Phillip Schofield


Here we go…..jump on board for the pe**erts express!
Poor old “brave” and “courageous” Phil has been embarrassed by his younger brother being banged up for kiddy fiddling and has declared that “ I no longer have a brother.”

Fuck me, I’m so impressed…..good old Phil eh? Obviously I have to forget that this creepy cunt used his position and influence to bum fuck a young man not much older than his brother’s victim and , at the same time, humiliate his wife and children in front of the whole world.

Well done Phillip……you’ve made complete cunts out of your own flesh and blood once again.
My congratulations.
Sky news

Nominated by Freddie the Frog, link by CA. Cunters please follow the fucking rules and provide a link yourselves.CA

61 thoughts on “Phillip Schofield

  1. My phone just buzzed and vibrated in my pocket.
    Luckily it was the guvmint spying on me.
    For a second I thought Schofield was getting me with his dildo.

    • Imagine there was a real emergency at the same time as the drill?

      These cunts haven’t thought this through, like I have.

      In the event of real emergency, say, Harvey Price rampaging through the city crushing buildings, simply throw women and children behind you to protect yourself ?

  2. My phone just buzzed and vibrated in my pocket.
    Luckily it was the guvmint spying on me.
    For a second I thought Schofield was getting me with his brother.

    • I saw a video that some bellend posted, about how the alert, in tandem with 5G, was going to activate ‘something’ in the vaccines that will fuck everyone up who’s had one.
      Everything I’ve said about the vaccines has come true he said.
      As they always do, the fucking twats.

  3. Fucking sickening saying he was brave for cheating on his wife and living a lie with her and the kids.

    He only ‘came out’ because a 17 year old bummer was going to expose him (allegedly).

    This over dramatic righteous indignation (“I no longer have a brother”) is bollocks and all.

    Would you trust him to babysit your male children?

    There you go.

    Allegedly etc.

    • Right on C, if schofield is brave, using that benchmark my neighbour is no less than a God. Sickens me that the cunt is made out to be something special. Bumming teenagers don’t make you brave, serving up shitty dick to the Mrs ain’t heroic (if he did). As you so rightly stated the only reason the filthy lying cunt came out was because he was about to be outed anyway. What a fucking hero, so brave

  4. Sorry but I can’t see the point of this one.
    The Schofield brothers were cunted just 8 days ago.

  5. Word is he might be out of his morning tv sinecure soon as the bosses plan to ‘refresh’ the format.

    Would never watch the cunt anyway. He gives me the willies.

  6. I reckon him and his brother were both at it together. Pair of wrong uns. I can’t believe the cunt has the front to go back on TV. He should have been fired when he got caught grooming and bumming that boy. Scumbag

  7. Gvnmnt buzzed me to say my arse was about to explode. Indeed, I nearly gassed meself. How did they know??!
    The last thing I read on Piece of Shit was that he was giving up TV for something more lucrative… Repairing washing machines in Dolphin Square?
    He is a totalcunt for resembling a bleached Saddick Khunt.

  8. I got a really strange signal come through on my phone.


    It was horse code….

  9. He’s the sort of cunt who,once upon a time,would spring from a dark alley to chloroform his next victim.

    Very much an unsettling bad egg.


  10. We have an entire family who’s sexual attraction is abnormal.
    Why allow abnormality to present TV shows?
    If you sit next to Holly Willoughby, you should get a boner. If not, you need psychiatric help, not a load of hand wringing, woe is me, bullshit.
    Send the cunt to a strict Islamic country on a fact finding mission where he can take flight.

  11. Hopefully itv will force him out and replace with that screeching land whale hammond..then he can retire and bum himself to death..

  12. He always looked about 20 for years,
    Then the next time I saw him he looked like Clive Dunn.

    Like age had caught up with him.

    Unlike Corporal Jones the Schofields do like it up em.

  13. Eh? Am I missing something here?
    I mean he’s hardly going to say oh yes I fully support my brother and his errrm….”interests” is he??!!!

    No strong feelings about Phil one way or the other. He’s annoying but that’s about it.

  14. I was half way up a step ladder when this phone alarm went off. The shock made me lose my balance and I fell and broke my wrist. Fucking wanking hand as well.
    I want compo and plenty of it!

  15. Poor old Phil is so brave. He does womens things on the television every weekday morning

    • Mr Gaybody’s name was censored when they showed Carry On Girls on ITV4 last week!

      • Really? – I wonder what Peter Rogers and Gerry Thomas would have said about this ridiculous censorship – let alone Sid and Barbara Windsor!

  16. Sorry Admin but I just saw that Flabbot has bee suspended from the Labour Party- fucking strong tackle (no comments regarding Cuntstable please) required there but then I realised that it might be Starmer sniffing victory next year has decided to jettison the dead wood.

    • Sorry for being off topic…

      Die Fatbottom Abbott is a vile racist. But I suspect that has nothing to do with her suspension.

      Herr Schtarmer wants to be Fuhrer of der Liebor Party and her fat, black ass is in his way. In fact her considerable ass is a sort of putrid millstone around his scrawny, pencil neck.

  17. The Labour Party is a vile anti semitic organisation that has a very,very serious issue with the very people who founded it: Jewish people.

    It promotes a hierarchy of oppression in which Jews are at the bottom.

    They claim they are merely concerned with Israel and not the tribe. However, they refuse to understand that anti Zionism IS anti semitism. From the river to the sea is a call for the destruction of the State of Israel.

    Be under NO illusion. The left HATE the Jews.

    • Dizzy Di has been suspended over a article she wrote on racism.

      Saying that while Jews, Irish , gyppos, gingers,
      Face discrimination,
      They don’t face racism.

      Racism is special
      It’s only for use by black people according to Di.

      She’s very upset.
      Now they’re letting whiteies into the exclusive Victim Club .

    • “…anti Zionism IS anti semitism…”

      Jeez you do talk some cobblers; no it isn’t, they refer to completely different things. “Semitic” is a linguistic term referencing the commonalities between several afro-asian languages such as Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians, Tigrayans and Aramaean tribes. It’s fuck all to do with the theo-political crusade that is zionism.

      “… From the river to the sea is a call for the destruction of the State of Israel….”

      Probably because that is commensurate with the desired outline of Eretz (greater) Yisrael. “…from the Nile to the Euphrates isn’t it? I notice that Israel still refuses to define its ‘borders’ so the only conclusion is that it maintains it desire for expansion as per the original formulation of zionism.

      • “…No: you are wrong….”

        Phew, well that’s all my doubts allayed then … but I’m afraid repetition doesn’t make it so. Do I really need to append a fuck ton of links, quotes and refs here?

      • Who?

        I am Supreme Commander Servalan.

        Supreme Commander of the Terran Federation

  18. Funny how Philip likes men (of age I hasten to add) and his brother likes them young.

    Deviant family with bad genes I’d suggest.

  19. beeb will replace the statues by eric gill the “family fucker” and replace them with the schofield “bumming brothers”.

    • I believe Gill used to bum dogs as well.
      I wonder who at Al-Beeb might be a CAP (Canine attracted revert)??

  20. The young dude that was allegedly humped by schofe went from being very angry and upset to very silent. Kerrr-ching.

    Very hard to find anything about the story anywhere.

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