I’ve seen about half an hour of Strictly Come Dancing in its various incarnations over the years so if you haven’t seen it, and I wish I hadn’t, it is about dancing.
Wanting to replicate the show’s 2022 success of having a dwarf dance with a full size person, BBC Chiefs are looking to cast a celebrity wheelchair user to put in the show. Wheelchair dance experts predict ‘the disabled contestant may get out of their chair to perform on the ballroom floor.’ Nothing could go wrong with that at all, I’m sure.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks.
Pick up thy bed and walk live on the Boob, sorry Beeb…?
Blind contestants next? Two left feet contestants?
Better still, how about the great and the good of IsaC in ‘Cuntly Cum Dancing’?
I’m sure we’d all like to see Lord Fiddler’s foxtrot.
Might I suggest gary Lineker, I know, I know, but I just need to push the cunt down the steep concrete stairs.
Next it will be dead bodies. and they will rename the show “strictly come corpsing”
Quadruple Amputee Strictly Come Dancing.
The natural conclusion, of course.
… On Ice…
Why don’t they just stop fucking about and have some terrorists straight off the dinghies………”and a big welcome to Abdul, only 14 years old (6’2” and a full beard) all the way from Eritrea. Today he and his partner are dancing the bomb makers quickstep.”
I like that Idea Freddie. “Celebrity Come Detonation”!
(The eliminations would be interesting )
They only do it once tho…
Hi Ron,
With multiple cameras, the yanks would turn it into a 90 minute spectacular.
Ouch! That was my toe!
By following this path, it could actually become essential viewing.
A modern version of the Victorian freak show.
I’d definitely give a 10 for a dual St. Vitus Dance / Tourettes sufferers performance.
Get To Fuck.
Fit the spaca chariots with swords on the wheels and you’ve got a show..
Definitely a cut above the rest
It’s been done. Cripple, blind and dwarven fights were the comical intermission between the Gladiator and Christians vs lions show at the Colluseum. No woke bullshit back then.
This just sums up the Beeb, get all the wrong-uns in one place, dress them up like pretty little girls (men included) and make them dance to uber-gay music in front of transgender loving woke crowds. Of course chuck in a few spakkers, transbumders and oppressed lammy looking effnicks then you have a true reflection of modern Britain!
Diversity is our strength cunters! (And don’t you fucking dare to challenge it)
How many “celebrity wheel chair users” are there anyway ? I can only think of that Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson bitch.
Perhaps they can make it up like the BBC usually do. Personally I would like to see that horrible cunt and BBC favourite, Lord fucking Sugar, in a wheelchair trying to grab hold of some bird and failing miserably. That would be entertaining.
The Beeb really are trying their best to get people who’d never watch Strictly to actually pay attention.
A ďwarf last year and wheelchair user this year? It sounds hilarious and well worth a watch.
Why not combine the two and have a Davros “dance” with a Peter Dinklage?!
Also, bring back disabled “We Are the Champions” with Ron Pickering, an adult version.
It’d be well worth a watch. And a wank.
Speaking of him..
Fucking hilarious that !
I don’t watch the shite, but I did see that dwarf last year. I thought she was supposed to have a disability (competes in paralympics)? Didn’t look very disabled to me, throwing herslf around! Fucking joke.
The BBC are turning TV entertainment (if that’s what it’s supposed to be), into a fucking circus – literally. Most people understand what they can and can’t do. I would like to go down a hundred metre ski-jump, but I can’t – I ain’t fucking qualified. I would like to land an F-22 on an aircraft carrier, but I can’t – I ain’t fucking qualified. I would like to carry out brain surgery, but I can’t – you’ve guessed it!
I’m all for inclusivity, but it’s got to be realistic – not a fucking freak show.
F35 in pedantics corner.
Quite right DC.
As soon as I posted I remembered that F-22s were only operated by USAF!!
They are merely scratching the surface… Where are the dancers with cerebral palsy? where are the amputees? How about those individuals confined to their hospital beds? The senile? The terminally ill? All the people with syndromes? The possibilities are endless!
It seems a shame to miss out the inmates at Broadmoor as well.
Grossly unfair.
Doing the Military One Step, to disaster.
Don’t forget to add in a white male ‘boomer’ with two left feet who is humiliated by all the others. Followed by a voiceover at the end : “if you are suffering from white male privilege please call 0800…”
I wouldn’t put it past the degenerate BBC to sign up those with sexual afflictions as well as physical ones.
All in the name of rehabilitation of course.
I hear Paul Gadd is available & currently looking for work.
Dirty Dancing takes on a new meaning
On the line of that field marshal, how about a trans only show.
The winner gets de-cocked live and paid for by the licence payer’s..
No anesthetic..
Why the FUCK is anybody watching anything broadcast by the BB fucking C?
To find more things to whinge about, presumably.
Strictly cum dancing for sadists.
One man and his dog cum dancing with Katie Price.
Pot Black cum dancing with Dianne Abbott.
Fuck off you cunt come dancing, Johnny Rotten and Bill Grundy.
The list goes on and I am showing my age..
SCD continues the poofification of the BBC – just like those ghastly “drag shows” and the likes of Norton and Alan Carr, who clog up the BBC schedules, camp, limp-wristed, suggestive.
How different to the original “Come Dancing” (Judith Chalmers, Peter West and Edmundo Ros), where Derek from accounts and Doreen from the canteen would represent the West Midlands, while Gareth from the pits and Gwyneth from the typing pool would represent South Wales, live at the Carlton Rooms, Maida Vale, where on Monday evening, Doreen and Gwyneth had sewn all their hundreds of multi coloured sequins (in black and white) on their beautiful dresses (“and what a pity you can’t see them in colour”). True, Derek might have been wearing a dodgy syrup, and Gwyneth’s corset could have done with being slightly tighter but it was, at least, “normal”. Now it just a parade of flamboyant poofs, mincing about reeking of scent and covered in powder – and that’s just the camera crew and studio audience.
“The Cerebral Palsy Professional with the Thalidomide Kid, Please take to the Floor “
No they would just arse around. Tennis would be more appropriate.
Is that notorious Bandit and Gopher Fister Schofield still famous?
If so the cunts from Licence Tax Towers could send some sort of Pro Disability Dirlewanger Brigade round to his palace to cripple him.
Then audition the little cut on four chariot wheels.
Perfect candidate,one of many I’d like to think.
I would think by the amount he’s been buggered and fisted ol’ Schofield would already be described as crippled due to the fact his arsehole probably looks like dot cotton’s mouth.
I’m surprised the cunt can still walk straight the lurt-shifting deviant!
…arsehole probably looks like dot cotton’s mouth…
You owe me a new keyboard, you rotter!
I’m glad it mad you chuckle……
Afternoon Paul,
Afternoon all.
How about having some kiddy fiddlers on there? I’m sure there are plenty of woke parents who would be happy to provide their 10 year old daughters as partners. Or does that only apply to the “uneducated” working class?…….the sort of appalling people who voted brexit.
The BBC is riddled with kiddy-fiddlers.
Take your pick?
Perhaps bring Uncle Rolf out of retirement for some extra fun?
And bald string quartets.
Thankfully, as someone who never watches terrestrial television, I have never seen a nanosecond of this shite?
The only dancing I want to see is Greta Mongberg dancing the “Seven Veils” for Uncle Klaus, in exchange for Tony B.Liars head on a silver platter?
Not even subliminally when changing channels ?
YouTube & Prime for this cunter.
We are “School for Scoundrels”.
Cum, mincing with two veg.
The Epilepsy Free For All.
To a Shakin` Steven`s song?
The Crochless Pairs.
It`s a miracle!
I did like it that time when Susanna Reid was on.
I’d watch ‘Strictly Naked’ with Julia H-B, Salma Hayek, Susanna Reid and Carol Vorderman. Otherwise forget it.
Morning all.
The great days of Ola Jordan are long gone, I am sure the male audiences have dwindled since she left. ?
Its not Strictly without whips and canes.
Salma Hayek is still one incredible woman.
Good morning Ron.
Her tits look more impressive, the older she gets?
She also swears that she’s had absolutely no work done on them.
Anyway, her tits are a force of nature. Absolutely fucking majestic.
Oh Lordy, I’m off now. I may be gone some time…
Cancel your TV Licence, or don’t renew it. Criticising the BBC won’t change anything – its bosses have said as much, in fact. A severe financial hit is the only thing – now – that will work. I had hoped that the government would change the law and remove the requirement to own a Licence in order to watch (legally!) ANY live broadcast, thus turning the BBC into, effectively, a subscription service, but Nadine Dorries was even more inept than I thought she would be.
Sorry. I know this comment is ‘off-message’, but I’m as pissed off as everyone else on here with the patronising guff that the BBC force-feeding us.
Hear Hear!
Don’t worry, I cancelled mine back in 2016!
The vermin at the Beeb won’t get so much as a turd out of me let alone any money.
I’ve been exempt for years. The fun is taking the piss at something for nowt.
As clinton baptiste said “you can walk”. I havent watched this shit show since susannah reid or jeremy vine, yes he can be a cunt but was amusing. It tries to hard now to be right on and bang on trend, as for the ahem, presenters no thank you. I would rather watch the test card.
Locked room and hand grenade
Some of the comments on here about wheelchair users are terrible, these people can’t stand up for themselves.