A nomination for appeasing the hard left

The comedian and Filmmaker Matt Walsh has come under fire for his withering attack on Dylan Mulvaney, the trans personality and self-promoter on TikTok.

Many people of the political centre ground wrung their hands over his rhetoric, saying it was ‘too harsh’ and it didn’t win over anybody.

Personally, I think Walsh was correct to read out his letter, and was focused on exposing one person rather than ‘transfolk in general. His attack is a well-deserved critique of fakeness and a minority of extremists coercion of society into believing an obvious falsehood.

He’s also correct in his rebuttal to critics that the situation is far beyond simply ‘winning people over’ when AntiFa are beating people up, and BLM are destroying towns and cities, worrying about the feelings of left-wing narcissists is fruitless, when they already have such hatred for anyone who disagrees with them.

The culture war will not be won by people sitting on the fence, worrying about hurting the feelings of people who already hate them. As Walsh said in his rebuttal, it’s a poor strategy and, like me, he wants to win this war, and actively demoralise the identitarian left and have them running for the hills.

My gloves came off years ago, when it was clear these people were not open to an honest discussion, but to play games and score points, and cheat, lie and smear their way to whatever political power they could.

A couple of my less perceptive acquaintances would spend time trying to ‘understand’ the reasoning of the SJW mindset through social media.
They refused to believe they were being played with because they – if i’m honest – didn’t get out much, and assumed good faith, even though the tactics of the radicals REPEATEDLY showed them otherwise.

As I said, these poor souls were and are slow to catch on, sheltered and found validation in debating with people who already know they are right and everyone else is Hitler.

This appeasement has continued for thirteen years under Tory *rule as well, and the civil service and *our cultural institutions are as woke as ever, so what good are the tory party for? Not conservatism or a meaningful national culture and identity; that seems to have died with Her Maj’.
There can be no more of this Critical Race theory and drag queens teaching children about sex. I don’t even have children, but my brother does, and I find it disgusting they will be exposed to demented lies, sanctioned by the state, and paid for by the taxpayer.

It’s time to reverse the tide of degenerate thinking that is destroying Western civilisation.

Walsh’s opinion that conservatives have been far too patient and soft on the left over the past 30-40 years, and allowed them to take over the institutions in public life, is exactly right. it’s what has happened because of complacency within conservativism and a disinterested, mentally lazy consumer society, that has allowed the boldness and ambition of the identitarian left to go unchecked.

Sometimes it’s necessary to be mean, to use offensive language, to shock the comfortable out of their temazepam dream of liberal consensus, and if the fat blue-haired shits think words are violence, point out it’s nowhere near as violent as their actions over the past few years.

Daily wire

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
I reckon Churchill, see picture, got this spot on CA.

45 thoughts on “A nomination for appeasing the hard left

  1. Walsh is bang on the money.

    Slowly but surely people appear to be waking up to the fact that there’s no discussion to be had with the loony left and its deranged wokery. They’re not interested in anything but imposing a my way or the highway diktat.

    I used to be a ‘live and let live’ type but their sanctimonious intolerance put an end to that. Appeasement never works, ever. The cunts can go and shove their fucking pronouns up their arses.

    Morning all.

  2. British cultural identity had begun to slide off a cliff by the 1980s and the void was filled by an empty consumerist population,who’s large personal debt and huge mortgages kept them cowed and more than ready to be told what to do by an increasingly crafty,greedy political class.

    Chuck in massive immigration and the rise of social media and you have the perfect platform for those who wish to subvert the last remnants of our cultural identity and use it to promote ideas that are rotten to the core but presented as progressive.

    Culture war there may be,a left wing coup of the media,an avalanche of clickbait articles and commentary..an totalitarian control of “how you must think”..

    Yet I’m absolutely certain there are still millions of “ordinary” men and women who,when it really comes down to it,would happily see the drag queens hauled out of primary schools by their hair,mosques bulldozed,illegal immigrants given no rights nor support at all and deported to the worst shitholes the third world has to offer.

    And if all else fails,give them some proper Churchillian medicine..

    Mustard gas the lot.

    • You mean “the silent majority”, Unkle Terry?

      There are more of us out there than you think. Even the nice white middle class people l drink with are sick of this the tranny/peaceful/drag queen/wokery nonsense.

      There’s no political party that speaks for people like us. The outlook for the UK isn’t great. We even have Pat Boons up here in the Peak District now. Not many, but they’re growing in numbers gradually.

      I’m off to Estonia in a fortnight for work. The wife’s told me to get looking at flats.

  3. Don’t forget,boys and girls, throw your mobile telephone into the nearest duck pond at five to three today.

    Good show.

  4. Well said, as you so rightly state arguing with someone who knows they are right is a pointless as trying to piss up a rope in a hurricane. One day hopefully, before it’s too late the majority will awake to the fact that these parasites on society are taking over full stop. Their campaigns mirror the methods of the jihadists, “use their own rules to destroy them” thanks to the uman rights act, equality act and all the other drivel, the biased interpretation by woke judges etc (especially uman rights act) the advance of the sick continues. A tough response is required, the deviants have grown used to being pandered too, good to see those two cunts who climbed the Thames crossing got 5 years bet that did not figure in their plan to fuck the World neither did the colonic exploration planned for lights out cunts.

    • I cheered when I heard those cunts got 5 years. Sadly, it seems it’s 3 years for one of them and 2 for the other cunt. Out in 18 months and 12.

      That snooker cunt is next up. I’m just sad Alex Higgins wasn’t still alive and playing when the cunt tried that. He’d have kicked fuck out of him and made him eat the snooker balls.

      He’s been sent down before for this shite so I reckon they’ll throw the book at the cunt. I hope he gets 10 years in a cell with Big Bubba and his raging 16 inch erection.

      He’s a uni student. I notice he did this at the end of his course (I bet his dissertation was done by now).

      Didn’t want his course disrupting, did he, the little ginger cunt?

      About time they got long sentences to deter others.

      10 years.

      If up to me I’d electric chair the cunts, but that’s just me I suppose?

      • By that I mean I’d electric chair the Just Stop Oil/XR cunts, not gingers.

        I’d string the gingers up, of course.

        Apart from Nicole Kidman.

      • I think the gingers are some sort of half-life soul eaters Cunty and cannot fully pass on to the other side.

  5. An eloquent nomination.

    With so many valid points it’s hard to know where to begin. Honestly, there’s nothing else to be said except…

    Hear, hear!

  6. Gender recognition certificates replacing Birth certificates ?

    Men and Women only Effeminate blokes in dresses and butch women in suit don’t replace the first two.

    How can this nonsense be seen as real, should have been ignored and regarded as mental illness.

    Walsh is spot on with Dylan Mulvaney, he is simply a fucking clown character and it is beyond me why anyone takes him seriously.

  7. It’s an ill wind. One of the archtypical left wing poofs, MR Sam Smith (not they/them) has cancelled HIS tour because of hurty words from Piers Morgan:


    Hopefully the mincing nancy will be so offended he will go and top himself.

    I honestly believe a lot of this nonsense is down to the virtual disappearance of discipline in schools, that and self indulgent parents have produced a grotesque nation of teen and twenties toddlers, with about as much intelligence.

  8. Isn’t if ironic how bleck people are good at running or robbing.

    Mainly blecks winning the marathon.

  9. Diane Fatbott has had her whip removed (it was probably stuck up Steptoe arse), only black people suffer racism, apparently antisemitism is on a par with taking the piss out of gingers.

    • Indeed,I briefly hoped that this would signal her demise but I suspect this awful cunt is harder to flush than a Guinness floater.

    • She can tell that to the orthodox Jewish community in her own constituency, who are affected by racial abuse, both verbal and physical on a daily basis and not just from whites, but from muslims and blacks too.

      • Move along now MM, nothing to see here.
        Diane can count on the six fingers of one hand how many examples of antisemitism there have been in her domain.

      • There’s plenty of them in Hackney, anyway. 5.4% Charedi, breeding like rabbits and threatening a schism in Judaism.

        I’d say there are grounds for saying that prejudice against Ashkenazi Jews – who mostly look, dress and act European – is not the same kind of racism as that against the ostentatiously different ultra-orthodox Charedim who make a religious point of looking like complete cunts.

        (Is saying someone looks like a complete cunt racist? If so I have often been the victim of racism…)

      • Apologies, SCS. You’re absolutely right, as I realised just after I’d posted that. Charedim are indeed the traditional stereotype of Central European Ashkenazim. I wanted to distinguish between Dati versus modernist and Hiloni branches. Will that do you?

    • “I see Sunak wants to make maths teaching compulsory to age 18. I studied it until I was 16, what good would another 5 years do?”
      D. Abbott, House of COmmons

    • Jabbott the Cunt should have her beef lips sewn up for anti-semitism, besides her steaming twat as well.

  10. My mate was supposed to run in today’s marathon but he couldn’t get his jogging trousers off at the start line.
    He’s now in hospital awaiting an emergency trackybottomy….

  11. Heavy subject matter today. By the way what does CA mean admin? I’m familiar with DA and NA only.

  12. It’s too fucking late.

    Let the cunts who think it’s all tickety boo or a right wing conspiracy, see for them fucking selves.

    They will, in time.

    Anyone are that Doreen Lawrence advert?

    “The hands of power are changing
    The baton has been passed
    The next chapter is ours to write
    It definitely won’t be the last”

    Black supremacism, but it’s ok when they do it.

    The only excuse is that she hates all honkies after her son’s murder, to the point of wanting us all gone.

    Mad cunt.

  13. The church bells were ringing today. Dawned on me it is St George’s day, thought it was for Eid or some other alien religious bullshit.

  14. England ??????? the only country in the world where a bit of patriotism makes you a fucking Nazi.

  15. Optimist: The glass is half full.
    Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
    Leftist: The glass is racist.

    • Are you sure it’s a glass? Dylan would call it a furry cup wouldn’t he?

    • Lefty MP twat: “The glass is suffering appalling levels of depletion poverty because of a lack of investment by this Tory government.”

  16. A good idea would be to start a campaign group called ‘Just Stop Just Stop Oil’.

    The intention being to disrupt the lives of these cunts at every turn.

    You’d be a national hero.

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