Twat of the Day (3)

(A special schadenfreude gloating for that detestable shitbag, Lineker and his   ivory-tower millionaire residents – Day Admin)

Seems to = egg on someone’s smug face.

I cannot tell you how delighted I was to read this, as well as in numerous other national papers, including but not limited to The Sun ( adult comic) and the Independent ( of what?).

I’m cunting every arsehole who said they wouldn’t appear, in support of Crispman, thinking it would adversely affect the viewing figures.

Get IN!

Daily Mail

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

139 thoughts on “Twat of the Day (3)

  1. Fuck me, are people still going on about this? A frivolous at best incident has dominated news and social media for the best part of the week.
    Lefties moaning about the beeb being right wing Nazi organisation, and full of tories, the righties moaning that it’s a leftist w*ke Nazi organisation.
    Can’t be both surely?
    The fail reported that viewing figures are up on normal. If it’s anything other than curiosity from cunts intrigued how it would look, I’d be very surprised. Do it again this week and see if it maintains its rise in popularity.

    • Next weekends viewing figures will perhaps be a truer reflection of this sorry saga.

      I didn’t watch it on the Saturday gone and I won’t be watching next Saturday either but as a longtime follower of the sport itself and not the banal shite that accompanies it – I much prefer the no commentary/analysis option.

      It’s a shame there isn’t more of it available because if there was then the Beeb would have one extra viewer.

      • Evening HJ…would you like the commentary if you could choose the perfect commentary team and, if so, who would your pair comprise of?
        I’d like Jerry Sadowitz and Harvey Price – a dream team.

      • Evening Thomas.

        Yes of course.

        As long as Big Ron Atkinson was the co-commentator then that would be enough to get me back listening.

        The mere mention of Big Ron’s name would probably be enough to see the likes of Ian ‘Oprah Winfrey minus the wig’ Wright and Saint Gary of Lineker running for cover in a collective hissy fit of outrage.

        The soppy cunts.

      • That’s what I alluded to in my reply to GJ.

        There was something like a 20 percent increase in viewership on Saturday gone.

        Was that a form of protest or just plain old curiousity?

        I expect next weeks viewing figures to plummet by comparison although I could very well be wrong.

        Evening MJB

      • I loved Big Ron at Old Trafford. Never a dull moment and some cracking players like Robbo, Whiteside, Sparky, McGrath, Muhren and others.

      • Evening HJ, GJ.
        I expect the viewing figures will remain up,
        Again due to curiosity.
        Needless to say I won’t be watching.
        Why would I? It’s the BBC.

      • Well, that lasted long as we expected, didn’t it?
        That spineless cunt Tim Davie’s tongue is now browner than Ian Wright’s arse.

        That self satisfied know all smirk will be smugger than ever this weekend. And you just know that he will not be able to keep his mouth shut. He now knows that he is unsackable, and he will push it even further with his left wing shite. Lineker does not give a shit about any rules. One look at his Twitter account proves that. He is laughing at everyone.

      • I’d like to see that superlative twosome Salma Hayak doing the presenting.

        Fuck the football, let’s see her dominating the play. Phwooar!

      • I don’t think I’d last the full 90 with Salma.

        She’d probably end up bringing me off before half time.

        Evening Ron

      • Let’s hope Linekunt doesn’t get to read this thread…
        He’d cream his boxer shorts!

      • My ideal commentary team?
        Mel Blanc (as Porky Pig) and Peter Capaldi (as Malcolm Tucker).

        Presented by Gene Hunt, with punditry by Alf Garnett, and Rab .C. Nesbitt.

  2. Carol Whoredermann comparing Lineker to George Orwell, and Fat Cunt Dawn French comparing Lineker to Shakespeare….

    Celebrity fucking cunts on social media. Purge the lot of them…

  3. Off topic, but talking of cunts, Gary Glittercunt has been recalled to prison for breaching his release terms. The man is irredeemable.

    • Apparently searching the dark web for kiddie porn…..already. Only been out a week or so. What a cunt

    • Euthanasia appears to be the obvious solution where sick fuckers like this are concerned.

      You should post this cunt as a nom MM.

    • Hack off his genitals with a rusty, jagged baked bean can lid.

      Then send the cunt to a gas chamber.

      • You were, weren’t you, Paul?

        Glitter needs to be forced into a barrel, multiple long nails hammered into it, and then rolled down the longest slope possible.

      • I’ve read of some ingenious methods of torture Jeezum, but that’s a new one on me. Must say though I think it’s brilliant. I have a short list of people on whom I would like to test it.

    • Excellent news.
      Best place for this disgusting organism.

      Actually, the best place would be in a Crematorium, but you can’t always have what you want.

  4. The BBC are now bollocksed (as if they weren’t before)

    I really, really want to see what they do if another BBC ‘household name’ such as Claire Balding for example, now tweets ‘I agree with the governments stance on this immigration issue, and they should be taking draconian measures to tackle it’

    They have set a precedent now.

    However…..I suspect she would be suspended then sacked on the basis her comment does not toe the narrative, and the pitchfork waving soyshul media lemmings would be calling for her head.

    …now guys and girls….that is real censorship and stifling of freedom of speech, not the Lineker kind of censorship, that is for a day or so, and then is restored due to the vocal minority who they are afraid to upset.

    This is a two faced cunting.

    • And that’s what some boring as fuck, libtard but pretend to be a holier than though middle of the road type, humourless prats on here don’t understand.

      Well, I think they do actually, come to think of it.


  5. This will only add to the “defund the BBC” narrative…..and hopefully someone of influence will be storing this example for the proverbial rainy day.

  6. Modern day football deserves this detestable Tax Dodging, overpaid, goal hanging wanker, he fits right in with the cheating bastards who have reduced the once beautiful game to the sham that it is today.!

  7. Is Linekunt a foul, creepy, odious, sanctimonious, virtue-signalling cunt?

    Short answer: Yes
    Long answer:  Yessssssssssss.

  8. Firstly I would state: don’t pay the BBC tax, the BBC is a cunt and Linekar is a cunt.

    Having said all that how in hell’s name can you countenance running an organisation where you back off disciplining the staff and let them walk all over you? What a pathetic shower of shite!

  9. The whole story has been a useful distraction from far bigger, far more important issues, that the MSM avoid.

    Linekunts boys were despised by teachers, staff and fellow students at Jeremy Cunts old school.
    Like Father, like Son(s)s?

    • Yeah, he sent his brats to a posh private school and then moaned because they turned out to be as thick as he is. There are some things money can’t buy, arsehole. Not many, as you well know, but there are some, shitforbrains.

    • Yep. A spat concerning the tv coverage of an entertainment package. Whilst the UN and the WHO are conspiring to fuck up Western democracy as we know it, yet barely a peep from the MSM.
      For what it is worth, I didn’t join in the chants for Gary Lineker at Leicester on Saturday. I booed, as did others.

  10. As he’s not going to be presenting MOTD this weekend, I would hope that viewing figures remain high, but plummet when he returns.

    Hopefully, no one will watch it. I won’t, but then I never have. I’d rather watch my pet brick sleeping.

    • Sorry to burst your bubble, JP, but he will be presenting MOTD this weekend.
      It matters not, however, seeing as none of us watch the BBC, lol.

  11. Having heard this little weasel, Davie, on the radio today, wriggling and squirming and trying to justify his total weakness, I am left with a little bit of sick in my mouth. I don’t know who appointed this knobsucker or who has the power to sack him but they need to get shot of the cunt right now.
    On reflection they may as well give it to Linekunt himself…….or perhaps to Mary Jane Shearer……let’s not make it too obvious.

  12. I would like to think that Davie will bide his time and then settle the score with Lineker, by stitching him up and sacking him in spectacular fashion.

    But, there is little to no chance of that. Lineker burps and Tim Davie says ‘excuse me’.
    Spineless bitch that he is….

  13. Off topic, but it occurs to me we haven’t heard from our esteemed COTY for a few days. Hope you haven’t done a Fiddler on us Mis. Please return, all is forgiven!

    • He’s re painting his country cream gate, the poof.

      It’s a work of art…….can’t be hurried.

  14. I hear that Davie has actually apologised to Lineker. The invertebrate cunt.
    The jug lugged slime puddle will be reveling in this, and that Alex Scott is as stupid as she looks. The daft bitch could have stepped in last Saturday and took Lineker’s job. She has all the BBC woke credentials. Black. Woman. Lezza. And if the Beeb elbowed her (even after one show) the Twitter loonies would cry ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’. And although I can’t stand her, I would rather even have Scott presenting it than the Jug Eared Judas.

  15. I would like to see Linekunt thrown in among half a dozen Komodo Dragons, torn limb from limb, and eaten alive. His screams of fear and agony would be music to my ears.

  16. Linicunt is bigger than the BBC. 8500 poor peasants have to buy a license to pay that hypocritical leftwing shithead’s salary. I truly hope he suffers long painful death. Good night

  17. “Arise, Sir Gary Lineker”
    You know it’s only a matter of time, jug eared wankers.
    Both of them…

  18. It pains me to say it. But, if Lineker fell in the Thames, he would come up with a salmon in his gob. The cunt gets away with absolutely everything. And, with pricks like Tim Davie around, he’s going to….☹

    I have no doubt the puppet director general will already be going through the BBC’s 2023 Christmas schedule. To see if the programmes meet with Gary’s approval. And a new sign – in tribute to Lineker – has been put up at the BBC. It says ‘Anyone who doesn’t agree with me is Hitler….’

  19. And I hate Linekunt’s ‘ordinary bloke’ act. He claims that the world has gone mad and blown a simple social media post out of all proportion.

    Like he didn’t know that was going to happen. Eveybody knows that mentioning Nazi Germany in any way is asking for trouble. He could have said he didn’t agree with the migrant bill without mentioning Hitler’s regime and he knows it. He wanted it to cause as much controversy and gain as much publicity as possible, and he got it. Now he has got his way, he will be back to his ‘normal bloke’ routine. Smirking and saying ‘i don’t know what the fuss was about’. He’s a manipulative slippery turd. It’s got fuck all to do with woke, it’s got fuck all to do with rapeugees. Everything this cunt does is all about him and only him. And he knew exactly what he was doing, the devious cunt….

    • It’s about tax avoidance, isn’t it? Demonstrating his status as a contractor not an employee, in the ongoing dispute with HMRC.

      I do know that the money needed to house and feed immigrants will not be prised away from Gary Lineker Media, will it.

  20. I just saw that the words ‘RIP Gary’ are trending on Twatter.
    My heart momentarily leapt with joy. I thought it was him…

    Sadly, it bloody isn’t….☹

    • I agree, Lord Cuntingford.

      And although the royals get stick, imagine if the UK became a republic? A President Blair or a President Lineker? The ultimate nightmare….?

  21. I expect that Rishi Boy will show no guts and allow the Beeb to limp on for a few more years at least. It’s been said that Davie – with Lineker’s help – has put the ‘final nail’ in the BBC’s coffin. I would really like that to be true. But we’ve heard it all before. How many ‘final nails’ does it take to shut the BBC casket up for good? The first ‘final nail’ was hammered in eleven years ago, after Savile’s death and ITV revealed what a sicko he was. Yet the BBC are stil here and worse than ever. The majority of people in Britain are stupid and apathetic. And within weeks, they will all be watching ‘national treasure’ Lineker like nothing ever happened. Then again, nothing did….☹ He’s been allowed to compare the country that beat the Nazis to the Nazis themselves. If he can say that, then he’ll know he can say anything… And he will, the cunt.

  22. Smug twat just can’t keep it shut, can he?

    “However difficult the last few days have been, it simply doesn’t compare to having to flee your home from persecution or war to seek refuge in a land far away.

    “It’s heartwarming to have seen the empathy towards their plight from so many of you. We remain a country of predominantly tolerant, welcoming and generous people.”

    Persecution? From what? War? Fucking where? Funny, there is only one war going on right now, and that’s in the Ukraine. Yet smug twat has never mentioned them, and he never will. You know he doesn’t give a fuck about them. Also, this far away land always seems to be here. Nothing to do with it being a soft touch and a freeloader’s paradise full of iffy doctors and solicitors ready to aid these ‘poor souls’, eh? And finally, why are their hardly any girls, women, or children in these hordes of ‘voicless souls’? Why are they all men of fighting/drinking/raping age? Refugees are usually children fleeing from conflict or disaster. But not according to smug twat. The words ‘shut the fuck up and die’ have never been more apt….

  23. I find it bizarre some people have cancelled their TV licence because among other things they felt st Gary had been treated badly by being taken off air… Each to their own but I find that laughable in the extreme. Quite the opposite for me, I cancelled because he is an overpaid poisonous pontificating migrant sucker and has the whole corporation in his slimy claws.

  24. Sad day for MOTD now Lineker and his chums have been reinstated ?
    £26,000 for one days work per week ?
    BBC now needs to be defunded asap ?
    I well remember Eric The Red twatting that BNP gobshite and Lineker saying he should be banned for life and deported how times change and what a fucking hypocrite ?
    My advise is boycott MOTD and watch another sports channel ?

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