Gary Lineker (18)

First of all, apologies tor cunting such low hanging fruit. He is the cunt that keeps on giving, and there seems no end to his cuntishness. However, he has really surpassed himself this time.

I could write hundreds of words about why this is bollocks, but suffice to say, Mr. Lineker will never have to suffer a lack of GP appointments, a 6 hour A&E wait, or not getting his child a school place.

What really gets me is that he will “be spoken to” – while Andrew Bridgen was sacked for saying something similar, but less controversial.

There is a special place in Hell for Mr. Lineker.

BBC News

Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.

246 thoughts on “Gary Lineker (18)

    • I totally agree; he epitomises the thick as pig shit celeb who knows nothing but has an opinion on everything which he feels that he has to share .
      Total cunt !

      • Yes, it is. The whitest black person in time immemorial.
        Even the Albino wasn’t as white as he is.
        I bet if you sawed him in half ( please, can we?) he’d have white written all through the middle. Or maybe white cunt.

  1. Abhorrent cunt – fits well with the modern zeitgeist of “anything lefty is great – no alternatives should even be thought of”.

    Linekar:” stopping illegal immigration is like the Nazi Holocaust” = that’s OK, doesn’t matter if you denigrate the memory of a few million murdered Jews.

    Jo Brand: “throw acid in Farage’s face” = OK. Jeremy Clarkson: “ Markle should be paraded naked through the streets and punished like the Game of Thrones character” = worldwide condemnation and cancellation of all media contracts.

    Like cancelling the BBC don’t purchase, watch, listen or buy the MSM bullshit.

  2. Linecunt should go into politics, he would fit snugly onto the labour benches along side Clive Lewis, he looks the same colour and could campaign for reparations.

    Open all the doors, let in all those ‘poor desperate people’ fleeing those terrible French Nazis.

    He is a cunt, goodbye.

  3. Even though this is a very Anglocentric nomination I think as an Americunt I can safely say that this cunt Lineker is a true shit stain on the diaper of humanity.

  4. I implore my fellow cunters:
    please simply cancel the direct debit for your TV licence. Don’t even bother telling the commie poof-lovers at the beeb.
    I cancelled mine a few years ago and all they’ve ever done is send me a pathetic letter every six weeks or so.
    I’d fucking love a licence “inspector” to come round. Just to see if could be so utterly horrible I could make a grown man’s lip wobble. Game on.
    For now, we’ll merely have to hope that Linekunt gets raped and murdered by a gang of the darkıe foreign filth that he cares so much for?.

      • Where the fuck is Fiddler anyway? Miserable old twat got a strop on about something or other, not seen hide nor hair of him since.

        Didn’t have him down as some sort of pussy……

    • Thomas, I hope you are growing your most filthiest Deliverance style tash in anticipation of Lineker, hogtied to our darkie enriching friends.

      • Evening LL…if my meaty moustache gets any more bent, I’ll acquire a conga line of fruits trailing after me like the Pied Piper of Homlin.

  5. To paraphrase a readers letter in todays Express

    “Nazis wouldn’t have rescued floundering boats, they’d have let them drown.
    Those who made it to shore would have been rounded up, and interned in prison camps, and probably used as slave labour.
    Anyone who protested would have suffered a similar fate.”

    Yes, you ill-informed cockwomble, exactly that!

    What are you waiting for, Suella? 8

  6. The BBC should sack the cunt. End of. But they won’t. Come on Rishi up your game hit the beeb where it fucking hurts, defund the cunts.

    • Unbelievable that this jug eared fucker is paid £1.3m of OUR MONEY to sit there and talk about football matches with his pals.

      Why don’t he put his money where his mouth is – let him pay the hotel bills, he will soon change his tune!

      Total fucking weapon.

      • I would not pay the cunt in used shithouse paper. How long will we have to wait before one of these lefty twats gets slapped down?

  7. I’m disgusted with my fellow ISACunters. Don’t you know he is an ex footballer and is the font of all knowledge, guidance and leadership on anything and everything that has happened in World history past present and future?? Shame on you. He’s not known as Gary ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’ Lineker for nothing you know.
    Only kidding, of course he’s still a full weight cunt.

    • My cat has more knowledge and insight than this cunt could ever have. At least she takes herself outside for a shit. Unlike this bellend.

  8. A shop dummy with a laughing bag would do a better job of ‘presenting’ Match of the day.

    The spineless cockwombles at the BigBastardCunts will do nothing other than offer him a pay rise probably.

    Smug grinning wanker

  9. Jug-eared, rubber-lipped ignoramus.

    No wonder his Mrs fucked off. An insufferable, pious cunt.

  10. I hate linekunt more than any other nominee on this site and that includes all Mps, Ian hislop, Katie tunasnatch price and anyone else. If he isn’t publicly rebuked by the ‘impartial’ BBC then it will confirm (if proof were needed) that he is the most obscenely overpaid epicentre of the most biased left wing anti uk universe of MSM. There isn’t a big enough piece of rabid dog shit stained brick I could hurl through his window. Fuck off up Putin’s dying arse linekunt.

    • Indeed, SHC…although Gary ought to be given some credit for managing to out-cunt Jeremy Vine; that takes some doing!

      • Definitely I should have put the wingeing cycle cunt in my other post. Maybe linekunt is the cunt messiah for whom all cunts are descended from…

  11. Lineker is a hypocrite chief cheerleader to overturn Brexit
    Has a lot to say about Migrants and the Government being like Nazis trying to stop these economic migrants coming over.
    Thinks it’s except-able to dodge tax and National Insurance Contributions and preach to the rest of us plebs via his job at the BBC.
    Match of the Day get someone else to do it like Alex Scott why do the BBC need to pay the twat 1.7 million for the privilege?
    Smugness and entitlement from this jug Eared bastard is intolerable the sooner he’s gone the better Ex footballers should stay out of politics and leave it to the experts

  12. Jug eared cunt.
    May he get viciously bummed back to the stone age by his next house guest…

    • Perhaps he could deliver a consignment of overpriced crisps to the house of one M. Barrymore whilst wearing a mask printed with the dead face of Stuart Lubbock, BB?
      Michael will be instantly be in rapekill mode, and will drag Gary round the side of the house and Strike It Lucky with Lineker’s sanctimonious bumhole, whilst simultaneously throttling and drowning him in the pool, itself already bobbing with the semi-decomposed corpses of a dozen naïve rent boys.

  13. I wonder does Bat ears have private medical access, does he live in a big mansion with acres of surrounding land and tight security, does he mix with the hoi polloi and travel by pubic transport, does he shop at the local Aldi ?.
    I suspect the answer to the above is possibly no so how the fuck would he know how the tide of human effluent that has settled in Blighty effects the everyday people that are surrounded by the cunts.

  14. A genocide of cunts like this cunt would do us a power of good.

    A nice clear out.

    The full Stalin of the woke.

    Perhaps they could claim asylum in Kandahar?

  15. That cunt is apparently worth 26 million, so I am expecting him to donate 50 percent of his wealth to care for these poor unfortunates. Save them from the n@zis.

    Kinda like a jug eared thick as shit oscar schindler..

  16. Well done Gary, your posh chums on the right-on, lefty dinner party circuit will be fawning over you even more than usual now. Just don’t upset their delicate sensibilities by mentioning those frightful working class people who want the invasion to stop. You know, those horrible oiks who pay your millions and have the Channel detritus dumped on their doorstep.
    And best of luck defending yourself against HMRC’s claim against you for £5 million in unpaid tax. For lest we forget, it’s those same plebs who must pay to house the filth as well as live next door to them. We can’t expect the rich to chip in as well, can we? After all, tax is just for the little people to pay, not multimillionaires.

  17. Oh dear.

    Such is the level of vitriolic hatred on here for Gazza that I feel it necessary to say something positive in his defence. Mmmm… let me see… ok;

    Lineker isn’t QUITE as galactically cuntish as Hazbeen and Migraine, Nicola Sturgeon or Tony Blair.

    Evening all.

    • I take your point Ron. While he was a murdering cunt, Fidel Castro was not as cosmologiclly cuntish as Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot.

      By the way, Sparry and Peghim are in the American news for christening their daughter and proclaiming their children to be a Prince and Princess…apparently, something Charles da Turd has gone along with.

      • It occurs to me that you foreigners might not be familiar with the meaning of the American slang word “peg.”

        peg; to engage in anal sex by penetrating one’s male partner with a dildo.

  18. People were defending him on a newspaper website, where people were rightly complaining about his likening of the latest government immigration soundbite. Their defence was that he hadn’t actually said ‘Nazi’.
    So what else are we to assume when he likened the govt statement to the ‘language of 1930’s Germany’?
    That they were talking about the Bratwurst of the day?
    Typical pathetic lefty tossers.

    • A bit like Hazza claiming that he and the bitch wife from hell never actually called the royal family racist, even tho they picked up some tinpot award for ‘standing up to racism in the royal family’.

      Cunts to the left of us, cunts to the right…

  19. I struggle with the fact that the twat is paid £1,250,000.00 of taxpayers money for comments about football…

    How can that be justified in any sane society…☹️

    • That’s the worst bit for me. I do a nondescript bullshit office job 37 hours a week for the square root of jackshit. He sits on a chair looking like Rolf Harris and spouts drivel for less than an hour. Defund them all.

      • He spouts drivel on soccer ball games that took place many hours earlier, that anyone interested already knows the result and what happened.

        Paid millions for reading from an autocue.

  20. Shouldn’t that be wankers crisps, what a tosse.
    Thought of a new ISAC game, how many dingy divers would you allow into the country if you could offload a so called sleb, I think 50 to get rid of this pontificating pillock would be a good deal, they could all go and live in Garrys House as well so scroungers even get somewhere to live… M

  21. Just to add oil to your boiling piss-the DG of the BBC

    ‘It’s truly amazing what we’re pulling off by the way. That most households are pretty happy paying a licence being a forced payment. It’s amazing what we’re pulling off.’

  22. Wingnut Loin-acher is paid over £1 million by the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation and should be impartial. But no…this pontificating poorly toed Leicester scunter continues to wallow in his own self righteous hypocrisy.

    I hope he breaks his fucking neck when he falls head first from that moral high ground he thinks he has exclusivity on.

  23. Lineker signed a 5-year contract with the BBC last year, so if they sack him for his opinions, he’d get more than £10,000,000 in early-termination compensation. Maybe this is his agenda, as he doesn’t seem as fired up about football these days. After the 2014 World Cup he seemed to get glum, maybe that was due to the Trump era hysteria, but he seems to be less focussed on football these days, which makes him a very bad choice for the BBC’s face of football, their main presenter.

    • I’d like to think he wouldn’t get anything if he breached the terms and conditions of his contract. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a clause in there about no political opinions to be given. Wishful thinking on my part.

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