Sadiq Khan (38) – Roadside Justice Warrior

(Seems the residents are fighting back! – Day Admin)

Congratulations to our hero for spunking £180,000 of taxpayers money to change the name of Black Boy Lane in Tottenham. This, of course, because the name is racist and offensive.

The trouble is underneath the new name it says “formerly Black Boy Lane”.

So how is it less racist and offensive because it’s in brackets you stupid cunt?

Ah… doesn’t matter, as long as we can pat each other on the back at our dinner parties and tell each other how progressive we are. And it’s not our fucking money is it? Fuck off plebs.

Metro News Link

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

(Expect other woke councils to rename all “offensive” street names and spunking millions in council tax doing it!  – Day Admin)

65 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (38) – Roadside Justice Warrior

  1. And yet these councils plead poverty and say that they are forced to put up council tax by the maximum allowed by Whitehall.

  2. How is a Pakistani bus driver supposed to navigate his way around London if they keep changing the bloody road names and signs?

    • Best street name in the UK- Clint Lane, Navenby.
      The local kids keep joining the “L” and “I” up with a big black marker, so it reads Cunt Lane.
      I nearly crashed my car the first time I saw it.

      • When I lived in Newcastle, ex and I used to go up the A1, past a turning for Shitbottle.
        Near Wymondham In Norfolk there was a sign for Bitch n butt.

      • The ‘Please Drive Carefully’ road signs as you enter an estate or village are the frequent target of kids around here.

        They remove the ‘r’ and ‘v’ from ‘Drive’

        Much to my childish amusement.

  3. If they start renaming area’s like Blackheath & Blackfriars, it could prove rather costly.

    • I seem to remember a dumb cunt, possibly a Labour MP saying the Black Country was racist because of some iconography on its flag. Nothing to do with slavery of course just the historic links to heavy industry and its manufacturing heritage but that is lost on cunts like these.

      • That’s right stupid cunt was whinging about the chains on the coat of arms or something. Obviously the fucking tax sponsored twat was not aware that chain making was a huge industry in the Black Country. Well, cunts a politician automatically exempt from reason logic and any knowledge of history.

      • That’s the point it was slavery, when all the white people worked in the factorys to build this country into greatness.

        WE WERE SLAVES….?

      • Slaves to Society, bound by Civil Duty yes. Not by ‘work sets you free mantra’

  4. It’s hilarious that the new sign says (formerly Black Boy Lane). What’s the point of changing it at all ffs?

    I remember there being a street in Leicester (??) called ‘Urban Grove’.Some wag had gone around and spray-painted a ‘T’ in front of the ‘U’ on all the street signs.

    My favourite street name is ‘Groupecunt Lane’. Apparently there were a few of these around in towns in past times, being a reference to the location of a brothel in the street. I wonder if there are any still surviving?

  5. All these cunts who sit on councils should be made liable for wasting fucking money, how the fuck can it cost £180,000.
    I know London is expensive but for 180,000 you could buy a whole street up t’north.

    • Probably had to go before several sub-committees, lots of admin and paperwork, community consultation before the Council does what it wants todo anyway, site visits by taxi for councillors to see the offending signs for themselves…

      You know how these things work Sick. Much more important than spending the cash on something useful, like filling up potholes in the fucking roads. Feeds the ego of local representatives and officials.

  6. What a missed opportunity. They could’ve renamed it after any British nëgró who has contributed greatly to our society.



    Gary Lineker Avenue

  7. Well the cunting of Sturgeon yesterday seems to have done the trick – she has resigned, so keep on at little ShortArse MyGoodness Already, and perhaps hopefully Sad-dick willbe gone too.

  8. Every sign should have on it, formally the great capital of london..
    Now just a second rate cesspit, choke full of cunts..
    Heading by a nuclear powered fuckwit.

    Afternoon all..

  9. 31 nominations and wee Jimmy is gone?

    But, is ISAC’s power waning? Sadick Kunt is on 38 on there’s no sign of him going yet?

  10. The Fucking Emir of Stabistan has no power than the cunts at Whitehall, can I use that word. Sooner the cunt joins Krankie the better
    Thank you Tony Linton Bliar for fucking the planet up.CUNT.

  11. There’s a Grope Lane, in Shrewsbury. Formerly known as Gropecunt Lane.
    It leads on to Fish St.
    Appropriately. ?

  12. Here are some more;
    Bully Hole Bottom in Monmouthshire Wales.
    Twatt, Shetland Islands.
    Thong in Kent.
    Shitterton in Dorset.
    Fanny Hands Lane in Ludford.

  13. Too racist even for IsaC, eh Admin?

    I thought as much. But I’m in a foul mood this morning because of a toothache and am feeling exceptionally hostile.

  14. Despite a consultation where nearly every resident opposed the name change, they went ahead and changed it anyway.
    Blackwashing Britain, house by house, street by street, town by town, city by city.

    I had a heated discussion with someone high up in sky news a few weeks ago on this very subject.
    I finished my tirade by making the accurate observation that “ they have fucked up the largest cities and towns with mass immigration, they have now set their sights on rural areas!”
    Levelling up?
    Get fucked!

  15. Yes the residents have already taken their revenge by defacing the sign and blacking out the new name. (pun intended)
    By the way “La Rose” is John La Rose a black “activist” and “writer” from Trinidad who eventually came to Britain to cash in on his race baiting.
    Good old Suckdick! “If yer know yer ‘istory” as he would no doubt sing on a boozy night out.

  16. You know Suc*D*ckKh**n’s plans to extend the ULEZ zone to the M25 will save 0.003% of people from breathing dirty polluting car fumes…

    Heart attacks caused making pensioners walk and scrap their cars, will be up 18%
    Stabbings on public transport will rise 26%
    But £15Million extra revenue will be available for Rainbow pedestrian crossings, LBZQT carnivals and essential re-education workshops to explain how our gentic biased racism and white slave trading heritage is causing hard working knife wielding gangs to be disadvantaged by draconian nazi police stop and search terrorism.
    Oh, and a ‘Well done you brave soul & welcome home” open top bus victory parade for Shamartist Beggyum !

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