Tyre Nichols Protests

 bunch of black cops snuff out a black fella and it’s racism and the honky man’s fault.

Even President Freepass has stuck his oar in about ‘his outrage’ against the ‘fears black and brown people live with every day ‘

No fair trial again then, the stupid cunt.

Still, at least I know it’s all my fault. I thank the protestors for educating me with the banners and rants I witnessed on the telly.

Yes, when blacks kill blacks it’s the honky man’s fault.

Get to fuck!

Washington Post News Link

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

And endorsed by: Herman Jelmet

I would like to endorse this cunting if I may.

After hearing of the truly awful killing of a young unarmed black man at the hands of a group of Police Officers over in the US, I’m currently sat on tenterhooks, awaiting the inevitable fallout.

The accusations of racism against every institution known to man
The protests.
The rioting.
The looting.
The injured Police Officers (in this country)
The kneeling Police Officers (in this country)
The murals.
The Statues.
English Premier League teams playing 12 matches with ‘Black.Lives Matter’ emblazoned on the backs of shirts.
Gareth Southgate to announce another 5 years of kneeling.

I await with much interest.

56 thoughts on “Tyre Nichols Protests

  1. Does that now set a precedent whereby any crime no matter how trivial or major, is now Whitey’s fault?

    Why not take it further and suggest that natural disasters (earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis et al) are also the fault of whitey.

    It still amazes me how the White Silent Majority over in the States, can sit idly by and take all this shit without saying “Hang on, you’re bang out of fucking order!”

    But then again I suppose most of the protestors are your typical middle-class white privileged cunts trying to virtue signal for all their worth.

    • Most of the good folk I converse with in the state’s are armed to the teeth and have thousands of rounds of ammunition stockpiled.

      I don’t think they suffer from white guilt either.

  2. More whites bite the dust at the hands of police than black, OK so there are more white people than black but crime is committed proportionally more by black than white.

    The colour of this cunt who died (three days after the kicking) is irrelevant, it shouldn’t have happened but it must be really annoying to the left that all the police were the same colour, or to be more specific, the wrong colour.

    • Was he a poor fucker? Or did the prick bring it on himself?
      Why don’t MSM ask the question –
      Five cops (black as it turns out), which probably means three cop cars at least, decide that just for the hell of it – we’ll stop this fucker, drag him out – and beat the fuck out of him – whilst our cameras are switched on.
      Lot more to it – and you can bet your ass we ain’t seen all of the footage.

      • I would concur with your sentiment.

        My best mate was the Duty Sergeant responsible for booking in a drunken abusive and uncooperative prisoner at Greenbank (Blackburn) Police station back in December 2016.

        I’ll keep the names out of it for admins sake but it’s all there on the internet.

        She went on to kill herself 3 hours after he’d clocked of duty.

        He was aggressively pursued by a bunch of state bleeding Human Rights lawyers and without going into detail he ended up being pensioned off as he was suffering from PTSD and now has multiple health issues all directly related to the case.

        The IOPC investigation was bordering on a cover up but it would only stand up if my mate was the sacrificial lamb.

        Having seen first hand how the system works it’s really quite frightening especially when it’s being done against one of their own to protect the reputation of the force.

        Anyway C4 really got behind the family and we’re quite literally wanking themselves stupid in the build up to the outcome of the inquest and petitioned the coroner to release the custody footage.

        This happened and it’s brilliant.

        It shows the back of my mates head and the face of the prisoner and jailers along with the audio.

        C4 and her family have painted ‘her’ as an Angel that would embarrass Mother Theresa.

        So they release the video and all’s well right until she’s taken to the cell then the audio mutes.

        I’ve Seen the unedited version and this Angel used every fuck and cunt under the sun and then some towards everyone along with threats of everything you could imagine and then some more.

        And that’s the point. Most people will never get to see the full video just the edited highlights designed to fit the agenda.

        And that’s how it will always be.

    • He tried to run from the police when pulled over for a minor traffic violation and then resisted arrest is exactly what happened.

      For some reason ‘Keep your hands where I can see them and stay in the vehicle’ is a difficult concept for your average porch monkey to comprehend.

  3. There’s a really stroppy black bitch that pops up on Sky News quite regularly. Can’t remember her name, something ridiculous. I think she’s some kind of yooman shites lawyer.
    Anyway, whenever she’s on she always ends up chimping out and reducing things to a shouting match. Endlessly screeching about BLM and evil whitey.
    She did it again the other day, on this very subject.
    Apparently, it’s whiteys fault that this Nichols chap got beaten to death by a bunch of black cops.
    You couldn’t make this nonsense up.
    I had to switch off, before I had a fatal aneurysm.
    I fucking hate the fat cunt.
    Good afternoon.

    • She’s always welcome to fuck off back to Africa or wherever, and ply her trade supporting indigenous black folk in court!

      Always fascinates me how these cunts bang on about white privilege, and racism and blah blah blah, but do so in a country that is predominantly white, civilised, rich and “First World”. In other words a “comfortable” country that allows free speech, has a good justice system and is by and large progressive.

      And yet, when you ask these uppity cunts to return back home to places like Africa, Jamaica, Cuba, Barbados et al (mostly black populations, not very democratic, relatively poor with lots of human rights abuses going on etc. ) they seem rather reluctant to pack their bags and fuck off in order to help their black brothers and sisters, who need good lawyers but the best ones choose to stay in the States because they know which side their bread is buttered.

      Two-faced cunts!

    • Here’s a UK POC explaining why this death of a black person at the hands of black cops in the USA is all whitey’s fault.


      Nothing like getting an ‘expert’ in to spell out the fact that the people involved can be excused responsibility for their actions if they’re black. The cops were just as much victims as the guy they battered to death. It’s that damned ‘systemic racism’ again. Obvious, innit?
      Afternoon all.

      • Hehe, take the opposing view that blacks are, by their very nature, more likely to be violent. I suppose that could be proved (or disproved) by checking the number of blacks and whites who die during arrest are disproportionately killed by black officers.

        There you go Dr Shola Umbongo, stick that up your arse.

      • I couldn’t watch that to the end, it was painful watching her tie herself in knots, silly cow.
        The bloke was right, they were just bad men.

  4. Not only were the coppers all black, the Chief of Police is black, 63% of the population of Memphis is black as is 58% of the Police Department. Yet it’s STILL Whitey’s fault. This is because of systemic racism, centuries of slavery, white supremacy, colonialism……..blah blah woof woof.
    Fortunately, of the three ambulance blokes sacked for not doing their job one of them was whitey. They should hang that murdering KKK bastard!

  5. Perhaps Plod over there should go along with the wishes of the BLM and become “defunded”.

    In other words, just walk away from their jobs and let the city/state fall into anarchy without the police upholding law and order.

    And then what?

  6. Well these people who are outraged are always arguing for more diversity in the police and representing the communities that they serve.

    Btw, not once did the article in the link mention that the officers were black either, not a surprise considering its the WP. And what the fuck is Biden doing phoning up the grieving parents? You can imagine Trump being given the same fawning media coverage. Yes, he channeled his inner MAGA powers and told them to do it.

    • Fucking hell, that video must be old! Not a single BAME or poof in it.

      Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-sists !!!

  7. Seemed to be a lot of white halfwits protesting. Perhaps they should go live in downtown Darkyville.
    It is dangerous being black. Your breddren most likely to kill you whether in the cops or not. But then the breddren are savage scum to all concerned.

  8. It’s a laughable pantomime.

    Everything these moaning cunts do,have done and ever will do is because of the civilisation they live in,that was built,defended and expanded at immense human cost by people of white European heritage.

    Without it we’d never hear a word from any of the deluded savages as banging on drums and rattling bones outside a mud hut in Botswana can’t be heard more than half a mile away.

    They should be grateful but instead they a set of cunts.


  9. Nobody in America…especially middle class white people want to admit that what this video really shows is that there is a real and genuine need for police reform in America.

    I’m not talking about the idiotic rhetoric of the Defund the Police, All Cops are Bastards, bullshit that you hear from BLM, Antifa, the Neo Marxist Progressives or the suck ass, wokist politicians who pander to them.

    I’m talking about the real culture of violent, abusive, authoritarian behavior among many police (and their departments) that is referred to as “comply or die”. And for years they have gotten away with it.

    But in today’s day and age when everyone has a cell phone camera and there are surveillance cameras everywhere more and more police are being caught in the act.

    It’s not about race, class or victims. It’s about power authority and control.

    • Good point, General.
      But then again I think reform is needed across not only the police, but the justice system as a whole, along with the political and social elite – The Establishment, in other words, along with the major corporates.

      These guys are quick enough to throw down reforms at the “Little People” and yet lack a shedload of self-awareness and blithely carry on what they think is right, even though to most ordinary people it is antiquated and in desperate need of reform.

      The trouble is though, no one in that particular cabal would want to investigate itself. Don’t shit on your own doorstep, is the usual trope. And this is enforced further when you have unelected global cunts such as the WEF more or less dictating global policy and turning national governments into nothing more than local town halls with limited powers.

      The West is heading for a reality-check anytime soon, and I suspect most of it is being orchestrated by the Elites and their intentions of resetting long established rules and laws, to be replaced by anarchy, discontent, control, suspicion and resentment among the plebs – who are collectively the most vocal, and yet lack any power to change anything.

  10. Watch this, boiling piss on standby, even when bliks kill bliks it a white racist act…wtf


  11. As per marriage, everything is my fault.
    Lump it on, I’m used to it

    • This bloke got a beatdown for a traffic stop gone wrong. Imagine what they would do for robbing off washing lines?

  12. If the five coppers had beaten a white kid to death, it probably wouldn’t even make the news nowadays. I’m fucking sick of this guilt trip I’m supposed to be on for the black man. The average black man won’t give two fucks about me, why should I give two fucks about them?? The fucking wokes, BLM upstarts, MSM etc are literally so thick, they don’t even comprehend that this constant brow beating turns people against this ‘cause’ even more. The majority population of prisons in the USA are made up of blacks. Coincidence? No. They’ve had 150 years now to remove that chip off their shoulders and now have opportunities the same as everyone else yet we still hear their constant pissing and moaning from them and their apologists. I’m sick of it.

    • If Tyre Nichols had been a white bloke, none of us would have heard anything about his passing.

      The story would have been buried by the lamestream media.

      That I can pretty much guarantee.

  13. Why do these dozy cunts run from the coppers anyway? Even if you’ve nicked the fucking car is it worth getting shot or, as in this case, getting your head kicked in? Can’t do the time don’t do the crime wankers.

  14. When it comes down to it this is all about feeding the narrative and getting click bait.

    That’s what todays media is about along with stoking division.

    Let’s be honest the questions to this race baiting bitch should have been.

    Have you ever been to America

    If so have you been to the place this crime occurred.

    If so do you know any of the police officers involved.

    If so were you inside the head of all 5 of these officers when they pursued the victim then beat him down.

    If so could you say with your hand on your heart were these 5 officers, as every punch and kick landed, used the institutional racism they had suffered as motivation.

    If so were you there when all 5 suffered institutional racism.

    And of course very quickly Professor Pissflaps would no doubt be calling out Piers for micro aggressions or some other bollocks but my point is with any logical line of questioning theres no debate not even an argument but Piers et al are as guilty of those pushing the narrative because they feed it.

    Like Morgan Freeman said ‘if you want to stop racism stop talking about it’.

    Oh and just fuck off ✌️

    • Sort of what I was thinking, along with “someone slap that bitch”
      I might write a rap and sell it fot millions.
      The title alone…

  15. Emancipation for seven decades and these motherfuckers still can’t get their shit together and act civilised.
    Blame whitey.
    Every. Fucking. Time.

  16. I have found the hypocrisy and double standards of this to be truly shocking.

    Judging by the evidence from the video footage – this poor cunt has had his head kicked in by a group of very heavy handed coppers.

    The Saint George fucking Floyd incident was fuck all by comparison yet the fallout from that was so over the top that it was vomit inducing.

    Every cunt of a celeb with a skeleton in their closet was out begging for forgiveness (unfunny cunt Leigh Francis springs immediately to mind)
    and any other woke infested organisation were out signalling their virtue. And for what – a drugged up criminal cunt who was being restrained by police.

    On this occasion though I’m struggling to make out the sound of apologetic celebrities or any other sanctimonious cunt letting us know how woke they are and how racist society is. I can’t fucking hear them for the deafening sound of crickets.


    • I thought there was more to that story than the MSM were reporting.

      I see Sasha Johnson’s bunch of toytown paramilitaries turned up to voice their disapproval of white kids battering the shit of of a black kid for a change.

      Getting the popcorn ready for the BBC trying to play this one down as ‘cultural tensions’.

  17. Fuck me I’ve just seen that bird Prince Halfwit shagged behind the pub on the telly. She’s well rough. I’d fuck it, obviously, but I’m not a fucking Prince with bundles of dough. No wonder Sparkletits snared him so easily.
    What a cunt.

      • Sorry Freddie, I’m thick. Just read your post properly, as you say it was on the telly.

      • It was on Talkradio/TV. That Piers Morgan cunt. You should be able to get it on YouTube because that’s where I watched it. I haven’t got a fucking telly.

  18. Off topic, but a great game between Manchester United and Leeds United yesterday.

    I’d say Weghorst has the touch of a Thalidomide rapist, but the useless cunt hasn’t touched anything yet.

  19. I heard today that Shania Twain was making a comeback…
    I’ve never really gotten into her. But if she comes to Manchester, I will certainly try….?

  20. I think the coppers will walk from this one and deserve to.

    This fucker’s toxicology report should be an interesting read… that boy was cranked to fuck. 3 cops couldn’t restrain him on the first traffic stop and when they caught up with him four hefty coppers dog piled on him, he’d been maced multiple times, TASEd twice and they STILL couldn’t cuff him!
    I heard the coppers tell him to stop resisting at least 20 times, he hadn’t been patted down so they had no idea what he might have been packing, he was still actively resisting and ready to run again and so they were justified to escalate the level of violence. If he’d grabbed a gun from a cop it could/would have ended very differently. Notice when they finally got him secured in cuffs they immediately backed off, they were knackered and breathng hard because of the sheer physical effort it took to restrain him but they propped him up against the cruiser so he wouldn’t choke out.

    Coppers earned their doughnuts there I reckon.

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