(Vine – no lights, no hi-viz, no brain – Day Admin)
Jeremy Vine, once again this two-wheeled twat has almost had a collision whilst cycling, although from the news story link, it was most likely his fault and he engineered the situation to get publicity.
I think we’ve lost count of how many times he’s almost had a collision, but in each case, there seems to have been one common denominator, his self entitled arrogance and overall cuntitude.
Nominated by: mystic maven
And supported by: Paul Maskinback
I fully endorse Mystic Maven’s follow-up of the recent Jeremy Swine cunting.
This fucking upstart, mincing idiot simply won’t be satisfied until he is transformed into ? compote under the wheels of a bus or wagon.
Link with video.
Following on from that there’s this from Lord Cuntingford
A combined cunting for the judiciary AND cyclists. It’s not often there is an opportunity to cunt both these collective arseholes, but here you go:
I don’t see how the woman can be blamed. It’s exactly what I do when I see adults cycling on the pavement. Recently some stupid bitch recently (on one of those dutch cargo bike things) expected me and the dogs to get out of her way as she was wobbling along the pavement. As most of the people on this site would do, I gave her a mouthful about riding on a pavement.
Now to the judge – the woman who shouted didn’t kill the old bat, nor did she make her fall in the road – she did that all by herself. Makes me laugh – a pissed up driver in Norfolk knocks a biker off his bike with life changing injuries and gets a slapped wrist. A woman rightly tells a soppy old trout to get off the fucking pavement and gets locked up.
A cunt judge and a cunt cyclist.
And following on from that there’s this from Jeezum Priest
Auriol Grey.
What happened to the cyclist who lost her life is truly tragic.
Watch the video clip in the link, though.
Did Auriol appear aggressive?
Not to me, she didn’t. Given her obvious problems, was a custodial sentence warrented?
What the fuck happened here. What was the judge thinking? Non custodial sentences for violent thugs and a harmless old bat, whose only half there, gets 3 years?
There’s something wrong with our judicial system, we need more down to earth people on the bench and fewer clueless cunts.
And supported by Chuff Chugger
I second this nom.
Cyclist riding on footpath ‘shouted at’ to get off said footpath. And instead of mirror signal manouver, decides to turn right without looking into the road and gets flattened.
Disabled Woman who quite rightly told the cunting cyclist to get of the footpath is sentenced……fucking mad world,
Unlike Jeezum though…..I don’t give a fuck about the cyclist. That was her destiny in life for being a cycling cunt
Shame, I would have reversed to make sure the job was done.
Boils my piss when I see them yobbos riding on the pavement.Unkle T’s special heater.
If he was riding about in London on that fucking clown bike in the picture what does he expect? He won’t get run over by a speeding car anyway since the average speed is about the same as a 19th century horse and cart.
I’m of the opinion this cunt goes out of his way to cause bother with motorists and I am a cyclist…?
He definitely is a cunt..!
Annoying cunt, thinks patterned shirts are the same thing as having a personality. Did we ever find out which BBC presenter fathered the stripper’s bastard child? Poor kid will haver to grow up with the shame attached to being associated with “Auntie”. Grooming dog fucking cunts. Know its not Lineker as he doesn’t have a cock..
You don’t need to have one when you are one.
If the cunt has a fold up bike, he must have a car, the cheating bastard.
I take it when he gets to the beeb, he folds up the bike and stores it up he’s well worn arsehole.
He must have a fucking wank every night in anticipation of being ‘almost’ hit the next day, anyone who thinks having right of way in London is deluded, if something is turning in front of you just slow down of even stop.
The silly cunt has no fucking road sense whatsoever, the changes to the Highway Code were a huge mistake, but when they end up in hospital they will have comfort of entitlement ?
That Number 73 is a cunt, he fucking missed!
Disciplinary for the bus driver, next time don’t fucking miss the cunt.
TFL should put a bounty on Vine, £100,000 for the driver who gets him ?
Why does Jeremy Vine dress like a 22 year old coked-up wanker in a 1990s Ibiza nightclub when riding his bike?
Why is he wearing a crash helmet when he hasn’t had one yet ?
Suppose its inevitable.
Seems to be very accident prone does Jeremy.
Probably safer for everyone if he left the bike at home and took a cab.
A hearse.
This excellent set of cuntings confirms two things;
1. Vine is one of the country’s biggest cunts
2. the British justice system is truly broken
Morning all
Might have to get a bike if the hours parking i just paid for on the calendonia Road is anything to go by..
£5.70 parking £6.50 diesel surcharge.
Khunt, Khunt.
No question the recent update to the Highway Code is perverse and stupid, driven by PC politics and places vulnerable rod users in greater danger.
Disabled woman who shouted at the now dead cretin who was cycling on the pavement banged up for three years? Don’t know what to say. Perverse. Breathtaking. Unbelievable. World gone fucking mental. Won’t be voting again. I’d hate to think one of those arse holes thought he had my approval
And Jeremy Vine? Be patient folks. One day you’ll be reading of his tragic death beneath the wheels of a heavy vehicle.
Why would it be tragic? I’d have said it was a cause for national celebration, certainly more so than the coronation of King Jug Ears the Woke.
It’s a great shame that Vic Lewis-Smith isn’t still astound to write vine’s Honest Obituary.
Shame that Vine doesn’t start identifying as a 10 year girl so he’d get bummed by some dirty pakıs.
Actually, that puddled woman who got three entirely unjustifiable years should’ve converted to i§lam ? before sentencing; she’d have been let off.
If someone (not me) bellowed “CUNT” at this Vine and he drove his bicycle off a very large cliff would it be a crime?
Or grounds for a medal?
Well,anyway,I await the footage of his pushbiking death with quite some relish.
The fucking simpering cunt.
Is there an oven out there big enough to accommodate a cunt sat on a bike?
This should do the trick..
Plenty of room for more beeb cunts..
Oh indeed there is Mr Jelmet.
Save space by stuffing his cuntwheels up his arse-end
overpaid cry baby metropolitan mincer. isn’t it time radio 2 ditched him for being a straight white male of a certain age? he’s woke enough to welcome his mentally disabled trans replacement who can only bark.
One of the very odd features of the Auriol case is that the local police didn’t know if it was a shared pavement or not; it certainly wasn’t marked as such. WTF is going on?
BTW , I happened to see a BBC news report from the scene and the female reporter had to get out of the way of a cyclist using the pavement; I reckon that it was staged but then I am an old cynic .
Now I know the world IS going fucking mad. Pavements are meant for walking on, not cycling, and if she’d been cycling on the road like she should have been, the motorist would have given her plenty of room. The pedestrian didn’t lunge towards her or make any threatening gesture, she was in danger of being hit as the pavement is narrow. All she did was tell her to fucking move, which I would have done too. The fact that the cyclist then fell off proves that she wasn’t in control and shouldn’t have been cycling in the first place. How the fuck has this pedestrian been sentenced to three years? She’s not guilty of causing the accident and someone should start a GoFundMe for her appeal.
Mmm terrible, terrible…
So am I the only one that laughed then?
Nope, I despise people who cycle on the pavement and deliberately cause arguments with them
This one veering into the road where she belongs and then getting obliterated was pretty comical
Vine equals Bbc mega Cunt.
Judge in question wants putting in prison. Swap for Charles bronson
I’d love to see Charles Bronson released, given a gram of uncut speed and invited onto the ‘Loose Wimminz’ lunchtime broadcast.
If I wear round sunglasses, with a shaven head and huge, super-gay moustache, I kind of look like Bronson albeit a pussy version.
There’s only one charles bronson..
Death Wish VII: Vengeance is Vine
What a stud!
Put him IN the same cell as Charlie boy. Sorted.
Vine’s cycle helmet is a no-brainer.
He’s also riding a batty boy Brompton bike, not something proper like I do.
Alex Bellfield should have got closer to him.
Fucking wokie BBC bastard. Can’t wait until he gets offed by a truck…….especially if it’s driven by some illegal camel jockey cunt. That would be a delicious irony that I dream about every night.
Bicycles are for children.
And old maids.
Not even a good bike.
Grifter, chopper,
Or something he put together himself.
A bicycle should be rode with your hands in your pockets and have bull horn handle bars,
White wall tyres and a hoo-argh horn.
As for helmets, is that for if he has ‘ one of his funny turns’?
I never wore a helmet
Don’t remember anyone wearing one?
Helmets are for Joey’s.
Did cycling helmets even exist in the 70’s-early 80’s? Anyone found wearing one during the ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ era would have been beaten up and quite right too.
This case should be a lesson for all of us. If you get in an accident with a bicycle you are at fault and you could well end up in the nick. To the Establishment the cyclist is our friend but the driver is a Polar bear murdering bastard. Remember, the very act of driving marks you out as a criminal right from the start.
People thought you was a flamer if you put your seatbelt on.
Never mind helmets for bicycles.
You should laugh in deaths face.
Better than looking like a mitmot.
People are too Mard nowadays.
I don’t have any brakes on my van ,
Take off any safety screen when using a chainsaw,
And got fired from Alton Towers for loosening the holding bar nuts on the rides.
Live fast die young!!
– 83yr old Pete Townshend
Does Vine own a car I wonder? I mean I can’t imagine he travels long distances on that fucking thing in the header pic, so perhaps he drives too.
In which case it would make for a fascinating popcorn moment if he drove into a cyclist and killed it. Would he, as a driver, accept the blame, or would he point the finger at the poor old sod he’s just run over?
Vine seems to think we should all get on our bikes, but does that include the hauliers who deliver supplies to supermarkets and other retailers? Perhaps he wants to seen an end to lorries and expects everything to be delivered by a little basket on the front of a bike?
What an absolute 18 caret gold-plated skidmark!
Did anyone see that cunt Dan Walker’s smashed up face recently when he fell off his bike? Funny as fuck, the cunt!
Vine got crashed into by a cyclist coming through a red light recently.
pick a theme to a Gerry Anderson series
Walter Cronkite voice ‘Deploy Belfield!’