As an example I give you this, which raises some questions:-
”Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney has shared her ‘new face’ following facial feminisation surgery, by recreating famous viral videos.
”The 26-year-old announced a brief social media break before Christmas, while she ‘healed’ from the treatment.The montage sees Mulvaney channel Swan Lake, Audrey Hepburn, and Karlie Kloss’ ‘look camp right in the eye’ photo from the Met Gala.
“Oh my gosh hi, I missed you!” she says in the video, sporting soft facial features and bold makeup. “You know I have a flair for the dramatics. It’s so good, right?”
Needs surgery to feminise his face.
Talks and minces like a drag queen. Nothing like woman in fact.
Transgender? No, just a raving queen with mental issues. Just like the rest.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I`m thinking about tattooing my entire face black to save time.
No Sam, you should get your fizzog tattooed in rainbow colours. Far more inclusive.
Be careful, you might start developing criminal tendencies and become a bit stabby.
It’s a mentally ill geezer in a dress.
End of.
What normal person could be influenced by this self centred weirdo?
No normal people.
Just other mentally-ill cunts.
Mentally ill or depraved.
The “transgender” clinic in Tavistock,run at vast expense by the NHS,is the ghastly fantasy of the woke Doctor Mengele.
The persons performing their awful experiments there should be put on trial,then hanged,every last one of them.
What went on at the Tavistock just shows how degenerate zealots have taken over. Children maimed and mutilated for their disgusting cause.
On the other end of the Tavistock cuntish spectrum is the delectable Amy Gallagher, who is definitely not a cunt and seems to have a reasonable amount of common sense.
Well, I am amazed, does the new face mean he is now a woman (or as he prefers ‘girl’).
It’s cunts like this with a prominent social media profile glorifying the trans nonsense who are influencing children to think they should be like him, where is the fucking ‘safeguarding’
This is what comes from not telling the degenerate sausage munchers “no!”.
No clue who this is but has it still got a cock?
Probably now in the leftovers bin, awaiting dispatch to Greggs (sausage roll bakery dept).
I wonder:
Even if it hasn’t, it’s still a bloke. Just a bloke with amputations as well as mental elf problems.
Thus as been going on for decades. But the cesspit over the pond has decided to use it as a political weapon.
I used to work with one, was OK but had huge tits and a man’s face and still fancied females WTF. As for drag shows for kids, NAPALM the perverts.
More ale landlord!!
Why does the term per vert go to moderation?
Who cares? “It” is best ignored. Don’t give “it” any attention.
Or – kill it with fire…..
8oz of Semtex. Insert up poop pipe, detonate.
It’s a mental illness and society are pandering to these entitled fuckers, the more they give into their ridiculous demands the more they will want
You are right. Reinforcing a persons belief is verboten. We have many a senile individual here, confused and in “another world”. Staff are instructed not to reinforce the disorientation, but to challenge ( nicely ) it.
Show me a ‘trans’ who isn’t a narcissicist or a nutter. Also, surgery of this kind should be for emergency cases only. Burns victims, disfigured people, injuries etc. It should never be for some psycho like Mulvaney and pandering to this vile creature’s whims.
All that money wasted and still turns out to be a simple TV for everyone to laugh at. Hope there’s the gravel voice to go with it for more laughter.
I bet his parents are proud of him.
Dirty little poof boy.
The new Doctor Whoke is going to be a hoot.
After Tennant’s swansong, we will get a black poove as the Doctor (say no more). And – worse still – his sidekick will be a ‘transgender’ who will, of course, play a transgender and never shut up about it. It will basically be lectures about how great annd ‘normal’ transgenders are. This will make Bill the horse faced black lezza look like Leela or Sarah Jane Smith. And the Daleks aren’t gonna like it.
Dalek: ‘It is only a female. Exterminate! Ex-ter-min-ate!’
Dalek 2: ‘ Extermi…. Shit! It’s got a schlong! The creature has got its knob out! Withdraw! Retreat!’
There was some comedy show a few years back where they had a sketch called “Gay Daleks”. There were pink and went around shooting jizz and shouting “white wee wee, white wee wee.”
You couldn’t get away with that today.
Why? That’s the norm they’re aiming for.
‘Gay Daleks’ was a hoot!
That’s the one. You definitely wouldn’t get away with that today.
“Put it in the curry”
Spike’s P@k! Dalek was the best.
‘Put him in the curry!’
The woman who played the ‘wife’ in the sketch was brilliant!
Put it in the curry!
It’s the spunk from their fathers cocks that decides what sex they become and no amount of money will ever change that. The people whose pockets these silly cunts are filling, aren’t going to tell them either.
Any cunt who performs surgery on these disgusting freaks like Mulvaney should be struck off and ‘gender surgery’ should be outlawed.
Also, the young kid who was a ‘trans’ who was murdered. How was this allowed to happen? Gender surgery on a child?!! That should be illegal without question. Any cunt who performs trannie operations on kids should be shot. And the kids parents should be shot as well.
No surgery can shorten that neck, reduce the square, broad shoulders, give the back a curve, reduce the big hands etc etc etc. Isn’t that right Mrs Obama?!
Wicked ! ( But bang on )
As a young kid, any aspiring deviant was dealt with in the school playground. You were normal, or you were not normal. End of. Any fucker with the temerity to demand recognition of their right to be in a “different manifestation” would be shown the Blue Goldfish in the bog.
Conform or get your head kicked in.
Quite right too!
Happier, simpler times. ?
Afternoon MJB, all. ?
Cheers for the tickies, Gordon!
Be seeing you…. NOT ?
Remember all that Me Too and all men are bastards crap the media and those Hollywood slags spouted about to cover themselves during the Weinstein scandal? Well, why don’t these womens pressure groups lay into cunts lke Mulvaney and other trannie freaks? They are a threat and and an insult to real women. Some trannie will get on a womens magazine cover instead of a real woman. Also, these trannie cunts will get jobs that women are supposed to do. See the Labour Party and their ‘womens officer’. It’s also an insult that these fuckers get treated like real women and are allowed to partake in womens athletics and other sports. Of course, the BBC loves this, but nobody else does. Battle of the sexes? Nah, it should be put on hold. Men and women should unite and declare war on these circus rejects and favoured woke pets.
It’s going to be a right laugh. Blacks taking over white peoples jobs, now TVs in place of women. It will all collapse once a black smacks a TVs arse at work. World War lll here we come.
There are only 3 states in life. Male o Female or deceased.
Mulvaney’s mincing parody of a girl has got a lot of people convinced he’s a troll, who’s making a wedge of dough in advertising and endorsements along the way.
My line has always been that anybody is free to identify as a cabbage if they want, as long as they don’t expect me to indulge their delusion. The very vocal and vicious trans lobby can do one as well, the cunts.
Afternoon all.
I remember years ago there was a Belgian guy – Alfred, I think – who identified as a penguin. Better than being Verminhoftwat, I suppose.
Oswald Cobblepot HBH.
He caused no end of trouble for the people at the Wayne institute.
Speaking of Trannies that American swimmer “Lia” Thomas (breaking every wimminz record going) has been exposed as a filthy sexual deviant. He’s shacked up with another trannie and they’ve both had their balls cut off and they keep them in a jar. They are now describing themselves as lesbians. Fucking hell! The cunt has also appeared on soshul meeja promoting satanism and sadomasochism, the sick fuck. And they wonder why real women don’t want to share a changing room with the filthy sack of shit.
Smash his face in using a cricket bat
I keep £2 coins in a jar. Never admitted that before, didn’t want to look all OCDish. Turns out if you hoard all your faeces in food bags in the freezer, just taking them out now and then to admire them like a stamp collection, you are not nearly as fucked up as those cunts. There might be some funny “Do you want to see my balls” gags, but it will get stale pretty quick. Best if they don’t have access to anything that could be used as a ligature.
Trolls, fairies , men magically becoming princesses,
All a bit Hans Christian Andersen for me.
I don’t know who this silly cunt is, care even less about its health.
Just do what you want as long as it doesn’t harm or mither other people.
I’m a right weirdo
Look like summat off Harry potter but I don’t mither or demand owt off others.
Just they leave me be and don’t fondle me.
Be yourself and fuck off
Who Ron weasley?
PLEASE tell me you don’t dress up like that Twatson kid…
There is not much more to be said on this subject, though I will say this gender bollocks has brought the downfall of jimmy krankie, so that’s something to thank it for..
Looks like its back to the school cap and shorts
All I need now is for Tony Blair to die in a bizarre traction engine accident..
If the cunt died tying his shoelaces I’d be thoroughly delighted.
I would be thoroughly delighted if the cunt snuffed it anyway, as long as it’s painful. If the gods of cunting are kind, perhaps his noisome Mrs at the same time?
For those who might not have seen it to enjoy;
What an utter cockwomble!
Yet another cock in a frock.
Great-great Auntie Bulgaria, obviously.
“People were staring at my crotch and I realised that my crotch doesn’t look like other women’s crotches”.
That’s because you still have a
Fucking hell Ron, that’s the most disturbing thing I’ve seen this year. I could drive over it in the car with equanimity and then reverse to make sure. Utterly sick.
Freaks.Hand grenade.
I’ll take IT seriously if/when IT has had surgery on the other end. Chicks with dicks. Uncommitted attention seeking deviants…