The Establishment Debunking Opposing points of View


I’d like to nominate the establishment attempts at debunking opposing points of view from the frivolous to the serious.

This article from the Guardian reminded me of an evangelical Christian friend of mine who described Carl Sagan as ‘dangerous’. Sagan himself didn’t believe in censoring and cancelling people- he debated creationists astrologists and people who believed Jupiter gave birth to Venus

Does it matter if people believe in Atlantis and aliens when schools and Guardian journalists themselves happily ignore biology? Stuart Heritage is a cynical bore at best but here he is playing the obedient little idiot.

Remember the BBC stance on Brexit? End of the world. No more medicine.
the establishment view of Trump? The new Hitler and Russian stooge, but no evidence to back it up

Covid? Let’s have a party while families are torn apart.

And now the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia are evil. Why can’t the RAF just bomb the Russian convoy? The Ghost of Kiev etc…

The Guardian

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime

34 thoughts on “The Establishment Debunking Opposing points of View

  1. Isn’t that Graham Hancock Miles mate from a few weeks ago?

    Typical fucking Grauniad being outraged by some theory on civilizations that ignores proven science but will tell you that women have cocks and men can give birth.

    • We need to frighten the pants off the public..

      Matt Hancock.

      The little snake.

      I thought deliberately causing public fear and distress was a crime?

      One cunt I’d take great delight in hearing he had cancer of the balls.

      • Wouldn’t it have been just super if a boa constrictor had strangled then eaten the little cunt whilst he was mincing about on that TV jungle thing?

      • ??

        Yeah and the delightful tinkling of the blood gurgling in his throat as he hemorraged.

    • ‘why has this (show) been allowed?’ asks the free-thinking Groaniad.

      ‘Why not?’ is the obvious answer. Hancock’s theories might be miles off the mark, but is challenging orthodoxy wrong, something that shouldn’t be permitted?

      ‘Mr Galileo, your theories are insane’.
      The Church.

      Fuck off to the Groaniad, and the cunts that sail in her.

      Morning all.

      • Sir Nigel has called Hancock (Matt) ‘a pipsqueak’.

        Oh how accurate that is.

        Yes to think this ‘pipsqueak’ had us quaking in our boots for months on end.

        And then to rub our suffering in our faces what is he doung? Fondling a nice shapely arse.

        Its enough to make both your blood and piss boil at the same time.

  2. Whatever happened to the scandal of the Hunter Biden laptop?

    Oh yes now I remember,Donald Trump lent it him after a big piss up in Beijing.


    Mainstream journalism is a laughable pantomime.

    • “… the Hunter Biden laptop?”

      LaptopS – There are (were?) three of them.

  3. There is actually no inconsistency being shown here by the Guardian. The rag is a member of the group which also includes most politicians who will stand up and defend your rights and freedoms. Until you disagree with them on some point. Then you are to be cancelled.

    • I’ve done my own cancelling. All newspapers and all MPs can get fucked. Same with any news and political programmes. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

  4. Not like the establishment to debunk an opposing view now is it.

    There’s one version of the truth and everything else is just a conspiracy theory.

    Take your medicine and run along now.

    Top nomination CP ?

  5. I just watched the first 20 minutes of episode 1, I am not sure what the Guardian cunt is getting upset about.

    Handjob found a hill on the island of Java which is being investigated by archaeologists, it looks like he only asked questions that fit with his theory, but it’s for Netflix not National Geographic. ?

    Mind you, as has been pointed out, it’s got more credibility that all the fucking gender nonsense ?

    If I get the motivation I may watch some more.

    • I’d watch it if I still had Nutfux, but I elbowed them after their Hazza and Migraine cuntathon.

      • Hehe, yes I haven’t indulged in any of the Halfwit Half Hours, it’s included in my sky deal and it does have some decent stuff.

    • Afternoon Sick.

      To put the Hancock series into a sobering perspective – the theories on there are probably as believable or more believable than the holy bible or the holy Qur’an.

      • Good afternoon HJ, you could be right, having only seen 20 minutes I couldn’t say either way but I don’t want to dis the bible with Miles on here, especially on a Sunday ?

  6. When Trump came into office, I laughed because Clinton lost and he seemed to enrage many people I didn’t like.
    All through his presidency it seemed like every day another scandal broke, and I remember thinking that if he actually did a real crime, it would be missed among all the other apparently inconsequential bullshit.
    So I, and I imagine many others, stopped listening to the anti Trump stories and stopped giving a fuck.
    Then one day I started actually listening to what Trump was saying, and I thought is this cunt for real? So, I did what many a lamp eyed loon has barked on the internet and ‘did my research’
    As I had started out from a neutral perspective and not looking for confirmation bias either way, I looked at both sides of the argument, and came to the conclusion that Trump is a fat lying piece of shit who comprehensively doesn’t give a fuck about anyone other than himself. Don’t take my word for it (as if!?) ditch the bias and look for yourself.
    Hunter Bidens laptop? Nobody should be exempt from scrutiny when they are in public office, or connected to someone who is, be it family, business, or in this case both.
    In the same vein, Jared Kushner has some questions to answer regarding the two billion dollars that the Saudis gave him.
    And, ask that coke head Don Jr (Trumps answer to Hunter) what happened to the Trump campaign donations that disappeared after daddy lost.

    People ultimately cling to stories that affirm their hopes and fears, and it is so easy to build a coherent narrative by cherry picking elements of a story to come to the required conclusion, that happens in the media, and the alternative sources that many subscribe to these days.
    Without scrutiny, we can believe what we want.

    • Gutstick Japseye @

      How dare you.
      How dare you voice a different opinion!

      In the name of free speech you should be gagged!


      • I’m in danger of being cancelled by those triggered by contrarian views!

      • Look GJ, we like big Don, how dare you ?

        I mentioned a long time ago I once worked for a guy who reminded me of Trump and to be honest I think there are a lot of successful American businessmen who are similar.

        He did come out with some complete bullshit but somehow seemed credible ?

        Remember the nom on word salads and Kamila Harris, now Trump could never be accused of that, I don’t think he had the political skill for a word salad.

      • Trump is at least as bad as Biden or Harris when it comes to word salads. For example:
        “Because you talk about a certain power of the telephone and the calls where they would call and say, no, we don’t want to do that.”

    • Good Afternoon GJ.

      I take your points about Donald Trump and I pretty much agree with you on all of them

      The man’s ego is the size of a planet.

      This is in no way a defence of Trump but I think what could be a bone of contention for some, is the hysteria that was (and still probably is) directed at Trump from the beginning of his campaign and all through his presidency.

      Compared to the relative free pass that the Alzheimer’s riddled cardboard cutout Joe Biden gets.

      I know there’s the odd story here and there in the Daily Fail about Biden or something or other but the glaring fact that this man can’t string a sentence together seems to generally go almost unnoticed by the MSM.

      I would call a president who can’t string a sentence together a newsworthy issue, yet apart from the odd (right leaning) media outlet, we’re obviously just not meant to notice that the US President doesn’t know who or where he is but at least he’s not Trump etc etc.

      I wouldn’t call it just newsworthy – I’d call it plain fucking odd.

      The fact that Biden and Trump were the best two candidates that were on offer at the last election is an embarrassment.

      • Afternoon HJ.
        Trump did get lambasted from the start by the liberal press, but it appears it was with good reason, and myself included wrote it of as bias. I was in the US not long before the election, and I watched quite a bit of the campaign coverage on Fox. Their bias was equally apparent, a fact now causing them some considerable difficulties as the slander lawsuit against them for supporting the stolen election narrative shows.
        Carlson, Hannity, and other talking heads carried on pushing the story even though their emails show they thought it was bullshit themselves. Fox also helped the Trump campaign by allowing them to see Bidens political broadcasts before they were aired nationally, which helped them prepare counter arguments for the topics they contained. Meddling in the election? Surely not.
        Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the republicans, he slandered John McCain about him being captured by the Vietnamese, and from a draft dodging coward that’s a low blow.
        Currently, he’s trying to throw the equally dreadful Ron DeSantis under the bus because his popularity amongst the cousin fuckers threatens his reelection bid.
        Come on America, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    • How Clinton, Trump, Biden or Bush JR can be in such positions of power says how warped American politics has become.
      Then there are the nutters such as Madeleine Albright who have been so entrenched in the war machine for years that it doesn’t really matter which party wins, somebody poor will get bombed or DU rounds through the neck.

    • “…and came to the conclusion that Trump is a fat lying piece of shit who comprehensively doesn’t give a fuck about anyone other than himself.”

      When Trump reared his orange head as a potential presidential candidate I initially tipped my hat to him solely for his ability to trigger the easily offended but my understanding of the absolute and endemic corruption that flows through congress and the Shitehouse, DoJ, DoS, Dod et al I put no hope in his ability or indeed willingness to alter a single fucking thing so I’m with Gutstick 100% on this one.

  7. I think this all began with TCB, who when elected in ’97 proceeded to politicise the establishment, that is the judiciary, by getting rid of the Appeal Court of The House of Lords and replacing it with the Supreme Court, appointing Tony’s cronies, such as Gus O’Donnell, into senior positions in the civil service, by turning the police force into the police service and moving it into a left of centre, PC, shadow of its’ former self and countless other tinkerings, ably supported by the broadcast wing of the Labour Party, the BBC. No wonder it is almost impossible to put any right of centre policy into action.

  8. Yes LL the same Graham Hancock.

    Can’t believe the journalist’s name Stuart ‘Heritage.’

    Was thinking about this again when Chesterton’s quote came to me-‘The modern world has not had a moral breakdown but a mental breakdown’

    What are we to believe anymore? No, not that.

    But there is something really wrong. People are really going mental with crazy speculation.

    So I think I am against this Nom.

    The only quote that comes near to explaining this worldwide collapse: the ‘Dictatorship of Relativism.’

    We are nearly consumed by.

    • I would question if there is an ‘Establishment’. Everything’s so fractured.

    • Of course there’s an establishment. Look at who stood to gain from Covid. It’s a corporate-state oligarchy, in the Western world at least.

      It’s why you had nutters like Gordon Brown calling for ‘world government’ during Covid. He and his class of managerial politicians would benefit from the increasingly centralised power.

      There was almost no dissent over policy regarding the response to Covid from the corporate media, just as there isn’t over Russia and Ukraine, or was regarding Russia and Trump. The dominant narrative is hardly a sign of ‘fracturing’, and much more a sign of a consensus amongst the Angloshpere and Western Europe.

      • “…no dissent over policy regarding the response to Covid from the corporate media”

        Curious too that the left, in it’s capacity as the traditional ‘enemy of corporatism’, seamlessly aligned themselves with its narrative… oh and thereby received huge corporate finance as gratitude for harnassing the public’s morality to their yoke. Fucking simps.

  9. Top remarks by the IsaC faithful on this World Class cunting.

    Well done by all especially, Cuntamus

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