First of all, apologies tor cunting such low hanging fruit. He is the cunt that keeps on giving, and there seems no end to his cuntishness. However, he has really surpassed himself this time.
I could write hundreds of words about why this is bollocks, but suffice to say, Mr. Lineker will never have to suffer a lack of GP appointments, a 6 hour A&E wait, or not getting his child a school place.
What really gets me is that he will “be spoken to” – while Andrew Bridgen was sacked for saying something similar, but less controversial.
There is a special place in Hell for Mr. Lineker.
Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.
The fact that the BBfuckingC haven’t sacked or even disciplined this arsehole is actually good news.
They’ve just handed the hangman a few more feet of rope for the final reckoning.
With any luck, when the time comes, he will get a straight Red Card, to make up for never having got a yellow in all his footballing career. Due to the fact he never tackled anyone, & was in all fairness just a goal scoring machine, with not much else going on.
Never rated him as a player. Just a goalhanger.
Gary is an embarrassing excuse for a human being. Calling him a cunt is an understatement. Spouting his ignorant statements about Nazis when he has no understanding of history. I hope this total prick never shows his stupid face on our TV screens again.
Once again our Gary sees the spectre of Alex Scott looming over his shoulder.
She’s a wimminz ✅
black. ✅
a lezza. ✅
much younger and prettier ✅
So what does he do? Sticks his tongue up the bum holes of his traitorous BBC bosses.
This pretend black man, champagne socialist and absolute cunt weeps and cries over the exploited and oppressed while filling his pockets with money from the very people who exploit and oppress them. Oh…..and he’s a fucking tax dodger as well.
She’s a wimminz ✅
black. ✅
a lezza. ✅
She’s got everything that girl.
Lineker has failed the most basic of historical skills – providing evidence.
When someone makes an outrageous statement such as this, simply ask what their source of information for such a claim.
The use of Nazi Germany as a historical reference point is the mark of an uneducated twat.
‘Reductio ad Hitlerum’
These dinghy divers are fleeing France in 2023,not Berlin in 1938.
Mind you France is a Socialiast shit hole overrun by Muslims.
There were 4 Amnesty international bucket jigglers at Kings Cross ststion today. Amnesty is a virulent anti semitic organisation. They got told…
I hage written to Mayor Ghenghis Khan.
I wonder what Gazza’s opinion is on this migrant subject? Or Terry Butcher? Why is Lineker’s opinion so important?
It’s not, and to be fair the giant turd I took three flushes to get rid of earlier would have a better opinion than the cunt Lineker.
Actually, he’s worse, because he really believes the fountain of shite that spews forth from his gob.
HnM, Krankie and Bliar know they’re talking a load of shite. They just hope you don’t.
Why would anyone listen to a retired football player on matters that the person in question seems to have a vague understanding at best? To me he is an annoying shit fly that ever so often gets pages in the papers for spouting bollocks. Another reason to tell the bbc to insert their licence fee demands as far up their corporate arse as is possible. Lincunt appears to believe he is heading for sainthood as the saviour and mouthpiece of the really hard done bys Ok he had a refugee to stay or something but I bet that “lucky” bastard was vetted more throughly than any other person in fucking history. Lincunt please fuck off or take up some really out there sport like rope less bungee, shark baiting good healthy sports.
The problem with Professor Linekunt’s historical comparison is that thousands of cunts weren’t falling over each other to get into Germany in the 1930s. In fact they were doing anything they could to get the fuck out.
But Gary didn’t have much of an education to be fair. Being a black kid in a systemically racist education system he had no chance.
Like all of them.
He learned enough to be able to dodge paying his fair share of tax though, which is more than I did.
Great summation Fred. ??
I’d terminate his contract for a tenth of that.
Walkers would have to find a new crisp promoter. Mo Farrah perhaps, he could eat them through a tennis racquet.
Jug eared twat.Oven him Unkle.
What an over paid, mega-cunt. How in the world does he have 9 million Twitter followers? He probably thinks he is more popular than Jesus.
That’s two mega cunts in about as many days: I suffered the misfortune of watching a bit of Gina Miller, yeeuuchhh, on Talk TV last night. I had to turn it off; 3 leftie hags vs 1 conservative pundit and Jeremy Kyle.
Ah, Gina…. Banana Gob. I hope she had a pair of clean knickers on for a change…
I hope Jewish groups go for Lineker now. I hope they put pressure on the BBC, send him threats, plague his Twitter page, shit through his letter box, the lot. The fact that he has compared holocaust victims to modern migrant human filth shows what a piece of shit he is. The BBC are also scum too. Had Lineker said something about blacks or slaves, he’d have been sacked. But the slimy twat compares the government to genocidal fascist murderers and the Beeb think that’s acceptable. Woke shitehawks.
Left wing = rape/freeloading apologists ….
And here is new news about Gary’s precious ‘vulnerable and voicless’ vermin…
They‘ve recently arrived in Newquay, and the crime rate has shot up.
Groups of young men hanging around school gates and leering at 14/15yr old schoolgirls. Two entire hotels completely taken over. All true.
Has Linekunt been back to Leicester recently?
Yeah he has been round Yorkshire Building Society to allow all the immagrants. He will promise them the world and give them fuck all other than slavery a bit like Hitler.
He left his ‘beloved’ Leicester City for a big money move to Everton.
Then, after less than a year at Goodison, he pissed off to Barcelona, again for a load of money. He then left Tottenham for some Japs called Grandpa’s Eight or something. Again, for a huge pay hike.
A rat has more loyalty. The man is a total shit…
He is a fucking cunt. It’s not my first rodeo with these tax dodging data fucking cunts.
This cunt thinks it’s ok for Blighty to be swamped by the scum of the earth. Of course,it doesn’t matter to him. He’s got more than enough dosh to live in a gated community or country estate with plenty of security personnel.
A lot different for us poor plebs though, seeing our communities steadily changing, as all and sundry continue to move in.
Never used to see it round here, thirty years ago. Now it’s like the league of fucking nations.
Spotted a Mo Farah lookalike, the other day. Swaggering down the lane.
Prime bulb headed specimen, a full 100 watter.
I don’t need to travel the world.
It’s coming to me.
Get To Fuck.
As I’ve said good things come to those who wait. Patience is a vertue. People who force bollocks on people will not succeed.
Tell me what’s better about us being out of the EU? We have our own people and democracy.
A John Paul Jones masterclass.
Cheers Jack.?
What? You didn’t have a sneezing fit and momentarily lose control of the steering?
Evening Jack-at least we had decades of “Englishness”?
Evening, General. Not possible, stuck at the lights !
The past grows rosier with every passing day.
Shit weather today, snowing again now.
The Rookery is locked up, gates are barred, domestic bliss reigns.
Ethel is stitching.
The dog’s on the couch, reading Mein Kampf ( again )
And I’m here spreading peace and goodwill, whilst running a few invoices off and indulging in a bit of money laundering.
Music for a bleak and windy night…….
And supercunt Terry Christian is right up Lineker’s khyber. Saying that Lineker has a right to free speech and that the slithering jug lugged fuck never used the word ‘Nazi’.
Nah, he just said 1930s Germany. Same fucking thing, Terry, you nasal has been cunt.
Terry Christian saying “I believe in free speech”? This is a man who blocks anybody who disagrees with him. And this picture sums up what a cunt he is.
Fuck me! I haven’t heard about the Christian cunt for quite a while. He really is a repulsive fucking bastard. How typical that he would tongue the Linekunt arse. They could be twins…..smug, champagne socialist wankers and thick as shit.
Every goal he ever scored should be disallowed.
The goal hanging cunt.
Fuck off.
A classic example of Godwins Law: when the left cannot provide reasoned evidence or hold there own in a debate, invoke Hitler or Nazi Germany.
Superseded by cries of “Fascist”, of late….
Their own
Cunting phone?
100% correct
Does anyone else hate it when Lineker pulls that smug self satisfied ‘wistfful’ goggle eyed grin?
When he hears something that he doesn’t like, he rolls his eyes and does that nauseating closed mouth smirk. Like he’s saying ‘Oh dear. Poor uneducated racist Brexit plebs. I pity them’. He also did it when Gazza got booked and burst into tears during the 1990 World Cup Semi Final. He needs a fucking slap.
He looks a bit a cross between Rolf Harris and Guido Fawkes with that fucking stupid facial hair.
I know many will say ‘everyday’ but I think we need to start a ‘Gary Lineker is wanker day’ and get it trending on the anti social media.
A bit like little Owen Jones is a tosser day. But this time for the ole jug eared black autocue reader.
Perhaps nominate a date with historical relevance, like when he shat on the pitch or something
How about a cunt of the century award?
Terrible news, fiddler’s dead..
Breath easy, the one on the roof.
Chaim Topol.
Also Fiddler from “Roots” Which reminds me of his great line when Kunte asks him “What’s Christmas Fiddler?”…….
“It’s when white folks give each other things that nobody needed no how.”
Horrah. Three cheers for old fiddler. Hip hip no-no-rah.
Topol ,in 1967, left his stage work in the UK, to fight for Israel.
He returned,shortly after, to a standing ovation.
A true hero.
May his memory be a blessing
Shalom,Chaim Topol
“…to fight for Israel.”
Hagannah? Irgun? Stern gang? IDF? …all the same thing.
Topol was also ace in Flash Gordon… I also took my mum to see him do Fiddler On The Roof in the 80s. He brought the house down. RIP.
If there were any real mainstream comedians left in this country they would be having a field day with Linekunt, the gift that keeps on giving. I’m sure they are out there but they won’t be getting on the telly anytime soon.
Lotus on YouTube?
It’s hard to credit I was born in the same country as this disgusting Quisling.
How fucking deludedly left wing do you have to be to parrot the same old “fleeing persecution” bullshit?
Follow this awful cunt and it’s acolytes logic into making all of Europe a dungheap or round the lot up for comprehensive asset stripping..let them live as beggars and give their homes to profoundly ungrateful Afghans or Somalis…let us see if they believe what they say.
Suffer the consequences of your fantasy Global Village.
Then oven.
It’s alright for you Unkle, I went to school with the cunt.
It’s 10.55, I’m watching BBC question time.
Makes me wonder why my father who was torpedoed in 1943 on HMS Warwick by Gustav poel / U413
And all his fallen shipmates bothered…
I’m sure if they could see GB now they wouldn’t have…?
Did yoh see that twat with the “they” pronoun badge?
He was the one with the rainbow lanyard who reckons Rishi Sunak is Adolf Hitler.
He,NOTthey, is a complete cunt.
John, do what I did years ago: stop watching that BBC collection of sneering hissing lesbians. It’ll be good for your mental ‘elf’.
There are plenty of people who haven’t forgotten the sacrifices of your father and his pals mate. We all have similar stories in our families. These fake commie bastards forget that at their peril.
T, internet, wished we’d have had this when I were a lad..
I have been giving some serious thought to this taking all the comments into consideration and on balance I believe that most of us here on think he is an absolute fucking Cunt.
An incomparable Twat.
I maybe wrong but I think that’s where the consensus is.
My god you’re sharp – watch you don’t cut yourself
Mystic Meg died – I bet she didn’t see that coming
Was probably too ill to bother with Thursday’s Horoscope, as if even for an Astrologer, it would have made any difference, Leo or not.
Yasmin Alibarbar Brown on question time.
Shame Idi Armin didnt find her in time.
Vile left wing hand wringer who hates this country, our monarch, his majesty King Charles and his government.
One way ticket to Entebbe for her.
Completely agree.
I don’t generally ‘hate’ people, but I cannot stand her self-satisfied smug face or the sound of the whiny white-hating bitch’s voice.
She is everything wrong with today’s media.
Also, can I nominate Nana Akua of GB news for journalist of thd century?
Proud black British woman. Perfect example of how diversity can be a good thing. She is immensly proud of her heritage yet loves the UK, its traditions and values. Also,Esther Krakue. My favourite is the anti race grifter,Kemi Badenoch. Strong black British female minister who hates professional race victims ,knows what a woman is and has no time for non-binary foolishness. These are real women. Take note Eddy Izzard.
“…Also, can I nominate Nana Akua of GB news for journalist of thd century?
Proud black British woman. Perfect example of how diversity can be a good thing. She is immensly proud of her heritage yet loves the UK, its traditions and values. Also,Esther Krakue. My favourite is the anti race grifter,Kemi Badenoch. Strong black British female minister who hates professional race victims ,knows what a woman is and has no time for non-binary foolishness. These are real women….”
Fuck’s sake, what utter fucking bollocks!
Unit 8200 in the house!