Jeremy Vine (13), the Judiciary and Cyclists Generally

(Vine – no lights, no hi-viz, no brain – Day Admin)

Jeremy Vine, once again this two-wheeled twat has almost had a collision whilst cycling, although from the news story link, it was most likely his fault and he engineered the situation to get publicity.

MSN News Link

I think we’ve lost count of how many times he’s almost had a collision, but in each case, there seems to have been one common denominator, his self entitled arrogance and overall cuntitude.

Nominated by: mystic maven

And supported by: Paul Maskinback

I fully endorse Mystic Maven’s follow-up of the recent Jeremy Swine cunting.

This fucking upstart, mincing idiot simply won’t be satisfied until he is transformed into ? compote under the wheels of a bus or wagon.

Link with video.


Twitter Link

Following on from that there’s this from Lord Cuntingford

A combined cunting for the judiciary AND cyclists. It’s not often there is an opportunity to cunt both these collective arseholes, but here you go:

BBC News Link

I don’t see how the woman can be blamed. It’s exactly what I do when I see adults cycling on the pavement. Recently some stupid bitch recently (on one of those dutch cargo bike things) expected me and the dogs to get out of her way as she was wobbling along the pavement. As most of the people on this site would do, I gave her a mouthful about riding on a pavement.

Now to the judge – the woman who shouted didn’t kill the old bat, nor did she make her fall in the road – she did that all by herself. Makes me laugh – a pissed up driver in Norfolk knocks a biker off his bike with life changing injuries and gets a slapped wrist. A woman rightly tells a soppy old trout to get off the fucking pavement and gets locked up.

A cunt judge and a cunt cyclist.

And following on from that there’s this from Jeezum Priest

Auriol Grey.

Daily Mail

What happened to the cyclist who lost her life is truly tragic.
Watch the video clip in the link, though.
Did Auriol appear aggressive?
Not to me, she didn’t. Given her obvious problems, was a custodial sentence warrented?
What the fuck happened here. What was the judge thinking? Non custodial sentences for violent thugs and a harmless old bat, whose only half there, gets 3 years?
There’s something wrong with our judicial system, we need more down to earth people on the bench and fewer clueless cunts.

And supported by Chuff Chugger

I second this nom.

Cyclist riding on footpath ‘shouted at’ to get off said footpath. And instead of mirror signal manouver, decides to turn right without looking into the road and gets flattened.

Disabled Woman who quite rightly told the cunting cyclist to get of the footpath is sentenced……fucking mad world,

Independent News Link

Unlike Jeezum though…..I don’t give a fuck about the cyclist. That was her destiny in life for being a cycling cunt

57 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine (13), the Judiciary and Cyclists Generally

  1. Biggest cunt competition
    Normally Blair hands down but nowadays the cunts they are a coming
    Megan and harry
    Kia cars starmer
    Lenny Henry
    All mega cunts
    Vine really is up there
    Shit I forgot Wankcock
    Too many cunts running societtttyyyyyy
    Bet most of these are cyclists

    • You forgot :-

      Yasmine Ali-barber Brown
      Len (I get paid while you all strike) McCluskey
      Phil (Cunts not a strong enough description) Scofield
      Former ‘Prince’ Andrew (wants to carry on squating in a 30 bed tax payer funded mansion)
      Frances O’Grady (the whiney voiced bitch)
      Rebecca (beaten with an ugly stick) Reid
      Caroline (Scraped earwig) Lucas
      Owen (I’m begging to be punched in my smug face) Jones
      Ash Sarkar (don’t even get me started)
      Benjamin (major ponce) Butterworth
      Angela (Trailer trash) Rayner
      Robert (aren’t you being cruel to genuine migrants) Peston
      Edwina (whatever it is) Izzard
      Amy (I talk out my arse) Nickell
      Stella (smug grin) Creasy
      Judi (I wouldn’t know a sign if it hit me) James
      Harry (anything for £wonga) Redknapp
      Peter (Gay is the new Gay) Tatchell
      Shola (I hate whites) Mos-Shogbamimu
      etc, etc….

  2. As most of the commenter said, it’s a matter of momentum (scientifically proven fact, but then jizzer vine undoubtedly cannot handle facts) large :vehicles with a lot of freight or passengers on board cannot stop dead. Also, passenger safety (ie dozens, sometimes hundreds of people) MUST be considered. Sacrifice vine to save 20 bus passengers? I’m all for that.
    His utterly pathetic reply – “The bus has to stop. Simple.” proves that he has the intellect of a bucket of scraped-out products of conception.
    He reminds me of the bloke shouting at the sea to retreat.
    King Cunt.

  3. This is what happens when you have some senile judge making decisions without his carer to advise him.
    Total travis ty of justice and as far as Jeremy Vine he needs a pool cue stuffed through his front wheel, the man is an example of the cuntitude in this country….

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