Ian Blackford MP(9)

It’s been a few months now since Ian ‘Bloater’ Blackford was ousted as SNP party leader at Westminster. Mercifully the Lard of the Isles has been pretty quiet since, presumably deciding to spend more time with the contents of his fridge.

Sadly, this was not to last. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, the Westminster Whale has resurfaced, blowing off spray in all directions.

He’s been gushing on about how ‘inspiring’ the former FM of Scotland Wee Jimmy Krankie is, rejecting calls that the SNP should suspend her after she was caught on camera looking and sounding shifty regarding the state of the party’s finances.

Then he started weakly bleating on about those finances in a BBC Scotland interview, denying that there were any problems or irregularities, and that everything was indeed ship-shape in the old accounts department.

Now about all these resignations Bloater; yours, Legohead and her dodgy looking husband, the party’s finance chief (claiming ‘lack of information’), the party’s auditors… About Peter Murrell’s arrest, the police raids on various properties, the seized documents and the camper van, this alleged missing cash…

If I was you Bloater, I’d keep my head down and my fat gob shut, and stop acting like the turd that won’t flush. Still, looking on the bright side, you’re fairly entertaining the paying public, and if you keep it up, I’ve every faith that in due course, you’ll end up on the IsAC Wall of Fame, a distinction that you truly deserve.



Nominated by Ron Knee.

81 thoughts on “Ian Blackford MP(9)

  1. Seeing the rotten to the core SNP publicly implode is a joyful thing.

    That fat fuck Salmond combusting and that corrosive gremlin Wee Burney Fandabidozi on the rack is hilarious, but that carpet riding cunt doing the ‘But But Boris did this and Sunak did that’ routine is also well funny. Corrupt clowns, the lot of ’em.

  2. Fat ScotNazi cunt.

    The Scottish Nazi Party have been caught with their hands in the till – fair and square it seems. Although no prosecutions have not yet been brought (and might not be considering the ability of the SNP to corrupt all aspects of Scottish life), people are not stupid. The images of the police raid on Sturgeons Early Renaissance Dump house, the big tent outside of the type used for murders and extensive frauds where microscopic accuracy is required to trace evidence, will never go away.

    Blackford can huff and puff all he likes. My advice to him is to sit down in Greggs with a few dozen pasties and think long and hard about his future and the future of the SNP. It doesn’t look good.

    Did anyone see that other ScotNazi cunt, Chris Law, at PMQ’s today? Law, whom the Spectator accurately describes as “the pony-tailed member for Dundee who looks like a Dutch porn-star dressed up for an awards ceremony”, told parliament that the Holyrood government has been attempting to negotiate diplomatic side-deals with foreign powers as if Scotland were an independent nation. This skulduggery is so widespread that UK embassies around the world have been told to warn their hosts about bogus overtures from the SNP. Law believes this attempt by the Foreign Office to stop the SNP from acting as a separate country is a curtailment of its rights. To everyone else it looks like yet more proof of the SNP’s arrogance and megalomania.

    The SNP are thugs and cunts.

    • Yes indeed.

      ‘Och aye look. Ma wee perty’s up shite creek wi’oot a paddle. Let’s see if ah cannae get ah wee bit distraction goin’. Whit wad Wee Jimmy a dun? Ah ken! Let’s git ah Westmunster agin Holyrood row goin’…’.


      The twat looks like he should be down at the local fair, collecting money from the punters on the dodgems. Wanker.

    • Point of order: ‘…The images of the police raid on Sturgeons Early Renaissance Dump…

      That’s not her house, nor is it Murrel’s. That’s their bricks&mortar version of the old ‘Wendy house’ for when they’re playing at being Mr&Mrs ‘See we’re just like common folk living on what looks like a barely upmarket scheme’

      She allegedly has a somewhat nicer house in Bridge of Allan, he allegedly has a similar nicer non-Portuguese one somewhere else (Aberdeenshire? though near Stirling Uni would be happier hunting grounds for a man o’ his alleged tastes…)

      Has anyone tracked down the final destination of the vanload of stuff that was seen being removed from this house in boxes sometime in the weeks before the obligingly feet dragging COPFS finally allowed MacPlod to raid it?

      Blackford’s a cunt.

      Despite what you think, he’s a ‘house jock’, a Harry Lauder style parody who has always been more interested in making money out of nationalism rather than nationalism per se, seeing the party political games he indulges in only as a means to that end.

      No matter whatever way the independence cards eventually fell, he was always going to make a comfortable living out of the game, being the multi-millionaire scamming bampot that he is.

      The best laugh is, the SNP sheeple are still falling for his, and the rest of his ‘parcel o’ rogues’ collective schtickery.

      (Btw, if any members of the 77th are reading this: well done chaps!)

    • I’m a nationalist an democratic imperialist, I believe in the nation state. Frankly Nicola Sturgeon or the SNP are not in any way shape of form Nationalists. I’m not against unionism but she prefers foreigners controlling laws which makes Scotland a plutocracy and they are traitors through and through.

      • The SNP claim to be nationalists, desperate for their “independence” yet want to be part of, dependant on, and suck on the tit of, their (over)Lords and Saviour – the EU.

        They’re about as nationalist as the Lib Dems or Labour.

        The rabble rousing bunch of anti English undemocratic wankers.

  3. When this fat bastard resigned to “spend time with my family” I smelled bullshit straight away. Cunts like him, Aderne and Wee Jimmy don’t just walk away from power……..look what a struggle the Jellyfish put up.
    Now he is backing Krankie to the hilt that tells me he’s all part of the scam and he’s had his chubby fingers in the till some where. I can’t wait for Inspector Taggart to come knocking on his door the fucking mouthy wanker.

  4. 600,000 grand, that wouldn’t cover bloaters tab at the local curry house.

    Still it’s only a matter of time before that wheezy, heart attack waiting to happen carks it..

  5. ….you’ll end up on the IsAC Wall of Fame….

    Is it possible to reinforce a wall to that extent?

    • It will have to be one of those extra thick castle walls we used to build to keep the skirted savages under control.

      • Stoater Bloater sat on a wall
        Stoater Bloater had a great fall
        All the kings horses and all the kings men
        Couldn’t haul Bloater back up there again

    • I was going to say… Humpty Numpty was a fat cunt…
      “Better without Blackford!!”

  6. Evening all.

    The SNP circus moves so fast that it’s hard to keep up.

    I see that the latest Treasurer, the recently arrested Mr Beattie, has now also thrown in the towel. Humza Useless has had to take on the role.


    The big question at the mo I think is how come Legohead hasn’t had her collar felt by the polis yet. She seems to be up to her rotten neck in all this.

    Given their eel-like capacity to squim out from under, I still have my doubts that any of the shit will actually stick, but in the meantime, it’s a hoot.

  7. Being a spectator to the collapse of the SNP and the arrests that follow is simply splendid.

    I wonder just how careless Krankie etc might have been with their “receipts”?

    I do hope Blackford is found to have stolen a great deal of money to fund his pie habit..

    And dies in a English jail.

    • With God Save The King, Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory playing on a loop at high volume

    • I’d hate to see the fat fuck kept at HM’s pleasure for any length of time. They’d have to raise income tax to pay his pie bill.

  8. All of these SNP cunts have had their fingers in the pie. I’ve no doubt the carpet rider who’s the leader at the moment has more than one skeleton in his closet.

  9. Whilst most attention is directed at Scotland’s Senior Mafiosi ‘Mr & Mrs’ Krankie and Bungdit Din, here’s some other members of the Cosa McNostra:

    Ron’s nominee Bloater Blackford, plays the humble crofter but actually a multi-millionaire banker, made his Thatcherite pile in the City (capital of Scotland’s colonial oppressors), fully signed-up to Net Zero whilst running two Range Rovers. As an MP never misses an opportunity for a side hustle.

    Colin Beattie, SNP Treasurer for 5 minutes until arrested yesterday. Currently an MP, former councillor. His wife is an SNP councillor. They own 7 rental properties in Scotland, and neither declared them on the register of councillors as required by law.

    Angus Robertson MP, started Progress Scotland, a polling company taking monthly subs from the public. Has not done any polling since 2019 despite still taking subs.

    The SNP – not so much a political party as a crime wave.

  10. You can lay the blame fairly and squarely at the door of the uber-cunt, Tony B Liar and his unedifying drive to devolve Scotland and Wales.

    The SNP and Welsh Assembly are nothing more than trumped up local authorities with just half the level of the leadership talent and numerous times the skill at spunking taxpayer’s cash. These cunts are great at slipping their fat little digits into the till.

    • The Welsh twats want to dish out £1600 per month to the water rats for not working.A disgrace ?

  11. The detail I like is the motor home sitting on the drive of Krankie’s mother in law. Just the sort of thing you need for touring the beautiful Scottish Highlands cursing the bastard English at every mile.
    But what would a 92 year old woman be doing with such a vehicle? I hope she’s not thinking of driving the fucking thing.

    • Lol! I gather the so-called ‘battle bus’ is now parked up in a polis compound in Glasgow.

      Wonder what will become of it?

      • They should give the English the vote too the next time they have a referendum. We’ll make sure they are fucked off down road…

      • I’d like to know why we in England can’t vote on it. I’d have the cunts independent the following day. Properly independent. No more handouts, no using Sterling. Electrify Hadrian’s Wall.

      • Too right. They can fuck off and let their beloved EU pay for their socialist paradise.

      • I guess the likes of Sturgeon don’t want independence in reality. Way too much a headache for them.

        Better to keep up the excitement of the chase than face the miserable reality of a busted jockland.

  12. I’m sick to fucking death of this independence shite.
    Let em fuck off with the Jock pound and a fair share of the uk debt.

    • Them Sweaty purple
      £20 notes of theirs?
      Can spend em round here!

      No one in the pubs, shops will take them.

      Some sly cunt customer gave me some,
      I had to go the bank with them?

      They look like monopoly money.
      Not elegant like English currency.

      Although that’s fucked now Charlie Lugs is gurning on them.

      • The fucking cunts just get into Government do QE and funnel their liberal bullshit on to the next generation whilst collecting their paycheck and pegging the currency to Clydesdale Bank for their Scottish currency.

    • The fucking cunts just get into Government do QE and funnel their liberal bullshit on to the next generation whilst collecting their paycheck and pegging the currency to Clydesdale Bank for their Scottish currency.

  13. Aww, I feel a bit sorry for Ian.
    The lads not seen his cock in 30year.
    20, since he could reach it.

    He’s cursed with a big appetite.
    For envelopes of cash and food.

    Give him his due,
    He’s not a fussy eater.
    Throw potato peelings in his trough and he’ll happily chow down.

    He could eat a adult human body within 2hrs leaving just the teeth.

    The Blackford boar wins 1st prize at the Highland Agricultural show.

    • He’s resigned.
      Probably Ill health?
      Suffers from gypsy fingers.

      He looks like a mate of mine Little Al.

      Al tried to stop two bikers kicking fuck out of some bloke in the boozer,

      ” Stop! He’s had enough!!”

      Woke up in hospital.
      Hehehe ?

    • Is Little Al an ironic nickname Mis and he is really 6ft ‘6 and built like a brick shithouse?

      • No, he’s little.
        Cheeky as fuck , a builder by trade.
        Cracking lad?

        He’s the cunt who took great delight in telling me I was going bald.
        And named a African lad we worked with Bubbles.
        Hehehe ?

  14. I only had to read the first paragraph to realise that this nomination was from our dear, tight lipped,ashen faced bard.
    Splendid work Ron !

    • Thank you Guzzi. It’s nice for an old cunt like me to know that his efforts are appreciated!

  15. Our younger’s pet goldfish died today at eight years old. Matters more to me than fatty Blackford and the rest of the SNP come to that.

  16. Fat cunts like him are prone to a Clutcher, let’s hope tubby’s is imminent, and as for box head krankie and her magpie hubby, a joint suicide seems in the offing.!

  17. I was about to cook myself a nice bit of steak, when this nom popped up.

    Proper porker, isn’t he. I wonder how many ‘escorts’ he’s done serious damage to when he’s ‘bellyflopped’ on them.

    Anyway, he’s put me off my nose bag, so he’s a cunt for that alone.

      • JP@

        Just saw your nom and you mentioned being a bit chubby!

        I always pictured you quite slim,
        Little glasses on,
        Maybe fingerless gloves as you count the money from your strongbox by a flickering candle!

      • I am ‘quite slim’, Mis.

        I weigh about 8 stone. I do wear small glasses, because large Diedre Barlow frames don’t suit my skull-like face.

        As for counting my money in fingerless gloves, by flickering candlelight, have you not heard of Internet Banking?

      • I’ve just read yours, an’ all.
        I’m still laughing.
        No, wasn’t saying I’m the fat cunt, it’s the fat cunt off the Youtwat link that’s the fat cunt.

        Calling that a bit chubby is like saying Katie Price is almost a virgin.

      • Aaah, with you ?
        Funny how you picture other cunters isn’t it?

        Fiddler stuck in my mind as a malevolent Vincent price,
        But he once told me he was bald.
        And he’d played rugby so probably had cauliflower ears.

      • Still going with the Vincent Price there, Mis.
        He’s cackling away in the background, hissing ‘Welcome…’

      • Miserable has a team of Vietnamese illegals with money counting machines to look after the business empires finances.

  18. Didn’t blackford do a stupid little dance when they won a court case over brexit. Useless fat cunt.

      • Put your brown tongue away Blackford you cunt. He’s got guilty as fuck written all over him. He’s shitting himself, trust me.

      • Fatty Blackford hasn’t been so in denial about Brexit since he found out the gravy train wasn’t a real train.

      • Reminds me of some thing I saw on TV a few years back. It was called “farting the haggis” – ie pummelling it to get excess air out of it.
        Blackford looks like a bloody great haggis, and a greasy bastard an that.

    • I refer you to Aesop…

      ‘“A man is known by the company he keeps”

      Have you seen the deviant freakshow that is the SNP?, they’re not that keen on such quaint ‘so last century’ concepts like mere homosexuality these days.

      • The real worry for me in all this pantomine fun is that ultimately, it still won’t matter.

        Some commentators are predicting the demise of the SNP and the death of the nationalist movement, but I’m not sure that’s the case.

        To the hard core ‘indy or death’ cult brigade, I fear all of this will be seen as an embarrassment but not a deterrent, ultimately an irrelevance. Come the election, they’ll vote for haggis if it’s got the right sticker on it.

      • Scottish Nationalism isn’t dead yet, though demographic change (all those ‘New Scots’ so beloved by the SNP) will kill it within two decades.

        The SNP are fucked as a nationalist party, they were the minute they let the Labour Party in Scotland ‘entryists’ in (A curious thing to do, letting a bunch of Unionists into a nationalist party unchecked…but they’ve never been the brightest bunch, have the SNP)

        Some of them will defect to Alba, and, like the muppets they are, Alba’ll let these fuckers who were backstabbing them for the past couple of years in…

        There’ll be a ‘continuity’ SNP made up of the cult sheeple in denial, the ones who still think Krankie is the one true god.

        The gender fuckwits that make up the SNP’s Twitler youth and their rainbowshirt thug brigade will form some sort of NeuSGNP with the Greens (Motto: Strength Though Soy..)

        And just wait, another round of fun and games is inevitable as someone, to put a final nail in her coffin, will leak the full list of Krankies ‘alphabet women’ pals with a full description of their machinations apropos the stitching up of Salmond (not that I like the oily cunt, but that stitch-up left a bad taste in my mouth).

        Fun times.

  19. Each tyre on an Airbus A380 is apparently inflated to 217.5 psi; I wonder to what pressure Ian Blackfarce is inflated?

  20. So surprise shocker the SNP was being run by a pair of embezzling cunts, i knew there was a reason for wee Jimmy Krankies resignation, she must have known this was in the post and thought she could dodge the bullet by handing in her notice and trying to slink away quietly.
    Hopefully they both end up is a Scottish prison, which i always thought they both richly deserved anyway just for being grade A, monumental, lying, gobshite, cunts….
    Politicians get so used to lying, lining their own pockets, exploiting loop holes and general skull duggery that they quickly forget the difference between right and wrong, so bang the cunts up, throw away the key and forget these two peices of shit ever existed…..

    • I can only ask again Fug; Murrell has been arrested and interviewed under caution. So has Beattie the now ex-Treasurer. Why hasn’t Wee Jimmy?

  21. This lump of Lard Blackford is a total waste of space Let him keep bleating on about Scottish Independence (The Once in a Lifetime Referendum)
    Most Scottish voters have seen through the SNP for what they are hypocrites ??

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