Eleanor Williams.

A white girl raped and beaten by an
Asian grooming gang then cruelly beaten.
Sold at auction in Amsterdam,
The community was outraged.

A protest was organised.
This wouldn’t go unanswered.
Enough was enough.
Windows were put through.
Threats were made.
Death threats.

Accept Eleanor made it up.
She had a history of it.
Those photos of her battered and bruised?
Seems she hit herself in the face with a hammer.

Men’s lived ruined,
All for a bit of attention.
What a cunt.

Bbc news

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

80 thoughts on “Eleanor Williams.

  1. Another fuck up by the woke police. Toxic masculinity, patriarchy blah blah woof woof. Report your car being nicked……here’s a crime number, fuck off and stop murdering Polar bears.

  2. Trouble is this stupid cunt will be referenced whenever real abusers are accused.

  3. Surprised she got eight and a half years.

    Our useless justice system usually lets bitches like her off with a slapped wrist.

    • Yeah. I thought she’d be doing ‘community service’. Making cups of tea in a charity shop. Because that’s what most of them get.

      • Oh she deserves her sentence, I’ve no problem with it…if the justice system was level headed. The sentence seems harsh, but the victims were browns. Hence, the seemingly stiff sentence.

        She’s a cunt, but it still doesn’t take way from the fact there are loads of peaceful rape gangs, raping honky kids.

        Look at that peaceful MP. Got jailed for trying to rape a little girl and sexually assaulting a little boy. Well, his mates in the judicial system have just reduced his sentence two two and a half fucking years in the last week or so.

        Two and a half fucking years! He’ll be out in a year. Probably get reelected too.

        Like I said, I think she deserves her sentence , but she only got it because it suits the anti white narrative. I only have to see what happened to Ahmed in the same week for proof of that.


        Even worse in Yankland. Some black fella recently got just 180 days for raping two little girls.

    • I’m not, RTC.
      It’s about what you’re average rapist gets, unless you’re a Peer of the Realm.

  4. Only one phrase seems to sum this wrong un up,nuttier than squirrel shit,and thinks a lot of herself ,she’s no oil painting before or after,must have broke every branch on the fucking ugly tree,

  5. The silly cow has set back the justice for real victims of p*ki grooming gangs with her stupid lies, but form the report I saw she didn’t discriminate, anyone was fair game, brown or white.

    • You make a very fair point SOI but justice is not done..

      At least two of the vile cunts who live in Rochdale are Pakistani nationals who were supposed to be deported after serving their sentence..never happened.

      • and now we have one in charge in Scotland. FFS, is there no end to the UK’s stupidity? Asians and blacks will get away with doing exactly what they please as the stupid cunt in charge will see to it that no paki gets done.

      • @Lord Cuntingford “and now we have one in charge in Scotland”.

        You mean Bonny Prince Yousef? The man who will give Scotland its ffffrrrreeeeddddoooommmmm…….only to give it away to the EU. Cretin.

        Anyway, better this useless moron than the more capable Forbes – even though she looks like an ugly Pict hag.

    • This is appalling. The lives of these guys have been turned upside down.

      Have a look at this interview with one of her victims, who was told he’d get 22 yrs if convicted.


      What also interests me is the fact that at about the 7 min mark, journalist Ava Santina starts putting in a plea of mitigation for this evil cow. Santina states that the girl’s ‘unwell’ and shouldn’t actually be be in prison at all’ but ‘where she can get the help she needs’.

      Excuses, justification… Of course if any of these guys had gone down, it would have been ‘there’s no excuses for what they did’.

      Unwell? Fucking evil more like, and she’s pissed all over real victims.
      As for getting ‘the help she needs’, well I’m sure she’ll get that BEHIND BARS.

      • I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The only fault lies with us for letting it happen. We should have risen up and taken to the streets and dished out summary justice to the “community” from which this evil originated. The message would soon get through. It’s only what right-minded people would have done 50 years ago – and the coppers would have stood by and applauded.

      • This is why the woketards all bleat about ‘muh menatal ‘elf’.; it lets degenerate scum get away with horrendous crimes.

        Send her down…

        …to the end of the pier wearing concrete wellingtons.

  6. This is where the #MeToo witch hunt and ‘believe all women’ dogma has landed us.

    Unless you have actually been trafficked, drugged and raped then you need to shut your mouth for the sake of diversity.

  7. Breaking News

    Hadrians Wall to be renamed the Khyber Pass and Glasgow will be New Islamabad


    • A peaceful Mayor of London. Now one in Scotland? The takeover has started in earnest. Only a matter of time before the whole country is run by them. By 2050, the UK will be like Iran with shit weather.

      And, of course, we all know that the dark personages were ‘here first’ and that they built and guarded Hadrian’s Wall. They keep having a ‘Black History Month’ (every month, it seems). But there is no real black history here in Britain, so they just invent it and make up shit like the Hadrian’s Wall story. They see it as ‘re-education’. I see it as revisionism and bullshit.

      • Like I said Norm, soon it won’t be Neil Armstrong who was the first man to walk on the surface of the Moon.

        It’ll be Louis Armstrong.

        Ohhh yeeeeaaahhh.

  8. Of course this bitch has made it more difficult for victims of real peaceful grooming gangs. Now, young ladies who really have suffered may be afraid of coming forward in case they are not believed.

    And naturally there were thick cunts who were all for this ‘victim’ and they paraded their virtue signaling online. Rachel Riley. Yes you, you stupid cunt. Looks a million dollars, but brains that are worth about 50p. And as for the cunt who did the ‘Justice For Ellie’ campaign? Gobbing off all over the media in his thick as pigshit voice saying ‘Ah feels betrayed. I is gutted innit.’ This bellend (can’t recall the cunt’s name) did his ‘campaign’ for virtue signaling and for his fifteen minutes of fame. Just listening to this cunt, it is glaringly obvious that he doesn’t even have half a brain in his head.

    And I have to say Tommy Robinson looks a cunt over this too. He is now trying to take credit for ‘exposing’ her. Yet he – like Bimbo Riley and those other cunts who wanted ‘justice’ for this slag – was all for her at the start. As much as I hate the real grooming gangs, Tommy just saw a Paggi scalp, and the daft cunt has played right into the libtards hands with this one.

    • Rachel Riley may have the ability to do long sums, but that has never really impressed me. I’m far more interested in those legs, tits and arse.

  9. Righteous cunting as is the new parlance.
    It was no surprise that Tommy Oi Oi crawled out if his hole to jump on the bandwagon. Like a moth to a cunt…

    • True, Gutstick.

      Tommy has proved all his detractors right on this one. They have portrayed him as a knee-jerk prick, who will cause trouble and goes jumping in without looking. And he did just that where this Williams tart was concerned. He goes on about how he puts Britain first. But he hasn’t helped the real victims of these grooming gangs any more than this Williams woman has. So called ‘Tommy Robbo’ looks a right cunt with this.

      • Indeed Norm.
        Unfortunately, no matter how worthy the cause, the support of Robinson just poisons it, because he is a single issue cunt.
        He only gives a fuck about rape and child abuse if there’s peacefuls involved, and that allows the apologists to blame it all on racism.
        The cunt has recently latched on to the campaign to stop RAF Scampton being used as a migrant detention centre, instead of the £300 million private funded proposal to redevelop the base for commercial use, which would protect the heritage of the site.
        Robinson, and that other scumbag Farage have tried to hijack the campaign by making it all about race, and appeal to those that know fuck all about Chastise, other than the name of the fucking dog.

      • I saw Robinson a couple of years ago, Gutstick.

        I was working in Bury, near Manchester. And Robinson was doing a speech in the town centre. Now, Bury is crawling with Parking Stanleys on any day of the week. And Tommy was just mouthing off about them and saying nothing else.. Now, even if anyone agreed with him, they are not going to say it. Either because they are afraid of being outed as ‘racist’ on social media, or because they are surrounded by them. I didn’t see what the point of it was and it achieved nothing. When an Asian student cunt (like Robinson, another attention seeker) threw a McDonald’s milkshake at Robinson, the whole thing fell into total farce. It was like a big clown show.

        It’s not that there aren’t problems with these peaceful types. There undoubtedly are. But Robinson seems obsessed with them and only them. There are Africans, Albanians, Romanians, chavs, and all kinds causing trouble. But Robinson seems to think to take the peacefuls out would solve everything. And you’re right, Gutstick. Robinson doesn’t give a fuck about others committing crimes. The notorious North West serial rapist, Andrew Longmire is up for release. This has caused outrage here in Greater Manchester, where Longmire preyed on women. But Robinson hasn’t – and won’t say a thing about that.

        I believe the UK needs a person and a party to combat both the Tory corruption and the demented woke refugees welcome lunacy. But a one trick showpony like Robinson and an all talk bottler like Farage don’t help at all and they never will.

      • Couldn’t agree more Norman, the cunt does it fir notoriety, and the money that dull cunts send him which he spends on property and gambling. ?

      • Sick, I was going to look for a link, but then I remembered, everything is about immigration with him.
        He doesn’t hang around Dover because he likes watching ferries.

      • Tommy Wibbleson lost my interest after a video of him in the low countries surfaced, showing him bragging about getting hold of drugs and referring to a ‘p@ki’.

        He often contronts people who’ve accused him of racism online, mostly students. Well Tommy, the videos are online as well..

    • Look at the picture, she’s got that self-satisfied smirk which says “Now I’m getting all the attention”. She’s done a disservice to every woman who gets attacked in the future. I hope she’s singled out for attention behind bars and ends up looking like that on a regular basis.

      • She a certified barmpot.
        The men she accused could quite easily of been lynched.
        She didn’t care about them or their families suffering,
        Just wanted attention!!

        Wear a fuckin mini skirt an no knickers then!
        Go out topless.
        Loads of ways a young woman can get attention without ruining people’s lives.

        Bullshitter and fantasist.
        And dangerous too.

        I’ve been to Sheffield today.

        It was rubbish.

      • Did you not load it on the van and take it to the tip, Mis?

        I’d have happily paid double day rate, especially Shiregreen, total shithole.

      • What we’re you expecting the Sydney opera house. The hanging gardens of babylon.

      • Now, now Barry.

        A new park is opening in the centre of Sheffield on the 3rd April. It’s got swings, slides, tunnels and climbing frames. Nice landscaping and benches.

        I’m running a book for how long it takes for it to be vandalised, and the ‘scrap metal merchants’ to have it on their toes with the lovely shiny stainless steel slide, and ought else, while they’re at it.

      • Jeezum @

        I was near Hallamshire golf course (?!)

        Nice drive through the Peak District though.

      • Naturally, shipped to China to be processed there, then shipped back in its component parts to be assembled on site, by highly trained engineers.

        ” Gaz”, can’t make head nor tails of these instructions, they might as well be written in Chinese”
        “Daz”, they are, Gaz”

    • While I can see why Tommy Robinson does what he does – calling out peaceful grooming gangs while the British media turns a blind eye or makes out they can do no wrong – he is not particularly good at it. He is not a good orator and although it was refreshing to see at first, he has become a bit of a caricature now. Not that any libtard cunts will listen to any criticism whatsoever regarding their precious peaceful pets, but it has to be well thought out and not stuff that can be used by the woke knobheads. But Tommy has got so daft now, his antics – like this Williams case – are used by the libfucks as ammo to fire at anybody who has misgivings about migrants. They want ‘far right’ stupidity, and he gives it to them on a plate.

      • And I lost respect for Farage after the Brexit referendum. He did help get us a referendum on leaving the EU. But after it was won, he didn’t follow it up, UKIP could have eventually challenged the Tories if it was done properly, but he ducked out. No better than Cameron for bottling it and running off.

  10. I fucking hate it when women make excuses for other women like this cunt. If a bloke is evil and a cunt, they get what they deserve (and rightly so) and that’s that. And women are always the first in the queue to slag them off and tell us how bad these men are. Just like they used to do on the steps of the Paris guillotines.

    Yet, when a woman like this Williams bitch is involved, or even someone like Shamima Bigbbum, Maxine Carr or even Myra Hindley. A lot of them give it the sob story and they all lay the blame at men’s feet. I have heard ‘But… But they were corrupted by a nasty man’ sob stories about all of the aforementioned women (except Williams) over the years from different women I have met and it completely baffles me. It’s like that old ‘feminist’ cliche. Women that hate men must have had a bad experience with them. Complete bollocks. The left bleat on about misogyny. Yet misandry is just as prominent, but nobody wants to talk about that.

  11. I really lost my rag when I was accused of doing something that I hadn’t done.
    The hippies running the local holistic store claimed that I was a shoplifter and that I’d stolen all their joss sticks, I was incensed….

  12. Unintended consequences. Very dangerous game faking things this like this, could have caused a bloody riot.

    • Although, let is still remember that people from Paxtan still smell of shit.

  13. Re – Dangerous games.
    My mate was rushed to hospital last night after sustaining a serious injury during a game of hide and seek, he’s in the ICU….

  14. Glad the lying whore got what she deserved, bitches like this need to get treated the same as any bloke would in the same scenario, throw the book at the slag and
    then throw away the fucking key

  15. I’ve always felt that a false claim of an offence should get you the same sentence the accused (and innocents) would’ve got.

    I’d say 8 years is too light, should’ve been 20 years. And ‘Lord’ Ahmed and others like him should’ve got the fucking rope.

    • Can’t say I disagree, CB.

      The knock-on effect of the false accusations will taint lives for years.

      There’s always going to be the ‘no smoke without fire’ brigade, even though the men were innocent.

      Women/girls who actually have been raped will think twice about reporting it, due to this daft cunt pissing in the swimming pool, so to speak.

      • They will be thinking twice after being ignored for decades prior to this silly tarts escapade.

  16. Much as I hate grooming Dakis what this girl did is beyond despicable – I hope she gets a bar of soap shoved sideways up her cunt in the shower in prison.

  17. On the news this afternoon, one victim of a P*ki groomer has taken the cunt to court to sue for damages and won.
    He had been given 9 years but only did 2 in closed prison and then 2 in open conditions, the cunt is out and now out of pocket, she was awarded £425,000.

    Guess what Tommy wasn’t involved ?

    This case should now open up more civil cases to go to the courts, just wait for some of P’s to fuck off back to P land before they get all their cash confiscated.

  18. I’m presuming this young lady will be serving her stretch inside a mental asylum.

    Inflicting those types of injury upon oneself.

    Absolutely fucking bat shit crazy.

    • Don’t be unkind to her. You don’t want her beating her up over it.


      She looks as though she’s really gone to town.

  19. Yeah, that’s quite a shiner she’s got there, very convincing. You’d have to be a fucking nutter to do that to yourself.
    Or a desperate attention seeking cunt.

  20. Last night a hypnotist convinced me that I was a soft, malleable metal with an atomic number of 82.
    I’m easily lead….

  21. I’ll bet she’ll enjoy the attention of the sexy prison ladies when she’s forced to lick out the osprey’s nest with a bed of chopped liver that is Rose West’s pussy at knifepoint by Joanna Denehy, who has a blade to Eleanor’s throat and the other fist mid-forearm deep in her unwilling lady blancmange.

  22. Looking forward to seeing the cunt in a kilt, wonder what tartan he will choose odds on one of the weaving companies have already lashed up a couple of yards of Mac Cunt. Due to his support of transbenderism his clan motto could be “Wonder if it’s a women” still working on a suitable march for such a distinguished new clan. It will sound great when performed by the pipes and drums of the massed bands of the Scots and Irish guards

    • Sorry chaps lost the plot somewhat from lying eejit to leader of the SNP. Age and alcohol is my excuse once again ?

      • He may pretend to be a friend of the gays and the trannies and all lefty and libtard but he’s a fucking Peaceful, end of story. My enemies enemies are my friends…….for as long as it suits me.

  23. You can imagine the conversation.
    “what you in for, then?”.
    I accused random men of raping me, but I lied.
    No. That’s not happening.

    “I robbed a bank”

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