I am sick of Sunak doing soft-as-shit Starmer and Cooper’s work for them, “asylum seekers” from some of the most dangerous areas of the world with some of the most violent criminals, and they are being “nodded through” to reduce the waiting lists, because “95%” of the gimmigrants are granted asylum, but it begs the question of what the other 5% might get up to.
Nominated by W.C. Boggs.
More on the same topic by Ferrars below.
I nominate the Current soft shit approach to the Dinghy invaders!
As reported in the Daily Express/Mail Thursday 23/2/23. It seems that Sunak has devised a cunning plan to solve the current migrant crisis.
Sunak ( Brain of Britain ) has devised a 32 question application to assist in the rapid process of their acquisition of property, benefits, residency and all that this country has to offer.
It seems that the questionnaire almost guarantees admission , and will clear the enormous backlog of cases.
My question is. What are we allowing claimants who are here illegally to progress any application to remain ?
Sunak is certainly a slimy piece of Punkah Wallah Shit.
Another cunter’s view on the same subject this time by Ron Knee.
The Government’s been claiming that it would do something to tackle illegal immigration for years. We’ve all heard the rhetoric; ‘crackdown… new hard line… blah’. Now we’re told that the problem has reached ‘crisis proportions’. No fucking shit Sherlock.
Well I’m pleased to learn that Rishi ‘Baldrick’ Sunak and his Merry Men have devised a cunning plan which no doubt will throw a spanner in the works of the smuggling gangs and their clients, but good and proper.
It appears that the powers-that-be have at last come up with a sure-fire method of deterrence. They’re going to put a near insurmountable barrier in the way of *ahem* ‘refugees’ in their quest to ensure indefinite free board and lodging at the tax-payers’ expense. Applicants are going to be forced to, er, fill in a 32 page questionnaire.
No doubt waves of despair are already sweeping through the camps in France as would-be boaters see that the jig is up and prepare to head for Sweden instead. Get-rich-quick lawyers will be throwing up their hands in horror at such a flagrant breach of yooman rights.
Isn’t this is just such a British way of addressing the problem though? Don’t know what to do to sort the mess out? I know, let’s create yet another layer of bureaucracy. That’s really going to make it look as though we’re getting tough and protecting the interests of the British people…
You’ve really cracked it this time Rishi. You’re a shoe-in at the next election.
It’s as difficult to get into this country as it is to get into our local Asda, i.e. not at all.
In fact, during the pandemic it was harder to get into Asda than this fucking country.
Don’t object. You’ll be labelled ‘far right’ if you don’t like our country being invaded and the politicians doing fuck all about it.
Morning all.
The Tories have let in as much flotsam and jetsam as they could into the country.
When’s this flight to Rwanda taking off?
Who’s flying it?
The fuckin Wright brothers?
They’ve done fuck all.
Because they WANT to swamp the country in cheap labour.
It’s a race between the Tories and labour who can be the most woke.
Don’t you realise that obsessing over this type of thing is racist?
Hundreds of thousands of fighting age males landing on these shores and being put up in stately homes and 3, 4 and 5 star hotels is just the way things are in 21st century Great Britain.
I blame Putin and the Russians.
Oh and Donald Trump as well. Can’t let him off the hook for this either.
Maybe President Biden will send us some money so we can repel the invasion.
I thought the policy was to let everyone in until a competent Guido fawkes turns up.
Mohamed Fawkes has a ring to it.
It’s as if we haven’t got enough rapîsts, burglars, and drug-dealers.
32 questions will look like this…
01. Are you a refugee?
02. Is your country poor/impoverished/war-torn?
03. Do you have a big family?
04. Do you like young schoolgirls (preferably under 12)?
05. Are you under 18, even though you look about 30?
06. Do you want a mosque built near your new home?
07. Would you like £860/m in benefits?
08. Do you prefer a sea-view with your 4* hotel room?
09. Would you like the school curriculum to be based on your beliefs?
10. Should we ban Christmas and Easter?
11. Are you or have you ever been a terrorist?
12. You’re not Shamima Begum by any chance?
13. Will you vote Labour at the next election?
14. That’ll do for now. We’ve tossed a coin and you’ve been accepted. Cheers.
You could probably scrap all but question 13.
They have never,and will not in the future,deport more than a handful of the armies of dung that cross the Channel.
They haven’t the guts for it.
So they have a formal to fill in,how very British..
I wonder if it will contain questions of any meaning,such as:
Can you speak and write English?
Have you money enough to pay for your own upkeep?
Are you mentally deranged?
Are you a supporter of Islamic State (of Cunts )?
How many crimes have you committed?
How far is it from your shanty to the nearest war?
Are you in fact a lying cunt out to loot a country that’s a soft touch?
Will you stand in line for oven or do you wish to be summarily shot?
Fuck off.
Would you like your 784 dependents back in the old country to join you here?
Fill in this form, and we’ll start getting all their housing, health care and benefits organised.
Come and enrich us!
The nom pic is actually a panoramic photograph which has been cropped.
In the very far left corner there you could just make out a beach full of white women in the distance with “refugee’s welcome” banners held aloft and their white liberal husbands alongside them with their heads all buried in the sand.
And these white wimminz have probably travelled all the way down from leafy Islington.
They’re also waving their “Refugees Welcome” banners, but in very small print it says “Just don’t house them anywhere near me”
Fuck me…
Jeremy Corbyn had put those 2 recent arrivals up in his Islington gaff.
Little known fact. Although they are his “type” if you catch my drift.
Jeremy certainly goes for big beefty African wimminz doesn’t he: “I’m a big fat mama with the meat shaking on my bones”
Only if they’re gorgeous
Net migration to the UK for the year to June 2022 estimated to be 504,000 and that’s from the ONS (so not controversial.)
That’s about 4.8 Worcesters.
Everything is a numbers problem:
Housing crisis? Numbers.
NHS crisis? Numbers.
Pollution? Numbers.
Traffic? Numbers.
Power? Numbers.
Crime? Yep…
We’re not building between 2 and 5 Worcesters a year, we can’t build between 2 and 5 Worcesters a year, we will never build between 2 and 5 Worcesters a year…
so the only solution is to fuck off all the cunts coming here, starting with undeserving bastards who are taking the piss.
Did someone mention ‘Worcester’?
Behind the bike sheds for you, somewhere in Worcestershire. Don’t forget to turn up.
No one does.
Fuck all will be done until it starts to effect those who have the power to do something about it. For them, by then it will be far too late. For us it already is.
How many did Lilly Allen,Linnikunt and JK take in? Oh yes! NONE.
If they are coming from France, then they need to be frog marched back.
Care4Calais: make every member take in 10,at least. When they robbed,raped and buggered….
Sah it loud,say it clear: schoolgirls should be free to walk without fear (of being touched up by a stinking dingy diving cunt)
They all know there is only one answer, there may be several ways and means but until All the cunts crossing the channel are returned to the French coast they will keep coming and no fucking ‘legislation’ is going to make a blind bit of difference.
Albanian refugees, must be the greatest misnomer in history ?
This just about sums it up.
Fuck me.
It’s 11.45 and I need a drink.
I think we should give him what he wants.
When over Iraqui airspace, around 2000 feet should do it, show him the exit door.
Deported, the cunt should be decapitated
Put that shite in the oven.
Repeat half a million times at a minimum.
Mainly Albanians, gangster cuntry with family feuds going back centuries.
They know how rediculous the British police farce is, so they will make a mint here.
I’d say about 95% Albanians are drug-dealers. The others are in different businesses: prostitution, burglary, people-trafficking…
When the entire population of Albania has moved to Britain, why don’t we all just move to Albania?
Nice Mediterranean climate. What’s not to like?
The smell?
I’d put up with the smell if we could leave the population of the HoC/HoL behind, Mis.
Shoot a dinghy full of the cunts mid channel, and watch the illegal bastards stop coming.
…is the correct answer.
You’d think somebody would invent a dart-shooting drone to pop the dinghies. It needn’t be terribly accurate.
Let’s be brave and face facts: our way of life is ending; our country is becoming (or already is) a shithole; and there’s nothing we can do about it. Can any of you come up with a solution that doesn’t break international law? The only answer I can see is that we become like North Korea – a totalitarian pariah state
I need another drink
Pass me one too Ron..
The totalitarian bit is inevitable…
Sadly yes ?
Make me want to become an immigrant in some other country, just what we need is more criminals and benefit spongers.
We already have kiddy grooming gangs, theives, rapists, con artists, terrorists of our own, already here, we don’t need to import more of the cunts.
The NHS is fucked, the benefits system is fucked, there are not enough houses, the economy is fucked, we are running out of food, fuel costs are up.
As a normal working, tax paying Brit Im starting to think if only I was younger, I would emigrate somewhere better than this, the only good thing that is good to happen lately is giving Shammishita Begone the fuck off tablet, but on the flip side it offends me when we spend a fortune getting ungrateful cunts like Vasoline Ratcliffe brought back here to be a pain in the arse…..
All the refugee sympathisers should be asked a few questions as well.
1. When you left home this morning did you lock your front door?
2. When you arrived at this demonstration did you padlock your bicycle?
3. Why do you think that the borders of our country are any less important than your personal possessions?
Fuck asking them questions. Tell them their properties are being comandeered to house refugees and they have 24 hours to fuck off and find somewhere else to live.
I note that the wokies are always careful to use the word “refugees” to describe this pile of thieving, p*ncing trash. Where are they seeking refuge from?…….fucking France apparently!
Which reminds me, I saw a thing on YouTube about these cunts in Belgium. There were hundreds of them living in tents and under bridges, queuing for handouts. There were loads of wokie do gooders moaning that the government does nothing for them , whinge whinge. I thought…..don’t worry wokies…..just send them over here, the land of milk and honey. Every one of those filthy cunts will be dreaming of soft touch Britain and there’s no politician who is going to stop them.
It makes sense for every country in the world to ship their criminal filth to another country. We are that country.
Isn’t that what happened in those Windrush days???
No. The Windrush generation came to work, to build this country, to be nurses etc. Don’t blame that generation for the shower of shite this country has become.
I blame their fuckin kids!!
I’d say their grandchildren.
The thing that puzzles me is, if you can’t get through an airport without a passport, how in the name of all that’s holy can you get through a sea port having chucked your passport in the briny?!
What would happen at Heathrow if you told the immigration officer “I don’t have a passport and you can fuck off because I’m not telling you my name”? I doubt the result would be a four star hotel with full board and £50/week spending money!
The answer? Never mind Rwanda bus the cunts straight over to Heathrow to join the end of the passport queues. Sorted?
All the ones we lock up for torturing other people and we are told of the gruesome stories they’ve committed. These are the perfect examples to be let loose on the asylum seekers.
Or treat them like the Russians did in the Siberian prison camps. Treating them nicely at first, then put them down to hard work for our benefit.
Our borders are, at the end of the day, controlled by the ECHR. Don’t expect that to change and certainly don’t expect the Suntan Kid to change it. He’s about to sell out Northern Ireland to the EU……three line whip issued for Monday. Not that he needs to worry about his backbenchers when he’s got Labour voting on his side. Gupta cunt!
It should be fun at the next election. The left wing won’t know which party to vote for, red labour or blue labour.
Doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government gets in.
Depends how you define “fun”. Fucking Unbelievable Nightmare maybe?!
Ron, I feel like that should be a Terry Pratchett quote.
Unless Reform have a candidate in our area I won’t be wasting my time voting.
At least spoil your ballot paper. Vote:
I haven’t voted in years, even though I’ve a postal vote, just can’t be arsed. They’ve never taken any notice of me anyway.
Oh, they’ve taken notice of you alright, don’t you worry about that.
They’ve noticed that you don’t give a fuck.
Suits them just fine.
‘ALL CUNTS’ isn’t a vote, it’s a simple statement of fact.
You had me in stitches Ruff Tuff. I meant to tell you I’ve got everything I need, I’m as selfish as they come.
I’m so far right, its difficult to hang on at times.
We just don`t have the spare soot.
I’m surely we can find a carbon copy.
Easiest solution is to send the dirty water rats back to Africa.
Just do what the Aussies do. it’s extremely harsh on those who are genuine refugees but it works.
Sunak and Braverman announced this week that they are coming down hard on illegal immigration.
Apparently anyone without identification will not be granted asylum.
So that means they will stay here anyway and fuck all will be done about it.
If any politician does solve this debacle they will be voted in by a landslide, we’re that fed up with it now.
As far as i can see this softly softly approach is going to continue unless a very hard bastard takes control of the nation
The number of illegals is bloody outrageous easy to see why the health service etc are on their knees.
Heard on some radio program that approx 117000 of the fuckers are waiting for their claims to be heard these are the ones that the government know about. The old Wembley Stadium could hold over 80,000. Does the majority of the people in this island have any fucking idea what 117000 people looks like or what resources are required just to allow them to use the shithouse. I despair for what’s left of the England I grew up in. I am sure that rather the past being a foreign country the fucking future certainly is.
Since the cunt Blair and his cronies decided that mass immigration was good for their votes. Not one successive government has made any effort to deal with thousands of fuckers arriving by dinghy, lorry, magic whatever. A few changes to the legal aid regulations that’s about it. No government since cunty Blair have done anything at all to enforce the law regarding the swamping of England. Every possible way of reducing this torrent is beaten into the weeds by the concerted chorus of uman rights or some other complete shite ideology. The ones making the decisions are so biased towards the swarming hordes that 80 years ago they would be fucking shot for sedition .
Oh dear the dastardly ‘far right’ are back again
Bastard, wrong link. Sorry.
But, BB, those awaiting the right to stay do not have a vote, so why would they want thousands here?
They can’t work (legally) while waiting for their claim to be processed. Are you suggesting that a blind eye is being turned?
It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.
Yes I wondered about the “voting” issue myself when first posited. However once I discovered that hardly anyone is deported and almost everyone gets right to stay with right to benefits, medical, dental, free education blah blah I decided that a life as a recluse is preferable to anymore bullshit.
To date the voting patterns of non skilled immigrants have tended to favour Labour but then does it matter as none of our “leaders” gives a flying fuck what the majority actually want.
, bloody sure it’s not the masked cunt or fuckhead island.
Military aged males being prepped for internal enforcement duties would be my guess.Many birds with one stone.Our own military,if spared from the Uke killing fields,won’t necessarily be inclined to put down the rebellion brewing in these isles with the zeal these foreign scum would summon.
The ((( Kalergi-Plan ))) is very real.https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FK9NhWOe37I/Xf2L5VR9ayI/AAAAAAADswA/O-fWEx5i3WkLPJWonp583Jlc6Xi7vUlRwCNcBGAsYHQ/s1600/JEWS%2B%2528112%2529.jpg
Socrates: slander is the weapon of the defeated.
The left call anyone who question illegal entry to the UK as racist,far right and a fascist.
Since when ard Albaianians a race?
These hand wringing Guardian reading Labour voters make me want to vomit.
Of course they never complain about not being able to get a GP appointment. This is nothing to do with race: it is simple economics.