She is the republican senator grovelling at the feet of Trump for a chance to be his vice president candidate in the next US election.
They make a great pair becoming they are both fucking mental. She has happily spread Qanon lies and bullshit as fact, and is a big supporter of the stolen election rabble rousing fantasy that is currently being proved as such via the trial in the US brought about by the Dominion company who were slandered when their voting machines were called corrupt by that fat fucking crybaby loser.
She has also said that wildfires in the US are being caused by Jewish space lasers, and many other things that pop into her empty little head.
However, this cunting is for her most recent bout of fuckwittery, that being that America should have a national divorce, and red states and blue states should be independent of each other. Civil war 2 anyone?
This poisonous retarded hag is just indicative of today’s political classes, those that lean left or right have given up trying to unite people and seek office through slander, lies, misinformation, and peddling hate, to coerce the electorate to vote against their opponents, not for themselves.
To be fair, she is just another turd in the sewer that the Republican Party has become since Trump came along with the MAGA bullshit, as they flock to outcunt their former Cunt in Chief.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye, the almost departed
(More deranged nuttiness here. Day Admin – MSN )
An excellent and righteous nomination. ?
You are General Cuntster and I claim my $5
Ah… well done MJB, I was just waiting to see who’d be the first one to spot that!
PS: I am now Captain Mainwaring and I claim my…
….100 tickies!
40 were off me.
She is no different to woke commies in the so called “democratic” party.
USA has turned into a cesspit.
Civil war will sort the cunts out while Xi eats popcorn.
Only thing is that it might not such a bad idea to sever the Red states from the Blue…never mind Civil War but what recommends any of them (excepting a few cities like New Orleans; its denizens could be given dispensation to travel to Blue states with a special “state port” or some such) overall? The Red States continue to drag the country down with the abysmal education standards, the poor living conditions that the country must subsidize and the attitude of “my way or the highway…” Time to encourage them to stop sucking on the country’s teat.
Jewish space lasers..
Was it the death star..of david..
Ha ha, brilliant BZ!
Nice one, that made me chuckle.
Have I Got News for You could use a gag writer like you.
They all seem to have disappeared over the past few years.
Can’t they just use the Jewish space lasers to shoot the illegals and does Marjorie know if they can stop dinghies?
Those pesky Jews and their space lazers’!!
I demanded a answer from Jeezum and he had the audacity to deny any knowledge of it!
As for Marje I’ve never heard of her?
But she’ll rue the day she outed the sinister cabals of the space Jews
They have eyes everywhere ?
Watch how you go.
Shhh I didn’t say owt
They (the Jews) were also responsible for the meteor that killed all the dinosaurs
I knew that would come back to bite me!
Yes, I used the lasers to alter the course of the meteor, so it crashed into Earth.
I’d love to get a hand job off of her, with those freakishly muscular arms, it’d be brisk and possibly painful!
She’d pull it out by the root Tommy.
Retards are freakishly strong.
No-one does crazies like the U.S, its a great source of pride to them. Although her 6 billion illegals claim was very much in keeping with our own Diane Flabbotts faux pas and paying 30,000 coppers £30 a year or whatever it was.
I agree.
They’re all fuckin puddled.
They don’t get much crazier than Vlad…..!
Diane had a few attempts at the police numbers v cost, old Steptoe said she wasn’t very well ?
I don’t think Trump is mental
Nor I.
But he wouldn’t be my first choice as a yardstick for measuring good mental health Sicky!
I agree on our side of the pond, but by the American yardstick he is completely sane, as a non politician of course ?
About as far from the concept as imaginable tbh ?
Trump is the best President the yanks had in decades.
Get to fuck with this boring, sanctimonious, lefty nom, even if she is a cunt.
Separatism may be the only way in the end. The lefty cunts are intent on flooding the west with dependent third world filth. They’ll vote lefty you see. Then what?
Nothing but lefties in power, but the OP probably wants that.
South Africa was better under apartheid as it not?
Get to fuck and all libtards deserve stringing up.
Hardly a leftie, never voted for a left wing party in my life, but I suppose its all relative.
If Trump was such a successful president, name three of his campaign pledges he delivered on.
Fuck it, three is impossible, OK, name one.
There you go with those pesky details CB. ?
Makes you wonder just how far-right you need to be in order not to be labelled a lefty libtard on this site nowadays. It wasn’t always an echo chamber. Oh well…
Bore off.
Bit thin on details, seems to focus on the things he didn’t do.
Built that wall and got Mexico to pay for it?
Brought all those manufacturing jobs back to the US?
Of course, since Trump, the US/Iran relations are at an all time high.
He was successful for repealing Obama era legislation concerning safety regulations on rail freight, contributing to that environmental disaster at Palestine the other day.
Never mind, they got a bottle of Trump brand water, and if they are lucky it might even be in date.
Now, if you can find a decent link that proves this stolen election business, I’m truly all ears.
Afternoon RTC.
The abuse I’m getting personally for submitting this nom shows how true your echo chamber comment is. If it was about Biden or his son, I’d have had a standing ovation.
I didn’t mention the stolen election you passive aggressive twat.
Thing is, no source is good for you when you’re proved wrong. I’ve seen you call out people for quoting ‘a random book’ but then use your own books as sources, telling people to ‘read a book’. Or when the BBC was used, you said something like ‘oh I thought the BBC wasn’t trustworthy’ but you use it yourself.
It’s trolling.
Thing is, I’ve had you sussed for ages.
You’re a lefty troll and I won’t be wasting another second on you, you fucking prick.
When they resort to personal abuse you know they’ve lost whatever flimsy argument they imagined they once had. ?
Afternoon Gutstick. ?
I’d better “Bore off” now. ?
Not at all.
He clearly has TDS (look it up if you don’t know what it is.) I think Trump is a bit of a bellend too. But GJ only punches one way, this middle of the road type, as he claims to be.
He is pro abortion.
He is anti Christian.
He punches one way.
Jesus. What more do you need? Ok, I’ll give you more.
He always asks for sources. In a world dominated by the left. Even if you give ones he may approve of or use himself (who the fuck is he to decide, by the way?) he will ‘poo poo’ them.
Furthermore, you try (within academia) try getting permission to study race and IQ nowadays. There are quantitative studies on this from the 70s and 80s (and before).
The won’t let you do this now.
Now only white people are allowed to be legally discriminated against, in their own lands too.
I’m giving my mother cash every month because of the COLC, she’s taking care of the old man, on his way out. This crisis is caused by our leaders shitting all over us, for cheap labour and a lefty voting, compliant electorate.
So, yes, his “only my source matters but not if you use it” shit doesn’t wash with me.
But I’m not a thick cunt, you see?
Blatant trolling, but some of you are clearly not seeing it.
Enough for you, Mr ‘lost the argument?’
Afternoon RTC.
It should be a shock to get so much personal abuse because of this nom, but I’m afraid I expected it. Or that it has gone unchallenged.
It seems being triggered isn’t the preserve of the loony left.
Hey ho.
Republicans do a great line in MILFs – remember Sarah Palin. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to have corpses a la Pelosi.
The one who used to be the Press Secretary for The Donald. Forgot her name, blonde bit, very nice.
Ah, now you’re probably thinking of Kayleigh McEnany, lovely but of stuff:
Thanks Mog, made my day!
If you’re looking for an easier on the eye republican slapper, try Lauren Boebert. Thick as fuck, but looks a good rub, if you like ‘em on the nasty side.
Loves her guns and Jesus, in that order.
About to be a gran in her 30s too, as rotten apples never fall far from the tree.
Never heard of this woman but is she hotter than our very own Angela Rayner?
Definitely. She gives her kids assault rifles for Christmas, even the primary school age one!
She’s like a one woman active shooter factory!
Bloody hell GJ – I’ve just had a gander at her.
She’s a scorcher.
Conservative women tend to be more attractive.
Liberals or leftist types tend to be a bit more on the bitter, twisted, lesbian, barren side of things.
I love my opinions to be of the sweeping generalisation type.
Afternoon LC
Funny, everything I say appears to be far right, indefensible, racist hate speech. Well, according to the Marxists running this country.
13 years of the Marxists running this country, it’s time to give Labour a chance.
Sarah Palin… Saucy as fuck. She definitely would have got her specs plastered.
I agree with Marje on one thing,
The yanks should have another civil war.
Mark2, with northern states against the southern,
The prize?
Well it’s unfinished business… but The Reintroduction of slavery.
And it should be televised.
The blacks and lefties (mainly the lefties) keep telling us that slavery is alive and kicking all round the world. But mainly in the UK. Rife in Hampshire and Surrey, no doubt.
From what I gather most of the slavery in U.K. (apart from pikeys) is ethnics enslaving their own. Especially professional ethnics.
That textbook retardtwat is not a senator (yet, god beware), just a Congressclam in the House of Reps, but even so, consider how degenerate the electorate must be in order to vote for a dunce in this order of cuntitude. A good third of Americans really have shut down their frontal cortex with the reign of the Orange Phyarar.
i like trump and yes the election was stolen
I like Trump too,
But if the election was stolen,
Then he was sitting president at the time,
He should of paid more attention.
“…Then he was sitting president at the time,”
But still just a place -man for those we do not speak of; those we may not name.
Don’t mean The Cosby’s do you?!
Nah, the space laser brigade……
That would be me, Guts.
I control the space lasers.
Oy, vey!
Why’s he so frit to name them?
What a little wuss!
Looks like my neighbour – a compulsive liar and thief. Nutty as a fucking fruitcake too.
Jewish Space Lasers indeed. Sounds like some Yiddish, gay dance troupe from 1978.
Silly yeehaw bitch.
Remember this, Paul??
Looks like my neighbour – a compulsive liar and thief. Nutty as a fucking fruitcake too.
Jewish Space Lasers indeed. Sounds like some Y1ddish, h0m0 dance troupe from 1978.
Silly yeehaw bitch.
She’s just one of the many Republicans who decided to throw in their lot with Trump, not because they believed in what he said but because they thought it was the best way to advance their political careers. If the biggest liar in the western hemisphere can make it all the way to the White House, they don’t see any point in telling the truth. Most of them have no conscience and no integrity. She out-Trumps them with her lack of mental stability. But when all’s said and done, it’s the people who voted for her who need their heads examined
War mongering democrats headed up by a late stage dementia puppet is the far more preferable option when it comes to American politics.
It’s funny how the war mongering democrats came about, it’s usually republicans that are associated with the military industrial complex.
Deep state innit.
I saw no reference to “Jewish space lasers”.
Afternoon Harry.
She didn’t ever say “Jewish space lasers” but took aim at the Rothschild’s who are notoriously stinkingly wealthy four by twos.
Ah, Snopes. the lefturds favourite ‘fact checkers’.
Full of shit, as usual.
But the bleeding heart liberals will always stick their fingers in their sad,drooping, metal infested ears and chant the “la la la I can’t hear you” mantra.
What a shabby shower of cunts.
Fucking Forbes magazine as well.
I prefer Die Sturmer.
Well you know how it is Harry.
If you criticise or have anything negative to say about disproportionately wealthy Jewish people/families then it makes you a Nazi, anti Semitic conspiracy theorist almost by default.
I’m glad you saw fit to…post that link…great job!
I will take slight exception to one (inferred) point you made.
MJT didn’t target the Rothschilds exclusively. She also targeted former Commiefornia Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown and the utility company Pacific Gas and Electric.
? I am governer Jerry Brown, my aura smiles but never frowns…etc” ?
California, uber alles.
Sabattean/Frankist’s to be accurate or Khazarian AshkeNAZI.The nasty rabble turfed out of Khazaria (Ukraine) circa 7th century fo general nefarity-blood ritualism,usury.warmongery etc.
The then tsar of Russia gave them an ultimatum,choose one of the big 3 religions and stay in Ukraine.They chose Judaism but kept their old …’customs’ and promptly got the boot.Headed for Europe and USA and we’ve been under their yoke ever since.
The whole Nuland/ ((( neocon))) Ukrainian project is clearing Slav obstacles from the tracks so they can get their original Israel back (Palestine was the home of the true semites-Palestinians ) and get to grips with their old blood foe…(Russia).Even if the whole planet is ashtrayed in the process.This explains it better
Snopes lol
Bet she’s noshed Trump.
“CNN ought to be ashamed of employing someone like you, you’re fake news. I’m the President of the United States and you’re just fake news. Go on….sit down.”
Trump may be a cunt but he’s a fucking legend. If only we had a Trump I’d fucking vote for him. He may “grab pussy” but so would I if I had that cunt’s money. Better than waving your arse in the air and pretending that a geezer in a dress is a bird. Fucking man up you bunch of Linekunts.
Well said FF, well said.
A popper on her arsehole, initiate launch sequence, then watch her go like a demented fucking rabbit, after successful completion of docking maneouver.
Sorry luv, I haven’t got a space laser.
Just this Titan Rocket.
Who is she again ?
Get To Fuck.
Does Vernon have her poster up inside his bunker?
Probably in a stars and stripes bikini and MAGA hat holding an assault rifle.
Vern has a bunker ?
The bastard ! The lucky, lucky bastard.
I want a bunker.
But not in Berlin.
They don’t have a good success rate.
I’d have a poster of Helga, from Allo Allo.
With her tin hat on.
Steady………. steady.
And some art too Jack, maybe The Fallen Madonna With ze Big Boobies, keep it classy.
Thing I was most surprised about during the Donald’s presidency is how alike The Right an The Left are .
Neither can take even the slightest of criticism without sulking and getting upset.
Neither can brook anyone going of script or questioning anything.
Both are hysterical and prone to bullshitting.
Fuck the Left and the Right.
I am a island ?
Trouble is vern’s bunker is on the 13th hole on the municipal golf course and is chock full of fox shit.
Mostly his.
Mis, I am an island too, and agree most wholeheartedly.
Let’s make an archipelago!
Eermmm …. Don’t mean have a baby do you?
Definitely not! An alliance perhaps…..?
Only joking GJ.
I like that your not afraid to be a ‘lone voice’ on here.
It shows integrity.
You don’t court popularity.
Keep on keeping on ?
Thanks Mis, just bumbling through life as best I can.
Massive cunts on both sides of the spectrum, trying to make sure some don’t slip through the cracks.
She sounds the right kind of fruitcake for a career in Politics. But does she have a good rack? I can forgive almost anyone with a decent rack !
She looks like Mickey Rourke from the Wrestler.
That or Twisted Sisters’ Dee Snyder sans makeup.
This is not aimed at anyone of you in particular but several of you; play nicely; comment on the cunting and not each other and fucking grow up.. That is for all not just Gutstick, I just chose to post this on this comment. NA.
Hello NA
Always nice to get your input.
Could you please look at my post below and if proper remove it from moderation?
As this discussion has taken a real time turn I think the points I made are relevant.
Thank you.
General, I like to think everyone’s view point is relevant however, constant arguing over political preferences is not what this site is about, just as calling each other is not what it is about. N.A.
Sorry I’m late to the party everyone. Sometimes real life interferes.
This is a horrendous and idiotic cunting riddled with lies and bullshit. But then again informed comment isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Let’s get right to it.
First off Marjorie Taylor Greene is NOT a US Senator. The cunter of course doesn’t know that because he didn’t do his research.
Next, as a simple point of order it is QAnon (as in Q Anonymous) not Qanon. But the cunter doesn’t know that either because he’s only heard it repeated by foaming at the mouth Libtards like Jimmy Dore and never bothered to research it himself.
But the most important thing is that MJT NEVER said there were “Jewish Space Lasers”. This is another lie spread by the foaming at the mouth Libtard Left and happily spread by it’s followers in the Idiot Left.
Here’s a link to the Libtard group Snopes who is forced to admit that the claim is false. This link includes the original post from which the lie is based so cunters can read for themselves and separate the truth from the cunter’s bullshit.
But let’s allow the cunter to refute my facts in the time honored IsaC tradition by posting one link…and ONE LINK ONLY…from a credible source…that quotes MJT using those EXACT SAME WORDS.
No one can possibly object to that. So come on Gutstick…post that link.
Afternoon General.
I posted that link earlier.
Apologies for not seeing it and kudos for posting it.
Busy day today for me and I have to leave in a while so I was in a hurry to respond and I didn’t read all the comments.
It appears we were both able to…post that link.
While we have you here, any chance you could post that link to prove your claim that
“Volodymyr Zelensky has banned all of Ukraine’s political parties”?
Just one link will do.
Not one word about the actual substance of this cunting,
i.e. MTG’s idiotic call for a “national divorce”.
I suppose it’s no more than we’ve come to expect.
This woman may very well come across as a mentalist who shouldn’t be anywhere near political office in the US, but then you suddenly remember that Joe Biden is actually the fucking president.
…especially if you believe the lies and bullshit spread by the Trump hating mentalists.
Ji Jing Joe is indeed senile but what about the newly elected Demonrat Senator from Pennsylvania John Fetterman. He’s actually in the nut ward of Walter Reed Hospital.
And of course the loony old cunt Dianne Feinstein comes to mind. Even her colleagues in the Senate agree she’s lost her mind.
And of course there’s AOC who has a psychological disorder named after her*..AOCD:
The irresistible urge for liberals to say something stupid every time they open their mouth.
*This is a joke so I won’t be able to…post that link…in order to back up my humor.
He’s an actor,installed to give the appearance of…some kind of ‘governance’ while simultaneously helping the zombie,brainwashed libtards the necessary and very brutal,’red-pilling’ they need,to say nothing of overseeing a very real possibility of a bloodbath civil war scenario if the heavily armed patriot septics confront the aforementioned leftwaffe.The military would get involved,goodbye America,drowned in oceans of claret.
We are witnessing a show.The military and DJT i believe are really in control but they’re facing unfathomable swamp rat evils.Banksters and bloodlines are checkmated but as we see,not exactly going gently into the night.
I like to hear a different viewpoint.
Gutstick Japseye never fails to deliver.
Well done that man ??
What Gutstick delivered was bullshit and you tell him well done? Hypocrisy personified by the COTY!
Why don’t you offer to…post that link…for him.
Try that, seeing as you can’t seem to use google.
Hehehe ?
Your not a full shilling
Go tell admin.?
And I would offer to post that link for him.
But not out of pity.
Like I did for you ?
I think you should post the link where Marjorie says “Jewish Space Lasers” Mis.
I’ve been looking for it and can’t find it to be honest.
I do admit to being quite the technophobe.
Evening Herman,
Find it for me and I’ll happily post it.
I’m always happy to help a fellow cunter with links,
While you look try and find the one about All Ukrainian political parties being outlawed!
I’ll post both!
Two birds+ one stone?
We can debate whether or not the Intelligencer is a credible source.
But what we cannot debate is the fact that nowhere in the article do they quote MTG using the…exact same words…Jewish Space Lasers.
Please post one link…and one link only…from a credible source…quoting MTG using those exact same words.
General, if you are trying to engineer an argument to get me banned, forget it.
If your argument is the wording, which comes to the same conclusion any way you look at it, then it is hardly worth the effort.
No need for me to “go tell Admin.” One look at the Big Red Button and the Walts run away in abject terror.
I may not be a full shilling as you put it…but when it comes to the truth…you and the other cultists have completely lost the plot.
Hypocrisy writ large by the COTY.
Post that link
Heeehee ?
Yeah ,
I need to be lectured on personal morality by someone who has their own “Rabbit button” and informs on others.
Mr Grimsdale!
Mr Grimsdale!
Nice try…going on the offensive…
What I am illustrating successfully is your willful disregard for the truth. You deliberate manufacturing of facts. And your blatant hypocrisy for calling other people out for spreading what you refer to as lies and hate.
MTG NEVER used the words Jewish Space Lasers. I call on you again to back up your assertion by posting one link…and one link only…from a credible source…quoting MTG as using…those exact same words.
I suggest you first read what she did say before you hunt in vain for that elusive link.
Spreading lies is wrong. And when you support liars perhaps you do need a lecture on morality.
By the way…it isn’t my button…it is Admin’s. If you have an issue with it I suggest you take it up with him.
I do however, take great joy in the knowledge that it scares the living shit out of all the Walter Middy types on this site.
If they don’t run away in mortal terror they obsess over it’s power.
Post that link.
“Walter Middy”
Who he? And this “MJT” you keep referring to? ?
MintJulip Tuskadero.
Cheers Miserable, for clearing that up.
All I need now is JUST ONE LINK to this “Walter Middy” fuck.
Of course Mis.
Opinions are like assholes – everybody has one.
Harry Callahan.
A “righteous nomination” indeed!
Thanks for the support lads.
And yes, I did get a few details wrong. She is of course a congresswoman, and although she looks like a bad trannie, she is actually a woman.
And yes, she didn’t say the phrase ‘Jewish space lasers’ that is the boiled down version of what she actually said. I saw the original tweet, and it is referenced in the article I posted above.
Also, I also apologise for the wrong spelling of Qanon, or whatever the tucking loons are calling themselves, however it doesn’t change what I said.
Trump famously said he could shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him, and fuck me was he right!
As for me being a ‘libtard’? If I was an American citizen I would most likely have been a republican voter, but Trump and his poisonous successors have turned the party into a nasty joke.
“She has also said that wildfires in the US are being caused by Jewish space lasers, and many other things that pop into her empty little head.”
Please read the article above.
I have a post in moderation now that disputes the rest of your nonsense.
To reiterate without the links (which is why I think it went to moderation) secession from an unpopular government is not a uniquely American idea. Look to your own northern border and a union older than our own.
Many people in America are tired of the Progressive Left’s unpopular and indeed ruinous policies.
The western part of Oregon state is attempting to secede from the eastern part and become part of the state of Idaho.
On the other side of the country, the Atlanta suburb of Buckhead is trying to withdraw from the city of Atlanta.
It’s not a silly idea to want to get out from under the tyranny of the Progressive, Neo Marxist, BLM, Brave New World Order types.
By the way…with you admission, this nomination is now officially discredited.
Not having problems with links again are you?
Lets all grow up. comment on the cunting. Not on each other. NA
Speaking as an honorary member of the Manson Family, I say more power to your insurrection, old timer.
#Armed Resistance Rocks! ?
MJT wrote about people stating they saw beams of light and herself made an inference to connect with a solar project those she denigrated were associated with.
No mention of “Jewish space lasers”.
I read the tweet she posted before she deleted it, and she said it was a Rothschild laser in space causing wildfires.
Sorry, don’t shoot the messenger.
Was my response deleted?
@the IsaC Faithful
The so called “deleted” post is in the Snopes fact check so cunters can read it for themselves.
Nowhere in it do the words “Jewish Space Lasers” appear. If Gutstick claims he read that he must be mistaken.
Is that better?
To be a bit more precise…MTG speculated that a new green energy program…one that collected solar energy from the sun and beamed it back to earth…and was backed by Moonbeam Brown…and supported by one of his financial donors who sat on the board of a Rothschild Bank…may have malfunctioned and and missed the mark and accidentally sparked the wild fires Pacific Gas and electric were blamed for starting.
She did not, as some have claimed, promote a conspiracy of Jewish Space Lasers. That lie was propagated by Media Matters.
My reply above in reference to General Custer’s post @7:16pm.
And technically the Roths aren’t Jewish.they’re Khazarians (Jews of convenience) but full-on Sabatean/Frankists who are a deeply nefarious concoction to say the least.
Sadly they are planet earths ‘owners’ and the instigators and financiers of Israel having purged Palestine of it’s original semite populace into the Gaza open prison.
This is Planet Rothschild we inhabit but i have reason to believe they aren’t what they once were any longer.
I fucking love this site.
Just to be clear – does Rothschild = Jewish?
Great point! Rothschild could also mean a cigar.
Who/what is Snopes?
Do you mean Snoopy?
Now hang on.. sloopy hang on..
It’s a ‘fact checking’ website with an extreme lefty bias.
Completely untrustworthy.
Luke putting Gary Lineker and Owen Jones in charge of what ‘the truth’ is.
More chance of balanced views on the crazier corners of Bitchute.
Snopes is used as a reliable source by fucking clowns.
Khazars-Ashkenazim = false jews but very inclined to use and abuse that status.’Reparations’ by the billion still being milked from US tax payers anually.
Oh dear!
I count 7 dummies chucked out of the pram.
That’s soothers out of the stroller, for our American cousins.
Do knock it off, it isn’t funny or interesting or engaging.
I’m glad you don’t have guns.
33 upticks.
The tickie fairy certainly has a sense of humour.
Or a sense of something, HJ.
Smells fishy, to me.
Just imagine if those in opposition to you was making active attempts to delegitimise your founding documents, laws and traditions, actively mock them, if not topple them and set them on fire. Also, the MSM persistently, consistently were doing the same. I’d say a large number of those in the US wouldn’t want anything to do with that, which is where national divorce comes in.
Sure, the specifics are much more complex, but individual state secession, regionalism or radical decentralisation (Articles of Confederation style) is just some of the options. Practically, radical decentralisation seems a good idea as it would allow states to opt out of (the highly centralised) federal control. The Constitution would likely have to be amended to created two classes of states, those that elect to remain under the current legal framework, and those that would want to operate under a more decentralised framework (like an originalist reading of the Constitution would suggest was the intention from the beginning).
Personally, I can’t see why this would be difficult to enact, relatively speaking. I think something like it already exists for the US Virgin Islands. One could imagine, for example, that the centralised states would still have the EPA and the like, but the decentralised states would not be subject to them. On the other hand, the decentralised states would be subject to laws keeping commerce between the states free and open (again, like an originalist reading of the commerce clause suggested).
@Jon Doe.
Well said!
Very interesting and well stated.
Maybe a large portion of the south and CF should be returned to Mexico in the process ?
It does make me laugh that there is such a fuss about the wording of an aspect of this cunting, which is almost as petty as saying ‘you didn’t say five to eleven, you said 10:55.
Also, the amount of shite taken as gospel without a shred of evidence is ok if it’s on message.
Stolen election anyone?
Give it a rest, Guts.
Scroll on by mate, easily done.
I do.
One more before bed.
Would you please explain what this has to do with MTG, Jewish Space Lasers and the issue of secession.
No need for one link. Use multiple links if you need them.
Relevance? It’s another step towards the dark ages by the party that this despicable woman belongs to.
Again, this poster continues to goad me into giving him a reason to hit the grass button, and again he is unchallenged. I can say with absolute certainty that if I respond in kind, I would be admonished by admin, and probably banned.
Asking for unnecessary links when unable to provide relevant and necessary links is not a good standpoint.
As a factual matter this cunting was riddled with falsities, untruths and mischaracterizations. It has been roundly discredited for its lack of merit and deservedly so.
On a personal note perhaps the Admin team will forgive…or at least understand the satisfaction I feel while watching the karma bus plow into the torch and pitchfork mob that have hounded and driven away so many from the pages of this august body.
As we say in the states…what goes around comes around.*
*You’ll forgive me again if I don’t…post that link…to support my quote.
“Hounded and driven away..”
Like Fiddler?
Evening MNC…what a lively one eh, you cheeky monkey!
Maybe Fiddler was hounded by his own hounds.
And now they’re eating his decaying corpse in the kitchen of his ramshackle farmhouse?!
You ought to pop round and check on the auld bugger…
No. He wasn’t hounded and driven. He ran.
Evening General, that was my fault, I’m afraid. Mr Fiddler was rude about my handsome, debonair moustache, said I must be some sort of poof to have one that big…an outrageous slur!
Anyway, my mate Rylan Clarke drove up to Northumberland to exact revenge on my behalf (in his Cazoo car) and was last seen holding a chloroform-laced hankie over Mr Fiddler’s face in the farmhouse doorway, before (presumably) dragging him inside and bumming him into the middle of next week.
And I don’t blame him.
Walked before your grassing got him pushed.
Running is when you move at speed,
Legs pumping .
Like when you run to admin.
No worries Thomas. But I suspect your mate didn’t need very much chloroform.
You know what? I’ve come around to your way of thinking. Middy…I mean Fiddler didn’t run away. I…General Cuntster…chased him off.
Let it be forever said that I am the man who cowed Dick Fiddler!
Do me a favour.
Just go dig out your birth certificate.
Now does it mention Jim Henson on there?
Just guessing.
Your definitely some kind of Muppet.
Spot on, Miserable.
Dick Fox fucker pretend rich tosser on February 3, 2023 at 9:35 pm said:
I see Admin have now introduced a feature to report “Abuse”…Ffs….and we hear so much about “Snowflakes”.
Well I’m off afore I’m pushed and the easily offended and Billy Bullshitters can post away in peace.
Hi RTC…how the devil are you?
Well, the atmosphere on here tonight is a little unsavoury!
I’ve tried to help with an amusingly lighthearted homosexual rape joke (which normally clears the air), but my minimal, phoned-in effort has been all in vain!
Pray tell, what’s this word “Middy” supposed to mean?
@Mr Cunt Engine
Not withstanding pompous old Billy Bullshitter windbags, I’m fine, thank you for asking.
You winning?
I assume you mean you’re as in you are as opposed to your as in mine.
Leave my ass out of it.
Your deplorable.
If you’re going to try and be a smart-arse and pick folk up on their literacy, try putting some fucking grammar in your own posts, you bullshitting, grassing, Walter Mittyesque hick, whom I’d wager, is from somewhere that if your wife and sister add up to more than one, you’re not a local.
“Test post, test post….”
That’s the same word Hillary used to describe Trump supporters.
“Great” minds think alike.
I’ll wear that with the same pride I wear my new moniker:
The deplorable man who cowed Dick Fiddler.
Sheesh! Even after being corrected, he made the same mistake again.
OK…I’m done with this thread. I got to expose a bullshit cunting…crossed swords with the torch and pitchfork crowd…and took a few shots at Walter Middy…uh I mean Dick Fittler…uh you know who I mean. (Which I’ll concede isn’t entirely fair as he isn’t here to speak for himself.)
(Although I must confess my disappointment that one of the torch and pitchfork crowd didn’t go all Grimsdale on me. That would have been too perfect!)
As I alluded to in another post I hope the Admins will excuse me as I was having entirely too much fun.
But no more. Now it’s back to the business of cunting cunts.
See you all tomorrow.
I have come to the conclusion that you are partially deaf.
The character you refer to frequently as Middy, I think you will find, is Walter Mitty!
I do hate people who cannot get peoples names right, misquote famous sayings and sing song lyrics incorrectly.
Hi Ho, Sheffield Wednesday!
Hey Jeezum,
I know it’s Mitty…from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
As I consider some of the people here to be Walts…especially the much lamented Dick Fiddler and his torch and pitchfork mob…I attempted to make a play on words and join the names Fiddler and Mitty…hence Middy.
In the above post I continued the play by referring to him as Dick Fittler.
Not a very good play I must admit. I would have been better off with Fiddly, Middler or even Fitty but hey…hindsight is 20/20.
I’ve used other plays on names like Sparry and Peghim that perhaps haven’t been entirely understood. But then Septic humor is different from Pommy humor.
But congratulations are in order for you. You got me to answer after I said I was done with this thread and that’s something the torch and pitchfork mob will pounce on.
When using the vernacular to refer to Sheffield United as t’blades would it be fair to assume Wednesday are known as towels?
Look forward to your return here General
Been at Salford Royal today. A top hospital, I have to admit.
Had this angioplasty thing done. It’s like a balloon inside your arm. And when they blow it up to ‘stretch’ the veins, it is fucking murder. Absolute agony. Now my right arm actually looks like a balloon.?
Hope all you lads are OK and cunting those who need to be cunted.?
I found the chap who gets to fire the Jewish Space Laser. He said it’s not as much fun as his last job.