People Who Live In England and Don’t or Won’t Speak English

Today I witnessed one of the most ridiculous and pathetic things I have ever seen.
In the dialysis unit today the Doctor was doing his rounds. Next to me in the ward was this P@k! woman (the one with the loud phone with the shitty Bollywood music). And naturally she claimed not to speak any English. The Doctor was bending over backwards and the woman couldn’t even understand the most basic of questions. And, as there was no interpreter handy, the Doc really struggled.

But what was ridiculous and pathetic was that the Doc was trying to translate on his phone and then speak to her, only she didn’t give a shit. A fucking kidney specialist tip toeing around some foreign cunt because they simply couldn’t be arsed to learn English in all the years she has been here.

What the Doctor should have said was ‘If you can’t be arsed to learn the language, then I can’t be arsed speaking to you’. But, of course, he didn’t. Classic case of the tail wagging the dog. A professional man crawling to some uncooperative waste of space who has never done a days work in this country.

This twat is in her 60s, so she has had years (if not decades) to learn the language. But although these types are lazy thick as pigshit freeloading cunts, the government is also to blame. It should be compulsory for migrants to learn English, and if they haven’t (or won’t) mastered it within a year, they should be kicked out.

I lived in Germany for two years when I was 18/19, and it only took me a couple of months to learn basic German. Yet these fuckers are here for decades, and they don’t bother to either integrate or adapt.

A few years ago, a friend of mine lost his wife (through illness) and then his job, and he had to go on all these ‘mandatory’ and pointless courses with cunts like Groundwork and Seetec in case he got sanctioned. Yet these bastards get a free pass and there is never any mandatory learning for them, is there?

Then to really take the piss, the bitch blathered on in her own language on her very loud iPhone for the best part on a hour as I tried to get a kip.

No link, just my own astonishment and turning stomach.

Nominated by: Norman

(Had the doc lost his rag he would have been disciplined on a charge of racism. Perhaps that’s what the old bag wanted to happen! – Day Admin)

96 thoughts on “People Who Live In England and Don’t or Won’t Speak English

  1. This is like the ‘racism’ in Rochdale where some non English speaking Somali cunts allowed the mold to build up in the flat we provided and eventually kill their kid. Vermin.

  2. Not just England.
    The UK.
    Those daft Cornish cunts trying to revive their ancient pasty language,
    ….spoken by about 8 people.

    Those Scottish island twats, speaking a dead language,
    And of course the Welsh who speak phlegmish just to irritate English holidaymakers.

    If your in this country you should speak English.

    With a northern accent.

    Or fucked off to Blackistan.

  3. Damn right, disgusting, as you say.
    But Brits who live in Spain or France or somewhere in Europe are almost as bad, staying in their own little English-speaking enclaves, looking down on the locals.
    Or the sort of council house filth whose idea of Spanish cuisine is pointing to a picture of egg and chips on a plastic-coated menu.
    At least they’re not pakıs though.

  4. What a fucking cunt Norman,bloody good show for nominating these vermin.

    Soft Touch Britain eh?

    Worked out well for us hasn’t it?

    The only problem I can think of is I can’t ever remember being asked by any political party if I wanted any of these fucking awful savages in my country.

    Perhaps it’s my memory going…or perhaps the disgusting wankers who pretend to lead the country hate us..but not our taxes of course.

    Anyhow I’d gas the lot then happily go for a pint.

  5. I enjoy Norman’s ‘Diaries from the Dialysis Unit’ and feel like we are getting to know the regular characters and their cuntish grifts such as a lack of basic English or entitlement and behaving like they are still living in the shitholes they crawled out of.

  6. The medical staff should completely ignore the twat. She’ll soon come to her senses when wanting something, by miraculously shouting her minge off with “where’s my fucking food” in near perfect English.

    • When I was serving my time at the toothface, we had more than one ‘English resident’ who, after decades had mastered four words:
      “Much pain” and “Income Support” (pronounced “Incumspart”) meaning treatment was free.


  7. On those lines the daily fail had a article about how much health tourists are costing us..

    Number one cunts Nigerians..

  8. Get on any bus in Kentish Town and I can guarantee there will be some big fat black woman, with an arse modeled on the Standard Vanguard Mark 1 taking up two seats yelling into a mobile phone talking God knows what langauge. There will also be some P*ki’s gabbling and if you are really unlucky a slitty eyed Chinky gabbling away in their own laguage sounding like an old Chipmunks record. Guardian readers don’t worry about that as much as they do white people not speaking French when they go to Paris for A DAY – these bastards are hear from cradle or rubber boat to grave.

    • Beautifully crafted scenario WC.
      That puss sounds like Hell’s waiting room?
      I imagine it would smell like a medical waste bin that has been left out in the hot sun for weeks and burst open ?

    • The yanks who teach broken English to foreigners should be shot. Foreigners to only get their wrists slapped for not knowing any better.

      • Spencer Tracy gave Sidney must be black Pointed head an ultimatum in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”. Should’ve been called “Guess What Old Tracy is Saying”.

  9. I’m willing to bet that she wouldn’t have needed the words “free” and “money” translated to her though.

    I’ve dealt with a quite few south Asian families over the years and more often than not, the elderly female of the house has one of the daughters translate for them despite having lived here for decades.

    The rest of the family seem to speak English perfectly well.

    They do seem to understand “how much” and “discount” when it comes to coughing up though.

    I’m not sure how much of this is a cultural issue or is just plain ignorance.

  10. But we can’t have it both ways when it comes down to it. Our thick footballers wont learn to speak the lingo at clubs in other parts of the world.

  11. Don’t blame them.
    I refuse to learn anything foreign.

    I can’t speak frog despite 5years of French at school.

    Only Jerry I know is “Actung!!!”

    And proudly know no eyetie or Spaniard.

    Unless they speak English I refuse to understand them and will always give them wrong directions if lost.

    • It’s funny but I’m glad that I learned some Spanish, esp. once I was retired. It’s a lovely language.
      I’m not fluent, but there’s something profoundly fulfilling about being in Spain and being able to just do ordinary things like give an order in a restaurant, ask directions, buy a ticket or just ask for a beer.
      I know a bit of French as well but I’d never try to speak it. You need to have chronic sinusitis before you can do so without sounding like a total cunt.

      • The only French phrase you need Ron, is:

        “Deux bier pression, s’il vout plait.”


        “Doo be-er press-yon silver plate”


  12. I was once involved in the detainment of two Romanians. They had pushed out a trolley of about £500 worth of spirits from a Morrisons. When the police turned up they were searched & their passports were taken from them. They claimed to not know any English, so one of the officers spoke to an interpreter on his phone. After about 10 minutes of what seemed ‘deliberate confusion,’ they were both handcuffed, when one of them perked up, in pretty clear English “Where is my passport?” I will always remember the look the policeman gave back to him.

  13. All P*ki cunts should be deported to their homeland regardless, none of the cunts are worth a fucking dog turd.

    To be fair to most Europeans they do have fairly good English, exceptions being the Slovak and Romanian gypos who can’t even speak their own fucking language.

    • Their homeland? Alum Rock you mean?

      They understand £sd to their advantage though. I remember once going into a ‘local’ shop (you’ll catch my drift) to buy a copy of ‘The Times’ when it was on offer for 20p.

      I offered the 20p to a toothless, wizened old effnick at the till, who replied ‘one pound’. ‘No’, says I, it’s 20p today’. ‘One pound’ says he.
      ‘No, no, look’, I try again, pointing at the price offer on the front page, ‘it’s 20p’. ‘One pound’. ‘Oh fuck off’ says I, and left.


  14. No speaky English, no fucking treatment!, years ago I remember the local hospital had some old biddy who could only speak Welsh in the ward, fucking hill billy hambon bitch polluting Anglophone Pembrokeshire!

    • Surely treating a Welsh requires the expertise of a vet rather than a doctor, CQ?
      Like when the Yorkshire vet pulls a lamb out of a sheep, that’s how the Welsh female gives birth.
      On a freezing, muddy hillside. In the pissing rain.

  15. The man of colour who was interviewed about the the rioting in Knowsley couldn’t speak English either. Fuck knows what the cunt was saying.

  16. People will learn another language when it suits them. Such as the slags on xhamster. Even speaking English in their own country, otherwise they won’t make any money.

  17. It irritates the fuck out of me in Spain.

    I have met thick cunts who have been here for decades and are actually proud that they don’t speak any Spanish…… At all.

    They are quick to ask for my help when they need anything legal or medical to do.

    I went to see one customer and a few day’s later he rang me…..
    “You speak Spanish don’t you, could you have a word with my gardener. I want him to cut my palm trees”

    No I fucking can’t.

    The school kids here all make money by going to the doctors or town halls, translating for the fucking stupid English.
    The majority of doctors and town hall staff will not speak English although they probably can.
    A translator is required and the punter must pay for one.

    That’s how it should be.

    Moronic fuckers walk up to you in the street and ask for directions or help in English.
    There is the assumption that everyone should speak their language.
    I always answer them in Spanish.
    They can fuck off.

    And when these idiots get too old and they realise that they will have to speak to Spanish doctors and nurses, they fuck off back to England.
    There excuse is always that they want to be closer to their grandkids.

    There is no way that I can pass for Spanish, even though I am now a citizen.
    I still must have some sort of accent even though I speak Spanish all day and every day.

    I got interviewed by a Spanish TV crew outside of the Hércules stadium in Alicante when Spain played England year’s ago.

    I told them that besides the England team being shit, I still wanted Spain to win.
    It’s my home.

    • Indeed. My aunt and uncle moved to very rural France, did courses in French before they left.
      Their French was shit for months but because they tried their hardest, the locals were perfectly friendly and helpful and their French was excellent within 18 months.

      • They did well.

        The French are notorious for protecting their language and their intolerance of non French speakers.

        That’s the way it should be.
        The English should do the same, in England.

        If you are in France and the person you are speaking to does not want your money for goods or services then they will ignore you.
        You may try to speak French to them but they will still ignore you if your pronunciation is not to their liking.

        I’m not sure how things are there since the arrival of so many immigrants but I am willing to bet that those immigrants are under far more pressure to learn the language of their adoptive country than the foreigners in England.

      • Ho ho, I did wonder at the time what the frogs would made of their accent….French with a West Country burr!
        Maybe the garlic-munching hillbillies recognised and accepted some fellow yokels?!

      • Agreed. I once walked into a cafe in Angouleme on a very rainy afternoon. As I stepped in a shower of twats headed by some cunt who seemed to me to be the epitome of an arrogant and opinionated Manchester accountant said that if he were me he’d turn round and head straight out as the place was utter shite and the staff rude. I thought bollocks to you mate, it’s pissing down and I’m starving and, besides, the wife’s sulking.
        Once in I gave things a go in my best but still lousy French, was polite to the staff and enjoyed nice food and a pleasant break watching the rain fall over the old town. It’s all about attitude and the cunt who walked out had a bad one.

      • I certainly recognise your point AC about speaking French to the French. I did French ‘O’ level which in part required me to speak French and a poor accent would have seen you down-graded. However when I tried speaking to a French man in French, knowing my French to be technically correct, he just would not understand. He stared at me like I was out to lunch.

        And just to stir the pot on genders, remember German has three. I think this explains why the French and the Germans were constantly at war.

  18. The advantage of the English language is that we are the only ones that don’t have to use masculine or feminine phrases. Its us who have the problem learning another language.

    • It’s not that difficult to remember genders.

      Unlike humans who have 243 different genders at the last count, romance languages only have 2.

      Conjugation of verbs and construction of sentences can be difficult to learn.
      But with effort you can master these things.

      The key words there are “with effort”.

    • “… Its us who have the problem learning another language.”

      What’s the point? When confronted with foreigners the only thing they need to understand is the word FIRE!!! …give ’em a chance to duck… we’re very fair minded like that.

  19. The blessed Bernbard Manning used to do a routine that went something like:-

    Bobbleobble gobblegobble family allowance obblebobblebobble Child benefit .

    The only English the cunts knew. This was the early 80s. It’s fucking worse now.

    • Afternoon CC…”Bobbleobble gobblegobble obblebobblebobble”
      I’ve just put your statement through Google translate, Welsh to English, and Google said that you’re missing a few double “L”s.?

      • Ha ha ha?


        I remember going into a pub near New Quay in the 80’s, with my Mum and step-father.
        As expected, the locals switched to Welsh, to talk about us.
        My mum turned to the ugly old cunt sitting at the bar, who was the ringleader and told him “fuck off, you old bastard” in perfect Welsh.

        I was astounded by this and by the apologies from the perpetrators-“Sorry luv, we thought you were Inggglish!”

        My family owned farms on the Cheshire/Welsh border and all knew sufficient Welsh, to “hold their own” in a verbal.

        Would I live in Wales? It’s very tempting-A farm or small holding near a sandy beach is affordable.
        I understand there are more English in Pembrokeshire than Welsh, now?

      • The Welsh a nation of fighters

        That resort to singing when there losing

        This is a gem to shut the fuckers up
        Used it in a pub in Bangor it went down very well,don’t think they wanted me to go in again
        Say it just as you’re leaving

  20. English truly is the international language. This fact of course pisses off the rest of them whose first language is not English and especially the other former colonial powers in Europe. Take the originals, Spain and Portugal. Outside the Iberian peninsula they are spoken only in Latin America and obscure bits of the East Indies. France? With the exception of the malcontents in Canada outside of France French spoken only in bottom level third world shit holes with few exceptions. Germany? Who speaks German outside of Germany? Oh yes, Austria and bits of Switzerland. I’m not really counting tiny bits of rock out in the oceans since if you add up the GDP of all of them it wouldn’t equal that of a medium-sized British town and therefore they are of no consequence. These are my generalisations and I’ll be happy to be corrected. As I heard a linguist say some years ago; “English is the real bully in the playground.”

    • Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world.

      English comes in second behind Mandarin.

      Besides almost all of South and Central America Spanish is also the official language of Equatorial Guinea and one of the official languages of The Philippines.

      It’s an important language.

      English is an important language too.
      Especially in England.

      It is also used as an ‘international’ language as it is so easy to learn.
      For instance, air traffic controllers will speak in the language of the country where they are, unless they are asked to speak English.

      Regarding the nom, English is very easy to learn for speaking.
      But because of the way words are spelled it is almost impossible to read or write to the same degree.

      • Familiar with the point about air traffic control. I’ve posted before of an occasion when a bunch of us flew across to Le Touquet and on the radio told the local air traffic controller we did not understand French; he was seriously pissed off but he knew the regs and came back to us in English.

        I hadn’t appreciated your point about the difference in the difficulty of reading and writing in English compared to speaking English. I guess this explains why millions of indigenous Brits appear to be semi-literate.

      • It’s relatively easy for a native English speaker who can also speak Spanish to get a job in a Spanish speaking country.

        Bi lingual Spanish people find it very difficult to read and write in English.
        In Spanish you pronounce every letter of words and those words are spelled phonetically.

        For instance…..
        Pronounced as they are written.

        This is what the Spanish see and how they would pronounce…
        One…. On-ay
        Two… (impossible to make any sense of this word, they would only be able to read it through recognition)
        Three… Tray (h is silent)
        Four… Fow-oor
        Five… Fee-bay (v is pronounced as a b).

        So it’s a real challenge for a Spaniard to read anything in English and to find one that can actually spell words in English would be very rare.

      • English is easy to learn because we ave no genders and only one irregular verb.
        I wank
        You wank
        He or she wanks
        We fuck
        You fuck
        They fuck

  21. They have a miraculous grasp of English on a Thursday. “Where is my housing benefit?”, “Where is my child benefit? etc, then it’s playing dumb for another week, speaking fucking foreign mumbo jumbo and acting the fake gormy cunt.

  22. It took me nine months to be proficient at Danish at a conversational level.

    Norwegian and Swedish naturally followed after a year or two of being immersed in the language and culture.

    Whenever I go back, I make a point of speaking the lingo at the car hire desk, in restaurants and shops and at hotel reception.

    You would be surprised at how well received a little bit of small talk laced with cheeky innuendo is.

    A Merc A class suddenly becomes an E class and a pass for the executive lounge with free beer and nibbles are nice little upgrades for making a bit of effort.

    • Not meaning to be disrespectful Odin, but the Scandinavian languages don’t have an attractive sound, well to me anyway.
      Russian and Latin sound great though.

    • I’m a lover of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, besides the languages from Belgium and Switzerland. Not forgetting Finnish. I watch all the Walter Presents series, not only for the languages but the fine acting also.

  23. The nightmare has happened, we are constantly being accused of being waysists towards the the tidal wave of freeloading shit that keeps washing up on our shores, when all the time it’s the other way around.
    We can’t say anything no matter the lev of cuntishnes we are dealing with for fear of getting into trouble and yet they say and do wharever the fuck they want.
    Bring back the days when you can speak slowly and loudly and if they don’t get it just walk away, fuck em, they still manage to fill in all the benefit forms however, cunts….

    • That’s because every form in the UK is, by the looks of it, written in every language on the planet, and some besides. It’s only a matter of time before English is removed. Take ALL but English off ALL forms and if they need it translated they can fucking pay for it. Especially benefits forms. Watch the miracle unfold as they ALL learn to speak English within a year. Don’t understand it? Then you don’t fucking get it!

  24. Speak clear English or Smeg off to your own country you sponging rats.Make an effort.I despair ?. Welcome to shithole UK.

    • Regardless of their level of fluency and articulacy I just don’t want them here. End of discussion.
      When I was in ‘the party’ back in the day we got word from a parent that when our (then paki) Lord Mayor paid a recent visit to a school the children had been instructed NOT to try and enter into conversation with the Lardy Mayoress as she didn’t speak a fucking word of Engrish after 20 fucking years of residency.
      I thereupon submitted an enquiry to the Mayor’s office to confirm or deny this jaw dropping amalgam of piss ignorance, apathy and contempt. Turned out to be 100% correct!

  25. I don’t give a shit what happens to this country. I reckon I have another 25-30 years left and I can just about tolerate that. But I can guarantee that come the turn of the next century this country will be completely unrecognisable compared to the year 2000.

    There’s no point in worrying about the here and now. There’s nothing we can do to stop the political tide of wokeism and so-called progressive liberalism.

    Enjoy what remains of your days, months and years on this fucked-up planet and fucked-up country.

    I will never forget the words my grand-father told me when I was a child. That his father was conscripted to fight in the 1st World War for King and Country. He did so without delay. He fought for 2 years and returned to England at the end of the war in 1918.

    A month later he found employment working for a middle class family as a butler. 2 weeks later he was fired for being “uncouth, ill-educated and showing lack of respect for his superiors”

    And there you have it in a nutshell. A working class man goes to a war and fights for his king and country. Miraculously survives, only to return home and treated like shit by cunts who probably never served in the war because it was beneath them!

    Fuck them all!

    • Well said Techno. I’ve fortunately got less time than you. If I had I’d be well over a century. To think, some cunt whose probably sneaked into our country unannounced, will most likely be looking after me when I’ve lost all my faculties. I shall have my cyanid tablets on my person just incase.

  26. My grandad on returning from WW2 said the worse thing they did was turn in their weapons.

    He was right then and right now.

    Home grown parasites and enemies here should have been dealt with at bayonet point.

  27. When I was little my parents said to me, that if one visits another country one should if possible have some knowledge of the language spoken in that country ie please, thank you, toilets that sort of thing. My much travelled father was no member of the speak loudly and slowly so the natives understand school of travellers. He like my mother were of the opinion that the ability to get by without offending “the natives” was the best way.
    As for the world today if some person comes to U.K. and cannot be bothered to learn enough of the language to at least get by well fuck them every which way. How much money is wasted by the nhs printing forms in hundred different babels fuck off you want treatment speak the fucking language.
    How much more damage can the woke cunts do than turn the English language into a threatened language. No surrender

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