The Daily Mail and The Sun

Are cunts with their reporting of the murder of Brianna Ghey.

Initially reported as 16 year old girl found dead. Now, with the everyone’s favourite cat tray liner, and that comic for 7 year olds, The Sun, they cannot wait to inform us that this poor child was transgender.

But it’s so screamingly obvious that this is, initially, going to be a “homophobic” hate crime, which will result in all the usual weevils crawling out from under their rotting logs and adding twopenny worth of nonsense.

Could anyone, for one bloody moment, stop and think about this child’s family?

Daily Mail

Nominated by Jezzum Priest.

29 thoughts on “The Daily Mail and The Sun

  1. I am not a great fan of the Daily Mail or the Sun.
    But that report seems reasonably balanced and non-sensational to me.
    As reported in every other news outlet in this country.
    Am I missing something here?

    • Didn’t look bad for a Mail Report. Plod said it was a targeted attack, but no indication of a hate crime. So maybe they shouldn’t point out that the victim was trans.

  2. The excellence of British journalism,particularly the gutter press,defies rational explanation.

    Either they are speculative,emotional and generally behave like they belong in a soap opera..

    Or they follow the cunts at the BBC and leave huge blank spaces in their coverage that require a bit of work to fathom out what they are trying not to disclose..usually an outrage perpetrated by a foreign cunt.

    I’m not fully on board regarding the least they will report on subject matter most of the others would like to bury.

    Would I buy it?

    Would I fuck as like.

    • You didn’t didn’t find that the picture of that sexy feminine minx Suzy Izzard gave you a trouser accident then CG?!

  3. I digress. Goal Linercunt is interfering with government plans for reducing boat people, to natzism. Keep your nose out you black cunt.

    • In the good old days the cozzers would have fitted Lineker up with something nasty, then they would have kicked the granny out of him in a custody cell. Just for sticking his ‘black’ conk into home offie business…

      But, in 2023, most police are on Lineker’s side and they also lick smelly migrant bumholes.?

  4. If you choose to `read` the gutter press, then that is your fault. Me, I take The Star every day, packed full of incisive column inches of FACTS. Today, for instance, they`re joining a scientific investigation to find out if there are aliens living on Jupiter. Now THAT`s news …

    • Just wondering Sam, could you post us a photo of Uranus? There’s a few on here would like to see it.

      • I could, GT, but there`s not much to see – its a vast, featureless gas giant. With a beautiful ring.

    • I’m with you all the way Sam. ‘The Star’ is a giant in the world of journalism.

      It’s packed with all the best news coverage and comment, and also has loads of big-titted, tight-arsed birds in skimpy underwear on show as well.

      It’s a complete winner.

    • This trans kid,
      I genuinely didn’t realise it was trans.

      Normally you can tell.
      Big fuck off Adams apple,
      Big hands,
      Clumsily applied lippy etc.

      Feel sorry for the parents too.
      No need to murder some poor fucker minding their own business.

      Think this humane side of my opinions is tainted by the fact Brianna looks a lot like my daughter?!!

      Although I’ve not said owt.
      Being compared to a murdered tranny isn’t the most flattering thing eh?
      She’s moody like that.

      Anyway no need to kill the poor fucker.
      The Mail’s coverage seemed ok to me?

      But then I didn’t really pay to much heed.

      • I agree – I know on IsaC there’s a lot of banter about the 200 odd different sexual groups you can belong to but NO ONE deserves to die for this or their opinions (apart from Jug eared Linekunt who couldn’t help himself again – perhaps he should turn his house into a hotel).

      • Seems like a balanced and accurate article to me. This child was murdered due to be different, being transgender. What a vile and meaningless act of barbarity.

        Having said that, it is the media who have fuelled all this transgender hysteria over the past decade. Trans people aren’t a danger to society, the truly vile, psychotic individuals out there are not LGBT people. Those people are, of course, Scousers and taxi drivers.

  5. or fuck off to his 5 million pound house in Barbados, the crisp selling twat …?

    • With his equally twat fucked bell end brother Waynker Linekunt.

      Perhaps these dinghy dwellers could be put to work in his bars across Europe.

      • Oh, our friend Gary has said he will continue to speak out on the behalf of asylum seeking/freeloading human filth and that he is against Rishi Sunak’s bill. But Gary doesn’t have to share a hospital ward or a doctors surgery or a high street with these bloodsucking turds, does he??

        But, as we all know, Sunak will end up doing fuck all about these vermin. Just like the planes to Rwanda, this will come to nothing. Some lies about ‘mistreatment’ in the press (Metro and Guardian, obviously), some social media gobshites (Lineker and Co), and some twatty high court judge, and Sunak will give in and more parasitic filth will flood in. Nothing will come of this so called bill. A cast iron certainty. Those gimmigrant cunts always win.☹

  6. The kid had only been an open trans for a few months, that fact could be very relevant to the attack.
    I would say the media are right to report it, I guess more details will come out when it all goes to court.

  7. Todays Press. In prior years they would make a significant contribution to the Lavatorial achievement’s of the working classes. There,! That’s nailed it!

  8. Leftie scum always use and abuse the names and memories of murdered human beings for their own shitty ends. The misandrist Me Too psychos did it with Sarah Everard. And I dare say that sundry fuckflakes and LGBTQ nutters will do it with this poor kid. But, they only do it when it suits them. When Lee Rigby, David Arness or the Manchester Arena victims were murdered, you could hear a pin drop in Leftieworld. They really are the scum of the earth….

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