Purplebricks – Failed Online Estate Agents

Most of us who have ever moved home and had to deal with estate agents, know that they’re mostly a bunch of unscrupulous, lying, money-grabbing cunts. But at long last one of the most contemptable of all estate agents – Purpledicks – has put itself up for sale in the hope it can be broken up and sold off for parts.

It’s no secret that this company has been flying close to the wind with its sharp practices and shoddy handling of its customer base. But ever since the Pandemic kicked in its been heading for the poopshute as it tries to cut even more corners by firing staff, withholding bonuses and screwing tenants and landlords of their tenancy law obligations.

Just like those Mickey Mouse energy companies that sprang up 3 or 4 years ago with little or no regulation from OFGEM, Purplepricks appeared from the back of a fag packet and onto the internet in 2012 (again with little or no regulation).

It did well for the first few years, making the founders millionaires. But as with those same energy companies when the economy went tits-up with the Dink Cold a lot of them went bust (not that it mattered to some of those founders because for the most part they walked away with their pockets well and truly stuffed with cash!)

And so too with Purplebricks., the housing market hits a rough spot and they’ve bailed!

Shame for its customers still wondering what is going to happen next now that the company is up for sale. But if it goes for a good price the founders and major shareholders will still be quids in and the housing market will still by and and large remain unregulated.

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

45 thoughts on “Purplebricks – Failed Online Estate Agents

  1. And here was me thinking that they sounded like such a nice company.

    Purple headed warrior more like.

  2. All estate agents are a boil on the arse of humanity. End of.

    Good afternoon all.

  3. I never had dealings with Tepilo, which went tits up, but Sarah Beeny was an easy tug.

    • Poor taste, I’m afraid…but I’ve got to ask…did you prefer to wank over her after she had the big C and was a Gail Porter-esque slaphead?

      • Afternoon, Mr. CE!
        I have a vision of her imprinted in the X-rated part of my grey matter, with full-length, luscious blonde locks. Agreed, the slap head might help for those “Girl on a Motorbike” moments, complete with vintage Belstaff rubbers.

      • ‘Vintage Belstaff rubbers’
        Admin , some of the posters on IsAC are in need of therapy of some sort.

  4. I suspect most estate agents are Gays or dreadful sexual terrorists of some sort,poking about in other people’s houses,without a doubt looking for a cupboard to jump out of at a later date.

    That’s why they’ve gone bankrupt,the shocking cunts.

      • They’re either Gays or wide-boys trying to flog a piece of tat. It was the easiest job in the world – stick pictures in the window- now it’s stick pictures online.

  5. Cowboys come and go, this lot are in the business of shysters, estate agents have always been cunts.
    The energy cowboys were bigger cunts, all the fucking switching and old ‘look after my bills’ was a farce.

  6. I prefer my estate agents under a tonne of bricks.. not fussed about the colour

  7. All estate agents are useless cunts.

    They’re cut from the same cloth as miraculous weight lose pill salesmen,
    Used car salesmen,
    Online gambling companies,
    And Jehovah witnesses.

    Type who if they found a dead body would search it for gold teeth.
    Awful types.

    • Not an estate agent but a solicitor in the same village tried to buy the house and land of an old cat lady who lived behind her and had died. I heard it was underhanded at best and possibly criminal but was sold on to a developer who wants to stick three or four five bedroom houses on there with double garages, hopefully with motorbikes and noisy fucking kids.

  8. Estate agents, lawyers and politicians……all products of the same cunt factory. Greedy, grasping, dishonest to the core, I wouldn’t give them the shit from my arse. Hang them all.

  9. I like the ad where the guy loses his shit in the pottery class… Would’ve been even better if the bird sat next to him was making a phallic sculpture. But yes they are cunts. I had 3 companies value my last house, one arrived in a branded smart car and another in an expensive sports car. Guess which one completely over estimated…

  10. If I had my time again, I’d be a used car salesman……but you can’t turn the clock back.

  11. Purplecunts are saints compared to Fuxtons. The most obnoxious estate agents in the world. They only employ pimply twits who can’t make it as city traders.

  12. They just milk the customers while they can, implode the company and then open up as a whole new business, same place, same people, same cunts, same bullshit, there is a famous garage in south wales does it every few years, when the negative reviews put off any mug who may use them, bang new garage same cunts, same shoddy practices, until its all change again.
    We buy any car and Carzoo are the same, i couldn’t work out how it worked, until i realised the shit that We buy any car with Phil the arse bandit was then selling all this shit through Carzoo allegedly, you see its very apt that one company wanks off the other company,,,,,isnt that right Phil

  13. Purple bricks may be cunts, but at least their fees were reasonable. Many houses round here are north of 750k, so the cunt estate agents take 1.5% (plus vat) – a tidy £13,500 for doing fuck all.

  14. Estate agents are certainly one of the lowest life foms. If they had the wit they would be embarrassed by the drivel they put out there. It’s painful to read. Not only is their spelling and grammar of a standard which would have earned me a clip round the ear at the age of thirteen but they demonstrate the most appalling ignorance of the business in which they are trading. The references in their adverts to personal doors when they mean personnel doors, bay windows when they mean oriel windows and opaque windows when they mean traslucent windows, I could go on. Just a bunch of ill-educated nincompoops who if there was a minimal standard of regulation would have to go back to selling double glazing.

    • My heart positively warms when I read:
      The property BOASTS..,

      Cunts to the front, cunts to the back, cunts to the side, and sewage blocking an unterminated pipe to Carzey at bottom of garden.


  15. My Missus used Purple Pricks when, after more than 20 years, she decided, to get the fuck out of Londonistan.
    They did the minimum amount of effort to facilitate the sale, the fucking useless, chiseling cunts.
    I hope they disappear up their own fucking arses.

  16. Utter moneygrubbing, useless, pimply cunts in shiny, 1980s Mr Byrite suits.

    Estate agents are cocksuckers as are employment agencies. Both try to flog you something that you try to explain to them does not meet your needs and they try to levy an exorbitant fee for their limp-wristed efforts.

    Cunts in a box, nothing more.

    • Can’t be long now, before Darwin gathers him to his bosom.
      Oh happy day ?
      Evening, Paul.

      • I, for one, will not hold my breath waiting for the happy day.

        He’s actually Lord Vader, and has a Force field around him.

      • Good evening Jack.

        Here’s looking forward to that day. Vine Pate with added cotter pins.

        Chin, chin. ?

    • Gave me a start… I thought it was going to say – riding-penny-mordaunt…
      Given me food for thought, though!

  17. I can’t see the point of estate agents except when you’re not around to show potential buyers e.g out of the country.
    Anyone can measure their rooms and take pictures of the place and post it online.
    At least a used car salesman washes it and gives you a guarantee of some description.

  18. John Cannan knew how to deal with Estate Agents (Suzy Lamplugh).
    Poor taste-but so are Estate Agents: 18 ct CUNTS!

  19. Aren’t estate agents and used car salespeople interchangeable?

    They all lie like a cheap rug, and could do each others jobs without breaking stride.

    Purple bricks and Cinch employees will be in work tomorrow, with their ill-fitting Asda suits and acne-ridden faces, “selling your home” /”buying your car”

  20. Not all of them are cunts, we bought our house through palmer snell and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and held our hands all the way to completion. Solicitors who defend the clearly guilty are cunts, but thats for another day.?

  21. someone wrote ” the Russians have invented a new Neutron-bomb, It kills all human life, It leaves only the buildings and Estate Agents”

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