Chazz Pussy Flavoured Crisps

(Header pic not really related – but Lineker popped into my head after reading “pussy” and  “crisps” – Day Admin)

I love crisps (yes, let’s get that corrected from the off). Simply by themselves, or as an accompaniment to a ham sandwich and glass of beer at lunchtime. So many flavours to choose from; salt and vinegar, cheese and onion, pickled onion…

Yes, the flavours are many and various, but hold up, this really is a new one. Pussy flavoured crisps. Yes you did read that correctly. Pussy flavoured crisps;

‘Chips (sic) with a unique taste for brave and free people’ trills the blurb. ‘You will remember your wildest love adventures, your first real love, and may even lose your oral virginity…’ Blimey.

Well you have to wonder about that. I’ll be absolutely forthright and say that I cannot imagine a crisp, no matter how tasty, as being a substitute for the real thing. Neither can I envisage such a crisp as an accompaniment to a sandwich. So thanks, but no thanks.

Still I’ll admit to being intrigued as to just how the manufacturers have managed to create a crisp with a fair approximation of the taste and scent of pussy. The selection process for the flavourings must have been absolutely fascinating.

Oh, and just in case any female cunters (or indeed, those who travel on the other bus) feel discriminated against, let me point out that Chazz Chips also come in cock flavour. All we need now is balloon knot flavour, and everybody’s happy.

Whatever will they think of next?

Chazz Chips

Nominated by: Ron Knee

73 thoughts on “Chazz Pussy Flavoured Crisps

  1. For the brave and free? Make dog’s blocked anal gland flavoured crisps then. Anyone eating them would be certainly be brave.
    This lot are Lithuanian, apparently.
    Filthy foreigners.

  2. I went down on Daniella Westbrook and discovered that her pussy tastes like Worcester Sauce crisps.

    • You could make shitty dick flavour?
      Tony Blair could eat them on the toilet to get nostalgia for his youth.

  3. We need to kill an admin now and again just to keep them in line. Posting an unnecessary picture of Linekunt with a load of crisps is good enough for me.
    Hang the bastard!

    (A bit harsh but understandable I suppose. -Day Admin)

  4. Probably just chicken flavour with a dusting of prawn cocktail.

    I wonder if they make the experience authentic by including a stray Pube in each bag that gets stuck at the back of your throat?

  5. Two pints of lager and a packet of Cunt and Vinegar, please.

    Could have its attractions, I suppose.

    No picking pubes out of your teeth.

    Be wary of the gentlemen buying Knob Cheese and Onion. ?

  6. “Be wary of the gentlemen buying Knob Cheese and Onion.

    The Revd Bryant and Wes Screeching’s favourite flavour.

  7. For a tenner a go I dare say the real thing is readily available..and better for the health conscious gentleman about town.

    • Tudor crisps
      Smith’s crisps
      Those salt n shake with the little blue packet of salt,

      All infinitely better than walkers crisps.

      Tudor did Gammon flavour
      For us brexiteers
      And Bovril flavour ?

      But my favourite as a nipper were Smith’s Horrorbags

      • Bat burger flavour don’t tell the Chinese mis, those dirty fuckers will buy out the company.

      • Smith’s had a factory in Stockport,
        Sadly gone now.

        You still see crisps saying Smith’s crisps or Golden wonder crisps but it’s just the brand name,
        Which is owned by..

        Walkers crisps.?
        The Darth Vader of the crisp world.

        And payer of Gary Linekunts mortgage.


        * I take crisp politics very seriously.

      • i loved tudor gammon as a kid, used to eat loads of crisps but never touch them now as they are all shit, they must have changed what they cook them in.

    • There are fat birds in Leeds and Swansea who will let you do pretty much whatever you want to them for a bottle of WKD and a garlic chicken burger.

  8. What’s the difference between a lager and a clitoris?

    A clitoris only tastes of piss for a few seconds?

    Piss and fish flavoured crisps. Think I’ll pass. Undoubtedly the gays will be complaining they are left out as there are no shitty dick flavoured ones.

  9. I always think Prawn Cocktail smells of minge.
    Fuck me Ron, have you been on the Dark Web to find this abomination? Or is it from Gwyneth Paltrow’s site?

    • Morning CC…”This Candle Smells Like My Vagina” says Gwyneth Paltrow.
      Why would anyone buy a candle that smells like a summer beach full of rotting fish?

      • Mrs Mitten always had heart radio on. When they play that awful Coldplay record ,’’something just like this’ I start singing ‘my ex wife’s candle smells of piss’ instead.

  10. The thing I find most disgusting about them is they’re made in Lithuania.

    No thanks.

  11. I hope they are made in the shape of ladies love curtains to add to the experience.

  12. Whose pussy is what I want to know.
    What if the flavouring was based on Diane Abbott after employing Jeremy Corbyn as the chief taste tester?

  13. Remember burning an incense that smelt of fanny that lingered for a while, which was pleasant. When going down on a woman, I always preferred the aroma to go with it. Even told them not to wash down there for the pleasure. Crisp flavour fanny ? No thanks. Gnawing away at a snatch is much healthier.

  14. I hear that fucking ginger bastard in Montecito has asked for ‘skanky yacht slut’ flavour for when old cunt face isn’t around!

  15. Any cunters remember back in the 90s when Walkers were running various flavours based on football players names

    Cheese & Owen
    Lebeouf & Onion

    Then they ran an advertising campaign with the Spice Girls on various flavour packets.

    The blond lass Emma Bunton, if memory serves me was Ready Salted flavour.

    Not sure who was prawn cocktail. Surely they wouldn’t have. Would they?

    Good morning.

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