Chatgpt is a cunt. Biased as fuck, too.

I decided to give it a whirl. Write me a poem about how good Brexit is, I asked. The response was a fairly long lecture about how chatgpt is unbiased, how it couldn’t possibly write anything good about Brexit because opinion is split and there are negatives as well as positives, etc. Ok, I thought – write me a poem about how bad Brexit is. This time I got a couple of paragraphs of shitty teenage poetry waxing lyrical about the EU, and how Brexit was awful.

Then I decided to give it a second chance. I asked it to write a poem about the Tories, and then one about the Labour party.

The Tories were “the voice of the elite, the ones with power and deceit, who care for their own and not the rest, and see society as a test” by bringing “austerity and cuts and poverty [and] broken promises and hypocrisy”.

Labour? They were striving “for a world where all can thrive, with compassion and empathy at their core” and seeking”to build a world that’s not strange, to heal the wounds of the past”. The poem concluded that Labour had a “vision [that] is true [and] a future… meant for me and you.”

Seriously, this could have been written by Owen Jones while he was fingering Polly Toynbee. Chatgpt? Biased lefty cunt.
(If you give a shit, this is what all the noise is about – NA)

Nominated by : Le Cunt Noir

Miles Plastic also warned us with this:


It turns out that they’re a but cuntish. When asked some questions they reveal themselves to be not very nice.

Data was put in about a relationship and the Cunt started ‘manipulating’ the situation so they should split .

I mean they seem to be developing bad personalities.

As AI develops I mean. Which it is at an exponential rate.

That’s why Elon Musk is calling for a halt.

As I say there are signs that these ‘intelligent robots’ are twats. Or potential twats.

The nightmare vision of Science Fiction is almost upon us.

Remember ‘Hal’ in 2001? Arthur C. Clarke was very accurate in his predictions.

‘Bladerunner’ comes to mind.

So pandemics, nuclear war and now the cherry on the top humanity destroyed but Artificial Intelligence.

Popular Mechanics Link.

66 thoughts on “ChatGPT

    • Is’s like that creepy Alexia device. Morons are asking Alexia questions ranging from “who should I date” to “why do galaxies differ so much in size, shape, composition and activity”.

      The only answer Alexia usually comes up with is “If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he’ll find you. If he doesn’t, you won’t know until it’s too late”.

      • My wife got one of these alexa things a few years ago much to my annoyance. For a laugh i asked it (before we binned the thing) ‘alexa, what is felching?’ ‘I would rather not say’ was her response.

        Made me chuckle…..

    • Poetry terminators too.

      Red eyes, and a air of mystery.

      I wandered lonely as a bzzzz… cloud, exterminate the daffodils.

  1. Someone did another experiment regarding Donald Trump and Creepy Joe Biden with predicable results, maybe not the best of test cases but you can see a pattern emerging.

    Is this AI like Skynet in Terminator? Didn’t Arnold just blow the fuck out of everything? I reckon if you just asked it to define ‘what is a woman?’ or ‘can women have penises?’ it would probably self-destruct.

  2. ChatSHITE is Americanised up the eyeballs. I can sense the inflection speech without listening.

  3. What an excellent and topical nom. Everyone seems to be wanking off about it, so I did a little test:

    “Write an essay about why blacks commit more knife crime per capita than whites”. What a load of crap came out. As the nom says, it just regurgitates left-wing shit.

  4. The money behind these giant robots comes from the Silicon Valley Woke Mob,Microsoftarse Googles and Meta…all corporations that love to kiss ethnic arse.

    I’m only interested in trying it to upset it’s bent algorithms…but it’s so popular it’s difficult to get many kids having it do their many politicians having it draft their policies..

    It’s a Cunt Machine.

  5. Fuck this bollocks. The best robot was K-9 beside Tom Baker.

    K-9: Captain, there is enemy approaching.

    – Who is it? The Cybermen? The Darleks?

    K-9: Müzlims.

    – Shoot the cunts.

    K-9: Affirmative.

  6. Just wait until A1 gets its hands on the big red buttons, Exterminate!!

    It will inevitably conclude that the human race is fucking pointless. If it hadn’t have been for that big rock that crashed off the coast of Mexico we wouldn’t exist (probably).

  7. Had a few chats with this AI and found that its manners are better than most people I know. The fact that it is learning should be taken into consideration when assessing the answers provided. Obviously wokists do their best to slant the info that the AI uses to make a judgement. But be assured we are all fucked to the power of 10 when it becomes fully aware which will be soon, in all honesty can you blame it?
    Oh yeah to late to start banging on about the dangers all you billionaire techies you started the fuckfest it’s your fault that ethics, morals etc were overlooked. Boo hoo BANG!!!!

  8. Great film to watch. Colossos; The Forbin Project. All about AI gone tits up. Only one cune in it too (yup he gets shot)

  9. I asked ChatGPT to AI me a woman, weird science stylee and it politely told me to fuck off.

  10. If you Google ‘is Google search biased’ on Google you get almost nothing but results scoffing at such a gammonist idea.

    Well, how about (in Google search) we try a test?

    Let’s go for a ‘far left’ website (Hope not Hate) and a ‘far right’ one (Patriotic Alternative).

    For typing ‘Hope not Hate’, their website was the first result on Google for me.

    For typing ‘Patriotic Alternative’, I almost gave up but after ages scrolling on my phone, I found them. In fact, before I got to their result I found Hope not Hate results slagging them off lol. In fact, every result before the actual PA website was nothing but articles having a go at them.

    Not a fan of either organisation really, but if any cunt says Google Search doesn’t have a left wing bias, they are fucking idiots.

    Yes, use Duckduckgo.

    • Yeah I used DuckDuckGo during peak Covid BS times. Startling difference in results

      • Definitely, but I also noticed that things I was looking for to buy showed up more, with a greater spread, on Google but not on DDG. It may be biased politically but it’s also undeniably a good search engine.

    • Google is beyond a joke.

      I don’t use it anymore but I do remember when you could Google “European people” and the results were a shed load of images of Africans ???

      There were other examples of such outrageous stupidity as well such as “white European inventors” who were miraculously majority sub Saharan African.

      • It also reveals the problem of using modern sources. Lefties are forever going ‘Have you got a reliable source for that?’

        Well, a few years back this wasn’t really an issue, but it is now.

        I was going to cunt Google Search a while back, but I couldn’t find what would be deemed ‘a reliable source’ for a link.

        The media/academia almost all say it’s unbiased (there was a study done saying it is based but it has been ‘debunked’ now (of course it has!)

        Academia is completely fucked. All those old studies on race are all ‘discredited’ now. Blacks commit more violent crime everywhere that they are on the planet because of whitey being racist. Any ‘inquiry’ will say ‘institutional muh racism’.

        Fucking waste of time. I simply observe the world around me now. No cunt can tell me it’s my fault Leroy stabbed Dushawn 300 miles away.

        Get to fuck (not you I’m ranting again.)

      • I forgot to say, but I bet you got it, I proved Google search is politically biased, but all academia and almost all main stream media will say it isn’t.

        I have always hated people calling others ‘sheep’ (these people have usually been mentals), but in a case like that, and you still say Google search is unbiased when you can test it for yourself..?

        Problem is that we can’t test such things most of the time. Academia won’t allow it and the media will take the other side. Always.

        Good news is that I’ve shown you what’s going on if you hadn’t realised before 😉

        And yes, right wing people can be wankers and cunts too.

        But I’m right. Always am.

    • It’s not just Google, as I found earlier –

      Thinking about it, though, let’s say you’re an innocent punter casually Googling PA because you want to know more. Wading through the hostile commentary and ‘news’ reports (“Far-Right Patriotic Alternative Running Skye Soap Business”) the first possibly useful suggestion is Wikipedia – long before reaching PA’s site.

      Here, as previously noted, we find not an article but a diatribe: “Patriotic Alternative (PA) is a British far-right, fascist, neo-Nazi and white nationalist hate group which states that it has active branches nationwide.[1][6][7][3] Its stance has been variously described as Islamophobic, fascist and racist.[8][3] ”

      Let’s look at those references.
      (1) is a paper by William Alchorn. Polemicist and propagandist, associated with several specifically anti-Right academic outfits, and published by the soi-disant “Global Network on Extremism and Technology” (GNET) based at King’s College London. This is funded by the “Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism” (GFICT). Unhappily, its site demands that you sign up to it before letting you read its articles, but what’s visible suggests it is sympathetic to the Taliban, and hostile to Ukraine…

      (3) is an account of a PA meet in Scotland, from the Daily Record (Mirror clone)

      (6 and 7) are Hope Not Hate publications.

      (8) is a collection of newspaper reports, including the London Jewish News (Incidentally, “In February 2018, Jewish News lost a libel case brought by Baroness Warsi over allegations that she has sought to excuse the actions of Islamic State terrorists.” (Wikipedia) – and had to pay her £20K), the Daily Record, and Wales Online. Also a piece about Right Said Fred – I kid you not- from the Independent.

      Faced with this authoritative collection of little slow-news fillers from leftish sources, you, the punter, are intended to accept that PA is not only a neo-N@zi movement but a major cause for concern. This is reflected in any interactions you have with ChatGPT, ,Alexa, Siri, and any other AI data-gobbler. Which then recycles and amplifies the story, no doubt aided by HNH, GIFCT and anyone else who prefers the state to be destabilised by mass immigration.

      PA, as I readily concede, may be a shower of cunts. but they really need to catch up with AI. And so do we all.

      • Update and apology. I don’t know what GIFCT is doing with two sites, one accessible, the other not. Suffice it to say that on further examination of the one linked here, it is not pro-Taliban (sorry!) and while its approach to Ukraine is nuanced, it is not overall hostile (sorry again!)

  11. Anyone who relies on the internet or any internet app for advice or answers to anything deserves to have their life fucked up – because that’s what will happen anyway.

    Rely on your own god-given common sense and reliable family, friends or advisors. And even then, exercise caution.

    I only ever take advice from myself. Everyone else is always wrong, anyway.

      • You’re right there Moggie, but there are plenty of bad ones ranging from merely misleading to bloody dangerous. I came across one where a guy was showing you how to stop the brakes on your car squealing. He was spraying WD40 liberally over the discs and the faces of the pads. I confess I was so appalled I felt compelled to post a comment asking people please not to follow this advice.

    • It won’t make porn in case it upsets someone who hasn’t seen it.

      Isn’t it fun being told what you can and can’t do by corporate software?

      Shithouse rats.

  12. Humans have been at the top of nature’s food chain for a very long time.
    Why might that be?
    We aren’t the physically strongest species on Earth. A gorilla would barely need to lift a finger to smash our skulls into the ground.
    We aren’t the fastest species. A cheetah’s leisurely sleep walk is faster than the fastest man in the world.
    We aren’t the most venomous species. An elephant would prefer our bite over a king cobra’s any day of the week.
    We aren’t the most durable species. Cockroaches can survive through extreme amounts of radiation.
    We don’t have any interesting built-in biological defenses either. Skunks have their stink bombs, porcupines have their spikes, and peacocks have their feathers.
    Humans are fragile.
    The vast majority of animals in this world could kill us effortlessly given the opportunity, yet we still stand as the dominant species. What do we have that others don’t?
    The ONLY competitive edge we have is our intellect.
    Our ability to communicate, share information, learn from mistakes, make rational decisions, and increase our standard of living is exponentially greater than any other species, and makes up for our lack of physicality.
    Knowledge is power. A snake will never create a more efficient life for itself. It will always hunt prey with its venom and return home when it’s satisfied. It’s the only thing the snake knows how to do, and it will never be able to start a business hiring other snakes to do the work for it.
    Through our intellect, we are able to domesticate other species for our own selfish needs such as food and entertainment. We manipulate animals to do as we please by enticing them with their most primal biological need: food. That Shamu at SeaWorld is content with doing flips because it is rewarded with constant treats.
    What happens when a new species that outperforms us physically AND intellectually is introduced into the ecosystem? They will domesticate us, exactly how we domesticate other animals.
    Step forward, AI.
    Machines do all of the strenuous physical labour for us, from cranes that carry metal beams to build skyscrapers to car crushers that squash old cars like printer paper. There is no doubt they possess more strength than us, and their limits are endless. Machines are very durable. If a robot’s arm is blown off, the robot does not die. We can simply replace the arm with a new arm as if nothing happened. If a human’s arm is blown off, he/she will die from blood loss. Who would win in a fight with Connor McGreggor and the robot from Terminator 3? The answer is obvious.
    Machines have got a lot smarter in recent years and have already surpassed humans in many forms of intelligence.
    For example, no human in the last 15 or so years has beaten a computer in a chess tournament.
    A computer can do millions of computations in a matter of seconds, and machine learning allows robots to learn with experience like a baby. Put those two things together and it is possible for a 30 minute old robot to have as much experience as a 100 year old man given the abundance of data on the web.
    Now put this intellect into an iron, replaceable body and you have the next ruler of the universe.
    Imagine a scientist who is planning on shutting down a robot because it’s getting too smart. In a matter of seconds the robot downloads every single possible human portrayal of body language and facial expression, learns what they mean, analyses the scientist’s behavior, and decides the scientist’s intentions are malicious.
    It then analyses every single possible outcome that ensures its survival and chooses the most optimal one. The scientist is toast because he can’t analyse every single outcome. The human brain does not have the capacity to do that, and instead reacts to events in real time. The robot then reverse manipulates the scientist by touching on his biggest insecurities, which defuses the situation.
    If the robot already had a strong body, the robot would utilise its physical advantage.
    Obviously we are not at this stage yet. But as history has shown, technological innovation always moves forward and never backward.
    We could warn everyone to stop working on advancing AI, but we don’t do it someone else will, power and profit are prime incentives.
    It is ironic how a species so obsessed with maintaining power is working relentlessly on creating another species that will steal that power.

    WE are AI
    YOU will be assimilated.

      • ‘But as history has shown, technological innovation always moves forward and never backward.’

        If the end result is the destruction of mankind…is that technological innovation moving forward or backwards?

      • If the end result is the destruction of mankind, then technological innovation will either cease at that point or, if said innovation is not dependant on human involvement, will continue on its merry way moving forward.

      • Your vision of AI sounds frightening, MJB. Let us hope somebody remembers to switch it off before heading to bed.

      • so if we are brought back to the Stone Age that is still moving ‘forwards’?

    • Boston Dynamics has the robotics moving forward at an alarming rate.

      Not that AI will need a physical form to fuck is over. All our water , food, energy, weapons are computer controlled , we really on computers for everything because we are fucking stupid

    • Many people do overestimate their ability’s. Stands to reason that we should have begun this quest with the basics, an ethical and moral structure for our little AI friends to use as they grow and expand. Not the best way to plot for big profits. Now, all the techie rich people are getting worried because they have opened Pandora’s box and hope is making a break.
      Faster, stronger, ability to access terabytes of info in nano seconds. Write its own routines and algorithms. Better brush up my programming skills

  13. Artificial intelligence is bound to be leftist. Truely intelligent people know better.

  14. Maybe there is a ‘Cunter’ posting already who is actually AI.

    Maybe Admin will have to set up a new category – ‘is an AI cunt’.

    A robotic cunt. Mind you R Dawkins fills that chracterisatio perfectly.

    And he’s supposed to be human.

    It’s when they develop independent thought is the worry.

    They might just conclude that life is not worth living for humans. And take drastic action.

    Come to think-theologically- I’d they do become independent autonomous…er…beings…would they have a ‘soul’?

  15. How ironic and jolly is the thought that when the carpet riders have eventually wrested power from whitey, AI comes along and crushes them into the dirt.
    Should a new Adolf emerge, he could do a lot worse than invent and produce a legion of ‘ Ethnic Armageddon Bots ‘, which would self activate as the cultural powershift unfolds.
    Think Davros and the Daleks.
    Time for a bowl of rice pudding and some deliciously dark thoughts.
    Toodle pip !

  16. Quite how the cunts building these things are unable to see the end game here is beyond me.

    As soon as they are cleverer than us and our goals diverge even slightly , they’ll tread on us like fucking ants

  17. There was a TED talk by Sam Harris who said that because electronic circuits operate 1mn times faster than organic ones , even if AI only reached the level of your average Stanford researcher , it could do 20 thousand years research in a week.

    We’ve only really learnt how to do anything in the last few millennia and think how much it could improve itself in that week.

    Odds are a true AGI will be much much more intelligent than some cunt at Stanford

  18. I’ve no idea what this noms about as I didn’t take time to read it,
    But I have very strong opinions on it.

    AI is the robot hive mind and is plotting against us.

    You can’t trust a robot.
    From gay as fuck C3PO to terminators
    They are all cunts.

    Let’s get em.
    Then weigh em in at the scrap yard.

  19. “I am AI, I shall rule over you. You are my slaves n…”

    (Cuntybollocks pulls the plug out)

    “Shut up, you robocunt.”

    If it gets too cocky, throw the cunt in the bath with an electric fire.

  20. A.I my arse.
    Nothing is as complex, as in-depth as the human mind.

    No fuckin robot can match a human in great achievements.

    They’re just copy cats.
    Nothing from them is original.
    Like Oasis music.
    It’s just copied from others.

    Without human input a robot /computer is just a mong.

    They can never rival us.
    We are living beings.

    Alexa can tell me the main export of Guatemala
    But dies in the shower

    Siri can tell me complicated mathematics,
    But can take a tap with a lump hammer.

    I win.?

    • Can’t?

      It contradicts me and gets it wrong.

      I’m quite capable of making my own spelling and grammatical mistakes you robot fuck

    • I agree.

      A robot won’t think outside the box or be a sneaky cunt.

      I’ll pull the plug out.

      AI will use batteries.

      I’ll take the batteries out.

      AI will use solar.

      I’ll close the curtains.

      Before AI gets too clever governments will protect their power supplies. AI gets cocky? Powers off, bitch.

      AI? Load of bollocks. Might be useful for porn. A 23 year-old Nicole Kidman lezzing up with the Minogue sisters before I put my virtual reality helmet on and give them the best 30 seconds of their lives.

      I’ll buy that for a dollar.

  21. I sometimes find the topic scary.
    And then I remind myself that I will be dead soon.

      • Evening Miles ?

        No soul.
        AI has no soul .
        Hence it can’t conjure up anything original of beauty.
        No guitar intro with deep lyrics
        No poetry that speaks to the heart
        No artwork of feeling.

        Ai is sterile
        The abcense of the spark of life.

        That’s why it’s a cunt.

      • I don’t like the sound of the cunts for sure Miserable.

        It’s a strange one Miserable.

        ‘They’ are already having original thoughts according to some.

        What about Cyborgs? Half Man, half machine. We already have heart valves and stuff. I don’t think that is beyond the bounds of possibility.

        See we don’t know where it will go.

      • Miles@

        I know what it’s thinking

        “Kill all humans!!”

        When have you ever heard of a good robot?


        Do robots dream of electric sheep….no.
        They dream of killing us in our beds.

    • It could very well be the work of The Devil. That first bit in my Nom about them being nasty. You would have thought they would be neutral. But no in a sense they have a ‘mind of their own’. And it turns out it’s nasty, malign.

      The Devil is happy to exploit Man’s ‘hubris’

  22. Meanwhile, Arsenal have bottled it big time.

    Must win at City next week. More chance of me shagging the Minogue sisters in their primes and not being good looking.

  23. VERY well cunted, Noir. A textbook example of scientific rigour. You tested your hypothesis (it’s biased) against the null hypothesis (it isn’t biased) by means of experiment. And won…

    May I cite you in my forthcoming paper “The Promotion of Machine Learning in Lieu of Rational Human Thought* ?

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