Oh yes, our Greta has been awarded an honorary Doctorate by the University of Helsinki. Not bad for a mong who spent most of her time bunking off school and hanging around the streets.
But here’s the rub…….it’s a Doctorate in Theology. I’m wondering, is some clever cunt taking the piss here?…….you know, climate change being the “new religion” and all that? Or are they just as woke and thick as she is? I can’t figure it out.
But she’s definitely a cunt, right?
Nomiated by Freddie the Frog.
Did Daddy Soros bung the University of Helsinki a massive grant for a new safe space building where all the wokeflake students can go and cry and stroke cats?
I will want compensating for image rights too.
In an ironic way, a doctorate of theology is appropriate. For what is Thundecunt and Net Zero other than a 21st century religious phenomenon?
The latter Middle Ages, also an uncertain and insecure period on the cusp of implosion, had its simple minded child saints. It also had its millennial cults preaching that the end was night and the millennium and the second coming as predicted by StJohn the Evangelist, was imminent. These movements usually ended disastrously for their adherents with a massacre by the authorities and a bonfire of heretics.The ill fated commune at Munster in 1534 is a bizarre but not untypical example.
These millenarian movements with their simple minded child saints are exactly the same psychological phenomenon as Thundercunt and eco-millenarian movements like Extinction Rebellion. In the late middle ages their adherents were from the same class as todays eco loons – largely middle class or skilled artisans (the middle ages equivalent of todays middle classes).
Uncertain periods bring forth religious nutters and lunatics. Thundercunt and Stinky Rebellion are from exactly the same quasi-religious, doom mongering stock.
Well let’s hope they laminate the diploma for the drooling mong.
The silly little twat wouldn’t be alive today, if it wasn’t for all the things she’s against.
Dr Doom.
Get those windows licked then get fucked.
I’m saving them for later.
I’ve also never flown or driven because I couldn’t be arsed. Where’s my diploma ? I ran out of lavatory paper recently.
Never flown OR driven Sammy? You must be part of a minority these days. I used to wisecrack that driving was more natural to me than walking. Then I realised that it was true.
Not a member of one of these green groups are you?
Well, we are all safe in the undeniable knowledge that anything ‘honorary’ means absolutely FUCK ALL!! Just like Jimmy Saville and that ginger cunt in LA wearing ‘honorary’ green beret of Royal Marines. If you didn’t put in the effort and earn it, then you are a cunt for wearing it! Greta is on the end of a Puppet Masters strings but is too much of a Mong to realise it! In the same vein, Harvey Price could be awarded an honorary doctorate in window cleaning!
Perhaps Theology is the cheapest doctorate you can buy in Helsinki?. A quick five minutes with the Lexmark and there she goes. The might have even used the dot matrix 24 pin if the budget was tight, and if Soros or David Miliband bought it for her they would want it wholesale.
‘Sir’ Bob Geldof – Honorary Doctorate from Trinity College, Dublin for services to soap dodging.
I thought it had been awarded for the miracle of him being skint before band aid and millionaire afterwards.
It’s a miracle!
Wouldn’t it be mildly amusing if this mental cunt noticed her doctorate certificate wasn’t printed on recycled paper and promptly had an apoplectic fit?
An Honorary Doctorate in Make Believe.
How appropriate, lol.
Having read the link I am now convinced. Why not a doctorate from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, that would make sense. But…..the Faculty of Theology? That’s got to be a wind up surely? I just hope they don’t make the good doctor turn up for some kind of award ceremony. Just send the certificate through the post you piss taking cunts.
That was my first thought Freddie, surely a piss take! But apparently not. I think it just shows how far disconnected from the real world some of the academics in universities are.
I think there is developing a theology of the environment.
There is a lot in Genesis about Creation of course.
It started with creation and we may destroy it.
The World has to end sometime.
Those staged arrest films with the German coppers a while back were the final straw for me as far as this arsehole is concerned.
The climate change industry is a really nice little earner for her. She’ll never do a meaningful day’s work in her life.
Morning all.
To compliment her divinity doctorate, I propose she should be cannonized [sic], by which I mean employing the use of specific military hardware.
Presume you meant complement Sam, just blame auto-correct. But cannonised, that’s brilliant! I’ll borrow that if you don’t mind.
Four hoses attached to a different limb the whipped in four different directions, much more enviromentally friendly.
Theology, the study of the worship of imaginary beings. Might as well study fairies and elves.
I read most if the bible, failed O level religious studies twice, obviously had a different outlook to the believer markers.
I wondered why you even sat an O level in RS Harry, but then it occurred to me that O levels carried some weight unlike GCSEs and it would have been another to add to your score and particularly significant if it took the total from four to five.
As Foghorn has quite correctly pointed out, it is a meaningless award to a garner publicity for the University in question.
Like Lenworth Henry’s numerous awards.
Mongberg has had her time in the sun-time she fucked off.
I was gonna bring up ‘Sir’ Lenny but you beat me to it. A knighthood for services to unobtainable cheap hotel rooms, incessant TV chugging, endless pontificating diversity and peacock noises.
In place of his knighthood I bestow upon him a Certificate in Unifying Neoliberal Traitors.
I suppose it’s no worse than the work shy fuckers in this country gaining diplomas in pointless shit like sociology at the tax payers expense.
How the fuck a retarded adolescent can be anointed by the world as the font of all knowledge is beyond me though.
Oh-and thank you Wankbury’s-the expensive Duck I purchased for Easter Dinner, on Friday has turned nice shade of green.
Opening it this morning has left the homestead stinking like Katie Price’s stench-trench on a particularly humid August day.
The offending piece of meat has been lobbed in the orchard, for the foxes and carrion to fight over.
Meanwhile all the windows are open, an air freshener plugged in and I am now going to be enjoying a Vegetarian Easter.
Thank the God’s for alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
Cheers Cunters and Happy-Fucking-Easter!
Bit like Gourmet Night at Fawlty Towers, without the duck. Has the chef passed out yet? ?
That’s fucking terrible CG! Anyone know why the supermarkets have been selling rotten poultry in recent years? Serious question.
It’s because they are a set of cunts Arfur.
To force into vegetarianism?
Poor little Greta…
Hasn’t she suffered enough, without these eggheads taking the piss?
Greta is the new messiah!
No she isn’t she is a very naughty girl (or summat)
Didn’t she get time magazine Person of the year!
Everyone’s Net Zero poster girl, I wouldn’t mind if she was a looker ?
Time magazine pah!
A French government minister has just posed for Playboy.
Grotta’s next assignment?
Let’s hope it doesn’t start a trend, with the Flabbot getting her rat out in Reader’s Wives.
Unlikely I’d have thought, Cb.
They’d even struggle to fit all of her onto the centrefold.
I am still trying to persuade lovely Liza Nandy to get her knockers out for Climate Change Week, which has to be on the list of weeks in 2023.
All she needs is fingering behind the local offie by some little scumbag drug dealer selling 10 bags. She’ll soon fuck off then, won’t hear any more from her.
Smelly fannied doom goblin.
Bravo, Cunty, Bravo.
Perhaps she still wears nappies-enviromentally friendly ones, obviously.
All academic ‘qualifications’ are got by cheating these days. Cunts using Grammarly to have works written for them, without an ounce of learning of hard graft. And there are too many ‘famous’ cunts to count who have got an ‘honorary’ degree for absolutely nothing. Aside from almost all of Britain and Europe’s universities being run by woke loonies, the whole ‘academic’ system is now a joke and virtually worthless. When they started the ridiculous ‘media studies’ stuff in the 90s was when it started to go downhill. And then Satan Blair opened the door, and the UK’s academic seats have been a joke ever since….
AI can write them now.
Brilliant how the leftist loons claim a terrorist groupie ‘kid’ like Shamima Bigbum ‘doesn’t know what she’s doing’. Yet they will then claim a ‘kid’ like Greta is an all knowing words of wisdom oracle of our times. Double standards as always. I’ve seen custard with more consistency….?
and less cognitive dissonance.
A doctor of theology is sometimes abbreviated to a D. D…
I have my doubts that Greta is anywhere near that .
Now, a D.’Div’, I can understand
What did she say ” your ruining my future ” well you little girl are ruining my present and my future if I cant get diesel cos of your blatant stupidity, hateful little cunt. How the fuck did grown up supposedly sensible adults give a 14 year old child the necessary wherewithal to spout its pseudoscience.
looking like Kuato ruined her future.
Throw her under a bus.Goblin faced window licker
I’m furious that somebody thinks this deluded arsewipe is on a par with Kermit the frog. She’s not even close.
Thanks for reading my link moggie.
Kermit deserves it for cross species work.
There are some in the States who argue that Climate Change has become the religion of the left. It is rigid, dogmatic and a matter of faith to the true believers.
The cult seems to be getting stronger, bolder and more aggressive by the day. Giving this psychotic twerp a Doctorate of Theology confirms that and feeds their collective delusion.
Still, I have to ask…How dare they?!?
Fear not, General.
It’s a joke.
Doctor of Divinity…
The study of make believe.
Climate Emergency.
The University is havin’ a giraffe!
Can Saint Greta actually spell Doctor, never mind theology?
Will she be walking to Helsinki, to collect her award, or will they post it, 2nd class, and do a Zoom meeting to welcome her to the hallowed ranks of pointless, meaningless Doctorates?
Will her expression ever change from lights on, no-one’s home?
I see the little mong is going on onlyfans soon.She will make a fuckin fortune the twisted little fucker.
I hope they laminate it before she colours it in.
She sprouts pseudo scientific clap trap.
Hysterical little spazmatronic goblin.
Off to a DPRK re-education camp for this one.
Next customer.