Finley Boden – grief vampires.
I’m sure there’s a nom about the death of this baby
Why on earth does this even need reporting about. These two useless wankers have given their totally unhelpful, useless point of view and this news outlet thought it was worth sharing?
Is a bunch of cunts called a hand, like bananas, maybe a fisting would be more appropriate?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Because, of course, they reported their concerns, didn’t they?
Two bit slappers.
Yes, but do not forget that lessons will be learned!!! They will make sure it never happens again… cunts.
Good morning.
Chav is, as Chav does.
The result of shit parenting (non stop), shit ‘education’ , dumbed down tv, state parasitism dependency, shit diet, shit outlook, shit future.
Incinerate the lot of them, keep hospitals and schools warm in the process, use ash for crop growth protection and solve the housing problems.
It’s bad enough with the nog shitskins and Albany drug thugs infesting mein land without home grown filth doing likewise.
This reminds me of the utterly superb Viz advert for a lovely piece of hand crafted pottery “Number 22 Shit St”.
Morning all.
I recall that one Terence, also the ‘My little pikey’ set of Ford Transit and trailer and the Princess Di English Breakfast commemorative plate.
Simple pleasures.
Anybody remember the ‘Borstal Boy’ doll offer?
‘Tilt him and he threatens legal action’.
My favourite was the “Life of Christ in cats” collectors series of plates, painted on finest urinal grade porcelain. If I see a copy of Viz now I just skip to the letterrs page.
In the film Logan’s Run when anyone reached the age of 30 they were incinerated.
They were told that was a life cycle and they would be reborn for another 30 years.
It was of course a lie.
30 years was all they got.
The film was set in the future, but perhaps the future should be now.
What a happier place the world would be if 30 year olds had to demonstrate that they were making a useful contribution to society.
How pleasant it would be to watch a line of useless, scrounging 30 year old morons slowly making their way to the Vaporisation Chamber.
We can only dream.
I’d really like to see that.
‘Council should have done this, council should have done that…’s all their fault”
….said, two stupid cunts who freely admit they had concerns, and are happy to now go into detail about what concerned them, but did FUCK ALL.
..but it’s all someone else’s fault, eh??
Stupid slappers.
Still reckon the McCanns are guilty as fuck.
Lol, nice swerve, but yeah.
Dogs don’t lie. Heard the original chief investigator whom the McCann’s sued for his book (then lost on appeal) is now counter suing them or summat. Could be interesting if he wins.
He was smart to get the case files out online, after the McCann’s and our MSM kept slagging off the, Portuguese investigation. Like he’s saying ‘Have a look for yourselves everyone.’
Lot’s of changed statements and strange stuff in them.
Allegedly and in my opinion etc.
Nah, it were Jews looking for fresh Aryan blood to drink.
That is unacceptable, even for this site. Please do not make such comments.
You obviously don’t do English irony.
“…That is unacceptable even for this site…”
What is it with this jewish compulsion to insert themselves as the universal and final arbiters of “acceptability” (fuck how I hate that word and all it implies)
Oh Chops! how can you say that? That’s just a viscious trope… etc etc…
You really are an unpleasant individual CC. I hope you don’t have kids of your own.
Morning OC.
Unfortunately for the world, CC has 2 kids who he often refers to as “my boys”.
To be clear, my original comment was a joke.
A sick joke, yes, but one I stand by.
That said, I would like to take the opportunity to completely disassociate myself from the vile nonsense peddled by this Cunty Chops fella.
Good morning.
“…Unfortunately for the world, CC has 2 kids who he often refers to as “my boys”.”
Indeed I do, and I will note that I take no small pride in the comments I recieve down the line from those who have interaction with them, “polite, smart, civil, advanced for their age, well adjusted, world wise, helpful, ‘on the ball’ A credit to you…” etc
Must be doing something right then!
“… the vile nonsense peddled by this Cunty Chops fella.”
MJ, do I really need to append a list? It’ll be boring and you probably wont have heard of a single one of ’em but there they are nonetheless, bitching an’ a’kvetching, preaching, finger pointing, blaming, complaining, lobbying and effectively determining the policies that are driving this country into the sewerage outfall of history’s ‘also rans’.
Products are available…
These kind of reports make me fucking laugh. Pair of stupid cunts so desperate to get their faces in the media, ideally with plenty of slap on to make themselves look good (they think), that they can’t see their own culpability at not doing shit about it when they should have. Should be publicly shamed, have their heads shaved & be hounded out Frankenstein-fashion by the rest of the mob on whatever shitty council they infest. They should keep their gobs shut & reflect on their own failings. Shit stains, the pair of ‘em.
*council estate. Fucking iPad.
‘That little boy would still be here if it wasn’t for them doing their job properly’, Ms Bryan added.
I commend her for her astonishing command of the language of Shakespeare.
Morning all.
A case of Noshforourtwo.
Only a 5/10 for sad faces on this one I’m afraid.
I’d boil these cunts head first in a vat of piss.