Jeffrey Marsh. Now there’s a perfectly normal-sounding name. There must be a lot of Jeffrey Marshes about. Thousands of them.
But I’d like to draw your attention to one particular Jeffrey Marsh. This Jeffrey is transgender, or binary, or something, and has become a somewhat notorious, some might even say outright offensive figure on soshull meeja. Jeffrey wants to talk to kids privately about their sexuality, away from their parents’ prying eyes.
Yes, s/he/it (shit for short) has created a Patreon account, so that shit can spend ‘connected time’ (what, as opposed to ‘disconnected’ time?) with young people, to let them know that they are ‘worthy’, and ‘valuable’, and that their stories are ‘inspiring’. Oh, and they can pay for the privilege, naturally.
Now I don’t know about you guys, but this all strikes me as deeply dodgy. I’d say that on the old Creepometer rating of nought to ten, shit rates as a definite eleven.
‘I want to spend more connected time with you’. In private. Yes, I bet you do.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Just don’t get the pronouns wrong. That would make you one of those nasty, nasty transphobes, and Jeffrey wouldn’t like that.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
(More info here. Day Admin – Daily Citizen News Link)
Ron, are you sure you haven’t confused this cunt with someone called Gary Glitter?
Very definitely this sounds like a very sophisticated approach to “grooming”.
This site and his Patreon are therefore complicit and need taken down.
Glitter’s more handsome Geordie.
Good Morning
This cunt should be immediately tagged and have his internet and ‘phone monitored.
When trannies start talking about spending time alone with kids they don’t know then it is fairly obvious that something is wrong.
You’ve nailed it Wanksock. In better times, these people would have been deemed ‘strangers’ and children would have been urged not to speak to them.
Thanks Paul that’s kind of you.
The words to describe how wrong this is do not exist.
This has to be stopped.
By the way,did you know that David Lammy had a friend who died at Grenfell Tower?
Also,did anyone know that asuck Ma Dick Khunt’s dad drove a bus?
And Starmer’s dad was a toolmaker and worked 25 hours a day
And Tony Blair watched Jackie Milburn playing for Newcastle United before he was born.
And daddy was so poor he couldn’t afford to pay the phone bill (or he was a tight fisted cunt)
No. Starmers dad was simply a tool. Just like his son.
Very alarming.
Mrs Cunter has a friend in the UK who told her that her kid’s teacher held a class where they were asked how they ‘identify’.
A class of 7 year olds.
She also told me that there are books in primary school libraries which offer advice on how to give better oral sex.
Hey teacher, leave those kids alone.
I last had a fight in Belfast over forty years ago but, even at my age, I’d lay right into this creepy twat without a second thought. Complete and utter fucking wanker. I’d love to knock shit out of the bastard but what’s the betting that some camp twat’s prepared and ready to knock it back in?
It’s been said before many times..
The western world is fucked beyond belief.
Is it too early for a drink?
Never too early mate, the way things are going. A person needs a good stiffener just to read the bloody news.
Well you have Paul O’Grady this morning. He is a little stiff..
If he gets cremated, would that constitute a ‘savage burn’?
No it isn’t Barry. I feel the need for a stiff drink as well having followed the link. Truly stomach turning. When it dies the world will be a better place.
Once had Tennants Super Lager for breakfast.
Send it to Lisbon Islam school..
Still keep bringing them over.
Lovely people really
I heard Lineker has a spare bedroom.
…or he can now afford a (very large) extension for them, the cunt.
Lineker is Spawny Get from Viz
If Vlad (or Biden accidentally, when trying to push the home help button for Jill to change his soiled trousers) ever pushes the nuclear button, stand next to Gary fucking Lineker.
The blast will probably hurl you onto another advanced world far away, with nothing but stunning, non argumentative, feminine nympho women, who will make you their kings for life.
I honestly think the cunt may be immortal.
Immortal? I would like to test that theory cb..
If there is a nuclear bomb dropped, only scorpions and Gary Lineker would survive
. The cunt would then campaign for illegal scorpions coming over to the UK on half inflated dinghy’s.
I loved this line in the article..
‘Officers asked the suspect to stop the attack, but he disobeyed and was shot.’
Well duh..
The pigs should have offed the cunt instead.
Its parents must be so proud of it.
A supreme cunting Ron?
Trannies, drag queens, LGBTQP+ cunts-the toad always leads to the same destination:
A root & branch reform of society, from the top down is needed-and not the type of reform these degenerates are advocating for☹️
Have you noticed how the media has conveniently tried to ignore that the shooting murderer in Nashville…. was a Trannîe…
Morning C-G
Morning O-magnanimous one.
That story will disappear faster than Killary Clinton’s e-mails?
The wrong type of shooter..,,,,
Was nice to hear that renowned and respected statesman President Joe Biden making quips about his favourite ice cream mind.
Perhaps try the dreaded MSM, it’s all over it.
At first the MSM called the shooter a woman. I thought, “unusual”.
Later they said she was a tranny. I thought, “ah, right… a man who thinks he’s a woman”.
The next day, Lady C informed me it was actually a girl who thinks she’s a boy, E.g. a trans man.
Today the MSM are getting their knickers in a twist over what they should now call it: a girl? A boy? A man? A woman?
And now there’s this bruiser, who the police are calling a woman:
? I despair…
A corpse is a good start.
Fucking hell!
Will this madness never cease☹️
It’s the delectable Zara’s five o’clock growth that does it for me Ruff!
Phwoooar what a babe!
Meanwhile, the real issue, like how the fuck can any cunt buy and own a fucking assault rifle goes quietly out the window….
According to the NRA Gutstick, ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’.
Of course they do Ron, mostly with the NRAs favourite toys.
100 percent of school killers and spree murderers swear by them.
It’s only part of the issue, Gutstick. The more current issue is how many trans people are suffering from severe mental healh problems, and are the media glorification of drag queens/ trans activists/ non-binary types exacerbating and confusing the issue.
‘This is America. Everyone has a gun. My florist has a gun’.
Candice Bergen; ‘Miss Congeniality’.
Way too much for me to respond to in this one thread. But let’s start with the established lies:
As of right now…no matter what anyone tells you…the shooter did not have an assault rifle. An assault rifle is:
A…”military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semi-automatic and fully automatic fire.” – (Encyclopedia) Britannica
Those types of weapons can only be purchased with a special license issued by the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms.
As of today..the information is that the shooter had a weapon that visually resembled an assault rifle (i.e. AR15*) but didn’t function as an assault rifle (i.e. M16).
As always with the thinking impaired left…establish the narrative with a lie…and keep repeating it until it becomes an accepted truth.
As for the oft repeated slogan guns don’t kill people, people do…look no further than your own Londonistan where:
Knives don’t stab people, Peacefuls do.
*I’ve also seen reports that the shooter had an AK model. The facts and restrictions are the same.
Ah bless…
Again, you quibble about terminology, completely avoiding the crux of the matter, should the general public have unfettered access to military style firearms, that fire military calibre ammunition, with military capacity magazines.
The full auto argument trotted out by the pro gun lunatics is a moot point, if you understand why full auto is a feature on military firearms. Removed from the M16 after the Vietnam War because troops were wasting so much ammunition for little result, because a hand held firearm on full auto is not controllable to take aimed shots. Full auto would only be used as suppressive fire, to keep enemy troops undercover while manoeuvring. Children would probably be cowering behind their desks, so no need for full auto whatsoever.
One thing this trannie woman has in common with her fellow school shooters and spree killers, is that she has no dick.
That also applies to their gun loving apologists.
Jewish Space Lasers
Senator Marjorie Taylor-Greene
The odious Kevin McArthur
Trump and Epstein were friends
You knew the man who bought the Chicago Bears
The one link and one link only mantra was created by me
And now you dismiss Britannica’s definition.
You would know a fact if it bit you on the ass.*
*That’s arse for you foreigners playing along at home.
@ G. Bullshitter
“Knives don’t stab people, Peacefuls do.”
Your ignorance is stupefying. Peacefuls barely register as far as knife crime goes in London.
FYI, stabbings in London are overwhelmingly perpetrated by blacks.
That Calderdale “woman” is the spit of Nicko McBrain from Iron Maiden.
@ GJ
I think it would be fair to say the gun loving apologists do have dicks…
Albeit limp ones.
More to the point, however,
In common with the female trans fella,
They have no balls.
To true MJB.
Even when you modify the weapon description to 100 percent accuracy for the pedantry, the squirming past the point I was making is there writ large.
As dumb as they are dull.
Maybe two reasons for the focus on children. The transbenders have a genuine wish to aid children unsure of their gender to blossom like a Summer rose into their new persona getting them help bodes well for transbumderism in the future. The other reason they are fucking diddlers. I know which reason I support.
Another thing that many people do not realise is the majority of transbenders have all their tackle the minority have had the toys removed. In fact most want to keep their toy shop intact which I find impossible to understand in any circumstances apart from pervery, beasts one and all.
A new mantra should now be born “Death to Diddlers”
Strange that the transbumder community haven’t come out in screeching support that it has been misgendered.
Frankly nobody gives a fuck what it chose to identify as.
What everyone should give a fuck about is that some confused weirdo has killed a bunch of kids and teachers.
The sooner every last one of these freaks are locked away in secure institutions, the safer kid’s will be.
Saturday Night Woodchipaway for this cunt.
No productive use to society whatsoever – as much use as a fucking ashtray on a motorbike.
Render its cadaver down to glue – at least then it can be productive.
Then we get “stuck” with the fucker Paul….( I’ll get me coat )
Talking of the fall of standards in society.
Seen today “aaht & abaaaht” at 6.45 am-a wimminz driving her son/ younger partner to work, wearing a pink dressing gown.
Obviously as a bastion of decency, one had to inspect her hem line , as she played cat and mouse with me in the traffic.
It rose up to display her black knickers, shortly after her passenger disembarked in stationary traffic.*
Standards have certainly fallen?
*Thank fuck for elevated driving positions and slutty mid 40’s milfs?
Ah, so that’s why men have those over-priced pieces of tat called the “Range Rover” just to drive to the office. Now I understand CG!
Bullet, lime pit, next.
Why are they all called Jeffery?
He’d not of seen adulthood if growing up on our estate in the 70s/80s.
We’d of picked up on the fact he was ‘ wrong’ early on.
A “slip” off the viaducts
A leaping into the waterfall never to resurface
His life would of been filled with clumsy, dangerous accidents.
And the death certificate by a disinterested coroner would of stated
Cause of death- accident prone.
Same here Mis.
My early years were mis-spent in the Alum Rock and Balsall Heath districts of Brum, areas where the rats ate police dogs for breakfast.
This cunt would have been swallowing his very disturbing teeth before you could say Jack Robinson.
A lot of women seem to support these types.
Until they realise they are fiddling with their kids. Our natural gut feeling of ‘this isn’t right’ is not based on some bigotry, it is the natural reaction.
Luxury beliefs. These can afford to say that on social media. I’ve seen them hand-wave the fact that many of these trans women still have cocks and say ‘Just let the trans people use the toilet’.
Just not when you or your daughter are in there, I bet.
There is a movement to make depravity the norm.
When Old Scratch the Stranger cometh for your offspring,
To till that soft, pristine young soil and in it plant the seeds of Evil,
He will wear a golden gown, paste gems and thighs of silk.
The world has gone too far pandering to these Pricks, that is the correct noun. And on a personal level I am sick to my back teeth hearing stories about them. Ignore the cunts
If only they would leave us alone.
What can you say?
I showed the Youtube link to the wife, who visibly shuddered. Visibly. Wasn’t just me that this thing creeped out in our house then!
Marsh is a fucking reptile. End of.
Morning all.
A Nőňćé.
Nothing else to add. ????
I see Schofield’s brother has fessed up to offering wanking lessons.
Quite a loving family.
And there’s a total blanket ban on comments on every article. Phil absent from tv. Spooky that.
Lazier; I think the comments ban might be due to the fact that the court case is on-going, making it ‘sub judice’. Any comments beyond factual reporting might be deemed as prejudicial, opening up the possibility of a ‘contempt of court’ ruling.
That’s my guess anyway.
Operation yewtree 2 is happening sooner than later with these types.
What the fuck is wrong with these weirdo cunts? There must be a place to put them so they can be silenced and never seen again. General cheeseburger is whats wanted here.
Funny Paul O’Grady has died. He made his name as a Drag Queen. But for some reason I can’t imagine him wanting to ‘teach’ children
Radical Trans (well they must be radical) are ‘blaming’ the Christian school for ‘indoctrination’. It was their fault see.
Wow we thought this was a joke.
A trans person literally cannot commit any crimes according to the apologists. It’s pathetic. Be racist? No! The system wants to kill them! That’s why!
Want to get away with murder? Simply go trans or insult Rowling. People will fall over themselves to defend your innocence.
How interesting!
Over 60% of ‘transitioners’ in clink in Scotland only began their ‘transition’ to ‘women’ once behind bars.
Can anybody enlighten me as to why this might be the case?
Because lawyers (particularly Human Rights Lawyers) are the Cunts-de-la-Cunt.
Morning Miles. Yes, rather a shame about O’Grady. Seemed like a decent sort who you could’ve had a decent lunch with and talk about nice things, like dogs or something.
Possibly the only drag act + poof in the country who was a nice man and not a filthy degenerate.
Morning Thomas.
Yes Paul O’Grady didn’t seem a bad egg at all to be fair.
From what I’ve read, it sounds like he was doing ok only a matter of days ago.
Yeah some of his ‘Lily Savage’ routines were very funny.
RIP Paul.
I saw Paul O’grady live, just outside of Chester, circa 1989.
It was a night out for a family members 21st-we went up a popular fun pub, expecting a live band-got his debauched act instead.
NOT one for Great Aunt Emily?
Disused mine shaft candidate
Throw it off a cliff
He also paid the boss for the privilage of coming to work.
I’m a big fan of Mr. Knee’s nominations…they are always righteous I love his writing, wit and style…he is always entertaining. But today I am truly in awe.
She/he/it of shit for short.
Utter fucking genius!
Thank you General, that’s much appreciated.
By the way and while we’re on the subject, how many of you cunters know of the view being punted that preferring not to date a trans person makes you a bigoted transphobe?.
Well stands to reason doesn’t it? If you happen to prefer a woman with a natural-born fanny in her pants (and especially one that hasn’t still got a dick) you must be a hater.
Just get the Karen in the second link!
‘D’you know what? Trannies and their loony supporters are really starting to get on my tits’.
Mrs N Knee; 29 March, 2023.
You’re welcome Ron.
This is an issue being promoted by the left in the states that if you won’t date a tranny you must be transphobic. To wit I reply; you say transphobic like it’s a bad thing.
The more disturbing trend is now that trannies are justified in using violence because of the way society views/deals with them.
The press secretary for the Demonrat Governor of Arizona had to resign today because she posted something on Twatter that suggested trannies should should take up arms.
Some idiots in the American media are echoing these same thoughts.
Reintroduce that song from my primary school days.
‘Say no, to benders/ say no no no-no-no!’
Sorry, ‘starngers’, not benders
Marsh is fucking strange alright.
He’s in my ‘Top Twenty Faces You’d Like To Punch Repeatedly’ List.
The animals should be on a register ,same as animal pedos’s,so parents can make sure their kids are going no where near the animals.