The Energy Bill Support Scheme

I have only just became aware, that every time my energy provider Ovo, has been paid this £66 or so monthly sum, what will be over six months, from the government, they have been paying it into my bank account.

This has resulted in my balance going from a healthy + to a -, despite Ovo stating on their homepage “We’ve put the money saved into your bank account. We show this as a refund taken off your balance.

The issue here is the refund has been taken out of the figure, meaning I now owe Ovo this money back. I am sure over the course of the next few months they will just increase the monthly payments to a level, that is unnecessary, if they had just left the money there in the first place.

Government Website

 Nominated by Lord Scunthorpe

62 thoughts on “The Energy Bill Support Scheme

  1. I’ve read this nom three times and I still don’t understand it.
    The Govt website link explains the scheme pretty clearly.

    • Took me a couple of months to suss what was happening.
      Turned out that every month EDF was crediting my energy account with £66. They were also crediting my bank account with £66 (the £66 that the govt had given them). But then every month they needed to take £66 from my energy account (presumably as a refund of the £66 they had paid into my bank account!!
      WTF? – what a waste of fucking time and resources.
      Why don’t they just pay the govt £66 into my energy account – job done!
      But I guess their accountants are to clever for that?

      • Yes it was the same with me. Ovo also managed to get a rogue meter reading, so instead of 7380, they got a rounded up figure of 8000. I give them a reading on the 13th of every month. But why would I have done that? It played havoc & I had one hell of a job, putting it right. It could have been them, fucking things up, deliberately to force me to get a Scam Meter, Anyone else on a meter, I would strongly recommend taking a picture of the readings.

  2. Our energy provider (British Gas) has paid nothing into our bank account. The government subsidy (£400) is simply subtracted from our quarterly bills. Maybe I’m missing something here?

    • Try Ofgem Scunny if you think there’s a issue with the billing .

      This isn’t Citizens Advice Bureau and you’ll find no sympathy on here.

      This is ISAC, and we think you should pay up or the receivers should be sent in.?

      • Who are you to call me Scunny?

        Just cos my mother came from Scunthorpe that’s no excuse for your being overfamiliar. Disgraceful.

        You’ll be hearing from my solicitors (Grimsdale, Grimsdale and Grimsdale) in the morning! ?

      • I’ve just had letter this morning from a firm of Solicitors in Newcastle. Messrs Haddaway & Shiteman.

      • It was from me, Bob.
        My solicitors, Bodgitt and Scramm, sent you that in error, via your reputable firm.

        I’m afraid I can’t tell you who it was actually directed to, sub juidice, as it were.

    • Have you not thought of handing over the running of Creampuff Manor to the National Trust and moving onto a nice park home retirement site Ruff? I know you might have to air some inconvenient dirty laundry in public about the Grenadian Creampuffs plantation days and Willie certainly won’t like wearing his LGBTQ+ badge should they keep him on as caretaker but it must be a bastard to heat.

      • Indeed, LL.

        From arsehole to breakfast time, I rarely think of anything else.

      • Arsehole to breakfast time.
        Haven’t heard that since my dear Dad died.
        It were one of his favourite sayings.

  3. Ovo?

    Should be renamed Oxo.

    With energy prices the way they are – drinking Oxo might be the only way to keep warm.

    Only problem is where am I going to afford to boil the water for one.

    • Is that the new woke remake of mad max beyond thunderdome.

      Two them’s enter one them leaves..

    • Never mind that. I saw an advert today starring a white woman with a white partner, the racist cunts.

      • A white man and woman together?

        Are you winding me up Moggie?

        What was that for? Perfect cremation or something similar? Assisted suicide perhaps?

      • I wasn’t paying enough attention to tell you what is was for. It only caught my eye because of the absurdity of having a white couple in this cuntry. Everybody knows it 95% black.

      • Not having that, you must have imagined it Moggie, I saw a report about some single mum, child care bla, bla,

        To my surprise she was white, couldn’t believe it, until the kid came into the piece, it was a fuckin soot (or half soot) ?

    • Fucking hell Thomas.

      Reading that article I had the Doors song ‘The End’ playing in my mind.

    • What person thought this would be an appropriate event to stage/attend?

      They should all, performers and parents, be reported to the Child Protection team.


  4. I also got it paid into my bank account, just so I could transfer the fucker back to the energy company. What fucking genius figured it was a good idea to take money from the very balance it is supposed to reduce?

    • Whichever way they work it, we’re going to get fucked. Whoever would imagine that we’d come out of it better off?

  5. I’m grateful for the wife looking after the energy bills, cos I’m easily confused these days.

    Afternoon all.

  6. I suppose it depends on if you have a direct debit or not, my direct debit hasn’t changed but instead of the energy provider taking the full amount each month my provider takes £66 less each month.

    If you pay on demand then the only way you can get the £400 or parts of it is by refund to your account.

    I guess, as long as you get the cash one way or another it doesn’t really matter

    • And that’s what makes it so stupid. Your energy goes through the roof, your DD stays the same but they give you some of it back, because obviously paying less each month covers the higher bills. How pissed must some cunt have been to think of that one?

      • Well my DD was calculated on my expected usage and the current costs which at the moment are the energy price guarantee, over the last 5 months my account is still being funded to the correct amount so I don’t see the problem.
        The provider should alter or ask permission to adjust the DD when the unit rates change, the next one coming on the 1st April. Price guarantee going up from 2500 to 3000.
        I saw that Ofgem set the price cap at 3 thousand two hundred and something and the people in the know expect that to drop further in the next review, not sure how far it will drop but I doubt it will be anywhere near 12 months ago.

  7. Mine (Octopus) reduced my DD by the grant amount, until I told them not to.

    Younger (BG), refunded the grant into her bank account. Yes, the geniuses took her normal DD amount, then sent her the money back a few days later.

    I’m not surprised Lord S is confused, everyone seems to have a different way of applying the funds.

    Thank Christ this is the last month.

    • stupid cunts at scottish power do the same, take the same DD then refund £66 to your account. now payments have gone up£50 a month instead of just crediting the amount in the first place

  8. Let’s see if our bills start to tumble as the price of gas on the wholesale market is on a steady trend downwards..

    Let’s see if Hunt the Cunt increases VAT on energy bills to stop the Climate goblins from eroding the onshore solar windmills or something for our own good.

    I simply can’t remember when we voted to destroy our energy security,so the government sending us money off the bills is likely a bribe to stop us thinking about the excellent policies some halfwit now in the HoL dreamt up.

    £66 worth of oven.

  9. Must be me but I’m now nearly £500 quid in credit dual fuel BG

    Mind you I’m a tight arsed Yorkshire man. Currently sat in kitchen with door open watching my dog eat my left over fish and chips from last night.
    Saves on dog food.

  10. I get a bill sent to me each month, each month £66 is knocked off the final total, paying £200 a month on average instead of what it should be, about £270,still not fucking cheap though

  11. I got £200 in 2021, winter heating allowance. I spent the lot on booze and party food for Christmas.

    Last year, I got £500 ( winter heating + cost of living). I sent the lot to my energy supplier.

    I bought a pack of 5 Ace and a frozen kebab for Christmas Day.

  12. On the subject of paying utilities we had a surprise recently when we received a letter from Thames Water telling us that they were increasing our monthly charge for our metered water supply from £28 to £70 per month. I phoned TW and arranged for them to send an engineer out to check what was going on. To my relief they sent an Englishman with whom I could communicate and it turned out that we have been billed on the wrong meter for years. He said that it appeared that the neighbours whose meter they had been reading as ours must have a leak which they have ignored. Good news is that the monthly bill has reverted to normal and TW are to refund us £100. If your supply is metered I suggest that you check that the serial number on your bill matches the number on the actual meter. As a “belt and braces” test if your meter has a stop cock attached check that when you close it the water supply to the cold tap on your kitchen sink stops.

    And I suspect that the neighbours with the leak are the peacefuls a few doors away so fuck them.

    • If you’ve been overcharged for some years and they saw fit to up your charge from £28 to £70, shouldn’t they be paying you the difference of £42 for however many months?

      • No, I think what it’s down to Moggie is that we had similar usage to whichever neighbours it is until this apparent leak occurred which showed in the recent meter reading. TW have recalculated the bills back to when these new meters were installed a few years ago so we should be OK now. I must admit though that had it not been for this leak event I would never have thought to question the bill.

  13. I don’t worry about energy bills, young cunts dying from vaccines or any other trivia.

    Life’s to short.
    No, I worry about the philosophical questions that have plagued mankind from time immemorial.

    What’s for tea?

      • Point taken Mis. I’ve bought clothes over the years from a company on mail order. Periodically they send a catalogue/flyer in the post. Recent times they have had a lot of ethnic models in there and I stopped buying. New catalogue arrived last week. Wife picked it up, flicked through it and said; “Look at this.” Not a sooty in sight. They’ve got some nice polo shirts I notice…

      • People like their own Arfur.
        Black folk like to see black folk.
        White people like to see white people.
        Pakistanis like to see schoolgirls.

        It’s not racist to like your own race, to see a familiar face,
        You ‘ identify ‘.

        I like my own people,
        Adverts, TV shows, films starring black people don’t entice me.

        Unless it’s footage of coppers beating one.?

  14. I made a flippant remark about the baby in the curious case of Marten/Gordon, to the effect that they’d sold the baby.
    I wish I’d been right, as it now appears that they either killed the infant, or abandoned it to die from exposure.
    There can be no Hell hot enough for this pair, fuck innocent until proven guilty.

      • That pair of cunts buried that baby in the woods.

        She’s a fuckin aristocrat.
        Best education money can buy.
        Spoilt her whole life.
        Never told No.
        She’s that fond of black nudger she goes on the run and buries her kid in the woods like a turd?

        10ft of hemp each.

      • And have you seen him.

        I know better looking silver backs.

        My God, he’s ugly!

      • No, 10ft would be quick Mis. I think about eighteen inches would be more appropriate.

  15. I understand this cunt was born in this country, grew up in the USA where he served 20 years for rape. As soon as he finished his sentence the Yanks put him on a plane and sent him over here.
    So why the fuck can’t we do that?

      • Although, quite frankly, I’d put them on a plane and kick them out through the cargo door at 2000 feet, over the Atlantic.

    • Bear with me those of you who read this when I posted it previously. When I worked for British Airways some years ago the company was paranoid about ensuring that everyone who got on a flight to the USA had all the correct paper work, visas etc. This was because if they flew someone in who wasn’t welcome they would put them back on the plane they had come in on and fine the airline heavily.

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