Nike (2)

Just in case any cunters are in doubt, the picture is of a real woman. CA.

A short and swift cunting for clothing and footwear manufacturers Nike, who’ve only gone and paid that prancing ninny Dylan Mulvaney to advertise their latest sports bra.

Only last week, the simpering ‘girl’ was seen supping Bud Light beer in the bath. Now it’s to be seen shaking its Katie Price sized assets in this latest attempt by a major corporation to alienate its customer base. It’s hard to know who’s the bigger cunt, Nike or Mulvaney; probably Nike, as Mulvaney’s at least coining it in.

As for me, I’m just trying to stop laughing.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

61 thoughts on “Nike (2)

  1. Anyone who pays way over the odds for something just because it’s got a tick on it is a fucking numbskull.

    • I used to work on the Nike advertising account. Bunch of cunts who regularly used the phrase “But we’re Nike” to justify their ridiculous demands. I never buy their shite.

  2. Fair play to Sharron Davies to at least have the cunt(?) to poke her head above the parapet and call this bullshit out for what it really is.

    Dildo Mulvaney gets right on my tits, the creepy, simpering man.

    • When all this shit finally collapses we will look round to see who actually stood up and called it out.
      Sharon was one.
      Previous few others.

  3. My grandparents would’ve had to pay half a crown to see this vomit inducing creature and other assorted freaks. I’d pay a lot more never to see or hear of it again. It can’t be of this world.

  4. It makes me wonder what is going through the walnut brains of Nike’s marketing department after seeing the fallout for Anheuser Busch and their association with transbumber Dildo Mulfucknuckle.
    Still, the narcissistic freak got its coin, Nike won’t see much of a return on that .
    Fucking poofter he is.

  5. Problem with this trans trend is- as a teenager the 70s, really cool to have large check flairs with turn ups, now teens want to have their bits chopped off.
    I woke up one morning and threw the offending articles in the bin……

    • Nail on the head Harry. In my day my method of winding up my parent’s generation was to wear my hair shoulder length. It drove them to distraction. I had more wit than to get tattooed or smoke cigarettes let alone having my bits cut off.

    • Absolutely. Gayness and trans bullshit has been seen as trendy by certain fucked up teens for a few years now.
      My mates daughter dyed her hair blue and declared she was a lezzer, giving it the biggun with her ‘girlfriend’ for a few months.
      Which made her subsequent pregnancy something of a shock to everyone.
      She’s now happily shacked up with her fella and has a daughter.
      Some of these youngsters are confused enough without cunts like Nike and this mincing wanker encouraging it.

  6. I’ve never wore Nike in my life.
    It’s for blacks and wannabe blacks.

    As for using that little Emo Philips puff Dylan Mulvaney?
    Crack on.

    Use fuckin John Merrick for me.
    Having your brand associated with monstrous freaks isn’t the best move in my opinion.

    • Morning Mis. Agree this whole brand awareness/allegiance leaves me cold. The area it really is bonkers I think is fashion. If my missus paid £1,000 for a handbag I’d leave her. She’d be pushing her luck at a hundred.

      And I must admit Mis I couldn’t imagine you wearing “designer” sungasses indoors.

      • Morning Arfur?

        Wearing sunglasses indoors!
        Sure sign of a knobhead.

        I have some of those ‘Raybans® in the van
        But only because I found them in the street ?

        I think as you get older you realise that fashion is bullshit,
        Just marketing.

        I’m more for comfort, warmth and practicality!

  7. Parachute it into Tehran and see how fast it can outrun the Mad Mullahs in its fancy sports clothes.

    That would be an advert worth watching.

    Oh and get Peter Tatchell to film it.

    The Cunts.

  8. Nike have form for this virtue signalling bollocks. They paid a bucket load of money to Colin Kaepernick, the original knee taker long before it was discovered by the likes of Linekunt and Wokegate. He recently denounced his white parents who adopted him and brought him up. Oh yes, multi millionaire Colin labelled them as raaaaaaaay-sists.
    Well there’s gratitude for you. If there’s a cunt about Nike can find them and fill their pockets with their dirty money, made off the backs of child slave labourers all over the world.

  9. Blimey Ron, that link should have come with a “May cause projectile vomiting” warning.

    Simpering streak of piss, looks like he’d faint if he had to run 100m.

  10. The cunt is a clown, a figure of fun to be laughed at, if Nike were going for that angle then it worked but surely there can’t that much of a market for skinny little blokes who like to wear ladies clothing.

    Does Dylan still have his meat and two veg, or did he ever have them ?

  11. So how many of you would say an emphatic “Yes!” if Dylan turned up at your door at 2:00 am wearing that Nike get-up, posing for you with a case of Bud Light nestled under it’s arms and offering you a night of debauchery? Don’t get too excited now, it’s early in the morning.

    • Yes but imagine when you hit him with the stick, cover him in the ants and wrap the cunt up in barbed wire and it does one of those blood curdling trans giggles because it enjoys the pain. The one when it’s clearly a man with a visible adams apple trying to imitate the laughter of a young girl but failing spectacularly like the alien from John Carpenter’s The Thing when it pretends to be human. Best to just set it on fire like they do in the film i think. Can pour some Bud Light on him afterwards to put him out.

  12. Rather than dressing like some inner city yank sootie in mass produced shite treat yourself to something of quality instead.

    Still people making things that they take pride in,
    Aren’t mass produced
    And more importantly are British.

    Lennon’s the boot makers in the peak District will make you bespoke shoes and boots that will last you forever.

    • Looked at the link Mis.
      I do like the hobnail boots. Could do a lot of damage to the likes of Mulvaney.??

  13. Nike has chosen a person to advertise their women’s sports bras who…..

    Is not a woman.
    Is not involved in any sport.
    Does not need a bra.

    Men think this person is an idiot.
    Women think that he is a parody.
    Even transexuals think he is over the top.

    When this temporary publicity ends for him there will be nothing else to do except for him to kill himself.

    That’s worth waiting for.

    • “When this temporary publicity ends for him there will be nothing else to do except for him to kill himself.”

      Perhaps Nike can develop a range of nooses for Dylan and his demographic since they seem to off themselves in astonishing rates(The only redeeming quality they have) It would look pretty fashionable with the Nike swoosh logo. The only noose with a swoosh. Rolls off the tongue quite nicely.

    • If you told me 10 years ago that Nike would use a man pretending to be a woman to advertise female bras, and take the piss out of women whilst doing it, I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are. There seem to be so many marketing cunts pushing the same trope. I’m sick of this trans shit show, Call me paranoid but forgive me for thinking it is a co-ordinated attack on women and children. Do they get this crap in China?!

      There seems to have been less noise about this Nike stunt than the Bud Light one, yet it’s more offensive imho.

      I hope Nike also lose several billion of their share price. Go woke go broke, amen to that.

      • Of course there are those who reckon this is world class trolling on Mulvaney’s part. One thing’s certain, the cunt is coining it in hand over fist.

        I can’t really find it in my heart actively to hate the cunt given the amount of laughs he provides.

  14. If I, or any of us here for that matter, suddenly decided to dress like a girl and posted videos and photos on social media with the intention of influencing young people, there’s a pretty good chance we’d get a visit from the gendarmes.
    So how does this pervert get away with it?
    Do the media, Nike and old bill not realise that this degenerate probably wanks himself stupid over the responses and, no doubt, images he receives from his ‘followers’?
    I bet his laptop has more dubious content than Pete Townsends and Gary Glitters put together.

  15. As usual, the missus made a very apposite comment when confronted by the sight of the lad Mulvaney prancing like a My Little Pony in the Nike advert.

    After she managed to stop laughing, she remarked ‘tits? I’ve seen bigger blackheads’.

    Morning all, in this mad world.

  16. If you’re running in a marathon, buy the best running shoes you can afford.
    You’ll thank yourself in the long run….

  17. A cricket bat to the back of the scull of this giggling ninny. Delivered by a batsman with Popeye sized biceps.

  18. It’s amazing that these people who have convinced themselves that they were ‘born in the wrong body’ and have ‘always known that they are female’ have absolutely no fucking idea about what it is to be female.

  19. Not only is it a bloke, but one with the physique of a Cambodian famine victim in drag.
    What pisses me off about this whole charade is that without the fuss about this cunts involvement with these ads, I would never have heard of, and more importantly, seen the freak, as would 99% of humanity.
    Again, another victory for the perpetually offended, cunts that go looking for shit, and make sure it’s blown completely out of proportion.

      • I’m so glad the accompanying picture was of a real, fit looking lass, as i don’t think I could cope with another picture of the cunt!

      • Just had another look at the bird up top.

        You wouldn’t climb over her to get out of bed. That’s more like it Nike you cunts.

  20. These transvestites are jealous of women who are able to have multiple orgasms and nowhere to hide the dangling dicky, other than up their own uncomfortable arseholes.

    • Great news. Finally a judge acting in the public interest. I hope the pair of them get dry bummed every day of his stretch.

      • Absolutely stunning , better than I would have dared hope! No wonder the local MP associates himself with the sentence. It’s the sort of result which could get thousands of the fed up, cynical and apatthetic electorate out to vote and to vote the right way.

        As for the silly tart who said the sentences won’t deter them from similar actions in the future, consider the response of this pair to the sentences. Translated into normal English: “Fuck me, I won’t be doing that again!”

      • “…As for the silly tart who said the sentences won’t deter them ”

        One Stephanie Golder… fine English name there… why do you always find a four be two at the front end of these eco-mentalism, ‘rights’ madvocacy groupings and cults?

  21. I used to go out with a Nike fitness model. Wasn’t even that attractive but was in good shape naturally.

    Imagine my horror if Nike are now rolling out trannies for me to try and knock off.


    • My grandad always used to say that if the body’s good, you can put up with the face, but not the other way around.

  22. I see the gimboid who decided Mulvaney was a good choice to promote Bud Lite has taken ‘a leave of absence’
    What a curious phrase that is.
    I wonder if the Nike ‘genius’ will find himself on gardening leave, also?

    • The Bud Lite bird was the epitome of smug East Coast liberal wokery.

      An absolute tosser.

      • Not only is she a tosser…but to follow up on remarks you made earlier in this thread…she’s uglier than a mud fence.

        I mean, a turn your ass to stone Medusa kind of ugly.

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