London Politics – What really matters.
‘Emergency meeting held after East London councillor ‘repeatedly misgendered’
Yes, a Green councillor, you know the ones who are even loonier than Labour councillors, has been cruelly misgendered.
”Councillor Danny Keeling, who uses they/them pronouns, left last month’s full council meeting to “cool off” after the council’s chair, Cllr Winston Vaughan repeatedly referred to them multiple times as “he”.
And out HE flounced.
They/Them is not a correct use of grammar to refer to one person. Cllr Vaughan is undoubtedy a he. However in the fantasy world of the prevert misgendering is a hate crime. Never mind the running of the London shithole of Newham. This is far more important.
The Labour councillors should be ashamed of themselves, if that’s the right pronoun.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble
They do seem to have a strange set of priorities.
True Guzzi. They never seem to mention the environment any more, it’s just the Deranged Transgender Pronoun Party now.
It’s all upside down.
Misgendering someone is referring to someone as something that they are completely not.
This bender is obviously not a ‘they’ and therefore he would be misgendered if he was referred to as ‘them’.
He is a silly, attention seeking, effeminate looking man.
No more and no less.
he’s a bitch.
Fucking mincing great poof, who voted for this wanker? In places like Newham it’s only a few dozen wokie cocksuckers who bother to turn out to vote in Council Elections……boosted of course by all the immo postal “votes.”
It’s a fucking stitch up.
I see that ‘they’ says that Newham has the highest proportion of transgender residents in the UK. Am I fucking surprised?
Vote Green, this is what you get.
No, the little mincer says that but he claims they are terrified and hiding in the closet in case they get misgendered by the big nasty toxic men. There are far more dirty trannies than the official figures because they are all scared of the far right. That’s what the lefties say anyway…… fucking lies as always.
Sit down you fuckin nutter.
What? Your misgendered?
Fetch we a brew or you’ll feel the back of my hand!
Little cocksucker
It seems now the lunatics have taken over the Whitehall asylum, the little arse-licking, curtain twitching mincers and benders are taking over at the local town halls as well – they get “expenses” so sales of frilly knickers suspender belts, butt plugs and KY Jelly will benefit the Newham retailers just as much as those in Brighton. They are nearly always Greens or Labourites.
London type,qu33r sort,
Said his name was Adrian de la Touche!
Had his nephew with him.
Aye that’s him
Reckon he was French or something.
I’d like to get an invitation for this little bender to a Barrymore Pool Party. At least he would die with a smile on his face, the cunt.
Did they both come to the meeting in the same car?
Thought not, mentally deranged prick.
Utter cockwombling nonsense.
Male + female.
Nothing else.
He or she.
Job done.
Nextt customer.
Correct. If the little flouncing cunt us not a he or a she its an it.
Twat needs a slap. The French demonstrated how to deal with the green lobby back in 1985 in New Zealand.
A friend of our daughter was a member of the bunch called “Friends of the Earth” years ago. She was offended when I conflated her group with the Greenpeace shower; “They’re all mental in Greenpeace.”
Good to hear that The People’s Front of Judea have still got it in for the Judean People’s Front.
Sounds like another region in the rotten caliphate that Uncle Vlad could do with heating up a bit.
I use to have a nice customer in Newham 30 years ago. Because I worked on my own he invited me around to his workshop for lunch every Friday where he employed half a dozen ladies. There had been some council elections and, it made the lead story on the BBCunts who had a bit of a meltdown, number of BNP candidates had been elected. His nice ladies had all voted BNP, absolutely fed up to the back teeth with the council pandering to minorities, whether it was housing, converting churches to mosques, and every other sort of crap.
This is a 21st century manifestation of minority pandering. Sooner or later there is going to be a revolution.
There’s been demos outside some of these hotels for a while now.
Here’s a success story, for Newquay anyroad, but its just shit shovelling shit somewhere else.
Read the apologists comments for piss steaming of an Easter weekend.
And fuck Ramadamadingdong.
Notice how this paper, or whatever it is, refer to this shirtlifter as “they”. All the media do that now, using the pretend pronouns in case the poof bursts into tears. Even that mental cunt who shot up that school last week was referred to as “she” and “her.”
Or was it the other way round? Fuck knows ……if the cunt itself doesn’t know what chance have I got?
There’s another trannie caught planning to shoot up a school this week. Cunt was mouthing off about it and had it all planned. You can expect some copy cat cases coming up very soon. It’s what mental cases do.
Loony bin please.Nutjob.
Calls for Winston to step down.
Possibility he’s ‘Far Right ‘.
Play the race card Winston!
It’s your only hope?
Indeed. Race has got to trump poofery surely? There are more votes for a kick off.
Transgender = homosexual with mental health problems. End of.
Are you suggesting there are homosexuals without mental health problems CC? Surely not!
The worst part of all this? The media-whoever wrote the article in the link, constantly refers to this deranged, effete moron as “They” or “Them”.
Isn’t the nom pic EEC Fuhrer Ursuala von der Leyn?
You’ve just ruined Ursula she wolf of the SS for me.
She’s in her 60s but could pass for her 40s.
Must be all that baby blood these globalists drink?
Chromosomes don’t lie.
That’s all there is to it.
Can I blame mother nature or is that misgendering toxic masculinity ?
What a shit shower of wet flannels the West has become.
Precisely Harry. Documents used to confirm identity i.e. driving licence, passort etc., should have your 23rd pair of chromosomes attached i.e. XX or XY. Avoid all this confusion.
Chromosomes are still not enough, according to the left, as many ‘hundreds of thousands’ of people are born with chromosomal abnormalities (which they falsely argue, leads to other identities).
The best way is via gametes. All sexual organisms produce either sperm of eggs.
Denying the binary of gametes is the denial of reality.
Good point Cuntamus. I shall take that on board.
I thought it was Sting at vision express.
“Kill it with fire afore it lays eggs”. Lord Kitchener, founder of IsaC circa 1898.
Should be in a straight jacket in an institution, how can people elect these cunts?
Why the fuck are pronouns of such importance? In my world there are- cunty, cunt, fucking cunt and total cunt. That about sums everyone’s description up.
Sun shining, birds singing, have a good day.
Straight talking common sense.
I like it.
French has a masculine and a feminine.
Wot no other genders?
Ban French. They’ll just have to make a new language innit?
But this prick in the nom?
Imagine being called to an ’emergency’ meeting for that? I’d be the one flouncing off with an, “Emergency my fucking arse! You brought me in for this, you soft, mental cunt? Fuck off!”
And so would end my promising political career (and probably professional life, bank accounts etc…)
But yes, this they/them/zee shit needs to be killed with fire. I’m never going to use it. If I have to to stay out of a cell or to keep a job, I’ll just use their name when using the third person and ‘you’ when speaking directly to them.
He looks the type who would flounce out.
How ever does he manage in the rough and tumble world of party politics? What a fucking fanny.
Morning all.
Did they stamp their feet, storm out and have a good cry before running home to mummy, what a twat.
Trouble with this gender shit is that large organisations are buying into it asking staff to state their preferred pronouns.
How dare you call me he when I am obviously a they, sorry did you say gay ?
It would appear that anyone or even anything can identify as they wish.
There are some naturally raised areas of land who use the pronouns them/thar….
Male, Female, sick cunt. Have served me well for many years. Do these deviant bastards think I would have a conversation with someone say in the street and use they,, them, it etc get to fuck. I suggest this weird deviant cunt ply’s his trade in Tower Hamlets if excitement is required a distinct shortage of transbender facilities is noted in that fair borough (I would be committing a hate crime if I gave the reason)
If your born with a cock you must be a bloke, Biology dictates it.
Now fuck off and die you nasty little them they cunt or whatever you are today
‘Today I identify as a corpse’.
The council leader should have have referred to councillor Keeling as ‘it’. That would really have pissed it off.
English already has a perfectly good, grammatically correct, third person pronoun which they are free to use.
If you are employed in a job of work, payed by the tax payer, you are referred to as the title all male and female are given. When the buzzer goes, you can then go home and play your silly little games to your hearts content.