Once again woke infects British life.
Old jug ears wants to put “refugees and The NHS” at the centre of his coronation. If he made it a point to highlight how one has a negative impact on the other; what with imported disease, terrorism, being injured from sitting in a dinghy and violent crime – not to mention costly births from the breeding of these people, then I’d be right behind him.
The fact I know someone at death’s door with cancer, yet struggles to get a doctors appointment shows the NHS needs reform and the immediate sacking of managers. Hardly something to be celebrated right now.
Can’t the powers that be know all we want to do is wave a Union Flag, enjoy the pomp and ceremony, have a bank holiday and piss up?! Or rant at how we hate The Monarchy. It’s our choice; stop ramming this shit down our throats!
Nominated by: Fortress Cuntimus
And seconded by : Cuntologist
May I be so bold as to second this.
It looks like we’re in for three days of coronation events (pure guff) on Saturday May 6, Sunday May 7 and Monday May 8.
The Sun threatens that they’ll be rolling out Brian May, the Spice Girls, Ed Sheeran and more.
Talk TV mentioned that there might be some events around the NHS, refugees and LGBTQ+.
Why stop there? Why not have Klaus Schwab in a duet with Elton? Please fgs, no to all this.
Just go to the Abbey/Church/Cathedral, whatever, says your vows, let the Archbishop say his mumbo jumbo and stick the crown on – done.
Could be done in 1 hour tops; 10 mins slow drive there or even better use a kick scooter, 40 mins mumbo jumbo ritual, then back to Buck Pal. Now that is what I call a pared back coronation.
Talk TV said Harry might even end up commentating on the coronation on NBC or some other US channel. What about our mental health?!
It has been announced that KC will not be wearing a crown when he appears on stamps. FFS , the monarch should wear a crown at all times even when shagging the horse.
They should go for the whole green jobbie. Have the Royal family on exercise bikes powering the tv cameras, Big Ears in sackcloth before retiring to a cave.
Wef green Tosser.
Bring back The Queen!
As if this ear flapping wanker has even seen a genuine refugee that hasn’t been vetted to make sure he isn’t a terrorist or kiddy diddler or even used the NHS for that matter.
And yet he seeks to lecture us on both.
I like the idea of a constitutional monarchy for many reasons and really liked the Queen.
However, this Cunt is a sap. Should have passed it on to his bald son.
He should’ve passed it on to his grandson’s crocodile. O’of the joy of seeing crocodile King George VII open parliament.
I’ve live in this fucking country almost all my life. I didn’t get an invite but some fucking boat cunt does. I’m done with the UK it’s fucked. Not that I’d have gone anyway, but it’s the thought that counts.
The rate we are going having “refugees” will be integral even if the King didn’t want any of the cunts there anyway.
Also expect loads of Dark Keys in the parades etc but none in the crowd as they want nothing to do with British culture,only what they can take out of it.
Cromwell the fucking lot.
I wonder if Chris Bryant and Wes Streeting will be Matrons of Honour at the ceremony?. Mandy, of course, will be chief Lady In Waiting.
Make up supervisor, Eddie Izzard, spinster of this Parish
Well the p*nce is starting out as he means to go on…….a fucking stupid wokie cunt. To be fair the Chimp Boy was woke before the concept was invented. The trouble is you can’t be a proper wokie unless you hate the Royal Family. Queen Sparkletits anyone?
Didn’t this bellend want to change ‘Defender of the Faith’ to ‘Defender of the Faiths’ to be inclusive? Has an unhealthy and naive obsession with Islam too, wearing some pajamas on one of your royal tours when arse kissing donors to one of your charities, is not an insight or understanding.
I hear that the refugees are to perform for the King’s coronation, live via video link from a Kent beach.
The recently arrived refugees performance will include a few Beatles classics.
Hello – Goodbye
Please Please Me
Magical Mystery Tour
And many more.
Yellow Submarine, but armed with a few rogue torpedos. One can only live in hope!
And my advice to them..
Get back..
And here, there and everywhere.
From jail more like
We went to the queens jubilee….not that it was my decision, but my wife wanted our young daughter to go….so at least she cant say when she’s older why didnt we take her. It was ok actually….not the fawning celebrity cunts in the parade, but the genuinely good people from organisations that were doing their bit in the parade…plus the queen came out onto the balcony right at the end as we were let loose down the mall…never seen her in public before, so to see her was a bonus albeit from a distance. Anyhow on the back of that as soon as my wife heard the date for the coronation she managed to book a london hotel room for us…this was before it was declared a public holiday. We paid pretty much fuck all for the room…..now, we could re sell the booking for a couple of grand. Hmmmm….bit of a dilemma there.
I agree with the nom tho. None of this wokey bollocks do the service, parade down the mall and then into buck house. Job done
I love my country but not the cunts at the controls or think they have the controls. What does it take to make my country great again and stand up for the the little guy, the working class, the normal people who arent on a spectrum or have a syndrome. Abolish that sponging inbred family and sell off its bloated assets and give the money back.??
We wouldn’t see a penny, they’d spend it on peaceful charities and diversity managers for the fucking NHS, shortly to be renamed the WHS, World.
I used to be a dyed-in-the-wool royalist. I can’t stand the cunts now. Thank fuck I’ll be away when it’s on.
You get sent down Lord C?
I might rescind my title. I will have to post as Mr Cuntingford
I’ve always been non-commital on the Royal family, as in I couldn’t care less either way, but I actually very much dislike King Jug Ears the Woke Apologist.
Where can I get a sleeping draught to last me 3 days ?
A couple of bottles of Night Nurse, and a frequent glass of spirits should do it.
Thanks W. C. Boggs.
But I just thought, if they do the crowning Nick Park style, it would be over in a matter of minutes.
as long as there is buckfast there is hope.
The Sun, if I might say so, is being very unfeeling -King Charles will only be being crowned because his dear late mum has shuffled off this mortal, then they go and present Brian May – another old queen standing in his way.
Yes, lets celebrate the accession of a homeopathic woke half witted parasite in the appropriate way. He’d know all about the NHS and refugees never having come in contact with either.
Big Ears despises the working class indigenous British populace.
He will be the catalyst that destroys the popularity of the monarchy.
I say let the refugees live in Buck Pal. Once they’ve wiped their arses on most of the curtains and eaten all the dog food he will change his opinion of them.
Horseface’s last act was that there be no public holiday for the coronation in Nuzzie, Blackshirt Albo hasn’t even the bollocks to say no, he’s just letting it pass unmentioned. I work for an English company that forced English covid rules on staff that were harsher than Westoz and Fedoz government rules, but no mention of a paid day off for HM’s coronation of 15 realms. Cunts one and all. Yasur bring fire upon them.
Oh, and God Save The King.
Presem Yasur.
Maybe I will do a bit of mugging or shoplifting like the vermin he professes to love.
Got to pay for the day off I don’t want to celebrate a entitled german.
Charlie is a right miserable cunt, who needs three days for his coronation.
Promised not to be political so he puts ‘refugees’ front and centre of his ‘celebration’, what a cunt, doesn’t he know that the majority of British people are sick of all the cunts arriving from France.
I will have zero interest in the coronation, a complete non event.
The six toed simpleton will have no fucking idea about what has been planned.
He will be dressed by some funky and be given his speach on paper.
He will have willing servants telling him what he must do and where he must go.
He will be oblivious to what is going on around him, like he is on every other day of the year.
I really hate this cunt.
It will be no loss if he fell down the Abbey stairs and broke his fucking neck.
Shame the Queen never had any decent sons.
Something wrong with them all.
Nothing stately about this woke wingnut.
Bush bothered, and why’s he blushing all the time?
Then her others sons ,
Ones a Maryanne
Then there’s the naughty one.
Ian Huntley.
She should of adopted.
She had a decent daughter, if only.
*flunky, not funky.
Now this is a King of England
I could be a royalist to a king like that.
In reality we get some German Mr Bean.
I won’t be watching.
And don’t wish him well.
Charlie definitely hasn’t seen Luis Bunuel’s “Viridiana”, if he’s thinking of inviting riff-raff for the three day nosh-up.
Once he has his crown on Camilla will milk his balls dry while Andrew pounds her from behind, sweating like a pig in Pizza Express, spit roast stylee, shouting yee-haa with Harry in his gimp suit getting whipped by Markle wearing a black lives matter latex suit.
Christ Mr Maximus it’s a vision from the bowels of Hell.
Didn’t Hieronymus Bosch do some paintings of that sort of thing?
I know. I needed lie down and a cold flannel after that.
Might tune in for that!
Did the police arrive as normal to prevent things escalating any further at these usual tedious events.
The Queen Mother was once heard saying “I don’t want to see those common working ones in my eye line when I’m driving through the grounds”. Sums up these idle sponging fairy tale wankers to a tee. And the working class arseholes fawn over them!! Fucking idiots.
Hark at her the cheeky cunt.
Never brushed her teeth!
Manky old boot .
You’d think Charlie would splash out on a much bigger bash after all those suitcases of cash “donated” by the filthy A-rabs. Or did he spend it all on trying to get his sweaty brother off the hook?
What a dodgy bunch of cunts.
Would expect nothing less from a person who has as much knowledge and experience of my World as I have of his. Some fucktard has obviously been dropping hints and good King Charles has hoovered them up like a tramp on a pastie. As this righteous cunting states a fair bit of the mess the NHS is in is because of unlimited and illegal immigration but what would royalty know of this? The answer fuck, all their awakening to biting social problems is because a huge number of unctuous cunts circulate around them whisper, whisper and most of them fall for the bollocks. Thus new causes are proposed, the chance of money and honours beckons and the majority sigh, shake their head and watch the latest pointless cuntfest unravel
Have they narrowed the crown to fit him, or will his lugs stop it from dropping down to neck level?
The shit-for-brains boring WEF lackey.
And cunt…
I hope one of those beloved refugees goes ?BOOM!!! Within 10ft of him.
I wish Prince Philip was still around.
“Who the fuck let this lot in?” just as the refugee choir get warmed up.
Refugees, the Archbish of Cunterbury, Brian May, the Spice Girls… Fuck me.
Will T Bliar and John ‘Y fronts’ Major be there? Will Dame Elton warble ‘Candle In the Arse’? Will Hank and Skank get a seat up the front?
I think I may just lie in a warm bath and open a vein…
The BBC will no doubt have all this shit on for the full 3 days and report that twelveteen billion people watched it, not the actual 17 that did.
Whatever and whichever shite they do churn out for this impending shit fest then you can rest assured it’ll all be insufferable mind numbing bollocks.
A weekend down in Antarctica with only a pair of underpants on is far more appealing.