35%. THIRTY FIVE fucking percent. That’s how much they want their salaries to increase by.
I don’t care about ‘below inflation pay rises’ or any of that shit, they already earn far more than most other professions. Stop compromising patient safety you selfish, greedy wankers – the NHS has enough problems without you throwing a hissy fit at ‘only’ being in the country’s top 10% of earners.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.
I am getting pig sick of cunts entering certain professions, when they clearly know what the salary levels are and then whinging like bitches cos they want more money, better pensions, blah, blah, blah – don’t we fucking all.
If they made their salaries index-linked with a no-strike condition then there wouldn’t be a problem. Waiting for so long before asking for their pay to be brought back in line generates the 35% horror headline. Needless to say I got a pay cut in real terms of 6% this year and can like it or lump it.
In my opinion they are selfish bastards.Gather the lot and shove them in your industrial sized oven Unkle Terry.
35% ? Fuck me, only MPs deserve that sort of rise.
Nye Bevan was asked how he managed to get doctors to agree to the foundation of the NHS. His reply was ‘I stuffed their mouths with gold.’
Plus ca change
They reckon the dentists are going on strike next……brace yourselves.
Most dentists are non NHS anyway so who gives a fuck. Most are self employed.
Not the self employed,
It’s the hospital dentists.
Most of them can spend the next 72 hours sorting out Tony Blair’s teeth so they don’t scag the next blokes bellend when he sucks it through the peephole ‘allegedly’.
Gorgeous pun, JRC, but very subtle! I myself have a dental appointment at 2:30 next Wednesday … Wait for it …
The couple who live next door are always arguing. He’s a dentist, she’s a manicurist.
They go at it tooth and nail….
Sam, is your dentist ‘oriental’ perchance?
I thought the dentists were on strike.
Havem’t they been on strike since 2020 and the first lockdown??
Junior doctors are just the lemmings. The real power behind the throne is the BMA just like the Marxist teaching unions using patients/kids as emotional blackmail to try and justify their strike action to the public.
Within 100 yds of where I live there are two couples, living in million pound plus houses which they recently bought. All doctors – so, I don’t think the cunts need more money.
Well, I`m a cosmetic surgeon. And by that I mean I am only cosmetically a surgeon. I specialize in skin. Have you seen the price of soot these days ?!
Let these junior doctors and the like all emigrate to the Antipodes and beyond.
It shouldn’t be a problem because there’s hundreds of doctors arriving in Blighty illegally by boat every day remember.
Along with loads architects and engineers.
How blessed we are.
Junior doctors are being used as pawns by Marxists.
Put the BMA up against a wall for the full DPRK treatment.
The Junior Doctor leading the strike has gone on holiday on full pay. Even his uncle has called him a cunt, according to The Telegraph.
Not only The Telegraph, MMCM, all news media outlets have reported it.
Jacob Rees Mogg has just called him “the King of Wet-Wipes”.
Fuck me, was the cunt being ironic?
…and “Dr No Show”.
Rees-Mogg is second only to Johnson in cuntitude.
I agree with his descriptions. Totally apt.
I blame this fucking government, a bunch of useless wankers. Every year they bung more and more billions at the problem and it just gets worse. It all goes in contracts for their mates, legions of diversity officers and other pen pushing cunts and that private/ public scam set up by Demon Blair. Then there’s the untold fucking money blown away on PPE that doesn’t work, Nightingale hospitals, track and trace and a super duper computer system that didn’t fucking work from day one. Let’s not forget that for many of those years the Minister of Health was either Jeremy fucking Cunt or Matt shagger Wankcock.
What a fucking farce! No I’m for the doctors, you want a fair deal you have to screw these bastards to the wall.
Not Cunts.
Bang on Freddy.
The cunts in this story are way above the pay grades of the poor bastards striking.
I wouldn’t have a junior doctor’s job for any money.
After 5 years of digging a financial hole just to get to the starting gate of a career, they deserve better.
The NHS was an underspecified bodge from day one.
The clue is in their job title JUNIOR doctor, fucking apprentice’s so should be on wages commensurate with being a junior.
Junior removalmen are next to go out on strike.
Never afford a country cream gate striking!
They can get fucked.
And so can the junior doctors.
Fuck me sideways…
Pretty well what I thought as well DCI. You and I know better but I think it’s the title “junior” that misleads many people. Our elder is a junior doctor following five years at medical school which includes two years of clinical practice. Consider most degrees take three years. When she started working in the hospital she had a certain level of supervision in her first year but after that was pretty well carrying full responsibility for all her actions. If she had made a mistake the sky would have fallen in on her. Much of the time that she was not actually in the hospital she would be on call and being called in at any hour was a common occurrence. In my job in IT had I screwed up someone could have lost money, possibly a lot of money but no one would have suffered physical harm. She has had people die in front of her on several occasions. Anyone who thinks this level of training, working these hours and carrying this level of resposibility should be on £14 an hour, well I don’t agree.
Give me a 35 per cent pay rise and consider it done.
Junior Dr is anyone below consultant grade. That’s just about all the quacks in the NHS. I get referred patients from so called doctors with “large septic ulcers” only to find they have a fucking corn or a blister. Useless cunts.
When the nurses and ambulance medics went on strike they covered emergencies. I believe the ambulance people did this without pay.
This lot, once again are striking to save the NHS. Oh, and 35%. They dont seem to give a fuck about patients.
This wave of strikes has the common factor of people being paid for by us:- Teachers, civil servants, NHS etc. All of which are inefficient with no responsibility for productivity. But overloaded with layers of bullshit. And unions led by commies.
Fuck em.
Full MG-42 treatment ?
‘I believe the ambulance people did this without pay.’
No. We had the crews that would have been on duty on the picket line who had their radios on, a General Broadcast message was put out stating what the job was and where, (CAT 1 and certain CAT 2’s only) and we would respond. We were paid from when you went on the job to when you got back. I went to a cardiac arrest (genuine job, too), and was paid for it. In fact, for CAT 1 jobs, the response times were improved than on a normal day.
On another point, the ignorance on display here is laughably breathtaking.
Absolutely Gene. I really could not be fagged to challenge any of the MSM echo-chamber sentiments on here today.
Few have made the connection between shite working conditions crowbarred in by successive cunt ministers, the number of doctors leaving the NHS and this strike, noting doctors strike as a last resort. They are not the RMT by any stretch.
Good to see Freddie, Arfur and the Lone Cunter have some savvy.
Exactly, Paul. You’d think one of the MSM mouthpieces who claims (amongst other things) to be an ex ‘Senior Clinician in an A+E’, would know better…
That did cross my mind too, Gene.
I’m not convinced by their account. Seems he/she forgot themselves on this particular subject!
Neither am I, Paul. Same brand of bullshit under a new nom-de-plume?
A joke in playboy mag from the sixties stayed with me.
A couple are dining out and the wife is complaining about her health. She suggests that she may ask the waiter who is a junior doctor moonlighting, what was the cause?
The husband says Leave him be he’s only a junior doctor and won’t know.
Undeterred she goes over and describes her ailment to which the junior doctor advises her to lose some weight.
Returning to the table the husband asks her what his advice was?
What the fuck does he know she says, he’s only a junior doctor.
Why don’t they turf the illegal vermin out of the hotels and put the junior doctors in for free?
That’s got to be worth 20%…plus watching the africunts having to sleep rough would be priceless,especially in the winter..
The unions are all mad communists but I’ve nowt against the doctors themselves,who don’t seem to have it easy in our wonderfully diverse hospitals and such.
At least they aren’t corrupt,unlike their political masters.
The Hancocks et al just need gassing.
What’s a doctor, some rare bird species, perhaps?
Haven’t seen one for years, even though I have a heart condition all my appointments are taken by the practice nurse.
As for a dentist….
Anyone have Mary Quant in Dead Pool?
I had no idea she was still alive, so it was a surprise to hear she’d died.
To me, too, Moggie.
She invented the mini-skirt, allegedly.
Utter degeneracy.
Mary Quant…
From a time real women were on the front of magazines, as opposed to some trans freak or a fat bloke in a dress.
Did you know that there’s a limit to how many people are allowed to train as doctors every year. Loads of students with the relevant qualifications are told to fuck off. Instead we recruit cunts from all over the third world because it’s cheaper. Short term solution to our own long term problem.
But what about the poor people, don’t they need doctors and nurses more than we do? Errr……yeah but fuck them, we’ll bung some politician cunt a couple of billion in Foreign Aid and everything is sweet. Then the said politicians can spend the money on arms contracts with our mates. Lovely Jubbly!
Yup. Son’s previous girlfriend was trying to get in. Almost impossible for a working class whitey who doesn’t have connections. It’s deliberate as you say.
What about the poor Infant Doctors?
Give them the 35% pay rise but on the condition that they are self employed, no holiday pay, no sick pay and they pay their own tax, watch them fold like a bad suit.!
Rather than striking or asking the impossible, just leave, get a job that does pay what you want, just fuck off and stop moaning, find something that does make you happy…
Time for some music-
Great tune miles
I would love to punch that stuck up 4 eyed cunt between the eyes.
As for the rest of the puerile cunts chanting songs like infant school kids.
Doctors???? FUCKWITS!
It’s the easiest thing in the world to say “35%? The greedy bastards!” And that’s exactly what this government wants you to say. What they don’t want is for us all to realize that doctors’ salaries have been devalued by that much over the last decade due to the government’s austerity measures.
It’s the Conservatives’ job to make rich people richer, and they’re not going to achieve that by raising workers’ pay in line with inflation. Why should rich people care about the NHS when they can pay for private health care?
Next time you or a relative has an operation postponed, ask yourself who’s really to blame.
And yet despite being valued they still earn vastly more than the UK average once qualified. I get that it’s tough going at first but they end up very well off in the end.
Devalued rather. Fucking phone.
If the government can find money to put illegal immigrants in hotels and everything else, then they can find the money to pay doctors or junior doctors more money.
Does that sound too obvious?
And the scores of migrants who get NHS treatment when they’ve never paid in and never will.
The problem is that they can’t find money – it just increases the national debt.
I was a Junior doctor starting in 1978 .
One of my first jobs had an “easy “ week comprising 72 hours alternating with a “heavier” week comprising 144 hours of which 104 hours was a continuous shift.
I worked for 3 consultants, none of whom worked nights or weekends.
When I finished my contract my post was advertised for TWO doctors!
There was none of this “first and second on” bollocks. None of this “ one just covers the wards whilst the other deals with all the emergency admissions “, I had to do the fucking lot.
The calibre of today’s snowflake generation of doctors is no fucking where near what they were in my day.
I was performing more complicated procedures
as a 4th year medical student than these assholes 2 years after qualification.
Today’s excuse for medical students can’t even name the 206 bones of the human body….yet they probably know the contact details of their local tranny abuse refuge centre.
None of the cunts know how to enjoy a drink. We had some toff at med school (called Darcy) who could neck a yard of ale in under 3 seconds. Could down a pint of Guinness in one second. Today’s shower probably spend all evening sipping a cranberry juice because anything more potent will make them tipsy.
None of them know how to to perform a competent gynaecological exam because nowadays they’re not allowed to look at a fanny.
I remember during my training, they had volunteer patients in gynaecology outpatients who were happy for medical students to probe their fannies.
A group of about 8 students would line up and perform these intimate procedures.
There was one patient, a jovial West Indian lady who, after being on the receiving end of six students, said “ The nex’ one of you to do that is goin’ to ring ma bayell !”
They’re so woke and timid that if you’re writhing in agony they’ll begrudgingly prescribe you a couple of paracetamol because in their know-it-all minds anything stronger is going to turn you into an opiate addict. ( paracetamol isn’t even an opiate).
If you are in the throes of a serious acute alcohol withdrawal reaction ( mortality rate 15 %) they’ll refuse to give you the drugs of choice ( benzodiazepines) and tell you to “engage with your (ineffectual) local drugs and alcohol services for counselling.
Well there you have it. They’re a bunch of entitled cunts whose sole reason for studying medicine is to earn shitloads of money for knowing, and doing, fuck all.
The best ever post in ISAC.
One of the biggest load of bollocks, more like, and, judging by some of the recent input, that’s quite an achievement.
Go on then, hit me in the stomach.
DCI, when somebody who’s been around the industry long before you is telling you that it’s like this you should probably listen for once.
‘SAYS’ he’s been around the industry. Personally, and I’m not alone, think that it’s absolute bullshit. I’ll not bother going into why as it won’t fit with the MSM narrative…
Everything I wrote is true.
My first day as a pre-registration house officer …..
No induction period, just pick up your bleep from the front office.
Was told that I was on call until 9 .
What?! 9 pm?
No 9am tomorrow.Then spend the rest of the day on the ward and in theatre.
Basically spent the day in A&E making decisions that the lazy 35 year old casualty officer (any guesses as to his country of origin? )couldn’t be bothered to deal with.
Their medical knowledge,if you can call it that,amounted to “above the waist = medical, below the waist = surgical.
Strange system where an older doctor refers a patient to someone more junior.
I had to assess the patients ( history,clinical findings and tests) and make a provisional diagnosis in order to decide whether they needed admitting as an emergency or to discharge them.
Remember I had been practising for less than 12 hours. I don’t think that newly fledged docs nowadays make these decisions in their foundation year.
The local GPs were as lazy as fuck (no change there then!) and sent everyone with bellyache (inevitably described by the GP as “severe abdominal pain”) up as a possible case of “acute appendicitis”
Unbelievably one of the worst offenders was a local GP who spent many a happy hour as an inpatient on the local psychiatric ward drying out.
There was an SHO and registrar on call, but they made it clear that they only wanted to be contacted if I thought that it was something serious. God forbid that you interrupted their session in the pub over the road.
Another thing that couldn’t possibly happen nowadays is that if a patient on the ward required a drug that wasn’t routinely found in the ward drugs cupboard or nurses trolley the house officer on call would ‘phone down to the porters’ office to procure the key to the hospital pharmacy in order to obtain the specified drug.
On many an occasion an unscrupulous medic would emerge from the pharmacy with the pockets of their white coat stuffed with all sorts of goodies.
The doctors regulatory body, the GMC,regard “dishonesty” as being the most heinous sort of misdemeanour committed by a doctor, nearly always resulting in erasure from the medical register. They seem less bothered about a doctor being so inadequate/ incompetent that they can cause a patient to suffer permanent harm or even death.
When I was doing my surgical training in Manchester 2 out of the 3 consultants that I worked for were alkies and would turn up for their operating lists with shaky hands.
One of them was a right arrogant butcher whose cock ups in theatre were salvaged by a very pleasant senior registrar.
The other was an extremely nice Glaswegian who looked really scary but actually gave a shite about the patients and looked after his juniors.
The other ,sober, consultant was technically brilliant. Not just competent but operated very quickly no matter how complicated the procedure.
Bedside manner wasn’t the greatest but all I can say is that if I had to go under the knife I would choose him .
I think that I’d better mention that the majority of surgeons working in the provinces and the sticks probably work a damn sight harder and are more competent than the smug consultants in London teaching hospitals.
I don’t know what the situation is now but back in the 70s most of the consultants in my teaching hospital were of the “chosen people “ and only spent 11/2 days a week in the hospital,the rest of the time being spent in Harley St.
One of the cunts recruited his house officer to use their time off from their NHS work to assist him during his private operations.
At the end of his 6 month contract the consultant whispered to the junior that “ I’ve left a little something in your pigeon hole as a token of my appreciation for all the extra work that you’ve done”
The excited junior ran down to the rack of pigeon holes as fast as he could, and Love you lots xxxxx and behold there was a little brown envelope in his slot.
He ripped it open to find ……the princely sum of ….Ten fucking measly pounds!
All of this is true.
If anyone thinks it’s bollocks it’s not my problem.
My wife is a GP. I showed her your post OP. She was not convinced of your authenticity.
She remarked that, at best, you clearly have no idea of how the profession has changed since 1978. You admitted in your post that you don’t know what the situation is now. Sums it up for me.
Either that or you worked in a Life On Mars/Carry on Doctor, alternate reality hospital.
Succinctly put, Paul. To me, it just sums up where ISAC’s gone, now. Good, respected posters gone, that would contribute, debate and not fiiibuster, replaced by a plethora of posters (some, in my opinion, banned and resurfaced) that just seem to follow the social media trend of posting anything they think’ll get ‘likes’, plus the Bullshit Brigade, led by their Colonel-In-Chief ‘Mr Grimsdale’ himself.
I think Dick Fiddler had the right idea.
Sad, Gene, but I agree 100%.
I don’t post on here as much as I used to. The walts, trolls and sockpuppets are starting to take a hold.
Also that bloody tick fairy should just go and fuck off.
I’ll not take sides on this but a pal of mine was told to try yoga when he complained of abdominal pains.
He went for a second opinion and has now been treated to chemo and radio for cancer. Still here but has been told he might expect two more years on the planet.
His words.
Yoga. Right.
Shit always starts at the top and rolls downhill but the whingers would still clap at 8pm to “save the NHS” the dumb,mouth breathing oxygen thieves. Strike harder, cull the herd I say.
NHS failed my Mum badly – nobody could be arsed. Especially the doctors. bunch of cunts.
We all know someone who was failed by them. They didn’t diagnose my grandad’s stomach cancer early enough either and gave him the wrong bed to use at home when he was in the final stages of his life – the fall from the latter ultimately killed him.
Junior doctors take the cash from the government and want to fuck off abroad. Well fair play to them from that photo, it looks very diverse. All the best. At least the quantive easing paid for some thing.