This Labour woke bitch not only wants to indulge rapists, she also thinks that that trannie child rapist piece of shit, Christopher Worton should be allowed to stay in a womens prison. I’ve heard of selling out your own kind, but fuck me….
This demented slag thinks that convicted rapists and Joe Ronces should be able to choose which home office hotel they stay in?
Don’t forget to vote Labour in the next election, ladies.
Nominated by: Norman
Nice tits?
Oh those norks, Just going to imagine yours truly fondling those puppies.
What fucking planet are these cunts living on BTW?
Even her tits are no longer a consolation for the shit party she stands for her which encourages every deviant who crawls out of the woodwork
WC on here adores Ms Nando’s-I wonder if he will “fight for her honour” on this one?
This whole debacle has highlighted the insanity of intersectionality, the whole Alphabet soup and the egregious nature of politics.
I will reiterate one thing though, Lisa’s big, bouncy, top-bollocks could be usefully employed to demonstrate “what is a women”.
No CG I genuinely believe the Labour party, under their “leader” with no balls, but plenty of Brylcreem, constitute a real threat to normal decent life in this country, and I am afraid Nandy is just part of the enemy within. She can be ravaged by Mick Lynch for all I care.
I align 100%.
I would still enjoy her giving me a soapy-tit-wank though?
Fucking howling witch. Sadly many more like this lispy spakker in the Labour party.
She’s also a lying cunt too:
What the fuck has this great nation come to with idiotic, dishonest Morons like this brain dead bitch as MP’s?
Maybe he aougt to be given the pick of lovehoneis dildo collection and allowed to spend some time with her locked in her office.
She can see the real man in him then, I sure she will change her tune, but on a more realistic note I’m sure they just choose the topics that are going to get them a bit of publicity, how sad is that, that this whore is more interested in getting in the papers that what she is actually doing….
The funny thing is that they conflate stuff that the BBC will print all day with what people will vote for.
I am a lifelong Tory voter and have genuinely considered looking elsewhere but like the gift that keeps giving, Nandy and her ilk, always snap my back to reality.
Reform UK for me and I don’t care if it is a wasted vote.
Is that the Valentine’s Day card WC received this morning from Lisa?
She probably also thinks that middle aged pedophiles should be able to serve their sentences in a young offenders prisons.
I honestly think that the job of running the country is too much of a challenge.
Politicians recognise that the UK is fucked on so many levels.
They are determined not to get elected into government.
It’s much easier and just as profitable to be the opposition party.
Sadly, this one seems to keep her brains in her tits.
As a cunter posted above, her smashing pair of dirty pillows fall short of compensating for her complete lack of grey matter.
She’d make a better fist of a new career in MILF porn, including soapy tit wanks and adult breastfeeding.?
Lisa’s brains could fit on her nipples. That’s as far as her IQ could go to
If brains were dynamite Handshandy wouldn’t have enough to blow her fucking hat off!
In the header pic, has said trannie just sent her a dick pic.
It was a text message from Gary Glitter:
“I’m your new neighbour. U love n0nces so d’ya wanna be in my gang?”
After the next election I can imagine the horror of the unlucky bastard that wins and becomes Prime Minister.
They will know, like everyone knows, that huge reforms are needed.
They will also know the resistance that they will face and how unpopular they will become.
It’s obvious that illegal immigration must be stopped immediately.
That benefits must be slashed so that they do not represent an alternative to working.
That local council spending and taxation must be capped.
That the NHS must be totally reformed.
So much to do…….
Nobody wants the job.
So make your party unelectable.
Sit on the opposition benches and criticise.
It’s easier. You can still have your second home in London and get fat on your expenses.
Until a nuclear strike takes out the shithole called London we are stuck with all shit politicians and Nandy Pandy.
How in fucks name people like that get elected is way beyond me.
During her student days in Newcastle, she wanted to ban fish n chips as they were ( in her opinion ) a symbol of Empire!
If you can ever work that one out, please let me know
The Portuguese invented fried food and therefore fish and chips, Nandy you dim git of a cunt.
Fried food goes further back than the Portuguese (who nicked a lot of their cuisine off the Arabs/Muslims anyway).
If it’s deep fried stuff, then the current thinking is that the Egyptians came up with deep fried food about 5000 years ago (but they probably nicked the idea from someone else in the Persia area) and the Chinese were deep frying stuff 3000 years ago (the idea supposedly coming to them via traders and migrants from the Silk Road), the Romans they know had deep fried chiggun (and they probably nicked the idea from the Greeks, who probably nicked it from the Egyptians).
So until a better candidate shows up, we can currently blame the Egyptians for deep fried food and the global epidemic of fat fozy bastarditis it has created.
I’m fucking hungry now…
@ Comrade Tnuc. I stand corrected, Khartoum fried crocodile it is then. Did the have instant mash with gravy and coleslaw?
Gary Linecunt claims that a Dark-Key invented Fish & Chips.
The BBC did a programme on it, so it must be true.
That makes fatty-titty-ha-ha a racist as well as a lying grifter.
I’m reparation, she needs to be the burlesque act at the IsAC spring ball?
Slip her a mickey, drop her off at a dinghy rider hotel, then a week later ask her what should happen to rapists. Admittedly this is very nasty and one wouldn’t wish it upon anyone, but as politicians are so fond of saying “lessons will be learnt “. Silly cunt.
Better still, make these younger, female MP’s put in a school uniform in area’s with migrant hotel problems.
She is way too old for those vermin, and she would probably enjoy it anyway.
“….. as politicians are so fond of saying “lessons will be learnt”“
Yes, they’re fond of saying it but it’s remarkable how they never actually learn any lessons.
Brain dead.
Perfect for Home Secretary in 2024.
The shit is going to hit the fan.
A party full of loonies . And way ahead in the polls. What does that say about this countries voters?
I despair ?
Old half-caste Nandy is half bud-bud curry-waller so she is liking and loving those Dinghy Illegals very much.
Hello Please Refugees Welcome, chelay chelay, this way for hotels and benefits, jaldi, jaldi.
This dopey twat was on question time the other night, totally clueless…..?
She studied politics then went to work for an MP, progressed from there, never had a real job.
Morning Mrs C.
You have pointed out one of the greatest problems in politics. So many MPs are in the same mould, from university (and often a privileged background and private education) straight into politics and never had a real job. Another group well known for the same weakness are the teachers. As someone said most of them never left school. Look where that’s taken us.
Staggering isn’t it? And have you noticed the number of political advisors who look about 12, have no work experience in the real world, go straight from Uni to HoP then advising? No wonder we’re in this mess. Buffoonery.
The Westminster Bubble is like a black hole; once you’re inside, there’s no escape.
Who is she frightened of?
Are the constituents who voted for her 100% trans?
I don’t think so, so call a spade a spade, love.
She was heavily against Brexit until 70% of her constituency voted to Leave, then she strangely softened her stance.
Heard this bitch on the radio yesterday talking about the business in Liverpool. It was all “far right”, “extremists” and “fleeing from war and oppression.” Straight out of the commie playbook.
Needs shooting the traitorous old sow.
There’s a war on in France? I must have missed that one Freddie. How remiss of me.
I had my hair cut by a half decent Albanian yesterday .
He said he left his previous area , I shit you not, because of ‘too many immigrants ‘
Hehe, very trusting turning your back on an Albanian with a sharp object in his hand.
That story reminds me of some P*ki being interviewed and complaining about all the Romanian Gypos who moved into his street, ‘always hanging around on the street’. Obviously interfering with the grooming business ?
Looks like she’d be hot to trot. Daft Cunt
If you remember Nandy Pandy stood for the Labour leadership after the last election. Then she was all moderation, saying they had lost touch with the voters under Corbyn and they needed to face up to reality and listen to the voters and what they want.
Of course she couldn’t have anticipated what a monumental fuck up the Tories would make of it but now Labour have it the bag she’s reverted to her communist roots. There’s going to be big fucking trouble when this lot get in.
Don’t worry Fred. Thery’re really in touch with their grassroots support in traditional working class areas such as Hampstead and Islington.
They’ll listen to what the voters want alright.
Nice tits, shame about the face.
She no doubt has an overhanging gunt too. And a minge that looks like Miriam Margoyles’ barnet.
You just had to bring Margoyles into it again. ?
I’d still allow her to nosh on me while I fondle her titties.
Her birthing parent must be so proud.
Morning all.
I think Madame Norks owed little Miss Cranky a favour and is taking the brunt for her balls up.
Push her off a cliff.Tart.
Nice jugs but not nice enough to save her from the oven.