The Reality of the Race Industry

‘Bafta Awards face backlash over all-white winners’

The attached is a report of the utter outrage due to there being no blacks in this year’s Baftas. Yes, a fucking disgrace. Innit. However, for those that can be bothered to read this turgid shite, there seems to be one word missing.

Can you guess what it is yet? (to paraphrase an ageing Ozzie prevert)

That word is merit. Nowhere does anyfucker say a black should have won on merit.
That is the reality of the race industry. Lower the standards so the fuckers can win/get promoted/get Nobel Prizes.
Discriminate against actual talent to give them prizes.

BBC News Link

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

110 thoughts on “The Reality of the Race Industry

  1. If that banner in the header pic is not blatantly racist, then I don’t know what is.

    • Racism, nature’s way to remind the world some sections are superior….?✈️??????️⛽????️???✝️

  2. All quiet on the western front was a big winner..

    Surely there was a battalion of zulus fighting for the bosch..

    Wouldn’t be quiet for long with all that drill music.

  3. I wonder how many whites have won MOBO awards? Not that I’ve bothered to check.

    and then of course there’s those institutions (universities mostly) that have barred white folk from attending/taking part due to white privilege.

    As always these cunts want both sides of the coin to say the same thing. And next it will be the Alphabets demanding quotas and then Peter Files and then coprophiles etc etc

    • Afternoon TC, the groups promoting both kiddıe-fiddlers and coprophiles could save time and employ the revolting Peter Tatchell to represent them both. And I bet he’s done or witnessed even worse evil filth…☠️

      • I quite like Peter Tatchell. In 1983 he stood as the Labour Party candidate for Bermondsey, replacing dear old Bob ‘hand in your pocket’ Mellish. I had a £25 bet with a mate of mine from Bermondsey that he wouldn’t get elected. His view being that if you were Labour in Bermondsey it was shoe-in and mine being that the working people of Bermondsey wouldn’t vote for an openly gay man. He was beaten by Simon ‘the straight choice’ Hughes. At least Tatchell was honest. Hughes, meanwhile, has earnt about £3million from the public purse in the intervening period and received a knighthood.

      • I too admire Peter Tatchell.
        Though I disagree profoundly with his politics.
        Hughes on the other hand was a closet gay,
        Which makes him and his behaviour in that election campaign doubly despicable.

    • I refuse to have a Mustardcard because they sponsor(ed)? the MOBO’s…

  4. ‘In fear of diversity’?????

    Don’t these cunts watch the fucking telly? Over-represented, you mean? Especially in the fucking adverts. There’ll always be ‘racism’ because these fuckers will leave no stone unturned to read ‘Racism’ into anything and everything because there’s a lot of money to be made out of racism, isn’t there?

    Excellent cunting, Cuntstable, and I commend it to the House.

  5. Next year just short list everyone who is black..
    From chimpana to chimpanzee..

    Make it a laughing stock..
    Your film that no one watched and bombed at the box office is a winner.

    Feel better now?

  6. No black scientist has ever won a Nobel Prize.
    22% of Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews, who make up less than 0.2% of the world’s population.
    All coz of racism innit.

    • As I read Geordie, I can’t remember where, Jews are over represented in every field of human endeavour.
      Blacks appear to be under represented in every area except television adverts.

  7. Black,white..

    It’s all a parade of absolute cunts.

    Give them trophies.

    Give them oven.

    • If you put a black in the oven though UT, how do you know when they’re sufficiently cooked?

      • Oh it’s straight forward Thomas.

        When they look like one of those frazzled Roman cunts from Pompeii then all is well.

  8. The BAFTA’s.
    A bunch of insufferable luvvies noshing each other off amid gushing displays of fake humility.
    If that’s what’s required for black emancipation lord help us.

    • Good.
      I like whities to win everything.

      Listen black people,
      1)You can’t act

      2)You can’t swim

      3)You can’t do mathematics

      4) you can’t ride bicycles

      5) you hair is awful.
      Fit for stuffing sofas, that’s it.

      6)your dreadful fuckin drivers .

      7) you smell funny.

      8) fuck off

      9)news flash – your not attractive

      10) thought I told you to fuck off?

      If you find this racist,
      That’s because I am racist.
      You seem to busy calling everything racist that you overlooked real racist.

      I’m so fuckin racist I spit out the black ones when eating Jelly babies.

      Then stamp on them.

      • “Now I’m not racist, but I do like to see the white fella win”

        My Grandfather while watching athletics or boxing.

        God rest his racist soul.

      • It’s good to be racist, if not the cunts will take over, already tails wagging dogs.

      • What’s the difference between batman and black men?
        Batman can go out without Robin.

  9. Is the featured soot in the header pic Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, the woman who kicked off over air quality, looks like her but then again they all look the same.

  10. As the phrase Male, Pale and Stale from the banner on the Header pic excludes women it seems pretty misogynistic to me. Especially, since the 4 groids* in the front row are all women.

    Maybe the phrase; Blacks, Hacks and No Facts would be more appropriate,

    A righteous nomination from Cuntstable.

    *There is some debate as to the proper use of the word groid when applying it to melanin enhanced females of African descent. Some would argue that groid is all inclusive while others insist that groidette is proper.

    • The phrase “Male, Pale and Stale” is not misogynistic, it is misandrist.
      (on top of being obviously racist)

  11. Weird how blacks appear to need a leg-up within society in general.

    Quotas for this quotas for that.

    Reparations for this reparations for that.

    I blame self flagellating privileged whites for all this bullshit.

    If society in general could draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough – make you’re own way in life regardless of colour or background, then this constant bombardment of tedious bollocks might just go away.

    What rational thinking, non chippy black person would want to achieve anything in life but know in the back of their mind that it was thanks to their skin colour and apparent lowly status/expectation that played the most significant role?

    Fuck off.

  12. I watched a bit of the European Indoor Athletics, we have a top notch ALL WHITE girl pissing over the opposition in the 800 metres, blonde, not bad looking with a nice little arse. There is another British (sadly Scottish) white girl kicking ass in the 1500, but doesn’t have the looks, but she is white.

    Good to see athletics going in the right direction ?

    On the subject of sport has Norman stopped crying into his pillow ?

    • You wait, it won’t be long. Can’t have whitey winning everything in athletics. They’ll demand us white cunts are handicapped, like in horse racing; and we’ll fucking comply. Fucking cunts!

  13. ‘We Want A Quota System’

    I look forward to Kylie Minogue winning a MOBO, then.

    • And Elton John, although I suspect he has received many a Member Of Black Origin over the years.

    • Afternoon DCI

      I’m sure (if my memory serves me) that some white lass won a Mobo award a few years ago and there was a lot of fuss kicked up by certain cunts due to the fact she wasn’t black.

      Can’t remember the finer details but I do remember thinking it sounded incredibly racist.

      I didn’t realise that “music of black origin” was exclusive to black people only?


      • I’ll bow to your superior knowledge there, Herman. I’ll bet it went down as well as Donald Trump at a Black Panther meeting!

    • Pretty much all popular music since about 1955, with the exception of C&W and Kraut Rock could be argued to be of black origin to one degree or another.

      • Up until 1964, pretty much ever white singer sang like a white person, in their natural voice. They sang like Bing Crosby, Sinatra, Perry Como, etc. Once Jagger started aping black Blues, Soul and Funk singers, that was it.

        To get that classic white man vocal today, you have to go see who? Ball, Bublé, Bennett.

        Personally, I love all races of people, but Britain has let in the dregs of the Earth in the past few years and it needs to stop or most cities will become genuine ghettos and we know what that leads to.

  14. Here we go again, silly awards should have been given to black people for no other reason than their skin colour.
    If the film is no good, no amount of acting is going to make it watchable regardless of skin colour.
    If it’s absolutely necessary, have an award for best people in an advert.
    That’s one category a white person can’t possibly win.

    • I saw a white man in an advert last night. He was driving a car dangerously fast. Obviously that is more realistic than a p@ki taxi driver or a soot on a leccy scooter or a doishka behind the wheel of a fucked up old beemer.

  15. The funniest thing I ever saw was this little black kid about 6yrs old.

    I rounded a corner walking my dog,
    He’s with his slightly older sisters who ran as soon as they saw us.

    He didn’t know why they ran, and when he saw us his eyes went like saucers.
    He ran blindly straight into a lamp post where he hit the deck,
    Then burst into tears.

    I couldn’t breathe for laughing.
    Every few steps I’d set off again and got stomach cramps from laughing.

    I’d like to thank that kid.
    He brightened my day and I couldn’t stop whistling for a fortnight.

  16. What about giving them a little bit of appreciation with remakes of “Man in a Bleck Suit” and “Bleck Mischief”, giving them a little something, before announcing The Main Event The British BAFTA Awards.

  17. Just change the awards show name to Fence Turtles.
    Thousands of undeserving black cunts fit that criterion ?

  18. With reference to the question above one white winner at the MOBO awards was our old friend, raving iron, Sam Smith . Four times in fact. I don’t know what for……taking it up the arse I presume. Of course being a gay he is beyond criticism. Other whiteys have been slagged off just for being nominated, among them Amy Drughouse and Ed Shitpants.
    Hope this helps.

      • In 2013, Gambaccini claimed that he had been highlighted as a potential security risk by the BBC earlier in his career due to his sexuality, with a symbol resembling a Christmas tree on the cover of his personnel file: “It meant you were ‘as camp as Christmas’ and thus a potential security risk.”[31] In fact, the symbol was a general indication that the subject should not be “promoted or transferred” without reference to the department responsible for security vetting, due to left-leaning sympathies

      • All through the 70s, 80s, 90s, I never knew that Gambo was gay as it never came up, no gossip, he was just a guy who brilliantly presented the hits of the week. The was he was treated by police was vile, he had done nothing wrong. Meanwhile there are others with a touch of frost about them who are far more spoken about in the industry as being child abusers.

      • If the bird beaked cunt is an iron, I’m glad. This annoying yankie twats twang has prevented me enjoying programmes I’ve wanted to listen to. Fuck off with your incessant claptrap and bother someone else.

      • Sorry Maggie, I sense what the outcome will sound like, by just looking at the smug-mug of a typical hamshank.

      • I couldn’t give a rat’s arse about anyone’s sexuality.
        So long as it’s consensual, and they’re not a pee-doh.
        That said, Paul Gambaccini is a right irritating cunt.
        Fluff Freeman was the bee’s knees!

  19. Do humans get reparations for all the black induced crime?

    Asking for a racist friend.

  20. Makes me laugh when they give themselves African sounding names ?
    Matabeli Bullawayo.

    Dresses like a masai tribesman.

    Cunt gets caught theiving or fraud,
    Real name Doris Grimshaw.

    Adopted by a white couple.
    Nearest the silly cunts been to Africa is a banana butty.

    Fuck off you fantasist.?


    • What really makes me laugh is the amount of African Americans who genuinely believe Wakanda exists.

      What makes me absolutely piss myself is some bloke called Akon is actually trying to build a rough approximation of it in some third world shithole.

      Either a brilliant tax dodge, or the naive twat is about to discover embezzlement and government corruption on a whole new scale.

      Either way, Wankanda will never exist.

    • Like that utter cunt who got our late Queens lady in waiting sacked, Mis.

      Wouldn’t cross the road to piss on her if she were on fire, race baiting twat.

      Not the L. I. W., obviously.

  21. Mate of mine sent me vid narrated by an Attenborough soundalike about the “North American pavement ape”, highly amusing and accurate.

  22. Black people have dlways been involved in awards. Who do think cleans the toilets and clears the rubbish…

      • Sorry to be a pedant – she was in the incarnation of Cheryl Tweedy when she did it. She hadn’t yet met that cunt Cole.

  23. “We want a quota system “ says the banner held up by the wokies. That means you get the gig if you fulfill the quota, tick the box. Is that how awards work? It is now so shut the fuck up raaaaaaaaay-sist.

    • Can someone ask them how, exactly, that would work?

      Is it like proportional representation?

      • It won’t fucking work. Ok, deciding who is the best actor and that sort of shit is a subjective opinion but presumably they have a vote on it…’s not just one cunt’s opinion. So what do you do if there’s not enough effnicks, poofs, vegans, trannies etc ? You go back and eliminate the evil whiteys to get the quota you set out to establish in the first place. It’s a fucking farce and why no cunt is watching all this award shit on the telly anyway. That and the fact these luvvie wankers spout all their champagne socialist bollocks like they’re talking to a bunch of retarded juveniles.
        Fuck off cocksuckers.

  24. Advert for Amazon in TV.

    A dark key in a wheelchair. Probably shot by the police.

  25. Quotas for black people on TV?

    Simple. Ljve feed from a priso. Full of ’em.

  26. Mobo (Moaning Over-exposed Black Onanist) shortlist-2023:

    Best male who impregnated a white women and stayed around.

    -No Nominations

    Best Female impregnated by a black man, who has received financial assistance from “da babyfather”

    -No nominations

    Best black holder of an Equity card, who has NOT been seen in a television advert

    -No nominations

    Best black politician who has NOT accused EVERYTHING of being racist

    -No nominations

    Best backstop for a .38 calibre bullet

    Sasha Johnson
    Biggie Smalls
    Tupak Shakur

    Best use of position to abuse girls

    Dr William Cosby MD
    Noel Clarke
    Mike Tyson
    Mason Greenwood

    Best catchphrase

    Eddie Murphy-“Get the fuck outa here”
    Chris Rock-“Get the fuck outa here”
    Barrack Obama-“Get the fuck outa here”
    Proff. Lensworth Henry-“Kataaaaanga”

    Lifetime achievement award:

    Dianne Abbott for her contribution to fashion, racial harmony and her groundbreaking work on Accelerated Multivariable Calculus

    Hosted by Me-again Markle
    Sponsored by KFC
    Awards finish promptly 11PM
    Rioting, burning & looting 11.01PM


  27. There was a token sootie on one end of one of the teams on University challenge tonight. I wasn`t paying the fullest attention but I do not remember him answering one question. He just sat there grinning inanely while the other 3/4 of the team did all the heavy lifting – and still got soundly thrashed. He looked like a car park attendant who`d been roped in at the last second and didn`t really know why he was there.

    • So they didn’t ask any questions about St George of Floyd?
      Fucking raaaaaay-sists!

  28. The human propensities for being offended by shit they don’t need to give a fuck about knows no bounds.
    I hated football growing up because there was no escape from it, but once they started charging cunts to watch the shite, it stopped being a problem. Now, I couldn’t give a fuck for it. Ir anything else I’m not forced to watch. ?

  29. All these ‘tributes’ to three people who were killed after their car crashed after a night on the piss in Cardiff… Others – many others – have died after car accidents, but they never got loads of ‘tributes’ or news headlines. So what’s so special about this lot? They’re black? Ah…..

    This sums up the BBC’s attitude and their favouritism towards blacks. This crash could have been the driver’s fault. But even if it was, the BBC and the social media mongs will canonise these people and absolve them of any blame. And the mountain of tributes makes me sick and all. Why all this gushing ‘grieving’ for total strangers? The point is, even if i was wreckless or drunken/drugged up driving, the woke media won’t say that it is. Because of their skin colour, they will beyond any criticism.

    And I’m not being funny, but what’s that on the right? It looks like a Thunderbird puppet.

    • Your not wrong Norm-the bastard love-child of Katie Price & Noel Gallagher, with a season ticket to “Tan-Tastic”.

      5 in the car-3 dead, 2 critical.
      Drink or Drugs?
      Tragic for the families.

    • The reason the story made the headlines is more to do with them lying yards from a busy main road for 48 hours, I don’t think the fact that one of them is black came into it.

      • Fair point, Gutstick. I did jump the gun there, but I am just going on the past behaviour of the BBC. If some white girl gets gang raped by a load of paggiz in Rotherham or some other shithole, it is never headline news. In fact it’s usually not reported at all. But anything involving blacks, poofs or peacefuls (unless they are raping or killing) always gets top billing.

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