Nicola Sturgeon (29)

‘Let me introduce you to the Law of Holes; if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging’
(Bill Brock, US Senator).

If recent events are anything to go by, this is a piece of valuable advice that Nicola ‘Wee Jimmy Krankie’ Sturgeon would be well advised to heed.

IsAC’s well-informed readership will be well aware that the purse-lipped First Minister of Scotland has got herself into something of a mess with regard to her controversial and widely condemned Gender Recognition Reform Bill. In particular, the case of a ‘transgender’ rapist being initially banged up in a women’s nick caused a real rammy, forcing our Nicola into a humiliating climbdown. The lag in question (Adam Graham, aka ‘Isla Bryson’) has now been re-located to a men’s prison.

So what, if anything, has the gurning-faced FM learned from this debacle? A little humility perhaps? A capacity for a bit of self-refection regarding her mistakes?

Fat fucking chance. Instead, she’s doubled down and gone on the attack, disgracefully smearing opponents of the Bill as ‘transphobic, deeply misogynist, often homophobic and possibly racist as well’.

So there we have it; anyone and everyone disagreeing with von Scheissehaus’s diktat is just a vile bigot, a gammon, ergo their arguments have no validity. Well Wee Jimmy, here’s a second piece of homespun philosophy for you to consider;

‘When the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser’
(attributed to Socrates).

Next time, ponder on that before opening your mean little gob and letting your belly rumble.

The Scotsman

You Tube Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

148 thoughts on “Nicola Sturgeon (29)

  1. I thought it was hilarious when at a press conference last week, she inadvertently referred to tranny prisoner Adam Graham as ‘she’, before hastily correcting herself, reverting to the standard SNP parrot line of saying ‘the individual’, ‘the prisoner’, or even ‘the rapist’.

    It was a great Freudian slip, which was immediately seized on the journalists there.
    Keep on digging Krankie, keep on digging, you fucking muppet.

  2. Anything concerning this witch is tainted as far as I’m concerned.
    The best treatment for a which is burning at the stake, a fate long over-due for old Jeanette McKranky of the Scottish Nazi Party (SNP).
    In fact whilst your at it, throw that fat jockanese slug Salmond on the bonfire too. Do the Scottish people a huge favour.

      • I would laugh with un-holy glee watching that grade ‘A’ cuntoid toast.

        Good afternoon Ron.

      • I’d slice that fat bastard up on my fire. The burning grease alone would keep my house warm for over a year.
        Vicks inhalers up my nostrills to block the smell.

      • Careful Lotr, you might get a £300 fine for having a fire in your own home.
        Climate change and all that fucking bullshit.
        What I suggest is firing up your private jet and lightly grilling the fat cunts skin behind the turbine.
        A little fish sauce and vinegar to taste, served with avocado and shaved truffles.

  3. Where did possibly racist come from?

    So in her demented world if you don’t agree with one thing you are against everything.

    Drown her in a Glastonbury portaloo.
    It would be worth paying the clean up surcharge for dumping toxic waste..

    • I’m struggling with how she relates the ‘misogynist’ and ‘homophobic’ references to the situation too.
      How on earth is oppostion to men in womens’ prisons misogynistic? Maybe I’m just missing something, but it seems more likely that Krankie’s lost the plot on this one. Why she keeps pushing against deep felt public opposition to this is puzzling, but I suspect that SNP dependence on Scottish Green Party support has a lot to do with it.

      • She should be locked in a room with the hairy big bollocked ‘she’
        Problem is, Sturgeon wouldn’t get touched, because even a perverted bastard like that wouldn’t go near the vile poisionous hag !

    • No, as much as I detest the takeover ever June by the middle class noobs at ‘glasto’ we don’t want it in the west cuntry.

      Let it stay in Jockland. Drown it in Loch Ness and let the monster eat it.

  4. Homophobia? Get to fuck! I really hate that terminology. I have a book about phobias, written by a certain Joy Melville, back in 1977 & then updated in 1979. A cracking book, that if you read it, it may, or may not give you nightmares, depending on your disposition. Phobias & Obsessions of which the book states, back then. “In Britain alone, there are four million of them.” But guess what? Having a fear of up hill gardeners, or the such like, is not even mentioned, & certainly not in the index. I did recently see a nom about phobias. So I will make sure that this book is on standby, in case any fellow Cunters have any fears that need may just need addressing.

    • No one TRULY likes her up here. We’re hoping someone steps in and sorts the shit-show that is the SNP out. Other than that, we just get on with life here. Very people are political up here. We’re too busy burning virgin policemen in giant pagan effigies…

      Great movie! 😀

      • Sorry Gordon, but like her or not, the stupid Scots keep voting (in ever bigger numbers) for the stupid cow.
        You reap what you sow…

      • It’s those fat fuck ugly women who keep voting for her and we have LOADS of those.

        I wouldn’t let Noddy be in charge of an abandoned car park.

    • Agreed, surely literally, homophobia means “fear of homosexuals”. That’s what a phobia is. I am not fearful of homos, they do not frighten me. I just don’t like what the do with their dicks with other men!!! Fear doesn’t enter into the equation – just disgust and bewilderment.

      • It can mean, “disgust” and that is more accurate. All through history, people were disgusted by sodomy, which also mean oral sex. Only in recent times, have people accepted and openly spoke about sucking cocks in a positive way. I think that some USA states have blowjobs as a crime still and many countries, even non-Muslim ones have gobbling as a crime.

        Liberals brought about the acceptance of cock-sucking images and references in movies. I mean, in Taxi Driver (1976) a 12 year old girl unzips De Niro’s fly to suck his cock. That movie is considered a classic, but why? It’s a creepy movie. I used to love it, but these days, it comes off as a creepy, depressing movie.

      • It’s the same with xenophobia Cassandra, the fear of anything foreign. Well I ain’t in any way phobic, or even frightened. But I do wish they would fuck off back where they came from. Across that channel, or whatever other means, & take all their crap with them.


    If ever there was evidence that going for independence is a mistake then this is it, Wee Jim lad has gone fucking even more mental than she already was before.

    The only thing all this forever pushing trans rights is doing is pissing people off, how the fuck can it be sensible to issue a gender recognition certificate (a fucking joke in itself) after someone puts on a wig and dress for 3 months.

  6. On a slightly different note, how much would you have to be paid to go down on Kranky’s Growler?

    £50 Million?

    • Wee Kranky’s growler probably smells like an Arbroath Smokie and looks like a overfull butcher’s scrap bin which someone has tossed a couple of ginger CU Jimmy wigs on top.

      A hate fuck would probably appeal to a few on here.

    • I’d want the antidote to hand.
      I am certain she has poisonous genitals, like the Fugu fish.
      She probably has venomous gnashers too.
      Dog awful old trout.

  7. The whole idea of promoting poofery, trannyism and, eventually, kiddy fiddling is to destroy the family unit, the bedrock of any society. That’s what these leftie bastards are after, they don’t give a flying fuck about “social justice” . Break it down, destroy it and then rebuild it the way they want, more specifically with THEM in charge. Krankie and Suckdick are the same cunts……given a foothold in power they hunger for more. Don’t underestimate these fucking cunts.

    • Putin gave a speech a few years ago about how Marxism in Russia destroyed the family and the church so the state became everything. He said that Russia was not going back there.

    • No one is control of the societies, the world. What is playing out is beyond our control. I wish people would just relax and enjoy the freakshow. Not worth getting worked up over.

  8. For too long McKrankie has enjoyed a ‘cult of personality’ relationship with the MSM. She has got away with insane climate change policies, Brexit tantrums and the single issue Indyref whining, maybe this Gender Recognition Reform Bill will hopefully turn out to be a government over-reach too far.

  9. I cannot bide this horrible witch.

    This is what can happen when barren women are given any political power.

    They don’t give a flying fuck about the potential repercussions of their disastrous policies.
    They maybe wouldn’t be so keen to virtue signal and act so irresponsibly if they had daughters of their own.

    See Angela Merkel as another example.

    • I reckon that Noddy (her name at school) is on the way out. The SNP will just have a hard time replacing her quickly, so she might hang in there Tony Blair style, a barnacle. The barren barnackle!

      Get in yer wee car, Noddy! Or helicopter. Just fuck to your villa in Portugal, one of the enclaves of child rape, as we know.

  10. oy wee jimmy, that’s the independence vote blown out of the water…

    you conceited barren twat….?

  11. The only people who pretend to believe this shit are the rich and often famous,the richer they are the more they will vomit up their support via Twatter etc.

    Everyone else thinks the Trannies are sexual predators,deranged or both…in any case Mentals worthy of nowt but scorn.

    The theory that this madness receives such attention,time,effort,expense and the creation of legal protection in order to rot away our society is valid it seems to me.

    The SNP are vermin.


    • At some point this decade, ALL this shit will go away. Just watch. These kinds of hysterias always bubble up at the end of every era. The era of the 20th century is still hanging around us, and THIS is the end of the era, not December 31st 1999 with Prince blasting out. He should have wrote a song called, “2029” or “2039” but he was a MUSICAL genius, not on omniscient being outside of time and space. Well… maybe he is now.

      Play a record…

      • I hated that little puff Prince.

        For a fortnight after he died I’d wake up at 3am in the morning roaring with laughter,
        Left me with hickups.

  12. Big news of the day…….Lilt is changing its name!! Fucking hell! Whatever this re branding is costing they’re getting it back 20 times in free advertising. What a fucking country.

      • It’s rank.

        Dandelion and burdock is the pinnacle of high society soft drinks.

        Or virgins piss.

      • I bought two bottles of Fentiman’s Dandelion at Christmas on your recommendation, Mis. It was nice, the other bottle is sitting in my vast wine cellar of course, in my replica of Neuschwanstein Castle.

        You get a sugar-free watermelon (racist) Monster caffeine drink now, it’s really nice. Probably made by THE JEWS though! Has the vaccine microchips in it! 😀

        The site seems a lot more relaxed these days, I hope it stays that way. It’s just a wee, mad message room for mental cunts.

        Play… nah, can’t be arsed! 😉

    • Let me guess, Lilt is now ‘racist’. For fuck’s sake…

      Lilt is shite anyway. Tizer or Barr’s Dandelion and Burdock for me.

  13. …and here’s the Miss UK line-up for the 14th February 2023:

    • Severed-head collector Begum
    • Arrogant, asexual Legohead Sturgeon
    • Leetha fooking Nandy

    A stinky pªki, a trªnny-loving Scotch witch, and a refugee-loving, half-caste Indian with a speech impediment.

    Happy Valentine’s Day from IAC.

    (These three delightful ladies were intentionally scheduled for today for all you lonely hearts and beer-goggled desperados in need of a good stiff horn! – Day Admin)

  14. I don’t understand why the word phobia is used as slander against any normal person with a grasp of common sense?
    Phobia used to mean fear of.
    So it’s absolute fucking bollocks.
    Wouldn’t homoanimus be a more descriptive word the thick CUNTS could use?
    Or while we’re at it homoanimustic.
    Who really gives a fuck what these utterly corrupt anal warts do or say.

  15. We should give this dreadful harridan the independence that she craves.
    Then, when they fuck things up, as the SNP surely will, we can buy Scotland back, for a poond.
    Then enslave the population.
    For ever.

    I’d laugh myself to a hernia, if the freakish Isla escaped from prison and kidnapped Krankie, whisking her off to a remote gamekeepers bothy, where it bums her relentlessly, through an unusually long hot summer.
    Get To Fuck.

  16. In the news…
    A far right homoanimusticist was arrested today for tweeting a picture of his new fence.
    His comment on the tweet was..
    ‘ I love my new fence, good job from the lads at Fence 4 u ltd. I’ll recommend you to all my friends. ?’.
    Owen Jones tweeted ‘ this vile bastard should burn for this hate’
    Lisa Nandy was interviewed at her second mansion, we asked her if she had any views on the subject and she replied ‘ see I haven’t, see I haven’t, and see me knickers and all’ and lifted up her skirt to show us her knickers!.
    Back to you Ron in the studio.

  17. I think the strain of trying to look and sound intelligent has finally caused the circuits in her brain to fry.

    She should be humanely put down, the cow.

  18. I hope Scotland wake up and ditch Lego head.
    They deserve better.

    I’ve always liked the Scots as a people,
    My gran came from near Largs.

    Like us theyre being led by politicians that are the last people who should be leading.

    People who if they worked on a site or factory would be brushing up and running errands.

    The only good politician is one dangling from a lamppost.

  19. Off topic, but it’s Kevin Keegan’s birthday.

    Mix and match words today are, Rover, Park, Car. Range, Baseball Bat and Layby.

  20. Talking of big heads,
    Mussolini had a proper whopper head.
    Like those midgets,
    Or Mr potato head.

    When he proposed to his missus it was at gunpoint and the incentive that he’d kill her and her parents if she refused.

    But he had one great idea!

    Political enemies would after a kicking be force-fed castor oil.
    Which has the effect of making you lose control of your bowels.
    Shitting yourself in front of a crowd is humiliating.

    Those Far Right types in knowsley should bring this back!

    Do it to local politicians and hotel dwelling kid fiddler’s.

    • Brilliant! 😀

      I new she was done in September. I saw a photo of her where she had that, “I’m resigning next year,” look that leaders have when they knew the jig and gig is up.

      Goodbye, Noddy, go live in your Portuguese villa and never return to this sacred land.

      Sturgeon’s Desert Island Discs appearance…

      “Step Inside Love” – Cilla Black
      “Freedom Come All Ye” – Pumeza Matshikiza
      “Ordinary World” – Duran Duran
      “Letter from America” – The Proclaimers
      “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” – Robert Burns, sung by Eddi Reader
      “Wuthering Heights” – Kate Bush
      “Sisters are Doin’ it for Themselves” – Eurhythmics and Aretha Franklin
      “Something Inside So Strong” – Labi Siffre
      Book: Complete Works of Jane Austen

      Luxury: Coffee maker, coffee cup and milk

      Horrible choices, just like her political choices.

    • Occasionally a leader seems as tho they can go on and on, think Thatcher and Bliar.

      But then along come ‘events dear boy, events’, as MacMillan put it, and once the wheels do start to come off, it becomes increasingly difficult to hold the line.

      Krankie is a survivor who’s had the Teflon touch up until now, but her coat’s now on that shoogly peg. I’m waiting and hoping in anticipation for a messy demise.

  21. Is Scotchland such a perfect utopian paradise, that this freak show is all they have to worry about?

    I’m Pleased to see all the English cash they receive, courtesy of the Barnett Formula is being put to such good use by the SNP.

    • It’s truly mystifying how this very small trans tail is wagging such a very large dog so vigorously.

    • This is just it, Leo – we have LOADS of problems to solve, a massive list if fuck ups, like all countries, but Noddy has just focused on pure pish, meaningless shite since she shuffled into the ring.

      We need someone very pragmatic, someone BORING, a sober (LOL!) minded man, someone who knows about farming and water and sewage or something. These, “dreamer” politicians are the worst, they hate the dirty work, the drug problems, the sewage upgrades, the desolate towns, the HEALTH CARE.

      I can’t wait to see who take over.

  22. I’m off to find The Foxchaser-Fiddler. A once great site has started to slide faster than a Turkish apartment block. What was once a laugh has turned into a daily off-topic (loose women usual panel) bitch-fest.

      • Dick left for reasons totally unrelated to me. He and I have always got on, if you can call, “getting on” a real concept online. He left because of the Ukraine thread nonsense, which I was not part of.

        I just have fun here. If people don’t like my posts, then DON’T READ THEM. Or don’t come here if some weirdo in Scotland bothers you to the point of you raging like a gaylord spastic.

        Hope that clears up the obvious to the oblivious.

    • Bloody Nora!

      After getting away with shit for years, it looks as tho the trannies have done for her!

    • Brought down for defending a rapist pretending to be trans to get an easy time and fresh victims in a women’s prison.
      Poisonous scotch cunt will be replacing by another poisonous scotch cunt, if which there are far too many

      • Morning MJB, of all the political impropriety she’s been involved in during her time in politics, she chose this hill to die on.
        Either that or she thinks she is so messianic that even defending rapists wouldn’t touch her.
        Cess pool.

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