

Have you noticed how bad some people are at their jobs? There are a lot of incompetent people about.

Most incompetence is infuriating but banal. It’s Postman Prat, who in spite of being told, persists in delivering your mail to No 10 XX Square when you live at No10 XX Road. It’s the pharmacy that repeatedly loses your prescription. It’s the Council pen-pusher who promises to ‘look into the matter and get back’, but never does. You’ll all have bumped your heads against this kind of twatitude at some point.

But once in a while you come across a piece of incompetence that is truly staggering, and which can have life-changing consequences for someone. Come with me across the pond to the good ol’ US of A and I’ll elaborate.

In 2022, police in Colorado pulled over a pickup at night on a back road. The truck driver was a young woman suspected by the rozzers of possible involvement in a ‘road rage’ incident. The police positioned a vehicle behind hers, and she was duly forced to exit at gunpoint, made to kneel, handcuffed, and locked in the cop car while the officers searched her car for possible evidence,

So far, so mundane, you’ll be thinking; just yet another such episode in Anywhere, USA. But… there’s a but. So intent were the cops on their search that none of them actually noticed that the locked police vehicle with the suspect inside was parked square on a rail track. Failed to notice, that is, until a desperate ‘whooo whooo’ from the train alerted them to the fact, seconds before it smashed headlong into the vehicle and sent it careering for several hundred yards.

Miraculously the young woman survived, but incurred head injuries and numerous broken bones. The cops involved have since been charged on several counts, and in true, time honoured American fashion, the young lady has ‘lawyered up’ and is looking to sue all and sundry for about half a billion dollars or so.

Okay, anybody can make a mistake. I know I’ve made my fair share. But Lord above, how can people who are so inept, so stupid, so lacking in everyday common sense, be put in positions over others which can have such drastic consequences?

I put it to you that this a case of world class incompetence brought to you by world class cunts. You couldn’t make it up. Sadly, you don’t have to.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

50 thoughts on “Incompetents

    • Same here, but I have two business partners and one Associate I have worked with for over 20 years. I wouldn’t find another team like them – the A Team.

      We have tried recently to recruit a Technician. Impossible – they are either based in Bangladesh and need a visa or are tattooed, entitled Millenials who want to “work from home”.

      Shit in my hat, what a fucking shower.

      • Tattooed Millennials indeed. Forgive me if you are already on to this one Paul, but have you tried interviewing people a few years older? Last place I worked a fair proportion of us IT field engineers were in our fifties and sixties. I finally departed at sixty-nine. Conspicuously the older guys were not afraid to drive in bad weather or in London or to attend a sticky call and apply themselves to it. They were also the ones who were sent to touchy or unhappy customers. (We once had a young guy, a scouser who off his own bat paid a “courtesy” call to a customer and within minutes was in a fist fight with the manager there!) I don’t know if it still applies but the employment agencies were fucking clueless in this regard. I shall always remember a phone conversation with a young woman at an agency whose response when I told her I was forty years old was, after a couple of seconds of stunned silence; “Oh we couldn’t possibly find a job for someone of your age.”

  1. The stupid buggers should have locked St George in the car and left it on the rail track. Or better still on an airport runway.

  2. Unfortunately everyone, no matter who they are gets promoted to a level of their own incompetence.

    People that can…… Do it.
    People that can’t….. Manage.
    People that can neither do it or manage…. Teach.

    It’s the way of the world.

    • Remember the MP’s expenses scandal Hugh? There was an MP held in such high regard by other MPs that they gave him the soubriquet “Two brains”. He claimed for a bill from an electrician he employed to change his light bulbs.

      • I think some mixture of a sense of entitlement and just being too dumb to cope with a BS56 bayonet socket. 56 for Christ’s sake Ron, an older standard than you and me and yet a mystery to this twat!

  3. Everyone makes mistakes.
    but not parking on train tracks,
    Not done that yet.

    People are fuckin dummies.
    Can’t think for themselves.
    Or follow a simple instruction.

    I ask every customer to send me their full address.
    Every one.

    Not many get it right first time,
    Just the postcode
    Part address no postcode
    Even asked why I needed the address?!!

    You have to think for them half the time.

    • I’m a great believer that 99% of the UK population are lazy cunts too, Mis.

      I find that many people who believe they can “get away” with not doing what they should be doing, will do just that.


      • Agreed Paul.

        And the ‘i don’t really want to be doing this job’

        They would rather be on the red carpet at a Hollywood event rather than working as a waitress in a pub ,
        Or in a shoe shop .

        Unfortunately Fate conspired against them
        Even though they never took a acting lesson or joined a amateur dramatic society,
        They have been maligned against.

        “Clean up in aisle 3!”

      • “Clean up in aisle 3! A large man with a beard has just smeared a dirty protest everywhere!”

  4. Happens to me on a weekly basis.
    From a wrong postcode, to someone not taking a simple measurement that then involves the materials not even fitting through the door.

    Remember one job where the retail unit had been split in two so it only had a back entrance.
    So having to break the glass shop front to get the equipment in, then board the hole up.

  5. I happened to me yesterday. Long story short: I was waiting for a loan car to be delivered Monday at 16:00. It got to 16:30 and I called the company concerned, Thrifty Car Rental, to be told by the guy that answered he’d call the local branch and let me know what was happening. He put me on hold, came back to say they never answered and he’d emailed them. I asked for the number, I called it and they aren’t even open on Bank Holidays. I was lied to twice, once but the girl who arranged it initially and then by the spineless cunt I spoke to who’s balls were so tiny he couldn’t tell me they were closed.

  6. Personal experience, I went to a hospital appointment a flexible cystoscopy last Thursday. Something was found and a segment taken for analysis. Pity the CUNT who did it didn’t seal the blood leaking out. Woke up Friday morning. Old boy out pissing tomato soup. Entire Easter weekend spent in hospital. Thank you NHS and CUNT doctor.

    • Sure you haven’t been on Ketamine?

      This is a clear symptom of too much special K.

    • Condolences Morty.

      Had a simiar experience but many moons ago, when cystoscopies weren’t ‘flexible’

      Was discharged after the procedure, then re-admitted as an emergency when I couldn’t piss due to a blood clot that had formed as a result. Spent a week in hospital.

      Fucking horrible experience.

      • I have had loads of those and not had a problem so condolences also Morty and I hope you’re ok.
        Ron, I was bloody terrified when I was told I had to have my first one as I had seen it done on a TV drama, Silk, and the bloke was screaming as they did the insertion. When I was told it would be done under general anaesthetic I can’t describe the relief.

      • My general experience of hospitals and hospital staff is that they are great.

        I’m so glad they’re there for us, but at the same time, they kind of freak me out. Great they may be, but fuck, you have to be sick to get in there in the first place.

  7. I get offered jobs daily,but the thought of having to manage junior clinical staff ,deal with their incompetence, lies and pulling of the rrrrrrrraaaaaaaacccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssmmmmmmmmmmmm card,the alphabet mafia and the pronoun Stasi: no! They can all go and fuck right off.

    Next customer.

    PS: while is is a decade since I worked as a senior clinician in A+E I suspect 1) The frequent flyers will stay away 2) It will be smooth and hassle free.

    I had patients who would turn up with a packed lunch,a thermos flask and a book.

    One A+E I worked at had an urgent care centre next to entrance but the usual suspects still came in. In the end they put a bolshy, hard nosed nurse ratchet by the door of A+E. If you could walk in ,unaided, she would,literally frog march you to urgent care.

    They had advanced nurse practitioners who could clear minors in a flash. These nurses were extremely well trained and beyond comparison. There are now advanced paramedic prescribers who work in A+E: more,please!

    I am not am A+E consultant, my specialty is very boring/9-5. Did I enjoy the buzz of A+E? Yes. Do I miss the gaggle of clipboard waving,name badge wearing managers who couldn’t organise a white stick at a blind convention? No.

    I gave up when I clerked in patients, asked for admission for critically ill / at risk patients only fir a very junior nurse from a community/hospital at home team to come in and reassess and decide they could treat at home. Sure thing,sweetheart. Needless to say it nearly always went wrong and the patient was later admitted, for longer than they would have been.

    Much happier now working from home on Zoom…

  8. They seem to be more incompetents than competents nowadays.
    Even if you try to help them out, they cock it up.
    I booked the car in following a recall notice and they gave me a date. I emailed to say ‘ are you sure, because that is a bank holiday’. Yes, they replied. Then I phoned, the girl didn’t know, but the service department confirmed the date.
    Day later – email to say it needed to be rebooked as it was a Bank Holiday.

  9. I see the Dunning-Kruger effect mentioned in the header.
    I’m an expert in that.

  10. If a job is worth doing it worth doing badly.

    I remember ‘Jill’. In her office ‘this is where I live’.
    Well it ain’t where I live.

    And it was all about ‘its not just a job it’s a vocation’.

    Wait for it- ‘this college is a juggernaut’.

    And she knew I wasn’t a team player.
    Got rid of in the end.

    I remember working with Special Needs. One stupid woman treated them like ‘students’ and was all professional with them. One boy went mad and smashed the computers in the office.

    There’s too much emphasis on competence. I mean over professionalism.

    I’ve always been a bit slack I better say.

  11. In my work, my wife and me are top of the tree, we encourage, nurture, bring on the underlings to fulfill there potential. So imagine my surprise to see one of them hosing down a three phase control panel, i mean for fucks sake you thick cunt water and leccy dont mix. Primary school stuff. A good bollocking ensued.?

    • Years ago DC, I was on the PTA at our kids primary school. The school introduced an after school club and the room they were to use had a sink but only a cold water tap. I volunteered to install a water heater and went in the empty room one day to do so. I installed an RCD in the consumer unit and realised on removing the cover that it was three phase. I then went on to find that the 13A sockets in the room were on two different phases and the lights were on the third phase, this in a room where young kids were going to be painting with water colours and god knows what else. At this point the Headmaster walked in. I told him there were three phases in use in this one room and he stared at me blankly and asked; “How many should we have?”

      • On big industrial builds, warehouses, factories etc with big floor areas we always kept 10mtrs between socet o/lets on different phases even though there’s no specific reg or requirement governing this. Seems counter-intuitive but think about it… the Regs are written with consideration of SINGLE fault conditions ’cause it’d be impossible to cover all possible combinations of contributing factors or simultaneous faults. To get a 415v pisser off adjacent s/o’s on different phases BOTH phase conductors would have to fault to earth and BOTH prot. earth conductors would have to go open cct. That’s a total of four simultaneous faults that have to occur to set the scene for a fifth variable i.e. someone somehow puts themselves between phases.

        Hosing down a fucking ctrl panel though… I mean… what the chrome plated fuck???

  12. Incompetence seems to be everywhere.

    The wife met a pal for coffee yesterday, and the friend told her that she’d ordered a handbag from John Lewis.

    The parcel duly arrived, and was found to contain…a box of half a dozen pairs of pants. On contacting the score, she was told that the handbag was out of stock, so they’d sent pants instead. She had to return them to the store, and she’s still waiting on the bag.


    Morning all.

    • That’s simply brilliant Ron.

      Apart from the no handbag situation,which hopefully won’t descend into a full lady riot.

      • What bemused me about this was how the individuals responsible (a) took the bizarre decision to send pants instead and (b) decided what size to send.

        Just crazy.

      • I think the explanation Ron is that the individual responsible was a woman. We have been married coming up forty-nine years and have two adult daughters. I’m still trying to work out their thought processes. Many a time I’ve asked one of them a question and received an answer which seems unrelated to the question. Then I have to think fast of a way out because if I admit to not understanding they get annoyed with me.

      • I think you’re right Arfur.

        Besides, no bloke would send pants on the grounds that he’d run the risk of being labelled a perv.

  13. On a side note re. the Colorado train crash incident, one of the cops charged rejoices in the name of Officer Stinky.

    I might be thinking to change that in his place.

  14. Whoever you have on the other end of the phone is telling you one thing, always take their name and make several more calls to make sure you find a competent, rather than an incompetent. Sometimes you can sniff them out over the phone.

    • Trying to deal with a problem by phone can be a nightmare. I had a problem with TSB, and had to make several calls to try and sort it out.

      Of course every time I tried, I ended up speaking to a different person in a different location; each one had no idea who the previous person I’d spoken to was, and promised ‘to investigate’.

      After a couple of weeks of getting the runaround from a bunch of incompetent shits who did fuck all, I closed my account and sent a letter to the bank’s head office to complain about their cuntitude.

      I got a ‘holding letter’ back, promising an investigation and an explanation. That was about five years ago, and I’m still waiting…

  15. Due to incompetence and a clerical error recently, all the money raised by a local eyesight charity was spent on a blind dog for the Guides….

      • I’ve found that most people labelled incompetent are in fact simply lazy. During my career I came across people who were capable but who just couldn’t be bothered, in fact they’d pretend to be clueless hoping someone else would do it for them. I’ve seen people who hated work so much, they put more effort into avoiding it than it would have taken just to do the job properly. They’d make any excuse to be absent, if they had to turn up they wanted to sit around and chat all day, if they had to do something they didn’t care if they did it right or not, yet they still expected to be paid at the end of the week. The annoying thing is that I often saw these people get away with it.
        This applies to every profession. I’ve known policemen who were perfect for the job and others who should never have been allowed to put the uniform on. The same goes for nurses. Probably plumbers and dog-walkers too.

      • Yeah and all the while you were kept hanging on, you were of course bombarded by recorded messages telling you about all the services and plans and gadgets that they’d be only to happy to supply to you…

  16. I’m surprised this hasn’t happened here given the quality of the people the police recruit nowadays.

    Tattooed midgets shouting at old women and yet failing to clear their X R scum when they unlawfully block the roads.

    • CP have you noticed how many scruffy cunts there are in the police these days?

      That’s when you actually get to spot one out and about of course.

  17. Caught this last year… faaaaaark me!!!! talk about a “Code Brown”, and not an “isolated incident” either apparently. Y’ gotta love how the fire dept rock up and park their truck ACROSS THE SAME FUCKING TRACKS!

    Fort Lupton Police Force Woman Into Police Car On Train Tracks – 14mins

    • Cunty;

      this report brilliantly captures the whole sorry ‘cop car on tracks’ saga in Colorado.

      It’s sad and frightening that there literally hundreds, if not thousands, of stories like this from the UK as well as the US, of police incompetence/criminality/corruption/brutality.

      A lot of cops do a great job. Sadly however there are far too many that appear to be arseholes.

      • *stories like this…

        And I’m just talking about reports and clips that get posted on Ytube…

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