If you are a taxpayer and get yourself out of bed in the morning to go to work then I’m afraid what you will read next is going to boil your piss:
I’m a retail manager in a small business and sell mountain bikes, amongst other things. Sometimes we sell bikes via 0% finance. Today a man in his late theories came in with a slob of a girl in her late teens, who was also carrying a teddy. He proceeded to want to buy a bike that cost £800 but wanted credit, except for the slob teenager with a Teddy nothing is amiss.
Credit checks involve a few questions, after a few questions I have gleaned from him he has four kids and lives in housing association, he then describes his occupation as a carer for his daughter. It then comes to the question “what is your gross annual income?”. The answer; £38k! All my being wished the credit to be denied, which it duly was. His response was “oh, it always does that. Will you hold the bike and I’ll keep paying instalments?” “No” “Oh, I’m no good at saving” and off he goes.
This individual does fuck all, gets a house on the social and £38k, too fucking thick to realise trying to get credit and failing will hit your credit rating even more and can’t even budget to save £800 for from his vast hand-out, whilst raising 4 more useless creations. The aforementioned slob was not in a wheelchair, he said he was given this money to push his daughter in a wheelchair, so I can only assume they are all a drain on society. This is by no means a dig at people in wheelchairs, but it is outrageous this amount of money is squandered.
Some useless bastard is given a house on the social and £38k of taxpayers money on top to support them, to get £38k you need to be on about £52k pre tax. How many people slog their guts off to be given less. Madness.
Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus.
One thing is certain,the government actively encourage these hopeless cunts who now make up a sizeable proportion of the population.
The “benefits” bill is absolutely colossal but only pensioners get clobbered in any cutbacks,the working age portion is ever growing,ever more complex and a total nightmare of bureaucracy with a vast army of pen pushers running it poorly.
Chuck in the hundreds of thousands of foreign rubbish the government imports who will all need housing and an income for life and you have an unsustainable millstone round the nation’s neck.
The welfare state just keeps growing,sending the wrong message to the homegrown feckless and the detritus of the third world.
Oven the cunts.
And it is the lamplight that attracts the multicultural moths as they head for blighty. Turn the fucking lamp off !
DPRK anti aircraft battery
The clowns running Scotland and Wales have expressed support for a Universal Basic Income. Do that and I can’t see anyone who can only get a minimum-wage job ever bothering to lift a finger again. Why would you? Absolutely insane.
All too common. We are fucked.
I am not all surprised, why do you think there are so many dinghy migrants?
There is a big sign in Calais point towards Dover
Encouraging the bone idle to stay at home and collect the weekly government lottery and crying about the fact we don’t have enough houses. Never mentioning that importing some made up (they don’t really know) number of immos to do the work of the cunts above just perpetuates the cycle.
Stop importing immos, cut fucking benefits and bump up minimum wage, it’s not difficult.
There’s only one reason why the vermin come here – benefits. If they could get the same in europe, they would stay there.
In France, computer says Non!
Allez vous en
‘What time is the next dinghy to the UK’ ?
These bastards should be given a limited time on benefits and if by the end of it they’re not in work, they should be told, ‘Fuck off, you’re getting no more’. They should be kicked out of the free house too. Young male so called ‘migrants’ should get nothing besides a peremptory ‘Fuck off’ from the moment the freeloading twats arrive. I seethe when I see pictures of their obscenely grinning swarthy mugs as they’re helped ashore by do-gooding wankers, promptly wrapped in blankets I’ve helped pay for, and then given the first of the hot meals that I’ll begrudgingly be paying for from now to the grave. I fucking despise the cunts.
Very well said Mabel.
If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them.
I have to deal with parasites like this all the time at work… most of them are ungrateful cunts and constantly whinge that the council aren’t doing enough for them.
one day I’m gonna tell them that they should count themselves lucky coz if it was up to me I’d let the cunts starve.
Bring back the workhouse!
You don’t work, you don’t eat.
it really is that simple. like most of the untermensch on the dole.
I’d like to see a nice easily readable list of what this lot can claim. Outrageous amounts of money seem to be lavished on the feckless, whilst the genuinely needy seem to get little.
These people often have little or no pride.
That’s quite a price to pay in the grand scheme of things in my opinion.
Bumped into an old mate at a funeral last year and he for one thought it was a clever idea 30 odd years ago to claim sick money for being “depressed” when all he wanted was the dole office off his back at the time because they were trying to send him to the dreaded “90s Job Club” (Pauline from League of Gentlemen anyone?)
Turns out he ended up trapped in a vicious cycle of benefits dependancy and long-term unemployment which ultimately left him unemployable.
At the funeral wake when people were gathered at the bar, different folk were asking what others were up to these days and where they were working etc. – cue the uneasy silence as this fella had barely lifted an honest finger in quarter of a century.
Fuck that.
Just heard a Tesco’s advert on the radio urging cunts to buy their shit to celebrate Ramadan and Eid.
What the fucking fuck has happened to this country?
I’ve been hearing that in Sainsbury’s for weeks. Some cheery tart doing announcements to the whole shop, “Mubarak Ramadan.” Next they’ll be selling Taste The Difference Terrorîst cakes.
The 10th of June is the day Yasur of Tanna was reborn on a far away island (Corfu), as prophesied. Celebrate this day by roasting a pig and sharing with your neighbours.
In a couple of years, our virtue signalling supermarkets will hire some stinking carpet riders to slaughter sheep and goats in the world foods aisle.
That’s after they’ve fucked them of course.
This system has been broken for years. It’s bad enough with the indolent native lot, millions apparently, but when we had to comply with Free Movement, Treasure Island was overrun with Euro-rats. Working cash-in-hand jobs picking fruit, hand car washes, barbers, et cetera, whilst claiming for a free house and benefits as well as not paying the cunty Poll Tax results in a large pay. Too late to close the foir now. Round my way the rats, be they Euro, Asian, or Afreekan, are coining it in.
Well this tidal wave of human detrious is dragging the country down the crapper. The is a gimmegrant centre near me all families 400 of the cunts there. New clothes, new phones, you name it. When I deliver there all I get is stink eye off the sponging bastards. Plus nearly being rolled twice by security goons. Luckily a cry of hold on It’s CuntyMort saved the day.
As for the workshy cunts, 6 months stop payments, set of overalls clean streets etc. Fuck it now my piss is boiling.
I’m sorry, but I know people on who get ‘carer’s allowance’, and they are not getting anything like this figure of £38K per annum, when I read this I assumed that the guy was at it.
But it did prompt a bit of superficial digging into the subject…
Carer’s Allowance
‘Up to £76.75 a week’ irrespective of the number of people you care for, so that’s £3,991 per annum maximum.
Assuming the guy had a partner, and is on Universal credit, that’s £578.82 per month, so £6,945.84 per annum. (Running Total: £10,936.84)
Now, if he was being naughty and counting in the benefits his wheelchair bound daughter might be getting..
Motability: £71 per week, £3,692 per annum
Max Care Component: £101.75 per week, £5,291 per annum
(Subtotal: £8,983, Running total: £19,619.84)
Naughtily including Child Benefits?
£24.00 + (3 x (£15.90)) = £71.70 per week, £3,728.40 per annum
(Running Total: £23,348.24)
Ok, maybe it’s household income on the credit check, so let’s add the partner’s UC..
£6,945.84 per annum (Running Total: £30,294.08…we’re getting there…)
Even though they don’t count in this context, for completeness…
Housing benefit, assumining not in London, based on £598 pcm average
£7,176 per annum
Council tax, assuming not in London, based on £163.83 pcm average
£2,025.96 per annum
(Sub Total: £9,201.96, False running total: £39,496.04)
I know people on benefits, not junkies or alkies, who haven’t a pot to piss in, and I do see others on the scheme (housing estate) who, like the hero of this cunting, are apparently minted and can fuck off on holiday to places like Turkey a couple of times a year and who have fuck off massive flatscreen TVs in every room, fancy cars, etc. (ahem, alternate revenue streams…allegedly)
It’s a broken fucking system.
Thank fuck for anonymity on this site. I have two sister in laws now approaching retirement who have never worked in their lives, have lived very well on “Bad Back” payments. 48 years of fuck all and due to retire ! Retire from fucking what ?
THAT is why this country is fucked !?
Knowing a little about Bikes as I do £800 would get you something not quite mid range, but not that bad either – what a cunt.
When my dad was dying from Cancer and my mum was looking after him for the best part of 18 months she got fuck all, nada, nothing, zip.
Then some lefty cunt has the audacity to say that local demonstrations outside a hotel at foreign cunts getting everything is far right – I say it is common fucking sense!
I’d have every single one of these vacuous lefty bastards take in at least one of these ‘refugees’ and cover all of their expenses with no taxpayer help. See how much fucking protesting there is then.
And sign a contract that if said immigrant commits and is found guilty of a crime, they have to serve the same sentence.
Anything and everything that these clueless, demented, treacherous, bed wetting, woefully out of touch bastards disagree with is “far right”
I sometimes can’t believe that these people even exist. Talk about defending the indefensible.
Refugees they say.
Fleeing war they tell us.
Women children and the most vulnerable apparently.
All blatant lies yet these wokey leftist do gooding bastards will still stick their fingers in their ears and screech “far right” and “racist” at anybody who has the awareness to see through the bollocks.
How do people on benefits afford to smoke at fourteen quid a packet.
I’d give them vouchers for food but that couldn’t be used to buy fags.
Fuck their human rights….
Probably have an iPhone 13, 60ins TV, Netflix, Sky, as well, but what do I know?….
In a lot of cases, they dont smoke £14 a pack ciggies, it’s the £3-£5 tobacco flavoured chemical tar stick knock-offs from China, or, if they’re lucky, the stuff from Greece&Turkey they smoke.
The local trend here is away from the old baccy, they now smoke a fair amount of skunk, as it’s both locally grown and cheaper.
But you’re mostly right about the iphones etc.
Plus vaping
I know of a scumbag ponce in Hayes Middlesex never done a days work in his life unless it’s cash in hand on benefits living in a council flat on housing and council tax benefit his a stinking immigrant shitbag who has been here for years no sought he is now receiving a full pension the country is fucked
Only last year I heard of a teenager in further education who was on free meals and free travel, along with his younger siblings at school. They, along with the mother, disappeared for two weeks in June for a holiday in Portugal. The local authorities couldn’t fine the mother as she argued she was unable to pay, so she just got a ticking off.
Why has she not been investigated by the DWP?
As mentioned above, it’s a broken system at the mercy of pisstakers.
Half the DWP have several family members on benefits. That’s how a lot of these cunts can work the system.
I work every hour I can running a small business and have been signing on since I left school,
It’s a piss take!
I can barely afford to put food on my artisan solid oak table.
I got a disability car the other day,
Bloody 2yr old!!
How the fuck is that going to look at the Golf Club?!!
Crazy, mis.
Can you only repaint the gates every other month.
The gate at the front is dead Baz.☹️
Stupid fuckin africunt delivery bloke couldn’t suss it and forced it,
Splintered a piece at the bottom making the whole gate weak.
The fuckin chimp.
So, going to be making a new one soon.
Cant have anything nice without some Mr Bean gormless fucker breaking it!
My heartfelt commiserations to you.
Now you know why mud huts don’t have doors.
Benefits is now a viable option to persue as a career path. We or rather the governemt of all colours has slowly created a futher class of person below working class….benefits class. A class that is not in its second or third generation of members…therefore a lot in this class know no different, and have been bred into it thinking this is in some way ‘normal’ the problems now are because people think it is normal to live like this, when you try and make cuts ir remove certain aspects of their way of life there is uproar about persecution and the unfairness of it all. Where do you think this phrase entitlement has come from….these people who have been conditioned over the years to be told they are ‘entitled’ to certain benefits.
Somethibngs got to give because this simply cannot carry on.
Shocking ?
The country is full of cunts run by cunts it’s only a matter of time before it’s fucked
it is fucked. it’s just that nobody wants to admit it.
Sadly yes ?.I despair.
Giving more benefits doesn’t matter.
It’s given to cunts who don’t save and spend it all. So really it’s about taking as much TAX from the economically active, increasing their bills and stopping them from saving the money.
By giving more money to the welfare it doesn’t matter that you are reducing disposable income of workers: they know its going to be spent back into the economy by welfare claimants, keeping the velocity of the currency high.
The end result is that the economically active get fucked. It’s been this way for a while, but since the COVID bollocks they can smell the blood and know they can push the UK population, and we will just take it and accept it.
Something really boiled my piss recently.
A useless, worthless lazy, thick, smelly cunt who used to hang around with us in our teens and hasn’t worked a day in his life was bequeathed a house by his late uncle.
Considering the cunt ‘Chose not to work’ his entire life and still lives with his ageing parents, I actually felt physically sick when he proudly announced that he is now a property millionaire.
gaaaarrrr!!! Cunt!!! ???
13 years of the conservatives and we may as well be peak-Blair.
the Left are so stupid they try to equate pending on pensions to those who have paid in t to benefits of those who will never pay in.
thr only way to deal with these retards is to be brutal and tell them there is no powerty in the UK.
they csnnot process that.
This “cuntry” is so far down the shitter it’s already swilling around in a vast sewage plant with no return.!
I was working somewhere last year.
One of the staff was filling in a form for PIP. FUCK ALL wrong with the lazy bint.
Ahhh… some disabilities are invisible though.
Anxiety, depression? both invisible, according to the industrious folk I used to know on Facebook.
The latest buzz work is ‘Vulnerable’ every cunt and their dog seems to be vulnerable these days and the very mention of the word seems to be a magic bullet that gives you untapped access to the wonderful world of benefits.