70s pop star, weird beard, and all-round kid-fiddler Paul Gadd has been released from prison after serving eight years. The nónce was given a 16-year sentence in 2015 for sexually abusing three schoolgirls of ages 13, 12, and 10. The fiddler also had thousands of child porn images. Pædo Glitter had already spent a few years in an Asian prison for abusing a ten-year-old and an eleven-year-old.
He’s the leader of the gang. He doesn’t require the whole gang, like a group of Muzlims groomers or some the upper echelons of the Catholic church, he just needs himself to organise and rape children.
Eight years. Are we supposed to believe he’s suddenly transformed?
Please feel free to recycle any Michael Jackson jokes or those of any other pædo for this inhuman fucker.
Nomination by Captain Magnanimous
This cunt’s card is well and truly marked. The wolves begin to circle…
Are there any countries that hang degenerate cunts like this?
One way ticket,paid for by confiscation of his royalties.
Uk government will be made the new minister of culture and diversity department
Sorry admin my previous comment should have read the uk government WiILL make him the new minister for the culture and diversity department (long time reader first time cunter) (stupid cunt at that)
There are but sadly most of those barbarically countries also practise paedophilia as if it is a national sport so they probably won’t bother
Cunts like him cannot control themselves.
He will not change and because he can’t control himself he costs the taxpayer millions.
Keeping him in prison in special protection for 8 years is not cheap.
The police investigation and trial had to be paid for.
The many years of probation that he now has is not free either.
Of course he doesn’t give a fuck about his burden on the tax payer.
He probably sees himself as a victim.
Britain has many remote islands.
Put one to good use.
Dump all serious sex offenders on an island.
Give them nothing.
Let them grow their own food and build their own shacks from whatever they can find.
Let them kill and eat each other.
Who cares?
The text for this site is showing in bold on my mobile.
I feel like a victim of micro-aggression.
If the text turns into BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS I will have to go to my safe space.
Yes it is,really quite alarming.
I’m going for a lie down.
Guinard would be an ideal location for cunts like this.
Bugger, the government have cleaned it up. Apologies.
The beeb are going to town on glitter. Pity they can’t do the same with their foreign pals.
Why’s everyone shouting?!!!
The BBC laying into Gadd is hilarious. Fair dos, he is a cunt. But the BBC protected and covered up arguably the biggest child sex predator and corpse fucker in history. The Beeb having a go at Glitter is like Joe Stalin tellng Hitler he is a bit too anti semitic.
And, anyone else remember Savile, Glitter and Rolf all on the same stage with that little girl on the BBC? Because I bloody do…
Gary tampers with underage girls, swanned about in glittery costumes, and acts entitled.
Who does he think he is?
Prince Andrew?!!
Why the bold Julian and Sandy ?
What is it about Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand that fiddleabouts find so attractive?
Show me a western white male in one of these countries I can guarantee he’s not a registered child minder.
Ping-pong ball merchants.
Westerners go to these countries and suddenly think they’ve become invisible and can do what they want. In fact they stand out like a sore thumb in their sweaty floral shirts, Ray- Bans and fake Rolex’s.
They say they’re there to look at the temples….
Shirley Temples.
You ask any sweaty, shifty, western man in Thailand
” Do you know the old name for this country and are you here to tamper with kids?”
“Yes, Siam”
Like many countries unless you have a lady on your arm there are plenty of cunts only too happy to offer you a good time ?
Along with Babylon.
Never seen the appeal of these Oriental shitholes. I know wimmin like to blab to their mates that they go to places like Thailand and Vietnam. But why go all that way for somehing that isn’t that great anyway?
I was in my local chippy the other week, and two wimmin – one in the front of the queue and the one behind the till – were babbling on and on about how ‘I’ve been to Thailand!’ ‘Well, I’ve been to Vietnam!’ Trying to outdo and out gossip each other. And I’m like ‘All I want is some chips and curry. Shut the fuck up!’
And cunts who can’t afford the Seychelles, Goa, or the Maldives all piss off to Thailand or Vietnam. It’s so they can brag to their mates that they’ve been somewhere ‘exotic’. It’s funny how people who go to Thailand never shut up about it and see it as big time. I went to Japan once and it was great. But fuck the rest of it.
Okay, he annoys me too, but there’s no need to shout everyone.
I don’t understand how this nonce has been allowed to walk early. I don’t give a fuck if he has been let off early for good behaviour, etc.
My main issue with this is some naughty people in prison can be rehabilitated. Bit of robbery, burglary, dishing out beatings, etc. all can be educationally corrected.
A nonce is wired differently, and I don’t care what anyone says but should not be allowed to walk the streets.
Fucking right the only reason his behaviour was good is at present there are few little girls in men’s prisons. Fucking nonce should be hemped
Shhushh, the beeb will hear you.
Gary and Michael sitting on a park bench when an 8 year old girl walks past.
Gary says to Michael, “Bet she was a looker in her day.”
Either one said to the other, “I’ll swop your ten for two fives”.
This boldness is showing up our mistakes. “A ten for two fives”.
Paul Gadd’s cranium is actually as bald as this font underneath that dodgy syrup.
Bet he can’t wait to go gadding about.
Is he?
Filthy, degenerate beast. My wish would be for him to live out his days on a disused oil rig in the North Sea.
With just seagulls for company and a wire brush, no internet. The wire brush is for cleaning the seagull guano off the rig structure and giving his todger and balls a self-flagellating rub over when he gets those un-natural urges for young flesh.
Despicable CUNT!
PS – love the shouty font, Day Admin.
This bold black font is making me feel a bit stabby.
Yeah, what the fuck?
I’ve gotten used to it. Makes my posts look even more EPIC! 😀
It’s all making sense now. The christening font, the glitter and you need dark glasses to read it.
The cunt should have been hanged back in the day, end of problem. Of course if he came from any other country they’d just send him over here.
I like the bold letters. Given the average age of us cunters is probably above 50 it helps.
Thanks admin.
It makes the posts look like letters from the TV licensing cunts.
He won’t be around for long …
He’ll be fucking off to Portugal – easy pickings out there apparently.
His passport would have expired while he was in chokey and they won’t give him another one. No, they will keep him over here where he will be barely noticeable amongst all the other trash we are importing every day. What’s one more kiddy fiddler in the UK, the dustbin of the world?
I don’t think he’s allowed to leave Britain. He has a 16 (?) year old kid in Florida he had with a woman (not sure her age!) in 2007 I think it was. Unreal.
Put him on Big Brother with Tommy Robinson and Ian Huntley.
Nicola Sturgeon has a villa in Portugal. The plot thickens…
As the great Dirty Harry Callaghan once said, ‘He will do it again. Why? Because he likes it.’
Creeps like The Shitter are repeat offenders, and nothing gets in the way of their ‘pleasure’. It’s the way sickos like him are made. He will do it again, I reckon.
I know musically he is seen as a joke to millennials. But, for those who were there at the time, this was a huge fall. The cunt was absolutely massive in the 70s and he sold millions when people actually went out and bought 7′ singles. He was probably taking the piss even at the height of his fame ‘Who’d ever believe it’ as he sang on one of his most famous hits. But he was everywhere in the early to mid 70s, certainly here in Britain anyway. Our kid had the ‘Rock ‘N’ Roll’ single, and it has to be said that Adam and the Ants ripped the Glitter Band off something shocking. Not to mention those cunts in Oasis….
Not a lot of lyrics in that song ….. and the drummer had an easy ride.
Be thankful for small mercys, Freddie. The original lasted for 15 minutes. Glitter had it edited it down to two parts. One that had words and the other side that didn’t. What astonished me about ‘Part 1’ was how teenage girls were hysterically crying and screaming over some aging hairy fat cunt prancing about in a wig and Bacofoil….
Chop his todger and gonads off. No danger to kiddies then.
Without benefit of anaesthetic.
Yes, chop them off at the neck.
Come on gentlemen!
What about his yewman rites?
Those Gallagher bellends ripped off Glitter’s ‘Hello Hello’ song note for note on their album ‘What’s The Story Load Of Bollocks’. But, of course they don’t like to mention that now. Also, arch-gobshite Liam also had his photo took with Jimmy Savile. Is ther no end to their blusenose cuntery?
He’s originally from Banbury, a backwater until the M40 was opened and put it on the map one Wednesday afternoon in the early nineties. There’s something strange about Banbury. In the eighties I knew of a married couple who lived there. I’m talking to all appearances a perfectly ordinary young man and woman. Thing is, they were both homosexual. Any thoughts?
Were Jude Law and Sadie Frost from there? They were swingers and totally debauched pigs.
Allegedly and all that crap….
Beards for each other?
Beardage, for sure.
The Shitter on This Is Your Life is a creepy ride.
The bit about him being next to a girls school makes the teeth itch…
OOOOOOOOOOOF! You said it, Norm! I almost forgot about that…
(video will skip to 19:12)
Oh dear. You can see that the woman is exposing the cunt, but no one pegs it, just like with Savile. People just get cognitive dissonance with child abusers, even today, they will still, “shoosh” you. Epstein is a dim memory now and Prince Andrew will stand with dignity when his brother becomes King Tampon.
Glitter shouldn’t have to worry for too long. The way things are going his “past activities” will be forgotten about, even applauded by the Alphabets as they try to normalise kiddie-fiddling.
Without a doubt, Techno.
As the years go by, the more ‘letters’ will be added to that bloody thing.
And some are trying to sell joe ronces to society already. I have no doubt that the BBC and Grauniad will soon say that these filth need ‘understanding’ and that it’s a ‘lifestyle choice’.
There’s no such actual entity as the. “LGBTQ+ community” it’s all a load of nebulous nonsense. How do I know this? Well, you know those “gay cruises” on the ships? The lesbians, gay men, all go on SEPERATE cruises. That says it all, says enough for me. They don’t REALLY get along, it’s all a charade. It would be like rival football fans going on a cruise. And fucking each other up the arse! 😀
Dead right Gordon. The LGBTQ ‘community’ hate each other. They also hate it when one gets more publicity and sympathy than the others. Dykes are well down the pecking order, while bum boys and trannies fight it out about who is the most ‘loved’ by the woke media.
LGBTQ ‘Pride’ is just like diversity. Diversity doesn’t exist. It just means blacks and sucking up to blacks, nothing else. ‘Pride’ has nothing to do with lesbians or bisexuals. It is just about doughnut punchers and trannie freaks and who gets the most coverage.
Dave Chappelles analogy of LGBTQ+ as a car full of them trying to get along, in this animated version…
Gold! 😀
But Gary should keep his eyes peeled……as we all know the FAR RIGHT are around every corner. Perhaps they should give him 24 hour security to protect him from HATE CRIME, the scourge of our society.
Send him to Liverpool!!
Although he was huge in the 70s, it always baffled me that girls actually fancied Glitter.
The glam stars like Bolan and Bowie were fanny magnets. And chicks always went for blokes like David Essex and David Soul. But Glitter? That was a fucking strange one….
He was past his prime in the early 70s. Already aging, ludicrous syrup on his head, chest wig, and silver keks that would cripple someone. A bit like how all those fit dolly birds in On The Buses found aging brylcreem lecherous cunts Stan and Jack irresisitible.
I fuckin’ ‘ate you, Butler! Yer cunt!
Yeah, it’s weird, but women back then got wetter than Noah’s flood at BARRY MANILOW – and some still do! Some of those fans will kill you if you suggest than Barry likes the pipe. Cliff fans, too.
Ted Nugent. He’s the USA Gary Glitter and lectures America on values, morals. Uh, what? Has a song called, “Jail Bait”, has admitted on camera and on radio that he had sex with underage girls. Trump fans love, “Uncle Ted” as they call him. Cool hero, Cletus.
It will be great when ALL the 1960s and 70s stars are dead as they had their time and it’s time to move on to a new era of music. They stand in the way, that’s another reason that music sucks these days, too many, “legends” still err.. living when legends work best when they are dead and mysterious spirits of a magical era.
Play a record…
I love Sinatra, the man started with NOTHING, he was a poor kid, he was small, life was insane in New Jersey and New York, the music business was bouncing with bands and singers and this glorious greaseball MADE IT! Made it like no one has ever made it since, not even Elvis. HUGE PENIS, though, ask Ava Gardner.
Frankie had his pick of Hollywood fanny and all.
My best mate’s mum (who was a fit as fuck MILF back in the day) adored Manilow and fancied the concorde conked poofter rotten.
Rod Stewart was another one. Ugly fucker with a schnozz like the space shuttle. Yet wimmin went divvy over the cunt.
Maybe the religion of peace could do something useful for a change and give the Shitter some special treatment? The Ayatollah would have had Glitter’s balls off.?
Also, if they did it, it wouldn’t be seen as a ‘hate crime’. Because nothing they do ever is….
Indeed. The old Mental Elf strikes again.
The Devil looks after his own. look around the political world ( and the church ) they are still all there.
Wood chipper feet first.Switch off for half an hour.Switch back on.Dirty bastard.
If I was him, I wouldn’t go out after dark. In fact, if I was him, I don’t think I’d go out, period.