darkness half the year, horizontal sleet in gale force winds and snow so deep you couldn’t find the car.
Rural Cbria can be bad enough-I remember a friend from dahhhn Saaarf came to stay for Christmas-it dnoerd heavy and we woke up to six foot drifts against the barn-he couldn’t believe it?
Snowed heavy.
FU ?
Send her to North Korea.See how long the air head lasts.Witch.
Has she been on a few illegal substances? Lights are on and no ones home. Also a cunt.
Rohypnol if she comes anywhere near my house
On closer inspection that could well be male, with the amount of low testosterone soy floating about you have to wonder….
Two posh twats talking bollocks.
My inner Pol Pot is straining at the leash.
Freedom for East Anglia and death to the SNP.
Perhaps the bicycle lock is because she is into hypoxyphilia? Good enough for David Carradine,Michael Hutchins and Steven Millington…
Hopefully, she will also end up 6 foot under.
Stupid little tart.
This is what happens when you go vegan: your Brian goes mushy.
I think she is one of the silly tarts who had a tomato juice episode in one of the national galleries, slapped arse is the only cure.
These two got fucked off when they tried their bullshit in Coventry
That was her. Barbarian.
Those 2 gormless chumps want the full Javelin missile treatment.
Ask these loonies a simple question:
What percentage of atmospheric gases does CO2 represent.
When they have finished pulling figures out of their arseholes, give them the true, scientifically monitored and measured percentage:
Up from 0.03%, 40 years ago.
Then tell them this:
Level drops below 0.02% and plant life starts to become extinct, which in turn means all animal life becomes extinct.
The stupid, fucking CUNTS.
Supplementary question – Which atmospheric gas makes the greatest contribution to planetary temperature/s?
“Errrr… well… carbon di-baxide of course” derp-a-derp-a-derp…
Wrong – water vapour… thick fuck!
“Quite frankly I’m not a scientist”…
Well shut the fuck up then you silly little girl.
21 years old know nothing.
It’s a cunt. A renewable cunt could be a good thing in certain contexts but in this case it’s just a cunt.
Its the daughter of Roy Rogers, the beady-eyed yankie cunt whose hat never came off in a fight, who had his horse Trigger stuffed with all the shite feeble Phoebe is spouting.
And after splashing my soup in her eyes, I’d have her walk off Lambeth pier for a laugh.
Middle class
Scientifically ignorant (Wearing oil derived hi vis)
Probably studying Gender, race or some other useless bollocks.
No fucking idea.
A student.
I’ve noticed how the media never have scientists on to talk about energy policy these days. Not hysterical enough?
Haven’t seen Mancunian fanny magnet Brian Cox for a while; perhaps because he wisely suggested that ‘saving energy’ isn’t as progressive as people think and that Nuclear has to be part of the answer to drive humans onward and upward. Even George Monbiot got onboard the nuclear train in the end after seeing the pipedream of Germany powered by solar collapse under a cloud of fresh coal dust
The media do seem keen on their ‘correspondents’ like Justin Rowlatt (whose sister is a member of X reb), and these plummy purple-haired cunts who know fuck-all
You’re not a scientist?
Get off the fucking telly and go and draw a cat on a playschool wall.
Perhaps it’s because most scientists are white, straight and male, and for a Cathy Newman or Mowgli Munchetty having to constantly to defer to their authority and then be made to look foolish it might be too much of a setback for the ‘competent female of colour/impotent white, old cunt’ narrative all of these channels keep pushing.
Remember children, The Narrative is what matters.
Here you are Phoebe, have a taste of……
Another mong that loves the sound of its own voice and feels it’s doing the masses a favour by compelling them to endure it. This is why buckets need lids.
The only renewable required, would be a new cunt for Phoebe, after the IsAC Horn-Section has pulled a train on her?
Another no nothing cunt called phoebe,like her namesake phoebe wella wella tell me more bridge.
The cunt that fucked the bond franchise.
Phoebe Waller ‘I helped kill Indiana Jones’ Bridge?
Isn’t she talented though?
Somebody said she was talented.
Probably Richard Osman.
Another young mind warped by the millenarian fantasies of eco-lunacy. I saw her being interviewed by Jacob Rees Mogg. She was screaming (quite literally) about the “unimaginable sufferings” which were going to be unleashed unless we regressed back to the Stone Age. Quite deranged.
Funny how these cunts remark on how something reduces them to a wreck, to the point of them (hashtag) Literally Shaking’
Whose fault is that, you soft cunt?