Well seems that no one else has done it I offer Diane hippo Abbot for a cunting.
This race baiting imbecile as gone and shot herself in the foot in a way that surpasses even her previous and numerous attempts to de-rail her political career.
She has now put into writing what she has eluded to in the past, (Brexit being the last time I can remember).:- that is only Black people, people of colour or whatever; are subjected to racism and that it is apparently the nasty white race who are the only racists on the planet.
Honestly this thick as shit stain on our democracy is supposed to have a degree in history from Cambridge University. Didn’t she learn anything when studying for this? Guess not..
Anyway look on the bright side she has had the party whip removed and hopefully any semblance of political credibility along with it.
With a bit of luck she can disappear into obscurity
And I say thank fuck for that.
Nominated by Everyonesacunt. And a Slightly different perspective on the Abbots latest fuck up from Komodo below
*deep breath*
This is going to be contentious, I think. Because I’m not cunting The Flabbott, but the howls of selfrighteous cunt that flood the media whenever she puts her big smelly foot in her huge flapping mouth yet again.
In short, she reckons there are different sorts of racism and that prejudice is not necessarily racism. Apparently this is antisemitic. That is because she applied this fairly obvious premiss to the most vocal of our ethnic minorities. As I interpret her – and translation is usually required for la Flabbott – if whitish people disparage whitish people, that is not racism, whereas if they disparage black people, it is.
I can understand this view. If a person looks Caucasian or even Slavic, as most Western Jews and gypsies (the reference is Flabbott’s) do, he/she/it* is of my own race as near as makes no difference, and calling him/her/they a cunt is not racist.
Even if I call him/etc a Y word or a P word, this is arguably not a matter of race but simply unwisely insulting: either the Board of Deputies or a hard cunt from the nearest caravan will be down on me like a ton of bricks. Apostrophising me as a goy or a gorja as they do so, perhaps. But they don’t do that, of course. They are above such petty repartee. Aren’t they?
This is not the view of the antisemitism industry, however. Anyone outside the congregation who is critical of any aspect of Judaism on any grounds whatever is both a racist and an antisemite – automatically. “Six million” is the phrase to remember. Makes the half million Tutsis killed in 1994, because they weren’t Hutu, pale into insignificance, so we do not speak of antitutsism, of course. It isn’t a word.
The media circus has descended on Flabbott with predictable fury. The cunt Starmer’s just been waiting for something he could inflate into an excuse to lose the traditional socialists from his plastic party (..he doesn’t need to, though. The Red Wall’s already buggered off). The Tories and LimpDumbs are delighted to look like some kind of moral high ground. LOL. Ooh, the horrible antisemite! (all media everywhere)
There are different sorts of racism and prejudice is not necessarily racism.
*we have to be so careful, don’t we?
A third helping of Labours poster babe from Ron Knee below
Well well; it seems that one of Labour’s most notorious airheads has opened her big mouth and let her belly rumble again.
Remember when the gaffe-prone gobshite played ‘the race card’ when trying to defend her decision to send her son to a thousands-a-year private school? Or the time she claimed that it would cost just £300k to hire ten thousand more rozzers over a four year period? How about the times she’s refused to express regret for past support of the IRA, or when she posted a fake image of an Israeli warplane supposedly bombing Iran?
Yes she’s got previous regarding gaffes has our beloved Flabbott, but this time even her own party leader Sir Queer isn’t having it. The Labour Chief Whip has suspended The Hutt (pending an investigation) after she stated in writing that Jewish people didn’t suffer from racism. Flabbott herself has since been forced to issue a grovelling apology.
If the time comes when Flabbott can’t find her foot, she’ll only have to look in her mouth for it. I’d suggest that the time is now ripe for this waste of oxygen to retire gracefully from the scene, but I’m afraid that the words ‘Diane Abbott’ and ‘gracefully’ will never ever sit well together.
Suck this racist comment Abbot, you are a disgusting, thick, ugly, fat, useless lump of Coal, you belong in a zoo with your closest relatives.! Now fuck off.!
Don’t you like her?
She belongs in a book about dinosaurs.
The Flabbotasaurus (Latin: humungous racistcuntus)
Size: huge
Mood: aggressive
Colouring: dark
Brain: tiny
Eats: anything
I feel sorry for that defenceless wig that sits upon that fat thick head full of crap!
Fucking waste of O2, space, light, gravity…
The interesting thing is what is Starmzy going to do about this race baiter? He got rid of Steptoe but can he dump the Flabbott? The difference, of course, is that Steptoe isn’t black and he’s not a wimminz. No, I reckon he will let it blow over, restore the whip and say no more.
By the way, isn’t all this talk of “the whip” completely raaaaaaay-sist and rooted in slavery and colonialism?
It’s a fucking disgrace!
Starmer has got enough on his plate working out whether a woman can have a penis.
Flabbott is a fucking hippo with downs syndrome whose uselessness is now being recognised and should be promptly flushed down the toilet with the rest of the shit!
Say a “fucking hippo with Downs Syndrome, wearing lipstick and a Beatles Wig“ , and you’ve got her down to a tee.
i dont know. i think a hippo with Downs would get a lot more public support. I find the general comparison of her with hippos to be extremely harsh on the latter.
The Flabbopotamus has a degree in history from Cambridge University but clearly knows nothing about history. It just shows you that, even in those days, if you were a black, leftie wimminz they just waved you through. I don’t doubt that sucking a few posh whitey cocks helped her along the way.
Just ask old Steptoe.
I doubt any Whities would let her, although they’d relish the opportunity to see her on her knees.
I feel all cannibalistic. But couldn’t eat that much.
I think the dumpy little fat cunts had enough and thought she’d like to go out with what she wished was true, but preferred to annoy everyone instead.
I think I’ll exercise my white privilege and say what a flabby, thick, n*gnog cunt she really is! Of course white people are racist, because we are best at it. Unlike the lazy s*mbo us whitey’s are prepared to put in the effort. If it was free or could be stolen then Mr S*mbo Darkie-C*on would have it away and sell for drugs or ho’s wouldn’t he!
By G0lly!
It’s quite unbelievable she received a Desmond in History from Cambridge, but is entirely innumerate. Being able to do simple arithmetic is usually required for degree studies.
So that alone seems racist – special allowance or box-ticking for the black woman perhaps?
We’re going to need a bigger cremation oven.
The only living charred food for cannibals. Chat whilst munching.
Diane Abbottopotamus & Jeremy Corbollocks along with Shami whitewash shittybutty deserved to be plunged into Morecambe Bay at high tide!
Abbott is the worst racist in British politics since John Tyndall.
She’s made so many gaffes she should have been fucked off years ago , but Labour MPs are decided on oppression points these days..
At least she can start up her own party; Chiggun UK.
Fat fucking spastic.
Well past sell by date, maybe she can take her mate baroness lawrance on a fucking 50 year holiday in the Gobi desert. B
Put your left foot in your left foot out in our in our you shake it all about. You down a Margarita on the tube and forget what’s racism is all about. Ohhhh it’s Diane Abbott oh it’s Diane About, oh it’s Diane Aboott.
Basically the old bag of shit is the gift that keeps on giving unless you are one of the socialist champagne so called elite. How this thick cunt got a degree at Cambridge is beyond me, I didn’t think at that time they were awarding them due to colour. Just shows that you can have a degree, but be totally lacking in common sense and and still be as thick as pig shit.
She is, simply, Terry Fuckwit.
Despite being criticised by Qweer Starmer, she will, of course, after standing down as an MP, immedeatly be made Baroness Abbott of Crinkly Bottom, and then spout her gibberish in the House of Lords.
…. you couldn’t make it up.
How this fat bag of shit got anywhere near a primary school let alone Cambridge university is beyond me!
Returning to this one due to today’s announcement that Martin Rowson’s Guardian cartoon depicting the departure of Richard Sharp from the BBC has been pulled. Why? because Johnson is offensively depicted sitting on a pile of faeces and surrounded by evidences of his extensive corruption? You’re having a laugh, yeah?
The cartoon was pulled by the Grauniad because it was ‘antisemitic’. It portrayed Sharp, who has a big nose and thick lips, as having a big nose and thick lips. They are his most prominent features, and any cartoonist worth his salt would have to use them to ensure recognition. Rowson, probably the UK’s most acerbic (and talented) cartoonist exaggerates the features of all his victims, much as his c18 heroes, Gilray Cruikshank and Rowlandson did. He is conscientiously nasty to all his subjects. For instance –
In the same cartoon the head of Sunak (a former subordinate of Sharp at Goldman Sachs) has a gigantic nose, much bigger than Sharp’s – as it does in all of Rowson’s cartoons. Anti-hinduist? Antinoseist? If Sharp had not been Jewish, but simply had a largish nose and thick lips, would that have been anticaucasian?
There’s racism. There’s prejudice. And there’s making a loud fuss about fuck-all while claiming superior victim status. They’re different.