Desperate Selfie Wannabes

People who feel the need to film their lives so they can post it on social media are cunts,

There are a few of these types, this first type is like the fuckwit in the YouTube link below, who has set up a camera in a public park so she can spout off about her 5k run, hydrating and eating healthy.

Honestly who the fuck cares, also did she really run 5k with a camera and a tripod, I think not.

Anyway a guy comes and sits on a bench in the park, the tart wants our hero to get out of shot, luckily he isn’t in the mood for some bimbos bullshit and gives her a polite fuck off tablet to suck on…. Well done that man.

Next type of cunts are these cockwombles who feel the need to take photos of their meals before eating, make me feel like shouting OIU CUNT Not only is it some vegan shit masquerading as a fucking steak, its also going cold and people are hanging around trying not to be in your poxy picture.

Then of course there are the constant selfie takers, some even have a stick, so they can walk backwards out into traffic, whilst groping at their phones, or doing handstands on the edge of a cliff, natural selection has quite a good ratio of sorting these remm cunts out.

The final types are usually cyclists rigged up with some sort of camera, so they can send any footage they deem fit to plod to get the driver they have just cut up into trouble.

These fuckers edit out all of their bad behaviour before sending footage to the 5-0 or to YouTube. That or they try and make an issue out of a situation that didn’t even happen,,,, step forward Jeremy Vine, OK sit down ya cunt.

Cunts one and all

YouTube Link

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

(Epic Selfie Fails here. Day Admin – Pinterest)

44 thoughts on “Desperate Selfie Wannabes

  1. ‘Your followers? Oh you’re Jesus now are you?’
    Brilliant, well done that man!

  2. Wonder if the bird taking a ? is happy with the pic ???

    Still that’s what mates are for

  3. Cunts who take pictures of foid in restaurants.Why? Why? Why?
    Absloute fuckwittery.

    • Oh, look what I’ll be shitting out later. Bet you can’t wait for me to show you a picture of that too, when I get round to it. Cunts one and all !!

  4. It’s the post modernist world……nothing is real unless it’s on the media and everything on the media is real. QED!

  5. The piccies of unappealing vegan food are the worst. With a comment saying ‘hmmm, delish’. No it Fucking isn’t. How they manage to convince themselves is beyond me.
    Just saw a picture of a protestor being arrested : Cop – “you have the right to remain silent”. protestor – ” I can’t, I’m a vegan”.

  6. That bloke on the bench?
    One of the few remaining sane people.

    I don’t understand this urge to constantly film/photo yourself?

    And that duck pout girls do on selfies.

    Tiktok off?

  7. Personally I applaud this obsession with filming everything.

    Why only last week I certainly didn’t watch a minor but quite lovely celebrity wimmin have anal intercourse,all thanks to this modern fad.

    Keep at it ladies.

  8. There seems to be an effect which afflicts people filming where they are divorced from their surroundings and yet feel they have the right to control the area as if it were their own private set. Weirdest thing is this device fashionable with the broadcasters where they have someone in a crowded public space talking loudly and waving their arms about to a camera which is half a mile away. One or two people stare but most choose to look away and ignore the nutter.

    I was once at Scratchwood services when a crew were filming actors performing a scene smack in the main pedestrian entrance and giving the hard stare to people who interrupted their activity by walking through, including me. They at least had the wit not to say anything.

    The most disturbing example I have seen was one day mid-morning on the M25 in Hertfordshire where a bunch with a camera mounted on top of a van and a coach were using the motorway as their own private film set. Manoeuvres were horrifying especially the one where the van braked heavily in lane two in order to film the coach sweeping by in lane one. All this was progressing in fast heavy traffic. Cunts. I did consider “doing a Jeremy” and calling Plod but I didn’t in the end.

  9. Silly little, self obsessed, me-me-me fucking bitch?

    That chap certainly cunted her?

    • a lot of these twats died from electrocution or trampled to death by elephants.

      I suppose friends and family will instantly blame the elephants, electrified overhead cables, frozen lakes and balcony fences rather than the stupid, ignorant, arrogant cunts who suffered an early demise

  10. Kweer Charmer probably has a camera fixed up in his khasi, so all his admirers can watch as he livestreams taking a dump every week (he is too constipated to make it daily). Then he holds it up so Screeching and Mandy can admire it. “Looking lovely Kweer” gushes the Revd Bryant in the comments section “Not many of those fuckers to the pound” from Angie from Up North.

  11. The wimmin selfies all look the fucking same. Botox pout making them look like a half witted.chimp.

  12. If the gentleman on the park bench isn’t an ISAC contributor, he should be.
    Well played, sir.
    Good morning.

    • He’s my hero.


      Silly, entitled twat, filming on a path, in front of a bench, in a public park and it never occurs to the airhead that someone might wander into shot.

      • Indeed JP and good morning.
        If I see anyone filming anything I’ll make a beeline for it and try to make a nuisance of myself.

      • Getting your tassel out in a public park is the preserve of George Michael, Kevin Spacey and (probably) Jacob Rees-Mogg.

  13. This is a depressingly true story, I have had members of staff signed off from work due to mental health issues, precisely for this.
    They suffer from depression as they attempt to compete with the other fabricated lives of their friends, fucking sad.
    As for the food bit, I have published dirty toilets in my google reviews of restaurants.

  14. This looks staged to me. The man is probably a relative. Most of these confrontation videos on the internet are staged. It always seems all so convenient and in real life people avoid confrontation, we just walk away. I always just assume such videos are fake. There are even ones from America that involve real cops, they get in on it, but the acting is so awful as these people aren’t actors! A viral video that gets you 10 million views nets you over $10,000 so I can see why people make fake videos and these “shocking” confrontation videos seem to be the most common type.

  15. Selfie cunts putting random comments in the hope that ‘their friends’ send comments to ask what it’s all about, desperate twats.

    • Desperate, poor sad, sad bastards.
      We should all feel very sorry for them
      Fuck Off – get a fucking life…
      As for Suzy, well I bet his / her / its mother is really proud of him/her/it !!

  16. I’ve often thought about standing in front of a mirror and taking a selfie but I can’t see myself doing it….

  17. Suppose you realise that xhamster girls are exempt from the boring shite in the nominee and are allowed to carry on regardless, showing us their lovely body parts for us to wank over ?

  18. That video was awesome seen before, I’d buy the ‘old man’ a few beers.

    He should have bent that silly bitch over the park bench and given her some correctional education with his rod.

  19. An excellent cunting. I heard a good one recently: “Before all this computer bollocks, did you ever take a photo of your dinner, nip round to your neighbours and say “this is what I’m about to eat” and leave the photo with them? No, you didn’t…so stop that daft shit. No fucker’s interested”.
    Same thing with these dumb cunt idiots who are so desperate for attention, they end up filming their own accidental death. The woman who tried to take a selfie, sitting on the balcony of a very tall building, overbalanced and fell several stories to her death, no doubt hitting the pavement like a sack of pulverised meat. The idiot who was so transfixed by his phone, he didn’t hear an oncoming train that bounced his body down the side of the line like a cheap rag doll. The list goes on. Darwinism at its best.

    Not a selfie related thing, but this proves the warning “Obey Safety Rules” and don’t fuck around with machinery. Some poor bugger gets caught up and then obliterated in a giant lathe. Click on this at your own discretion, it’s seriously brutal…

  20. The good people of Madeira are getting tired of these fuckwits trying to get the perfect selfie by going off the signposted trails and hiking paths.

    They usually end up in bits at the bottom of a 400m deep ravine or dashed against the rocks after getting caught out by rapidly changing tides, weather and currents.

    Some silly cunt went missing 6 months ago doing exactly as above and they have only just managed to recover the body with the help of three fire brigade units, mountaineers and a helicopter.

    Complete fucking imbeciles.

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