Lack of concern for the old in Britain

Age Concern UK

I have just been watching UK TV and an advert has actually upset and angered me.

It shows an old lady freezing in her own home and an old man hogging a seat on a bus in order to keep warm.

There was also the token black man.
I think that his role was purely for ‘diversity’ so I didn’t take much notice of him.

What the fuck is wrong with your country and why are you not protesting on the streets?

The fucking place is awash with food banks, ex servicemen are sleeping on the streets and old age pensioners are urged to call a help line if they are freezing to death.

It’s the year 2023 for fuck’s sake!

Meanwhile your 4 star hotels are crammed full of the world’s filth.
A nice warm room, cable television, beds and towels changed daily, rooms cleaned, free food and weekly spending money.

Are you fucking mad?Yes we probably are, CA.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

80 thoughts on “Lack of concern for the old in Britain

  1. Criminals, foreign illegals all get treated better than the older generation.

    Makes you feel proud..
    This country is governed by the absolute worse cunts.

  2. Japan, and other countries take care of their elderly people much better than we do ,
    To our shame.

    I do lots of work for Age UK and the staff are brilliant,
    Genuinely helping the elderly.

    I’m lucky.
    Barely out of my teens and fit as fuck.

    Star jumps lads
    Star jumps

  3. The professionally Offended couldn’t give a fuck about pensioners,so in turn there is no “social media chatter” for utterly aloof politicians to be advised of over a six course lunch.

    The poor persecuted migrant comes first in the queue for everything,because if some militant Offended Cunt posts about the hotels being like prisons then the Twatter Brigade are all over it,then too are our leaders.

    Far too many people in this country have become obsessed by the welfare of foreigners over and above their own fellow’s a disease without a cure it seems.

    I remain amazed by this attitude when the evidence of the dreadful failure of so called multiculturalism is everywhere and is unmistakable.

    Tax their pension.
    Make them pay full council tax.
    Make them pay for a TV licence.
    Only give them a small gift when an election looms..

    If you want owt free for life,including a fully furnished house and an income identify as a fucking Afghan or a Somali.


    • Uncle T, you are correct.

      Scotland is 96% honky but the two leading political parties there are led by browns. That is fucking nuts. The leader of the country is one too. And fir the UK. Oh, Ireland too.

      Nothing to see here. Move along totally normal.

      • Morning CB.

        Viceroy’s Sunak and Yousaf no less.

        Brown skinned leaders watching over their white colonies.

        Probably justified revenge for historical racism innit.

        Probably Donald Trump’s fault an all.

      • Tash Sarkar (I think it was her…it was some lefty cunt) said a few years back mass immigration is punishment for the Empire.

        So they admit it’s a bad thing then? Not as bright as they think, are they?

        Thanks for clearing that up.

        And tolerance? You tolerate unfortunate or bad things that happen. A stomachache. Roadworks.

        You never have to tolerate a lottery win, or a fit bird saying she wants your cock, do you?

        So no, I won’t fucking ‘tolerate’ cunts who shouldn’t even be here.

      • Clare Moseley is to busy with her mouth full – noshing off young male gimmigrants to comment on your post, Edward.

      • Clare Mosley.

        What a joke of a woman.

        “Look at me… Look how kind I am everybody”

        Meanwhile some North African chancer is bollocks deep inside the stupid old tart.

        I’m sure hubby doesn’t mind.

  4. I heard some dimwit tart the other day on the box (Labour I think, I wasn’t fully paying attention). Apparently, the hotels and temporary accomodation is unsuitable and we should be building houses for them.

    Yes, homeless on the street, young people being unable to buy a home, but let’s build free ones for these cunts?

    Guy Fawkes was a hero.

    And that’s shouting.

  5. My advice to anybody who is elderly, strapped for cash and cold is to “black up” and simply tell the authorities that you “need money and a house”.
    Whilst holding a rolled up dinghy under your arm and taking selfies via a brand new iPhone with the other hand.

    Bob’s your uncle – you’ll be sorted by the government quicker than you can say “underage schoolgirl”

    I’m joking of course. This country and the government is beyond a fucking disgrace.

    Great cunting by the way.

    • You may be joking, Herman, but if the makeup is convincing, I bet anyone would stand a better chance of getting what they need through fear of the authority dealing with the application otherwise being branded “raciss”.

  6. The truth is the politicians of all parties don’t give a fuck about older voters – they are not a long germ viable project, so they go on pandering to the poofs feminists and climate worriers about tomorrow – long away tomorrows that they wont be able to be blamed for – Caeron apologised for slavery (so did Kweer and the Guardian) and in a hundred years time whichever chinless wonder leads the ConLabLibDem party will be apologising for the way they treated 100 years olds 100 years on.

    Black lives matter, aspiring architects matter, wimminz matter and effeminate homosexuals like Izzard dressing up as Pantomime Dames matter because they are the future.

  7. Hehe, it’s the old who are causing all the problems, sitting in properties that are far too big for their needs, living too long and costing the NHS a fortune and all they do is fucking complain.

    Ungrateful cunts

  8. I’ve decided that I’m going to black up and become a tranny.

    I shall then forge a career in politics.

    I’ll be PM by tea time.

  9. Somebody on the television has just suggested that these immigrants should be given British citizenship the second they step on British soil and therefore putting them at the bottom of the queue for housing or anything else….

  10. Even the advert was a disgrace. It kept showing a bold as brass black old cunt with a spring in his step, putting ginger brown boot polish on his shoes. Get rid of the cunt and the pickaninny, it would look more to the truth. Unless they have just come over with the other fortunate lot and they were taking the piss ?

  11. Bang on. The anti white agenda accelerates. Get rid of the older patriotic whites and replace with third world dregs.

    If something gives and the country erupts,it can happen, the politicos will ask why.
    I would answer ” look in the fukin mirror you unpatriotic globalist scum”.

  12. I’ll have a shout while I can.
    Every time I bring up the subject of putting immigrants to forced labour, or shooting the lot mid Channel, I’m shouted down as a right wing Nazi.
    Fucking left wing Marxists.

  13. We need to be more like the French rug munchers, riot every time we’re not happy.

    Pension age going up – if Daki Rishi had his own way we’d never retire.

    What the fuck is the point of NI – just so I can pay for a rag head to have a nice warm bed, food and a phone.

    I predict a new uprising, the immigration riots, fuck knows we need it – something has to give.

  14. Successive Governments are constantly shite.Feathering their own nests.Vermin.Use the vegetables as fertilizer.

  15. And get this. When a lot of these Third World vermin get free housing, they also get an electric meter that is topped up for them. These cunts don’t have to lift a finger.

    Some old dear is worried about putting on another bar on her electric fire, while human filth gets treated like rock stars. I am ashamed of this woke lunatic asylum we call Britain.

    And, does that bastion of social justice Gary Lineker ever mention the elderly, service veterans or the real UK homeless? Nah, of course he doesn’t. He doesn’t give a shit about them. No points to score off white people, you see… After his latest ‘victory’ with HMRC, I long for the day when I see this slippery cunt’s head finally – and at long last – roll.

    • Why aren’t these illegal immigrants gathering en masse outside the white/black goal hanging cunts house, banging their tom-toms in appreciation for what the millionaire has done for them. They should be out there from morn to midnight showing their gratitude.

      Obviously showing themselves up for what they are and possibly doing nothing in the same manner and agreement as their hero.

    • I doubt it Norm, the fucker is Teflon coated and spawny as fuck.

      “Here is the News for Wednesday, March the 29th, 2161.

      Gary Lineker has become the first man to reach the age of 200. He is over 70 years older than any human in history.

      It comes on the back of him being named the world’s richest person for the fiftieth year running. Most of his wealth coming from finding the world’s largest diamond mine, hidden under the lawns of his sprawling mansion, when a tiny meteorite hit his lawn, leaving the mine exposed. ”

      “Gary, what’s the secret to living so long?”

      “Well Moira, I think it’s…ooh look it’s raining and it’s £50 notes falling from the sky right into my Ferrari convertible…”

  16. Until we get a viable nationalistic right wing party like in Hungary, Italy etc, then the working class, patriotic Englishman will get shit on left right and centre. We are strangers in our own land, gangsters from Albania get better treatment. Lonely OAP’s, Servicemen on the streets, it beggars belief. But when the country is being run by Gary Lineker and his ilk, what do we expect?

  17. Why don’t they suggest along with the free housing and money, illegal immigrants must snuggle up with the elderly to keep them warm. A mass exodus would ensue. All over with after one of the less brighter suggestions.

    • We’d have President Macron over.

      He’s all for warming up the elderly!

      ‘just slip your teeth out Vera, tres bon!!”

  18. As other cunters have noted we the indigenous older ones are not worth bothering with. Many hold a more conservative view of society so fuck all use to the alphabet people, some have the audacity to proclaim a religion other than peaceful. Many more reasons could be listed but I’m sure you are all aware of the cultural swing that has occurred over the last 30 years. Old indigenous people have no one to bang their drum, they are so used to getting fuck all most expect nothing so are never disappointed when the square root of fuck all is what they receive. No party has a sensible policy for us older brits, more mileage to be gained from kissing the arse of illeagals, foreign crooks and the cuntish eu. Benefits are never easy to claim if you have no understanding of the system, and do not have access to reams of translators and charity advisers. Fucking disgusting state of affairs but as a learned cunter mentioned in an earlier comment “apathy” is the killer.

  19. According to the Wank of England it is retirees causing inflation.
    In the cuntry most of the selfish ignorant chav types only worry for their patents is the inheritance.

    • I’d say that a much more likely cause is the number of drugged up alcky cunts on benefits who’ve never done a day’s work and never will, and all the invaders who are welcomed so handsomely if they get across the channel in a dingy.

      Hey Wank of England, how much are these worthless cunts hiking up the inflation rate? Fuck knows how much these cunts are costing the taxpayer. Fucking arsewipes. Fuck off.

      Gawd, my bastard blood pressure.

      *deep breath*

      Afternoon all.

    • Yeah all those 50s plus who pretty much got told to fuck off during bat flu time.

      Maybe they can a job at the money laundering hand car washes.

  20. I’m sick and tired of hearing libtard posh fucks on the radio talking about “refugees”. They are NOT refugees, they are thieving, p*ncing cunts. Refugees don’t leave the women and children behind and they don’t have 5/6 thousand quid in their pocket. Oh but they are “some of the world’s most vulnerable people.” Bollocks! Fuck off! The vulnerable are the law abiding, taxpaying Brits, especially under age schoolgirls.
    The enemy within.

    • Dead right Freddie.

      Those Libyan/Syrian/Iraqi/Afghan filth arriving in ‘name’ trainers and tracksuits, with an iPhone in their hands. Really vulnerable, eh??

      Also, funny how none of these ‘refugees’ are girls or women. It’s a fucking joke. Remember the Alan Partridge/Dave Clark look-alike ‘child refugee’ who turned out to be a 35 year old from the Calais Shitheap? I dare say he is in Croydon somewhere. Raping either young girls or the social security. Probably both.

    • Leftie Libtards want to take them into their houses.Ha ha never.NIMBYS.Double oven for the scroungers.

  21. If it weren’t for immigrants, there would be no one to look after my dad in his care home, as there are not enough indigenous cunts to fill the posts, whether they be unwilling to work for the admittedly shit wage, or are bone idle vermin living on benefits, who would be useless at the job anyway, as they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

    • Do you seriously imagine the filth washing up on the south coast are looking for work?

      • I couldn’t tell you, I haven’t asked any of them, has anyone?
        I do know the ‘filth’ working at my dad’s care home are doing a decent job, perhaps I should ask them how they got into the UK, and if I don’t like the answer, tell them to fuck off home?

      • Any of them interviewed on the TV/radio say the same: I get money, house, education. No cunt mentions a fucking job

    • If it wasn’t for the indigenous WHITE people working and paying taxes there wouldn’t be any fucking care homes, the channel rats are not coming to ‘benefit the community’ and as we have seen from the stats that last year around 10,000 or so came from Albania and if you think those cunts are here to work in anything other than the black economy then you just need to look at the prison numbers of Albanian offenders.
      The Albanian PM claims many/most of these Albanians don’t come from Albania, they are coming from Kosovo or Greece, as though that makes any fucking difference.

      Working in the care sector doesn’t suit everyone and I agree the wages are shit and if the pay was increased significantly there would be more people willing to do the work but our benefits system is so generous there is no incentive to work.

      • Well, my WHITE indigenous dad paid his taxes all his life, so in effect paid for his place in that care home.
        What are we supposed to do if they can’t find enough white people to staff it, shut it down?
        I suppose this makes me a fucking leftist libtard twat for having an opinion that doesn’t echo the rest, but I truly don’t give a shit.

    • I may be wrong as I have not lived in the UK for a long while.

      There has always been a fair immigration process to get into the UK.
      If foreigners are skilled at a job that is needed to be filled then they go through an application process.

      Doctors, nurses and care workers were often recruited from abroad and their work is much appreciated.

      The people that turn up on beaches make a mockery of the whole system.

      If you imagine for one minute that any of them are going to train to work for low wages in care homes then I am pretty sure that you are wrong.

      They turn up to scrounge.

      • Agreed Artful.

        Those cunts washing up in dinghies aren’t sailing across the channel to be fucking care workers for elderly indigenous tax payers.

        I get the argument that there are lazy white cunts on benefits, not enough carers etc etc and of course it’s true but this is nothing more than a tenuous link with regards to immigration.

        This whole, out of control illegal immigration crisis/racket stinks to fuck and is not to anybody’s benefit. Except criminal cunts of course.

  22. In the dialysis unit yesterday, I was the only white and English one in there. Straight up, the rest were all dark personages of a peaceful or African persuasion. Every single one. And all the cunts got a cup of tea before I did. These cunts are favoured everywhere.

    Also, why can’t these thoughtless ill mannered pigs use headphones like normal people do? I don’t want to hear their shitty arsed music, squealing paggi brats, or their religious claptrap. They can fuck off.

      • And the ambulance drivers tell me they really take the piss.

        There are old ladies over 80 who are ready for their transport without fail every time. Yet there are peaceful types – much younger and able bodied – who can keep the transport crews waiting anything up to fifteen minutes before they even show. They do it because they know they can. And any driver who thinks about complaining is afraid of being called racist. No one else is late and keeps them waiting. Of course, it can fuck up a driver’s whole daily run/plan/schedule. But they don’t give a fuck. They think this country is there for their convenience. And – sadly – it is….☹☹☹☹

      • My old man was kept waiting for about five days straight for transport back home from QMC in Nottingham, he didn’t say if it was because of loads of Africunts and towelheads taking the piss but did say he barely saw a white British nurse or doctor. This was after I read about the NHS spending over half a billion recruiting from overseas.

    • What a set of stinking unwashed cunts Norman.

      Buy some very good ear defenders,take a ghetto blaster in and play the theme tune to the Great Escape on a loop,at Motor head volume.

      Vile rats.

      • Good idea Tez.?

        There is one particular cunt in there. A Paggi woman who has her phone blaring out all the time. Either that shitty Bollywood music or her kids/grandkids screeching. Of course, the ‘tolerant’ staff let the bitch do it.

        And apart from that, she has the most irritating self pitying droning whining voice known to man. Granted, the treatment can make people feel off sometimes. But we all keep our mouths shut. But this one? Every time it’s ‘Oh no no no no no no no!’ like a banshee on slow speed. Everything is ‘no no no no’, even when the Doctor is trying to talk to her. Well, until the tea and sandwiches come round. She suddenly knows English then. Cunt.

    • Hope you’re on the mend Norman. Your understandable annoyance reminded me of where I live, just the opposite occurred during the time when covid 19 was in full swing. Only one black person, doing what he was supposed to be doing, cleaning the floor around the feet of hundreds of white people queuing for the jab. You can understand why I won’t mention where I live, incase there’s a mad rush to come here. A clue is that its by the seafront. I know you will be thinking why aren’t there dinghies galore, there’s another reason for that I can’t divulge.

      • Like all hospitals in the UK now Norman I am sure the one treating you has many non-indegenous staff- doctors, nurses, orderlies..
        Just a thought.

  23. Thanks for helping towards our plight. Even though I’ve got my own house and can afford to keep it reasonably warm, I live alone and vulnerable to falls due to my rheumatoid arthritis. I’ll be 80 next year dog willing and who knows, heart attacks or strokes could be coming my way, but with being teetotal and a none smoker, I might be keeping the inevitable at bay a little longer. We the young elderly are getting older and I suppose what’s going on at the moment, treating us as second class citizens, is their way of getting rid of us. Not as long as IS A CUNT as something to do with it, keeping our spirits up for longevity.

  24. My neighbour was rushed to hospital at around midnight last night after accidentally drinking a large bottle of invisible ink.
    He’s been sitting in A+E for over fourteen hours……and he’s still waiting to be seen….

  25. Off topic, but If Manchester United buy Whale Tongue Kane, then both Manchester clubs will have centre forwards who look like they just got off a Sunshine Joey Deacon coach…..?

    • The summer sun will be bouncing off their white bonces and blinding the black bastard defences, whilst heading neck and neck for the title.

    • Erling Haaland.

      Tremendous centre forward, but what an ugly bastard.

      Won’t make any difference to him like when he’s on 400 grand a week.

  26. Welcome to the Brave New World Order. Your future is now.

    A World Class nomination. One for the ages.

  27. I wouldn’t put it past the government having secretly taken over care homes for the black and needy, without vulnerability coming into it.

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