Shamima Begum (12) and International Law

(The infamous photo of Begum (centre) and her cohorts, leaving the UK for Syria and ISIL)

Shamima Begum …..the dangerous immo who is not an immo.

I’ve thought long and hard about this case and I can’t make any sense of it. We welcome all sorts of cunts who turn up on a Kent beach and say “I’m claiming political asylum” , ship them off to a plush hotel, feed them, give them money and access to health care and education, translators and shit…..the sort of shit we have to queue up for and are supposed to be grateful for, despite the fact we’ve already fucking paid for it.

Apparently we can’t do anything about these cunts because of “international law”.

Yet here is Shamima, a British citizen, born and brought up in this country, with a British fucking passport who can be deprived of her citizenship and told to stay in Syria.

Don’t get me wrong, I would hang this lying P*ki bitch from the nearest lamp post but that’s not the point.

The fucking point is how come this government obeys “international law” in one case and then says “fuck you” in another case? It’s a glaring contradiction that no cunt in politics or the media ever addresses.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

(For those of a legal disposition, you could read this view of her case, especially the conclusion: Day Admin  – Opinion Juris )

And then there’s this from W.C.Boggs

Another nomination for this treacherous little cunt. In addition to having her self righteous sense of martyrdom plastered in the newspapers (where at least you can use her photo and story as lavatory paper), the BBC (who else?) have now devoted TWO series of six programmes on Wireless 4 (where else?) to the daft little bitch. It is quite clear that the BBC are her chief cheerleaders. Despite being a complete arsehole who should have been aborted, what other 22 year old would merit two series of programmes about her stinking, putrid life?:

BBC Link 1

I heard part of one of these programmes last week, while waiting for Gloomsbury to start. As she is a Manuel figure (“I know nuffin…..nuffin”). As far as I know the transmissions only get broadcast at eleven on a weekday morning, but just what are the BBC up to?. given that only only a few people are listening, and even fewer interested, unless you are a radical Muslim.

More on this subject from Minge Juice Bottler.

May I add the recent BBC2 TV documentary, ‘The Shamima Begum Story’.

90 minutes devoted to making her look like the average girl next door.

BBC Link 2


56 thoughts on “Shamima Begum (12) and International Law

  1. British politicians like to hide behind the law.

    They seem to have forgotten that the safety of the country is in their hands and allowing anyone who claims persecution or trafficking to arrive from Shitholistan by thousands a month is a recipe for complete disaster.

    Traitors of any colour,especially those who ally with terrorists,need to hang.

    In better times we would have invited vermin like this Begum creature back into the country..then voted in a law to punish them for their crimes..then hanged them.

    Cry about it as much as the woke want..but dead is dead,no more fucking about.

    Law or no,there is going to be significant violent unrest in this and other countries unless these wicked cunts are deported or shot.

    Governments will fall,”democracy” will collapse.

    Enough will be enough,at long last.

  2. What ever the rights and wrongs of her case, you’ve got to admit that she’s an absolute stunner.

    Errr, morning all.

  3. Isn’t she married to a Danish bloke, banged up in Syria, it’s only right that she stays there so she can be reunited with him when he gets out.

    If the bitch comes back here guess what will happen, when the husband gets out he will be allowed to come here ‘a right to family life’

    All the cunts crossing the channel get here easily because we don’t have international water between us and France, shame really because if we did we cupfuls turn the cunts back before they enter UK waters.
    I like Lee Anderson’s solution, pick them up and deliver them back to Calais in a Royal Navy Frigate, it’s what the French would do if the roles were reversed.

    Back to Begum, it’s gone on far too long and with all the publicly (I blame the fucking media, especially the BBC) she would be a fucking poster girl, she has the right to Bangladesh citizenship so she can fuck off there.
    Actually she could fuck off to any Arab shithole, I am sure there would be some old raghead would give her a home.

  4. I’m just waiting for the quisling cunts at AL-Beeb to make a docudrama about her life and struggles just to show what a bunch of evil white savages the British are for stripping her of her citizenship for her merely supporting an extreme Islamist violent terrorist organisation……….

    Can’t fucking wait infact…………

  5. If she’s married to a Dane, hasn’t she the right to live in Denmark?
    So, why isn’t she jumping through hoops to go there?

  6. The reason she is excluded and others not is because they wheel her out every time they want to show they are tough on immos and terrorists

    This conveniently ignores the Royal Navy taxi service so that utter cunts can blow our kids up in Manchester

    She’s an immo of government convenience , nothing else

    They’ll let her back in soon enough citing ‘international law’ as you’ve mentioned

    Notwithstanding the fact that many countries would just consign her and her lawyers to the bin

  7. I recorded the Shamishitta documentary, but then thought fuck it delete, watching it is just going to boil my piss and from what i have heard i was right, it was just about trying to guilt us infidels into letting the treacherous, murdering, lying muzzy cunt back into the country.
    I see F,F,s point about international law and he is right, in my opinion there is a radical shake up required A,S,A,P, to stop all of this bollocks.
    As far as Shamishitta is concerned, she should be boiled in bacon grease if she ever has the ordasity to ever return here, as far as im concerned, round up her family British or not and her shit sucking lawyer and send them all back to Isshitistan, i dont believe these shit stain, benefit claiming cunts had no idea what was going on in the little whores head, fuck em all i say, get rid…..

  8. The fact that this story is even a thing when absolutely any cunt from anywhere on the planet can turn up here and be put up in four star hotels, is astonishing.

    It’s an insult to the intelligence of anybody with an ounce of awareness. A joke almost.

    Just let her come back, put her on trial or something for fucks sakeand be done with it.

    If say, we had a really strong government, incredibly strict immigration controls and a fit for purpose border force, then I could maybe begin to understand the hype surrounding this girl.

    We’ve got hotels filled to bursting with these new arrivals and there are undoubtedly murderers, rapists, terrorists, kiddy fiddlers and whatever the fuck else among the genuine asylum seekers yet we’re supposed to be concerned over one Shamima Begum.

    • It’ll not change til it affects the wealthy,which it is going to do.

      When some posh cunts have their kids murdered or their house prices collapse due to overflowing and ever increasing foreign effluent..

      Then the gloves will come off.

      Once it’s in their backyard watch the bastards shift.

      Possibly the country will be fucked beyond recovery by that point..

      I suppose we’ll find out.

      • Does anybody know if any hotels down Islington, Hampstead, Knightsbridge or Chelsea way have been appropriated yet?

        I’d guess not…

  9. The government seem to think International Law is like the Pick ‘n’ Mix at Woolies.
    One thing is certain, this government and any future Labour government have no interest in securing our borders.

    • If one of these murderous cunts set up a GoFundMe to do a Guy Fawkes I would fucking contribute.

  10. I watched ‘The Shamima Begum Story’ and was disgusted. There she was, all looking westernised without her hijab kebab on.

    Baseball cap and earriings to boot (no doubt the beeb took her shopping the day before).

    why is this piece of dirt getting so much airtime? If things had gone well for ISIS I bet my fucking house she’d still be with them plotting terror against us.

    No love, you fucking stay where you are. If I, out of my own choice decide to make myself bankrupt and homeless, no one is coming to help me – you made your own bed and spready your legs for the Quran, you stay right where you are.

    There was a very interesting piece on Talk TV last night, some focus on the recent ‘riots’ in Liverpool and asymlum seekers. Point made that some dirty couple of raggies, allegedly 13 and 14 (or something like that) raped a school girl in Kent.

    Some lefty political editor (probably fucking a daki) was standing up for them and saying the far right is infiltrating these groups. The two presenters were like, no fact, is facts – it’s not racist, left, right, bad – people are just worried about thousands who are coming over her, getting everything and only last year 5000 were returned (compared to 50,000 a years 13 years ago).

    What does one expect when our government is full of Daki’s who I suspect secretly support them coming over here.

  11. she left this country to join a terrorist group who are bent on the destruction of the west and it’s values, ergo she is terrorist.
    she bore three more terrorists, they died…!
    because of her terrorist activities she was stripped of her citizenship.
    when her chosen path failed , it’s a case of “sorry” I want to come back.
    any group or organisation therefore that support her or campaigning for her are aiding and abetting terrorism and should be prosecuted for treason.

    BBC… you are cunts and need defending NOW…?

  12. She is one the dinghy riders are too fucking many. Really a pathetic attempt to grow a pair. What about all the other cunts who came back? straight on the benefits and drug dealing. I bet the cunts were getting their fucking benefits when they were over there raping yardzis and beheading aid workers. I would not trust a U.K. government to wipe its own arse, there again that’s what us indigenous people are for.

  13. Having read the article (thanks Admin) I’m none the wiser. If they can tell this bitch to fuck off why can’t they do the same with the rest of the trash? There’s no logic to it.
    The BBC are cunts.

  14. If this dirty creature gets back in, she will get up the duff almost instantly. and then repeat the process many times. She will then claim every benefit going for her filthy spawn, and she will get a free house.

    Also, this cunt looks like she fucking stinks. A cross between bombay mix, B.O and lighter fuel.

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