Gary Lineker (18)

First of all, apologies tor cunting such low hanging fruit. He is the cunt that keeps on giving, and there seems no end to his cuntishness. However, he has really surpassed himself this time.

I could write hundreds of words about why this is bollocks, but suffice to say, Mr. Lineker will never have to suffer a lack of GP appointments, a 6 hour A&E wait, or not getting his child a school place.

What really gets me is that he will “be spoken to” – while Andrew Bridgen was sacked for saying something similar, but less controversial.

There is a special place in Hell for Mr. Lineker.

BBC News

Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.

246 thoughts on “Gary Lineker (18)

  1. Just goes to show that you can have all he money in the World and still be an ugly bastard. Has no one pointed this out to him?
    Is he so thick that he thinks that he is actually good looking?

    Normally I wouldn’t have considered the word “cunt” to be adequate to describe this hideousity, but whenever I see him I am reminded of the putrid faeculent trench that lies between Jo Brand’s blubbery thighs.

    Fancy shitting yourself in front of thousands of people ….. and being able to laugh about it.

  2. Yes, this smug woke lefty twat is without a doubt, a first class cunt.
    He needs to think about genuine British working people who try their best, before harping on about the needs of dinghi divers that have no respect for our culture and have passed several countries before getting to ours, when there is no conflict in their country of origin!

    Fuck you Gary! Pay your fair share of tax instead of the drinker, smoker, driver subsidising yout type, you woke cunt.

  3. 140 responses! That must be a world record. That shows you what a massive cunt this fucking cunt is.


  4. Do the beeb realise that Lincunt harbours a secret fear of transbenders, heard by a friend of a friend to state “women don’t have dicks”. If the beeb investigate, the end result would be Lincunt vanishing faster than an illegal in Dover. We can but hope.

  5. What grinds my gears most about Sir Gareth of Linker is the fact that he knows he won’t be sacked and revels in it. By doing so anybody he riles who responds can be pigeon holed as far right. I like to think one day he will be involved in a freak penny farthing accident with Jeremy Vine and they will both lose the ability to speak at the very least.

  6. Hope the stupid gobshite has an agonising and terminal shit-out, live on camera.

  7. I misheard this in the first instance. I thought he had said the at migrants were like an invasion as proposed by by wee Adolph. If Germany had been as successful as the immos in their dingys we would have lost the war. But no – ole jug ears was saying that the rhetoric of the government is like Germany in the 1930s or something like that and that “he’s the voice for the voiceless”. Silly sod.

    Get back on your paper round and getting paid in crisps. Horseshit Flavoured Crisps.

    Actually the government is being stupid sending nig-nogs to Rwanda. The Rwandan’s have a terrible record for genocide. You can’t trust any of them.

  8. The ‘Beeb’ should interview Gary’s two ex-wives, Michelle Lineker and Danielle Bux (I bet she does!). They will have some cunt stories to tell. I’m sure.

    They could also interview Gary’s alleged (I have to say that?) hospital cupboard conquest. But I dare say old jug lugs would get another ultra mega super duper injunction to cover the whole thing up.

  9. The dribbling psychotic left’s response to Lineker’s Nazi comments is predictable. It alo reeks of their usual double standards. Aside from the sickening excuses on Gary’s behalf ‘But… But… He’s entitled to his opinion. And he never used the word ‘Nazi’.’ I recall that not so long ago a young lady who worked for Disney/Lucasfilm subtly compared social media sneaks to the network of grasses who aided Hitler’s Nazi Party. Well, the liberal loonies were absolutely ‘outraged’ and ‘offended’, weren’t they? Endless threats to the lady and tweets demanding ‘Fire her now!’ And, of course, those woke pigs at Disney did exactly that. So Gina Carano gets sacked and Gary Lineker doesn’t…..?

    Funny, how when one person makes a Nazi comparison and it’s all outrage and demands for them to be sacked/silcenced/shot. But when woke slimeturd Lineker does it it’s ‘free speech’ and he’s ‘entitled to his opinion’.

    Cunters and gentlemen, I give you the liberal left. The most selective, hypocritical and two faced scum to walk this earth…

  10. I’ve already posted on what a cunt Linekunt is but I didn’t want the total number of posts to stop at 149…. So I’ll just say that Linekunt is a total cunt and so are the BBC for burying their heads. And Elon Musk is a cunt for the length of time it’s taking him to kill twatter. Bastards all of them.

      • I think that’s it tbh. From the sounds of it they’ll want him to agree some sort of deal in terms of his Twitter usage and he isn’t going to do that.

    • And the other two cunts have walked out in solidarity!

      Great stuff..time to give three other washed out ex footballers a twirl I reckon

  11. He’s a sleazy fucking oil slick and he’s actually shite at the job. By fuck I can’t stand the smarmy cunt!

    • My choices for presenting MOTD..

      Richard Keys and Andy Gray
      Matt Le Tissier
      Vinnie Jones
      Graeme Souness

      But I dare say that the slimy cunt will worm his way out of it and stay in the job.

      • I’d add Jürgen ‘it’s in the Iranians’ culture to cheat’ Klinsmann lol.

        Lineker’s face was a fucking picture when he said that and wouldn’t back down.

        Oh, bring back Big Ron too.

        Always entertaining.

  12. This from ubercunt Mick Hucknall…. ‘Freelance Gary Lineker made zero political comments on MOTD. That’s his place of work. Meanwhile Fiona Bruce defends a Tory ‘one off’ Wife beater ON AIR! Double standards? Much.’

    For a start, how can Lineker be freelance when he has a BBC contract? Also,i it’s well known that the ginger twat is no saint with the ladies himself. Fuck off Hucknall. People don’t need lectures from one of the biggest cunts in British showbiz…

    • Mick Simply Phil Mitchell in a ginger wig who’s shagged 500 birds hucknall. Definitely an Uber cunt and total has-been.

  13. And if those thick baldie woke wankers Shearer and Wright refuse to work and try to blackmail the BBC, then they should be sacked as well. Wright is such a cunt, Solidarity? My arse. It’s just a pathetic boys club.

  14. I fear that after much tantruming by cunts like Steptoe Corbyn, Wee Burney Sturgeon, Terry Christian, and walk outs from Lineker’s bumlickers, Shearer, Wright and Richards, that jug eared smear of slime will be giving us that smug sneering smirk on MOTD again soon enough….

    If Keys and Gray were sacked for a couple of ‘sexist’ remarks, then the slimy cunt should get the sack for comparing the government to Hitler’s Germany. But he’ll get out of it, Cunts like him always do…

  15. Needless to say, a sprinkling of doggy and dubious cunts. from Wee Burney to Alastair Campbell and James O’ Bellend have jumped in to defend the jug eared snake. O’ Brien claims that the media are ‘terrified’ of Lineker. Nah, they are just sick and tired of a smug self important gobshite always getting away with things when other people don’t.

  16. Soooo…..lineker been pulled from presenting motd.

    Endless news reports with experts stating it is censorship, freedom of speech, backing lineker to be reinstated.

    These are the same cunts, that had lineker said’ i agree with this policy, it’s about time the government did something positive to address this issue’, rest assured they would be calling for him to be banned for life from presenting anything and would be calling for his head.

    Freedom of speech… long as what is said, you agree with eh?

    Bunch of cunts.

  17. Amazing how it’s only ‘free speech’ when it fits the woke narrative. That ‘White Lives Matter’ banner that was flown over Burnley FC was free speech, but the lad who did it lost his job and was crucified by the social media loonies. If Lineker himself was called a Nazi, the jug eared human oilslick would bitch about it endlessly and the ‘offender’ would be hounded, sacked, you name it.

    There are already cunts asking if this migrants bill is legal. I don’t think it has a hope in hell of succeeding, and Lineker should take a major part of the blame, the cunt.

  18. Seriously, this is a Twilight Zone moment. A world where thick as pigshit footballers like Lineker see themselves as social and political philosophers. And brain dead acolytes like Shearer and Wright suck up to him. We all know Wright is a clown always has been. But Shearer is especially laughable. Hard, no nonsense Geordie lad. Yeah right. He’s just up Lineker’s arse.

    I think it’s great that these three fucks are not on this weekend’s MOTD. Instead of Lineker’s unfunny crap and Shearer and Wight’s boring fuckwittery, there’ll be time to show another game as opposed to three cunts talking shit.

  19. Those in the press who are enemies of Lineker (and I have doubt they exist) should use this to start a campaign to unmask and destroy the cunt. Tweets, taxes, indescretions, injunctions, dodgy deals, anything they can throw at him. They won’t get a better chance to get the slippery fuck. So they should do it now.

  20. Gary Lineker is on equal footing with Eddie Suzie Izzard as Britain’s most punchworthy face & you can add Owen Jones & Jeremy Corbollocks to the list!

  21. Lineker says – with spectacular arrogance – that he speaks up for those with ‘no voice’.

    Funny, I wouldn’t call living in a four star hotel for free, having the freedom to rape and murder, and being lavished with benefits having ‘no voice’….?

  22. He is a smugly snide goal-hanging twat-box – but that shouldnt mean it’s OK he loses his job.

    • At the end of the day the BBC has rules surrounding impartiality. He knows what those rules are and – at least on the surface level – seems arrogant enough to think he can get away with flouting them.

  23. Interesting how it was lineker who was told to step down and yet the pundits and commentators for whom this had nothing to do with, in typical human centipede fashion, have downed tools. So in effect they are on strike. Hopefully they are all sacked. I’m sure the programme will flow without all the bollocks between games. And does the show even need to carry on? Just shows what a poisonous louse Linekunt is.

    • Indeed, when Sky Sports and others now upload highlights on YouTube for free you do wonder whether MOTD is even necessary these days.

  24. I honest don’t care what he said, to be honest. What I’ve found amusing is that a lot of people who are so against cancelling and so pro freedom of speech want him sacked for a Tweet.

    • it’s about the impartiality thing. He knows what the BBC’s rules are and thought he was big enough to ignore them – THAT’S the issue. He thought he could get away with having his cake AND eating it.

  25. The thing is, his posturing and bleeding heart shite is all fake. If Lineker did care about those with ‘no voice’ the twat would have spoken up for the poor bastards who dropped dead building Qatar’s stadiums for the World Cup. But he just sucked up the pillowbiters and never said a word about Qatar’s slave labour. It’s all about what’s woke and how many virtue signal points he can get out of it.

    Also, I despair of modern football – both fans and the media. The cunt broke impartiality rules, yet (as is the usual case with woke twats) the rules don’t seem to apply to them. And to see all these mongs in ‘solidarity’ with jug lugs slimeball makes my stomach turn. Had it been Katie Hopkins, Piers Morgan, Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinson, there would not be one voice of media support. All have tweeted or said things in their own time, and all have been singled out for it. So why not Lineker? And the usual ‘But… But disagreeing with Gary is racist’ bullshit makes me puke and all. How is not wanting any more rapists and freeloaders in Britain racist?

    And the array of rich cunt celebrity fucks and nonentities who have come out in suppert of Lineker are all rapist/terrorist apologists and they can all fuck themselves. Carol Vordermann (slag), Alex ‘Fik az pigshit’ Scott, Gary Neville (you working class traitor of a cunt), Fatcunt Slim, Ian Wright, Dion Dublin, Emily ‘Chinny’ Maitlis, and fucking nobodies like Bristol Rovers to name but a few. None of whom will ever have to live near of put up with these ‘vulnerable’ human filth. I hope karma bites every single one of these cunts on the arse. Bastards.

    • Aye fuck modern football.

      FIFA are cunts but I could change my mind about them.

      They’ve released most World Cup matches from 74 onwards in full for free on their website. A few from 66 and 70 too. Almost the entire tournament for world cups from 74 onwards. Perfect picture, most games just original crowd noise. Heaven.

      Fucking good old FIFA.

  26. And although I am no fan of the BBC by any means, they can’t back down from this. Every cunt who has walked out should be sacked with no chance of returning. If they cave in and let the rapeugee loving slimeball and his lackeys get off they will be open to walk outs and blackmail every time some soft arsed cunt doesn’t get their way. Cunts like Emily Maitlis, Jools Holland, Graham Norton and fuck knows who else will be doing it. The tail wagging the dog and then some….

    Also, although what Jimmy Savile did was fucking evil, woke leftie scum shouting ‘Savile’ at the BBC or anybody who is against jug lugs slimeball are a disgrace and two faced fucks. They don’t give a fuck about Savile’s victims, never done. In fact, most of the cunts will have been all for the BBC and their woke shite before their precious Gary was bollocked. The loony left will use anything and anybody to suit their purpose and make apologies for rapists and terrorists, and these psychos will turn on anyone who dares to disagree with them.

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